Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 874: The girl riding the wind and waves


Chapter 874 The girl riding the wind and waves

Zhao Changhe knew why Yue Hongling accepted this apprentice. He was just like the second Yue Hongling, or the second Zhao Changhe.

This is very similar to the scene when I challenged the heroes in Beimang…

As long as I am here, even if the King of Heaven comes across the river, I will fill the river. But the little girl doesn’t know, and she doesn’t expect that this kind of unknown ancient senior can help her… Such a weirdo’s whim It’s good to give you some guidance once, it’s enough of my gratitude.

She also doesn’t know how to use a sword, and she doesn’t even know whether Longque will listen to her, whether she will be able to exert her due strength, and whether she will be as ineffective as she was in the battle of Jianhu. She doesn’t dare to Calculate the power of Dragon Bird as a trump card.

The girl’s main concern is herself, her own sword.

As Ling Ruoyu said, most of the others originally intercepted her in the north. At this time, chasing her south can only be based on Qinggong. In addition, some of them are close by. Their arrival times are different, and the forces of all parties are also different, making it difficult to achieve. Encirclement.

It took less than two days to take a boat south to reach the Yangtze River. They did not have time to arrange a mass and containment, and could only form a situation of sending them separately. Unless Wu Houtang Buqi was a fool, he should have sent someone north to meet him at this time. It didn’t take two days, but he could be contacted within one day.

If you are afraid of the power of the Dragon Bird Demonic Sword, even the strongest people on the Earth Ranking will be killed, then even fewer people will dare to come.

The more arrogantly they shouted “Come if you don’t want your life”, the less people dared to come. All that is needed is that you have the courage and the courage to face thousands of troops and overcome obstacles.

Ling Ruoyu has it.

She also wanted to take this opportunity to test the sword.

The guidance from the ancient senior just now made her realize that it does not require much strength. Combat experience and sword skills themselves still have a lot of training value. A simple deception and change of moves can make a strong secret master Send yourself to death.

Ling Ruoyu stood quietly on the bow of the boat, reviewing the previous battle over and over again, thoughtfully.

Zhao Changhe went to the boatman to buy a gourd of wine, and drank comfortably while sitting on the edge of the boat. He admired the way his young apprentice stood with his long hair flying in the wind, and suddenly said: “Before you show off your heroic spirit, you Do you need to heal first?”

The words of the ancient senior hammered the girl full of sword back into the mud. Ling Ruoyu leaned **** the edge of the boat, took out a pill from the ring and knocked it down.

Zhao Changhe sniffed it from afar and couldn’t help but said: “No, what kind of medicine are you using? Does the world-famous hero and Sunset Sword Yue Hongling give his apprentice this level of medicine?”

Ling Ruoyu was very surprised: “Senior, how much do you know about the master after reading some information? The master is not good at refining elixirs and making medicines.”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

Your master is not good at it, but your aunt is good at it. The most powerful healer in the world is the current empress Qinglong Xia Chichi. For a simple trauma like yours, Chichi can make Chichi full of energy with just one medicine. Why doesn’t Hong Ling go to Chi Chi to get medicine on weekdays? I don’t feel sorry for my apprentice so much.

Just listen to Ling Ruoyu say: “Master also said that His Majesty is doing well in other aspects now, but sometimes he is like a faint king in books and always likes to make pills. I feel that Master is not used to this.”

Zhao Changhe almost laughed out loud: “Yeah, yeah.”

Are you sure this is not your master deliberately speaking ill of his love rival behind his back? Chi Chi Shou Yuan Wu is not a fool seeking immortality and making elixirs. Her purpose of making elixirs and medicines can only be to prepare for the future war. How could Hong Ling not know what you are feeling.

Forget it. Zhao Changhe took out a small bottle from his ring and threw it over: “I approve of your way of trying the sword, but the premise is that you must maintain your condition, otherwise everything will be in vain.”

In fact, the medicine on Zhao Changhe’s body has long been gone. He used it all for Ye Jiuyou. This medicine was just rubbed… Zhao Changhe’s Green Dragon Rejuvenation can now condense the surrounding beneficial elements into a medicine. It’s just that the effect is not as good as the deliberate combination and refining. It is enough to deal with such ordinary minor injuries.

Zhao Changhe felt like Jigong was rubbing dirt, and he was very happy. The girl over there took it, uncorked the bottle and took a sniff. The rich breath of life shocked her: “This is…”

“Oh, the ancient elixir should not have expired yet.”

“…” Ling Ruoyu said hesitantly: “Senior and I have never known each other. Why does senior care so much?”

“Because your master is my boss…”

“Please don’t say anything frivolous about your tutor again.”

Zhao Changhe almost burst out in anger. These days, he is not allowed to tell the truth: “What if I tell you?”

Ling Ruoyu said with a straight face: “The junior is very grateful for the help from the senior. But if you are disrespectful to your tutor, the junior will risk your life to maintain the dignity of your tutor.”

“Haha… OK, OK.” Zhao Changhe said with a smile: “You have done merit by waking me up, and it is also a matter of fate. I will take care of you if nothing happens. It is not a favor. Heal your injury, the latest pursuer. It’s less than ten miles away. If the ink continues, you may ask me for help. Let’s see if you are still stubborn.”

Can you hear sounds ten miles away? Ling Ruoyu was shocked, silently taking medicine to heal his injuries and stopped talking.

The elixir dissolves as soon as it enters the throat and its power is instantly dispersed. The injuries in the lower abdomen are being healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The fatigue of the body is also quickly eliminated, and the energy is restored.

This kind of magic medicine is not what the human world should have. If it is thrown into the black market, it is worth a lot of money. This senior gave a bottle as a gift.

When it comes to what is the most dangerous thing along the way, the little girl thinks it might be this ancient demon **** who behaves unpredictablely. What is he planning?

But it’s strange that the transparent Kenshin can’t feel any malice from him. No matter how he feels, it is an extremely pure kindness that does not require any return

It’s not like he covets his own body. I don’t feel that he has any unclean intentions at all. He probably didn’t even think about it. It seems that he is enjoying himself to see how well he can perform. The better his performance, the happier he will be.

Am I your apprentice?

Besides coveting the master, there seems to be no other explanation… He has already regarded me as his apprentice…

Is this a grudge that I can deal with? The girl couldn’t help but shudder as she thought of her master’s sharp gaze.

Bless yourself, senior… At worst, I’ll get beaten up and say a few nice words to you in front of Master.


“Qian Qishen from Jiujiang School, please give me some advice from Miss Ling!”

“Bang!” Ling Ruoyu held up the long knife and flew up, kicking the gangster who came to challenge into the Grand Canal.

It’s still dark, and this is already the third challenge.

“The Five Tigers of Huaiyang ask Miss Ling for advice!”

“Let’s go together…”

Ling Ruoyu did not use the unreliable Dragon Bird, and the scene of a man fighting against the heroes with a sword quickly spread, making people think that the Dragon Bird was exhausted or might not listen to Ling Ruoyu. The threat of the demon sword turned into an ordinary treasure hunt. Underworld gangsters from around Jianghuai swarmed in, but they fell into Ling Ruoyu’s plan to try the sword.

She is only sixteen, and her cultivation is high enough at this age. But his debut time is too short, and his combat experience and understanding of swordsmanship are probably not as good as those of Cui Yuanyong back then. Not to mention compared with his master and master, Qianlong’s number one is really a bit watery. I don’t know if it is because he is blind and wanders around. from.

But the sword test along the way can almost make up for the usual year of walking, and the six major sects besieged Guangmingding.

There was a ship in the distance. Wan Dongliu, the overlord of the Jianghuai River and the leader of the Cao Gang, stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the battle on the bow and a familiar face leaning against the side of the ship drinking.

Someone’s message came to mind: “Don’t be too busy, I’m practicing the trumpet.”

Wan Dongliu touched his gray beard, looked at the young man on the bow of the boat who was still young, and waved constipatedly: “Go back to the boat and don’t get involved anymore.”

The subordinates were shocked: “Gang leader, Marquis Wu entrusted us to protect the holy sword… How can we explain to Marquis Wu for such a turn?”

“How much is the commission from the younger generation worth?”

Subordinate: “?”

Who do you think is the younger generation?

“Let’s go, as long as he is here, there is no way anyone can touch that broken knife.”

Others can’t tell the difference between “him” and “she”: “Miss Ling is only at the ninth level of the entrance hall, how can she cope with the endless underworld of Qingxu Jianghuai?”

“Why don’t I want to protect you anymore? There are people fishing. Whoever goes is a fool. If you don’t leave, the shameless person may force me to leave the field to practice moves with the little girl. He is shameless, and I don’t want my face anymore.” ”

“Choke!” The girl’s sword shot out like a dragon, broke into the ring-headed sword in front of her, and knocked a big man off the sword.

Many corpses were already lying on the bow of the ship, and some fell into the canal and were floating around.

This was the twenty-seventh battle that Ling Ruoyu encountered in just a few hours. He had to take several pills given by his seniors to maintain his condition. Otherwise, this round of battles could drag down a hero alive.

“Although your sword is not bound to the established method, it is still a bit circuitous. If the sword you just used was changed to chopping, the effect would be much better…” Zhao Changhe has not been teaching Ling Ruoyu how to fight, which will only mislead people, at best This is only done occasionally, but more often it is given as a simple summary and review after each battle.

“In that battle just now, there was a guy on the other side who used a soft whip, but you went to fight with him and change… Don’t you know that as long as you bully him in front of you, he can’t use his whip?”

“There are water ghosts under the water… Fortunately, this is the ship of the Demon Suppression Division, and there are still subordinates to help you deal with it. Next time you go sailing alone, you should pay attention to this aspect.”

“Also, you have a bit of an upright temperament, and your swordsmanship is too upright. Sometimes you still have to learn to cheat. Back then, your master also played with hidden weapons, and he was not so pedantic…”

Ling Ruoyu panted, the repeated teachings of his ancient predecessors after each battle echoed in his mind, and he was filled with admiration.

As long as he keeps practicing like this, his sword skills remain unchanged, his vicious gaze and just the right response are enough to improve his understanding of combat by several levels, which will be used throughout his life.

This is what the master has done, and he is really teaching his disciples.

Speaking of which, not many people in the world know that my master has used concealed weapons. I was surprised when he taught me how to do it. How did you know? What information mentioned this?

During the continuous high-intensity battles, even the secret points began to show signs of breakthrough.

The morning sun reflects on the long river, a sparkling light.

Master’s sunset is nothing more than this.

“Whoosh!” A dark wind suddenly rose.

A strange figure appeared on the bow of the ship, his face covered by a cloak, and his body was filled with a strong demonic aura, as if it were the real thing.

Ling Ruoyu narrowed his eyes.

Zhao Changhe, who was drinking on the side of the boat, sat up slightly and came…

This trip is not just for fishing in the low-end game. It is half for practicing the trumpet and half for fishing.

There are only a few serious people who can come to **** the dragon bird, so let the young apprentice kill them all, and make the eastern world clear. In addition, those who are interested in Longque Galaxy must have the secrets of heaven and earth among them. Fishing them out before others know that they are awake is the meaning of waking up in advance.

Zhao Changhe didn’t believe that Yue Hongling, Tang Wanzhuang and the others had not taken any action in the past two days. Galaxy appeared in the world and the world was settled. They should also be doing what they should do.

“Miss Ling is worthy of being the number one Qianlong in this session.” The cloaked demonic figure chuckled: “It’s really a pleasure to ride the wind and waves and test the sword for thousands of miles. It does have the style of Zhao Changhe back then. It’s a pity that you are not after all. Zhao Changhe, Longque cannot control anyone except Zhao Changhe. If we can really let the girl do whatever we want, we may not dare to come.”

Zhao Changhe drank heavily.

Ling Ruoyu said coldly: “Behind the Heavenly Demon Association, there are indeed demons like you. What are your intentions?”

“Originally we only wanted Longque, but after this day and night, we feel that Miss Ling’s own value may not be inferior to Longque.” The man chuckled and said: “In that case, Miss Ling, please come with us .”

Following the words, Ling Ruoyu suddenly groaned, the sea of ​​consciousness surged, and the spiritual platform was in chaos.

In her practice, she is beyond the realm of spiritual attack and can easily be controlled, not to mention that the evil demon in front of her may be a Yujing.

But Zhao Changhe was squinting as he drank, with no intention of helping.

The man’s demonic energy penetrated Ling Ruoyu’s sea of ​​consciousness. He thought he could capture him, but suddenly he saw a blazing sun, hanging high in the sky, shining brightly all over the world.

The sun is as blazing as a sword energy, and it sweeps in in thousands of ways. Under this terrifying scorching sun, the invading demonic energy is like a small ant invading the vast sea. In the blink of an eye, it is shattered into pieces. Not even a shadow can be left behind.

How could Yue Hongling let her fledgling disciples experience the world without any support at all? A wisp of sword energy lurks in the sea of ​​consciousness, and when the imperial realm comes, it will only be shattered into pieces.

At the same time, the reserved sword intention perfectly corresponded to the rising sun reflected in the water that Ling Ruoyu had just realized. The girl’s mud pills surged, the breath of heaven and earth surged in, and the secret key was broken in one fell swoop.

A blazing sword energy shot out across the sky, shining like the sun in the sky, reflecting the canal.

“Choke!” The long sword penetrated the demon’s body, and the man screamed, and a wisp of demonic energy left his body and flew away.

“Leave it.” Suddenly a woman came across the water, holding a cloth bag. She pocketed the demonic energy in the bag and tied the mouth of the bag extremely skillfully.

Ling Ruoyu, who had just used up all his energy to thrust out the most powerful sword move in his life, slumped on the bow of the boat. Looking at the woman walking on the water, he showed a relieved smile: “Master Changshi, just come here.” …I, I have no strength anymore…”

Zhao Changhe spit out a mouthful of wine. What did you call her?

The “Chang Shi” fell on the bow of the boat, but did not praise Ling Ruoyu for his great contribution. His beautiful eyes were like a knife, and he just slashed Zhao Changhe.

Zhao Changhe looked at her strangely.

The two of them stared at each other for a long time. Chang Shi suddenly jumped to his feet and became angry: “There is the biggest evil here. How come no one can capture him and let him sit here so arrogantly?”

Ling Ruoyu was stunned for a moment: “Is there some misunderstanding, sir? This senior has helped a lot, how could he be an evil spirit?”

“I said yes!” Chang Shi was furious: “You are so sword-minded, can’t you feel that this is a pervert?”

Ling Ruoyu shook his head: “I can’t feel it.”

Chang Shi grabbed Zhao Changhe by the collar: “You dare to covet her, why do you still have the shame? I can’t kill you and I…”

Before he finished speaking, his waist was hugged, and his whole body was pulled into his arms and hugged tightly.

Ling Ruoyu stared blankly as the prime minister, Shi, who was admired by thousands of people, was held in his arms like a child, twisting and struggling, the scene was like falling into a dream.

In broad daylight, the ancient senior lowered his head and kissed Master Chang Shi’s face, and whispered softly: “When did I covet her… What I covet now is you.”

Ling Ruoyu watched helplessly as Lord Chang Shi’s face turned red, his strength in struggling became weaker and weaker, and he became more and more willing to resist and welcome. Then he flattened his mouth and seemed about to cry: “You just bully me. You have always bullied me. Wuwuwu… I don’t want you anymore, I don’t want you!”

Ling Ruoyu was stunned.

What kind of evil trick is this? How could Master Baoqin, who usually speaks for the Prime Minister’s orders and scolds countless heroes so majesticly that they dare not raise their heads, become like this?

Also, didn’t this man say that he was pleased with my master, that’s all?

Zhao Changhe is saying: “I really didn’t mean it…it’s my fault anyway, I’ll bear with you whatever you want to scold me.”

I just cried when I hugged Qin.

Zhao Changhe looked at Ling Ruoyu awkwardly and said in a low voice: “I also have many things to ask you. Let’s talk in the cabin, okay?”

Baoqin sniffled and said nothing, and then he was carried directly into the cabin without any suspense. Look at that look, even if someone eats it on the spot, it will be honest.

Hefeng Xunxun, Ling Ruoyu shuddered, wondering if the evil attack just now had an effect on him, why the world suddenly seemed like a dream.

Looking from a distance, Yangzhou seems to be visible.

If nothing unexpected happens, Wu Hou should come to Yangzhou to contact him. This journey of riding the wind and waves and overcoming thorns seems to be completed.

It’s just that… the girl looked back at the river and suddenly felt that the journey was a bit short?

But he forgot that his body was stained with blood and he had already finished the medicine given by his senior.

The sky glowed with golden light again: “Ling Ruoyu went south guarding his sword and invited the heroes to fight. With the power of one sword, he fought twenty-seven games in a row. It was quite a battle with many enemies and a battle of leapfrogging. In this battle, Qingxu Huaiyang’s underworld Six celebrities escaped with injuries, and more than thirty people died. The canal was stained with blood and reached Yangzhou.”

“Ling Ruoyu broke through hundreds of battles and stepped into the secret treasure. The bridge between heaven and earth has been opened since then.”

“Eighteenth on the list, Ling Ruoyu.”

Within one day, the Hidden Dragon Ranking reached No. 18 on the People’s Ranking. The girl wanted to show off her sage in the world more shockingly than her master did back then, and she became famous in one battle.

Thousands of miles away, in the desert. Yue Hongling slashed the neck of a strange beast with a sword, then turned to look south.

“For the sake of you still being able to teach your disciples… forget about the thirty years of anger. But don’t use her for fishing. Didn’t you realize that she is not suitable for such a holy display?”

(End of this chapter)


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