Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 873: The road to sword protection


Chapter 873 The Road to Protecting the Sword

In fact, the sisters who are boiling with resentment have reached a consensus many times over the years. They will wait until he wakes up and have to beg him to be intimate. Whoever takes the initiative to get close to her is a dog.

Of course Piaomiao didn’t want to be laughed at… She originally thought she could easily keep her distance and let him beg.

Only after seeing each other did I realize that the longing that had been suppressed for thirty years came like a tide. How could my heart really be like a flat lake? Seeing him keeping a distance with his cold face, in fact, I didn’t know how much I wanted to hug him and kiss him hard.

Looking at Zhao Changhe’s suffocated face, Piaomiao’s face was expressionless, and I secretly thought in my heart that you would beg me with some sweet words, so I just accepted it half-heartedly… Why don’t you want Yangyang to feel it, that’s just a person Excuse, even if Yangyang really feels it, so what, what’s the big deal… What’s more, after so many years, the two of them are not just idle people. They have long figured out how to isolate each other from each other, so that’s it. Stupid men don’t know.

Zhao Changhe had just woken up not long ago, and his mind was already thinking about the world situation and was not yet functioning in detail. After sitting there for a few seconds, I finally regained some of my emotional state. Seeing Miaomiao with a sullen face and not speaking or leaving, how could I not know what my wife was thinking, so she immediately came close to her and said, “Miaomiao~ ”

Piaomiao retched: “What did you call me?”

“There must be a nickname. Most people can be affectionate without a surname. If you don’t have a surname, you should find another nickname. You can’t just call yourself Piaomiao when you are upright. It’s too complicated…”

“But when you say that, I feel like my surname is Piao.” Piao Miao said with a sullen face: “Don’t do this with me. You have never seen such a disgusting routine before, Shen Mian. How can you become disgusting when you wake up? ”

“That’s because we didn’t have much time to be intimate with each other before.” Zhao Changhe whispered: “It’s my fault…”

Ethereal silence.

Seriously speaking, it’s not his fault. What we are facing is already very stressful. With practice, layout, and planning, we really don’t have much time to spend time with each other. It’s just that a large part of it was talking about love with Ye Jiuyou, which really made Piao Miao feel uncomfortable when she thought about it. At that time, she had just gotten along with him, and then she turned around and went to date other people. .

I knew that it was very important to win over Ye Jiuyou at that time. If Ye Jiuyou had been the enemy in that battle, imagine how difficult it would have been to fight, let alone defend the enemy invisible, and there would have been heavy casualties. It’s all to be expected. Piaomiao naturally wouldn’t say anything about this, but she still sighed a bit when she suddenly heard Zhao Changhe admitting his mistake.

She sighed, leaned lightly on Zhao Changhe’s shoulder, and whispered: “Time was tight at the time… but as you said… we will still have a lot of time in the future. As long as you don’t change your mind, it won’t matter. .”

Zhao Changhe gently hugged her shoulders: “I am just a wake-up call. I am afraid that you will forget me after thirty years…”

Piaomiao said with a straight face: “?Magnesium Tuochunci Yi Qianjun?br/>

Zhao Changhe pouted and kissed him: “Otherwise, you won’t let me touch you…”

How dare you wait here? Piaomiao stopped his mouth and sneered: “Don’t say that thirty years is just a blink of an eye to me, it is as long as thirty eras, so what, who do you think I am Piaomiao?”

Zhao Changhe started to act coquettishly: “But you ignore me…I’m afraid…”

As she spoke, she pouted and pecked the jade hand in front of her: “This will make you more at ease.”

Piaomiao is angry and funny: “Is it just Jiuyou who is chasing after you so shamelessly?”

Zhao Changhe said with a shy face: “How can I chase you like this…”

“Get out.” Piaomiao pushed his face: “Don’t play rogue with me!”

In fact, Zhao Changhe could completely feel the trembling of her hand. It was clear that she would fall down with a push, and he knew it well. He quickly grabbed her delicate hand and asked softly: “So how do you want me to call you?”

Piaomiao pulled her hand away, but she didn’t pull it out for a moment, then she said nervously: “Of course it’s Piaomiao, I’m not used to calling you anything else, and I don’t need any nicknames. Let go, let go…I’m going to use violence!”

Zhao Changhe held on and said, “It is not entirely true that you have no surname… Since you have followed me, you will bear my surname for the rest of your life.”

Piaomiao’s heart jumped unconsciously: “You…”

As soon as the words came out, his hands surged with strength, and he immediately pulled him into his arms and hugged him tightly: “Don’t struggle, let me hug you…I miss you so much…”

Piao Miao feels like she has lost all her strength, and her whole body is limp. His words of love can make people feel numb. The breath on his body is so familiar and pleasant, making her even more attractive than before. Because this time his body was also made of a lot of the same lotus pads as his own, and both of them could stimulate their instinctive lust.

More and more shameless.

She panted slightly, pushed Zhao Changhe’s chest, and said reluctantly: “Don’t expect me to forgive you after just two beatings like this. Give me something practical.”

Zhao Changhe said: “How about I catch Ye Wuming and deal with it for you?”

Piaomiao was stunned, and suddenly showed a smile: “Okay. Then wait until that day when you touch me again, and stay away now.”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

Ye Wuming, who was far away in the Night Palace, held a book and whispered to himself: “You deserve it. Just wait.”

Looking at the awakening Zhao Changhe, Ye Wuming had no expression on his face and felt a little inexplicable panic in his heart.

Now, from Zhao Changhe to the entire force around him, basically the strategic goal of “attacking the Ye Palace and catching the blind man” is on the table. She, Ye Wuming, doesn’t know how to deal with it. He really wanted to take advantage of Zhao Changhe’s sleep to attack and deal with those women one by one, but he couldn’t do it, and he didn’t want to be taken advantage of by Tiandao. It seems that they can only huddle in a corner and wait for others to attack. The only thing they can do is to see how they can prevent Zhao Changhe from contacting Xinghe.

How could the boss who laid out two eras, used heaven as his enemy and all living beings as his chess, ended up like this…

Even the little curse of “You deserve it, just wait” failed because Zhao Changhe had already bitten it.

Piaomiao half-pushed and half-stopped her on the spot, but she couldn’t stop the raging emotions in her heart. It wasn’t long before she was kissed on the lips by the man. Her defense collapsed instantly, leaving only a vague mutter: “You haven’t finished, how can you kiss me?” I…”

Ye Wuming: “…”

Not only did they kiss, but they also started to touch her, and her belt would be taken off if she went any further. It’s useless to be the **** of mountains, rivers, and land. You were defeated after being beaten so easily twice. How can you hold on to the mountains and rivers?

Ye Wuming inexplicably wants to cause destruction. His eyes rolled around, and his thoughts fell on Ling Ruoyu, who was sailing south in the distance, showing a long-lost enchanting smile.

Make you want to catch me.

“Whoosh whoosh!” A hook rope was hooked on the edge of the ship, and a man’s figure quickly boarded the ship from the shore: “Miss Ling, please come out of the cabin and talk.”

Ling Ruoyu, who finally had a quiet atmosphere to recuperate from his injuries, was interrupted before he even took a break to burn a stick of incense. He walked out of the cabin with a sword and holding back his anger.

I’ve been injured for so long and haven’t had a chance to recuperate. What’s the fuss? People will die if they get a good night’s sleep… They said they deliberately went south, so how could anyone know that they were here? Is there a traitor on the ship?

When I walked out of the cabin, I saw a rich and handsome man standing in front of me. He held the hilt of his sword upside down and said, “Long Haoyang has met Miss Ling.”

“It’s you…” Ling Ruoyu was really tired and said tiredly: “Master Long boarded the ship in the middle of the night, what do you think?”

“It’s just a whim. Everyone thinks that the girl will go north to the capital and set up a dragnet in the north. How could the girl get in? Maybe she will go south instead… I’ll try to go south. See I went on a night boat trip and tried it, and it turned out to be here.”

Ling Ruoyu: “…”

Even if you guessed that I might go south, you didn’t necessarily think that I would take a boat; even if you were sure that I would take a boat, there are more than just this one night boat going south. How did you win in the first try? Are you really so lucky?

The girl’s sword heart was sharp, and she suddenly felt the feeling of being arranged from somewhere that Zhao Changhe had experienced before. It seemed that there was a thread of fate being maliciously fiddled with.

This Long Haoyang is not easy to mess with. He looks good-looking and personable, but he is a typical underworld figure. The Demon Suppression Division has been secretly investigating their smuggling issues such as salt smuggling for a long time. There is currently no evidence. . But the fact that he appears here is proof, because he could only be here for the Holy Sword. Of course, there are more than one group of people who covet the Dragon Bird Sacred Sword, but there is no doubt that they are all bad people. Who would dare to do this to a serious person…

This person is number sixty-seven on the Troubled Times list and has the first level of secrets. If I was in good condition, this would be a challenge that I had always dreamed of. Maybe breaking through in one battle could replace my ranking. But now that I am injured and tired, how should I deal with it?

No matter how difficult it is, we have to deal with it. This is the Grand Canal, there is no place to run.

Ling Ruoyu slowly drew his sword and pointed at Long Haoyang: “Here we are, what should Master Long do?”

Long Haoyang looked at the door panel wrapped in thick cloth behind the girl. Even though the girl had long legs and was quite tall, the knife was almost as tall as her. The contrast looked really cute. Long Haoyang couldn’t help but laugh: “The girl is injured. Do you really want to fight me with such a big knife on your back? I think it’s better to hand over the holy knife. I let it drag down one or two, but it makes us evenly matched.” Some.”

Before Ling Ruoyu answered, the door panel behind him made a protest: “Who is dragging you down!”

Long Haoyang smiled and said: “Sure enough, the holy sword has magic power. But at this moment, does the girl dare to use the power of the holy sword?”

Longque kills again, and the Book of Troubled Times broadcasts again. Ling Ruoyu’s whereabouts are once again known to the world, and the follow-up is really difficult. Even if he doesn’t kill, the typical energy of Dragon Bird alone can easily attract the attention of others.

Ling Ruoyu smiled brightly: “Young Master looks pretty good, why is your brain so hard to use?”

Long Haoyang: “?”

“No matter what the consequences will be after I use the power of the holy sword, you will definitely die before me, and I may not be surrounded to death. What are you afraid of if you are not afraid of me even when you are about to die?” Ling Ruoyu said with a pretentious tone. Just draw the sword.

The dragon bird jumped for joy: “Pull me out, pull me out!”

Long Haoyang was dripping with cold sweat. He was just one step ahead, and there would be a large number of helpers coming later. He didn’t want to fight to the death with this crazy woman. Hearing this, he immediately said: “Why is this? You and I will have a bet. How?”

“How to bet?”

“I have a sword competition with the girl. If the girl wins, our Huaiyan Gang will immediately withdraw from this holy sword fight and never appear again. If the girl loses, the sword will be handed over to us for safekeeping and has nothing to do with the girl. How?”

The naked bullying Ling Ruoyu was injured at this time…Ling Ruoyu’s sword intention was strong: “Okay.”

It seems that this person’s boarding was an accident, and outsiders still didn’t know that he was going south. Instead of fighting to make the whole world famous again, it would be better to use a gambling battle to make him retreat and be worry-free from now on.

Even though this battle will be difficult… Master said that swordsman should move forward indomitably and should not be afraid of difficulties. The challenge is the past.


Long Hao raised his sword and walked around the dragon, and started to fight, bullying Ling Ruoyu who couldn’t move with such a heavy sword on his back. In fact, Ling Ruoyu carried no weight at all, so he pretended to be stressed and blocked the way, waiting coldly for the opportunity.

With a “clang” sound, Ling Ruoyu parried a sword and was about to fight back when he felt a sharp pain in his ribs, but it was dragged down by the previous injury and the sword could not be undone.

The girl who missed the opportunity staggered away, with new marks on her arms.

What a pity… If he had not been injured before, Ling Ruoyu was 80% sure that he would be able to fight this battle. It is a pity…

Over there, Zhao Changhe was hugging Piaomiao and making out. He had finally deceived him enough to take off his clothes, and suddenly a warning sign rose in his heart.

It is impossible for him to spy on the world at any time when he is full. The current message is conveyed by the heart-to-heart connection between the dragon bird and his master: the little apprentice is in trouble.

Piao Miao felt the same feeling in a daze, stretched out her hand to hold Zhao Changhe’s hand, and whispered: “Hong Ling’s apprentice is in trouble. She has a lot to do with the future of the mountains and rivers. I want to help her. .”

Zhao Changhe shook his head: “It’s better for me to go. This is someone pulling the strings of fate to cause trouble for me… If we don’t separate you from me, this matter will never end in the future.”

Piaomiao’s face turned green: “Ye Wuming?”

“…Well, the only one who can do this is Ye Wuming.” Zhao Changhe raised his **** to the sky: “If you don’t let me have **** with my wife, can you do it yourself if you have the ability?”

There is no reply from heaven.

Zhao Changhe has also disappeared.

Piaomiao angrily activated a message from heaven and earth: “Jiuyou, where are you? Let’s meet and discuss something!”

Ye Jiuyou didn’t know what he was doing. He paused for a while and responded directly to his soul: “You can be so angry. Who has such great ability?”

“I have only had one enemy in my entire life, and I have only one enemy now!”

“What a coincidence, so am I. Come to my place and show you something good.”

Ling Ruoyu retreated again and was forced to the edge of the ship by Long Haoyang’s sword. She was silently calculating the opponent’s sword path, looking for an opportunity to use the door panel behind her to block the sword to see if she could get a chance to counterattack.

A message suddenly came to my mind: “Looking at the direction of your footwork, are you planning to use the dragon bird on your back to block the sword, and at the same time turn the sword back and attack his ribs?”

Ling Ruoyu: “?”

This voice sounds familiar. Is it the senior ancient demon **** from before?

“The plan is good, but it may not be successful, and you will fall into the water due to the impact. Once you fall into the water, look at the boat behind you.”

Only then did Ling Ruoyu realize that a boat was catching up from behind. If he fell into the water, a hail of arrows would allow him to meet the late emperor.

“Listen to me.” The voice of the Demon God Senior said again: “You are just pretending to turn around, but you are actually sliding sideways, and the clouds are crossing the Qinling Mountains.”

Yun Hengqinling, one of the sword moves of Luoxia Villa, was a unique skill used by Yue Hongling to travel around the world before he was inherited by the Sword Emperor.

Ling Ruoyu had no time to think about how this senior knew the swordsmanship of Luoxia Villa, which had been wiped out. His movements were faster than his thoughts. He pretended to turn around, but actually took a step sideways, and at the same time made a horizontal move with the long sword in his hand.

Long Haoyang over there actually guessed that the woman was going to turn around, and used Longque to block the move, and used his backhand sword to touch his lower abdomen. Seeing Ling Ruoyu turning around and making a fake move, Long Haoyang smiled slightly, immediately put away his sword to protect his ribs, and switched to slapping her with his left palm forward, hoping to knock her into the water with the knife.

As a result, Ling Ruoyu didn’t turn around at all, but instead slid away sideways. Yun Hengqinling’s movement happened to be on the path of his left palm, as if he had sent his hand to the door to be chopped.

Before Long Haoyang had time to change his moves, his left palm had already been sent under the blade of the sword. The artery was cut open and blood poured out wildly.

The shrill screams sounded just now. Ling Ruoyu didn’t need to listen to instructions anymore. With a turn of the sword, it had already been wiped on Long Haoyang’s neck.

The sky flashed with golden light almost impatiently: “At midnight, Ling Ruoyu protected his sword and went south. With his tired body, without using the power of the dragon bird, he used sword to sword to kill Long Haoyang on the canal.”

“Sixty-seven on the list, Ling Ruoyu.”

Ling Ruoyu: “…”

What the **** is this crappy book written by a bastard? Isn’t this a scam?

Looking at the speeding ship coming from behind, Ling Ruoyu’s eyes fell on the cabin numbly.

The senior ancient demon **** was sitting at the door of the cabin, laughing: “Are you angry? It’s okay to be angry. You are not the first or the last person to be deceived by the book of troubled times.”

Ling Ruoyu did not answer this and asked: “Thank you, senior, for your help. I wonder how senior knows about my sect’s Yunheng Qinling Mountains?”

Zhao Changhe said: “I just did some research on famous people in the world and found that your master is beautiful and sassy. I admire her very much… so I learned a little about her skills…”

Ling Ruoyu said expressionlessly: “Senior, is this the reason for helping me?”

“Yes, that’s why.”


Zhao Changhe looked at her expression with great interest and said with a smile: “Now the road is full of thorns. You are afraid that you will have to fight all the way to Suzhou. Are you afraid, little girl? Do you want to abandon the boat and go into the mountains to hide from it for ten years? It’s half a month, waiting for your master to come to save people, just in time for me to meet…”

Ling Ruoyu shook his head: “Senior’s advice just now made me realize something.”

Zhao Changhe smiled and said: “What? Do you want me, the ancient demon god, to help you?”

“No…” Ling Ruoyu said seriously: “Most of the people were originally encircling me in the north. Now that the fast sail is flowing downstream, if they want to chase me, they can only come alone like Long Haoyang, who is a master of light skills. We can’t gather the manpower. Since we are coming one by one, then how can this journey of guarding the sword to the south be a trial of swordsmanship for me, Ling Ruoyu?”

Zhao Changhe blinked: “What if I can’t beat him?”

“I am not afraid of being known. In times of crisis, the Holy Sword can be used. This trip is not as difficult as expected… This journey of Tianyu’s training should also be what Senior Han Wubing expected when he presented the sword to him. . The book in troubled times is nothing more than a spur, so there is nothing wrong with it.”

Ye Wuming: “…”

I am not as kind as you think.

Ling Ruoyu suddenly raised his voice and spread the news to the other ships: “The holy sword is here, come and get it if you don’t care about your life!”

The sound spreads through the canal, and the wind moves along the Yangtze River and Huaihe River.

(End of this chapter)


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