The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 3: My family has fields… countless

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Fu Mansion is located in Xishui Lane, southeast of Linjiang City.

These are almost all mansions in Shenyuan, and the residents are all celebrities who are either rich or noble in Linjiang.

It doesn’t look prosperous, but it is very heavy.

Fu Daguan took Fu Xiaoguan into the carriage, and Chunxiu accompanied him. Yi Yu, the foreign affairs steward, had already prepared everything needed for the trip. A group of ten carriages, plus fifty guards, walked in the Xishui alley with a rather spectacular momentum.

Fu Daguan and Fu Xiaoguan sat opposite each other, with a slight apology on his chubby face.

“It was your mother who asked me to remarry after she left. She said that I could have a companion when I grow old…but she also said that it was best not to remarry. She was worried that I would marry a bride and give birth to a son. , I will no longer love you, or the bride will bully you if she has a son.”

Fu Xiaoguan smiled indifferently, and Fu Daguan quickly said: “Your aunt is pregnant. This is an accident. The Fu family will definitely be handed over to you in the future, so don’t worry.”

“…Dad, you think too much.”


“I mean, the more people in the family, the better. You have a good body. In fact, you can give me a few more brothers and sisters.”

As mentioned in the play, Fu Xiaoguan believes that there will be life-and-death fights between two and three people in the big house for the family property, but what he hopes more is that the family can prosper. As for struggle…struggle makes people progress. As long as you control the degree, there’s nothing wrong with it.

What he has to do is to master this speed so that the Fu family has enough talents available, instead of visiting the villagers during the holidays and requiring the old man to personally intervene.

Fu Daguanfu turned around and stared at his son, “Do you really think so?”

Fu Xiaoguan nodded, Fu Daguan took a deep breath and said: “But… when you knew that my aunt was pregnant, you almost demolished the whole yard! You clamored to expel the Qi family A monk.”

Well, Fu Xiaoguan slapped his forehead, “I can’t remember some of the things in the past, but that’s what I think now.”

Fu Daguan sat up straight, exhaled slowly, turned to look out the window, and whispered: “Yun Qing has a spirit in the sky, my son… is sensible!”

Yunqing is naturally Fu Xiaoguan’s mother, and there is still a vague image deep in Fu Xiaoguan’s memory.

Fu Xiaoguan lowered his head and said, “This trip is over, I want to go and pay homage to my mother.”

“Yes, yes, your mother will be happy.”

Father and son had an intermittent conversation, and Fu Daguan confirmed that his son, far from becoming stupid, had become sensible, smart and stable.

This change happened so fast that Fu Daguan thought he was in a dream several times, and he still couldn’t adapt to it for a while.

Fu Xiaoguan is not too natural.

This was the first time he had spoken so much to others, and it made him a little tired.

Tiredness lies in the change of identity. In the past, he was more concerned with thinking, calculation and action. Now what he needs to do is communication and business cooperation negotiations that will definitely happen in the future.

This is not an area he is good at, but since he was born into a landlord’s family and will control such a huge family business in the future, of course he must change himself.

It is difficult for him to reverse the inertia of his life for more than ten years in his previous life.

It seems like it’s off to a good start now, and I can communicate smoothly with this strange father, but I’m still not used to the way he talks, so some words blurt out, and Fu Daguan always asks, what does this mean?

“What are our family’s industries?”

“Mainly land, lots and lots of fields, and then… there is a small business in Linjiang. It is not a grain merchant, but Yu Fuji, which your mother used to run. It is still in operation, but the scale has not expanded.”

“Yu Fu Ji? Not Xu Fu Ji?”

“Although your mother’s surname is Xu, her name is Yu Fu Ji – your mother said that the family has a shadow and a blessing for future generations. Of course, she thinks a lot, but it is actually left to you. She is worried about leaving. After you got married, you were bullied by your stepmother. This was impossible, but she did it anyway.”

Fu Xiaoguan gradually became clearer about his mother’s appearance. Mothers all over the world have good intentions. He was very touched in his heart, but he couldn’t repay the favor, so let’s start this Yu Fu Ji, which would be considered as fulfilling his mother’s long-cherished wish.

“Where have you seen Xu Fuji? What do you do for a living?”

Fu Xiaoguan smiled and shook his head, “A small shop selling… candies.”

“Oh, our family, Yu Fu Ji, sells wine. There is a wine shop in Xiacun, and the masters there are all found by your mother back then. I will also go to Xiacun during this trip, and I will take you to see it then.”

Fu Xiaoguan nodded, remained silent for a moment, and asked, “Is there any trouble about that matter?”

“There is no trouble. The nobleman is still in Linjiang. This trip is said to be to discuss some business with several big merchants such as Zhang Jiquji in Linjiang…mainly cloth merchants and grain merchants. The silk merchants in Linjiang are very good. Well, Linjiang’s grain output is quite high, but my father doesn’t understand how a woman can do this.”

“What is your identity?”

“The second daughter of the then Minister of Household Affairs, Dong Shulan. These days, my father heard from the heads of these houses that this noble person has some tricks. He does not use his status to pressure others, but his words and deeds reveal whether he chooses the emperor or not. Signal. Since the founding of the Yu Dynasty more than two hundred years ago, most of the imperial merchants were located in the south of the Yangtze River, but this time they chose the north of the Yangtze River… The authenticity is a bit vague, but everyone agrees that it should be true, so the nobles are very busy these days. I think she has forgotten about you.”

Fu Daguan did not say anything about the things he had done for his son.

In the painting boat called Hong Xiuzhao on the Qinhuai River in Jinling, Kyoto, everyone in Hu Qin Hu read the handwritten letter from Fu Daguan. They were silent for a long time, sighed, and then revised a letter and handed it to the Minister of Revenue and sent it to A jar of fragrant wine that has been stored for ten years.

Then Dong Shangshu read the letter, drank a glass of wine, and handed a note to his daughter Dong Shulan.

Written on the note was this: If it doesn’t cause any harm, just leave it alone.

Linjiang is quite far from Jinling. It can be reached in five days by water, but this way we took the land route, so we arrived a little late. Dong Shulan’s men had already taken action. Dong Shulan frowned for a moment after seeing this article, and then sent someone to the Fu Mansion to inquire about it. Knowing that the reckless young master named Fu Xiaoguan was still alive, he didn’t take it to heart anymore.

Coupled with Fu Daguan’s management of Linjiang officialdom, the matter has been calmed down so far.

“That noble man is not an ordinary person. He is able to control such major events even at the age of 10, and he is able to move among these old merchants with ease… This is the background of a wealthy family. Our Fu family has a long way to go.”

“She has a background in Shangshufu, and she also has the cakes of Huangshang…”

“No,” Fu Daguan waved his hand, “Although these old merchants are afraid of the government, in the face of interests, as long as they don’t offend some things, the government can’t do anything to them. As for the imperial merchants…this is their real What I am concerned about is that several big cloth merchants and grain merchants had originally negotiated the lowest prices and shared a share of the pie, but now it seems that they have gradually been torn apart by this noble man, because I heard that the cloth merchants in question The price has dropped by 15% from the original base price, and the price of food has also dropped by 10%.”

Fu Xiaoguan had never done business in his previous life. These things sounded quite interesting. He asked: “Is this to win over one group and suppress another?”

“That’s pretty much what it means. The main thing is to consider your heart. As long as the interests are huge, there is no solid covenant. This is human nature. From the same pot of porridge, some people want to fill a bowl, some want to make a pot, and some want to take away the pot. . You see, this makes the porridge seller cheaper.”

Fu Xiaoguan thought for a moment. He understood this simple truth, but he didn’t use this kind of thinking to think about problems in the mall. So this was his own problem, and he returned to the core issue of changing his mind.

“It has been more than two months and this noble man has not left yet, which means that she has not met her expectations. However, she has not talked with merchants these days. Instead, she has been meeting with Linjiang students and held a poetry meeting. A few days ago Held in Linjiang Academy, Linjiang Talents has been to more than half of the events and was praised as a grand event in Linjiang. However, this event really brought down the reputation of Banshan Academy.”

Looking at the confusion on Fu Xiaoguan’s face, Fu Daguan chuckled, “Awesome…this skill is really good!”

“What do you mean?”

“The four major cloth merchants in Linjiang are Zhang Ji, Qu Ji, Liu Ji and Huang. Among them, Zhang Ji is the largest, the leader of Linjiang cloth merchants, and the initiator of this negotiation alliance. But Linjiang Academy Behind me is Liu Ji, and behind Banshan Academy is Zhang Ji.”

Fu Xiaoguan suddenly realized, “Is this the case of supporting Liu Ji and stepping on Zhang Ji, showing off the carriage and horses?”

“Yes, a child is struck in a silent place, and thunder is heard in a rainless place. This is Zhang Ji’s army. It depends on how Zhang Zhice responds… According to my father’s opinion, the covenant made by Zhang Zhice has been broken. It’s time for everyone to take the stage. If so, the price of fabrics should be reduced by at least 30%.”

Fu Xiaoguan nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: “What about the grain merchant?”

“The three major grain merchants in Linjiang, Yang Ji, Fan Ji and Yao Ji, it seems that the noble man has not had much contact with the grain merchants, and mainly focuses on the cloth merchants. If the cloth merchants collapse, The grain dealer naturally collapsed. This is a bit exaggerated. After all, the emperor has a large business and needs some treasures to supply the royal family. There must be profits, but the pricing power is something that the noble must control.”

“Kill a chicken to scare the monkey?”

“It means something like this.”

“Why don’t we sell our own grain?”

Fu Daguan laughed, his fat face extremely proud.

“There is a huge amount of grain in Linjiang, and my Fu family only owns 20% of it, and the remaining 80% is shared by tens of thousands of households in Linjiang… My family is not a grain merchant, so naturally there are grain merchants to collect grain, and this Linjiang area Although I don’t set the price of food, I have an influence.”

Fu Xiaoguan frowned and asked, “How much land does my family have?”

Fu Daguan turned around and opened a box, took out a booklet from it, handed it to Fu Xiaoguan, and said: “I have been on this trip for more than ten days, and all the fields I saw belong to my family.”

Fu Xiaoguan was very surprised. He held the book without opening it and asked: “If that girl…that noble man comes to you directly, how should you deal with it?”


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