The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 2: Maybe strange, but also sincere

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In the eighth year of the Xuan Li calendar, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, the Dragon Boat Festival happened. The morning light was faint and the sky was clear and the clouds were shallow.

Fu Xiaoguan had already gotten up and came to the yard.

He stood under the old banyan tree, breathed out ten breaths silently, then stepped forward, lowered his waist, raised his fists…

This is a set of military boxing. The movements are natural and standard, and there is no deviation from the standard. Just because the body is too weak, the boxing is not fast, and there is no powerful boxing intention – it looks like what the market says. Embroidered legs with flower fists.

Fu Xiaoguan moved slowly, just in time to regulate his body.

Whether it is muscles, bones or ligaments, this body is really… too bad. Fortunately, he is only sixteen years old. Although it is still much late, he believes that after two years of conditioning, he should be able to reach half of the level of his previous life.

Chunxiu was even more stunned.

In the past, the young master had to wait until he woke up naturally when sleeping, but these two days, the young master would get up as soon as it was light, then take a boxing session under the old banyan tree, and then run a few laps around the yard.

Yes, the young master ran eight laps on the morning of the third grade of junior high school. The young master ran ten laps yesterday morning. He should have run more this morning.

The young master rarely speaks these days, but on the second day of junior high school, he suddenly asked if he had picked up a black box when he rescued him.

Chunxiu didn’t know, and later asked the master. The master didn’t know why, but he still arranged for someone to look for it again, but he didn’t find it. The young master thought about it and didn’t mention it again.

The young master has really changed as a person since that incident. Except for his food requirements, everything else is extremely different.

For example, he never asked Chunxiu to dress and wash him.

For example, he takes a shower every day and no longer lets Chunxiu rub his back.

For another example, he always goes to bed late at night, reading “Three Dynasties Poems for Relief” with the light on, and occasionally smiles or says a few words that Chunxiu doesn’t understand.

For example: History…this may be parallel time and space.

Another example: It seems that I can survive happily in this world.

Chunxiu sat embroidering and listened to the sound of the young master turning the pages of the book, feeling that she had never felt more stable in her heart. But when she heard the young master talking to himself, she felt a little nervous – the young master’s brain was hit with a hard object, which would most likely leave sequelae. These words were not circulated in the family, but she still heard some rumors.

I heard it from Ding Huyuan. Ding Huyuan said that he heard it from shopkeeper Zhao.

This made her very uncomfortable. Although the young master was indeed different from the past, she felt that the current young master was better. Naturally, she did not dare to say this, but she protected her young master in her heart no matter what. .

At least the young master now no longer goes out to drink, no longer bullies weak women on the street. He even hasn’t even left the house these days and is still reading a book. This is a very noble thing, at least in Chunxiu’s heart, this is the serious thing a young master should do.

God bless, the young master has been awakened. From now on, the Fu family can continue to be well, and a maid like her can also have a good death.

Fu Xiaoguan punched the military body twice. His body became active and he felt a little warm. He started jogging around the corridor of the courtyard – one lap was almost 400 meters, and ten laps were 4,000 meters. His body felt very tired. , which is almost the current bottom line.

This courtyard belongs to him. In addition to Chunxiu, there were originally ten nursing courtyards. His followers who were once his followers and the ones who bullied men and dominated women were all temporarily arranged by him to go to the outer courtyard.

He doesn’t like crowds, and it’s not that he’s a talker – these nurses don’t dare to say anything in front of him. It’s just a habit he has developed in the past. He received orders to plan and execute matters like assassination alone, so he just did it alone. I’m used to it, and I won’t be able to change it for a while.

We still need to make some changes in the future, after all, the world is different.

Fu Xiaoguan was thinking while jogging. He looked up and saw Fu Daguan walking in from the Moon Gate.

He waved hello to Officer Fu without stopping.

Fu Daguan was stunned for two breaths. Chunxiu came up to him. He pointed at Fu Xiaoguan and asked: “My son…”

Chunxiu said a blessing, bowed and replied: “Go back to the master, the young master has been like this for three days… The master is not at home, so I can’t tell you.”

Chunxiu paused for a moment and then said: “The young master said that the bones in this body are too weak and need to be exercised. This is how the young master exercises.”

Fu Daguan looked at Fu Xiaoguan’s figure, with a smile on his chubby face.

He was silent for a moment while stroking his short beard with one hand, and asked: “Is there anything else strange about the young master?”

“Young Master… he reads until late at night.”

Fu Daguan was stunned for a moment and asked quickly: “What book are you reading?”

“I have read The Analects of Confucius, Doctrine of the Mean, and The Book of Songs.”

Fu Daguan frowned, “Read three books in three nights?”

“Master, it’s not three nights, but…two hours. In addition, young master…it’s not about watching.”

“What is that?”

“Yes…turn it over. The young master flipped through those books, but occasionally stopped to read for a moment. The one the young master read the most was “The Poems of the Three Dynasties”, and I saw that the young master had already read this book for two nights.”

Fu Daguan thought for a while and whispered: “The young master is still weak, so we should advise him to rest early… As for reading, just casually reading is good. Don’t take it seriously, as it will hurt your mind.”


Chunxiu did not say that she had persuaded the young master, but the young master did not listen.

The young master said, there is no way to sleep until one o’clock in the morning.

She understood in the early morning that she didn’t know a thing, and then she knew, around the end of the twilight period and the beginning of the ugly twilight period.

“How have you been eating these past two days, Master?”

“It’s much better than before. In the morning, I have a bowl of millet porridge with one fried egg, one hard-boiled egg and three seasonal side dishes and two steamed buns. At noon, I have a bowl of rice with three meat, two vegetarian and one stewed soup. In the evening, it’s the same as noon. , It’s just that the dishes have changed… The young master said that when the master comes back, it will be more convenient to build another kitchen in the master’s yard.”

Fu Daguan nodded and looked at Fu Xiaoguan again. His eyes were full of doubts about his son’s change.

What is his son really like? As an old man, of course he has a good background. In order to completely eliminate the hidden dangers of the previous matter, he has been running around in the past few days. At present, it seems that the noble man will not pursue it anymore. His hanging heart was finally relieved, but his son suddenly started to exercise and even read a book… This made Fu Daguan’s heart tremble again.

Is this a good thing?

Did that blow knock the son out of his mind?

Hopefully, at least now it seems that my son has no tendency to become stupid, which is good. As for the rest… let him do whatever he wants.

Making up his mind, Fu Daguan said to Chunxiu: “After he finishes his run, breakfast will not be delivered to him. Tell him to eat at my place.” After saying that, he looked around and said: “Since my son wants to Make a kitchen and go find the butler later. He came back yesterday.”

Chunxiu agreed, Fu Daguan looked at Fu Xiaoguan again, turned around and walked out.

After running ten laps, Fu Xiaoguan took the hot towel handed over by Chunxiu and wiped his sweat, then took the warm water handed over by Chunxiu, took a big sip, walked around the yard casually, and then walked to the side Walk to the bathroom.

Chunxiu had already put away hot water and a change of clothes, and said to Fu Xiaoguan: “The master said, I will invite the young master to the front yard for dinner later.”

Fu Xiaoguan nodded, entered the house, closed the door, and lay in the barrel, feeling that everything was really good.

A friend from my past life once asked me a question: If I can’t be a soldier for the rest of my life, what do I think after I retire?

His answer is: Find a land with mountains and rivers, a thatched cottage, an acre of fertile land, and a fish pond. Farm when you are busy, and fish when you are free. This is how you live your whole life.


He smiled.

He really thought so. He felt very tired and tired after killing many people.

Now this wish seems to have come true, and he feels a sense of relief. Although he is not completely relaxed mentally, at least he has not suffered from insomnia these nights, and he has not even had a dream when he woke up.

He has a father who really cares for him, a girl who obeys his advice, and a mother he has never met. Of course, as a big landowner in Linjiang City, he must have a lot of land.

This is good.

As for Fan Duoer from Yihonglou, he naturally didn’t care.

But the glimpse of the woman in white is extremely clear in my memory. She is indeed beautiful, well, that’s it.

Fu Xiaoguan felt no disturbance in his heart.


The landlord’s house is very large.

The dining room of the landlord’s main house is also very large.

Fu Daguan sat at the top, second wife Qi Shi sat at the left, and Fu Xiaoguan sat casually opposite Fu Daguan.

This is just because he is a little farther away from Fu Daguan. Of course, it is not because of Fu Daguan’s majesty as a father, but because Fu Xiaoguan is still unfamiliar with this father in his consciousness, and instinctively chooses this distance.

In response, Mr. Qi frowned slightly, but Officer Fu didn’t take it seriously.

The food has been served, a family of three… Fu Xiaoguan didn’t know if this was considered a family of three. Fu Daguan looked at him kindly and smiled and said: “Dinner.”

Fu Xiaoguan was naturally not polite. He picked up the bowl and started eating. Mrs. Qi frowned again because Fu Xiaoguan didn’t look good when eating.

Fu Xiaoguan was used to eating quickly and didn’t notice Qi’s expression – even if he saw it, he had no intention of changing it.

Eat your own food and let others have their say.

“Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I will go to various farms for a while…Son, are you interested in going with your father?”

If it were the former Fu Xiaoguan, of course he would have refused. What’s so good about those clay poles?

If you have this time, why not go to Yihong Tower and listen to Fan Duoer singing.

Ms. Qi naturally thought that this useless prodigal son would be the same as in previous years, but she didn’t expect to hear another voice.

“Okay, I want to go for a walk too.”

Mr. Qi was stunned for a moment, and then Officer Fu burst into laughter.

“Son, these will all be yours from now on…”

“Ahem!” Mr. Qi coughed twice, stood up, and said calmly: “I’ve finished eating. Sir, please go and come back early. I have an appointment with Dr. Li, who will prescribe some anti-fetal medicines.” OK.”

Fu Xiaoguan then took a look at the Qi family. She was elegant, good-looking, and quite proud. Her abdomen was slightly bulging. Visually, she was five or six months old.

Shi Qi met Fu Xiaoguan’s gaze and smiled, “Xiaoguan, do you want a younger brother or younger sister?”

Fu Xiaoguan was delighted, “I want both younger brothers and sisters.”

This is the truth. In his previous life, his parents died long ago, and he was an orphan who grew up eating a lot of food. Now that he has a family, he really hopes to have more younger brothers and sisters. Even if they are not the same mother, he will definitely take care of them. Good to them.

Qi turned around with a gloomy expression.

“This silly boy…has he really changed his temper?”


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