The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 1: The silly son of a landlord

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On the first day of May in the eighth year of the Xuan Li calendar, the spring light gradually faded and the summer flowers were beautiful.

The rising sun was cut into pieces by the dense leaves of the old banyan tree in the yard, falling lightly on the ground, and a few pieces fell on Fu Xiaoguan’s face through the window lattice.

It was a fair, delicate and slightly childish face, but the eyes were looking at the wild flowers blooming wildly outside the window. The gaze between the brows seemed to have some weight, and a certain cluster of wild flowers was slightly bent.

This is rebirth – Fu Xiaoguan woke up for two days and integrated the original memory of this body. Even though he felt extremely ridiculous, the living reality told him that it was all true.


“Everything is over, and I am… relieved!”

He smiled slightly, raised the corners of his mouth, and the sharp light in his eyes disappeared, and he became as calm as a stream of autumn water. It was so profound that a stupid son of a sixteen-year-old landlord’s family could not have it. of God.

This is what Chunxiu finds strange.

Chunxiu felt that the young master seemed to be a different person when he woke up. The moment the young master opened his eyes, Chunxiu was forced to take three steps back by the look in his eyes, and his heart was pounding so fast that he wanted to jump out of his chest.

At that moment, she felt like she had fallen into an ice cellar.

At that moment, she even stopped breathing.

The dagger-like eyes struck at her, landed on her neck, and then disappeared.

She opened her mouth in astonishment, and when she looked at Fu Xiaoguan lying on the bed, her eyes had slowly closed, as if… none of what happened just now, was she just worried that the young master was too nervous?

Chunxiu came from the corridor carrying a basin of water. The young master had recovered a little in the past two days, and his eyes no longer gave her the knife-like feeling. However, after this incident, the young master seemed to have matured a lot, which made her Weiwei feels a little strange.

This is not what she cares about. As long as the young master is well… then everything will be fine.


The basin was placed on the shelf. Fu Xiaoguan came over, reached out and took the towel off the shelf.

Chunxiu was stunned for a moment, her little mouth pursed slightly, “Young Master…servant…”

“I’ll do it myself, thank you!”

Fu Xiaoguan said casually, put the towel in the basin, and saw Chunxiu’s little mouth opening wider and wider.

He smiled, twisted the towel and washed his face.

Chunxiu’s small hands held the dress tightly, and she asked nervously: “Master, is there something wrong with this slave?”

“It’s not your problem, it’s my problem…I’m not very used to it yet.”

Chunxiu didn’t understand. She was not used to the young master’s simple actions, especially the word “thank you”, which made her suddenly feel extremely stressed.

Having served the young master for ten years, she took care of all the young master’s daily life. Although she wouldn’t beat or scold him if something went wrong, the look on his face was inevitable. Today, the young master actually said thank you. How did he do it? Already?

As the only young master of Linjiang City’s largest landowner family, Fu Xiaoguan’s name is very resounding.

Of course it’s not because of his literary talent or martial arts, but because of Master Fu’s boldness in spending a lot of money and his absurd sensuality.

He was an alcoholic at the age of 12, went to a brothel at the age of 13, threatened to marry Fan Duoer, the courtesan of Yihong Mansion at the age of 14, and at the age of 16 – just two months ago, he led a group of friends to a small school in Linjiang Mansion. They gathered together, but they did not expect that a disaster was coming.

Fu Xiaoguan, who was walking sideways in Linjiang City, met Dong Shulan, the daughter of the Minister of Household Affairs who was said to have come from the capital. Of course, Fu Xiaoguan did not know that she was Dong Shulan at the time of the incident.

Wearing a white dress and a veil, she sat quietly by the window of Linjiang Tower, with a pot of tea boiling in front of her and two cups placed, as if she was waiting for someone.

Fu Xiaoguan was drinking heavily when he suddenly felt the urge to urinate, so he got up and walked out of the private room. When he turned around, he saw Dong Shulan.

This must be blamed on the spring breeze blowing from the window.

Fu Xiaoguan didn’t pay attention at the time. Just when he took his eyes away from Dong Shulan, the spring breeze lifted Dong Shulan’s veil just in time.

Fu Xiaoguan’s eyes fell on that face, and he immediately forgot about the need to urinate.

At that moment his heart beat faster, at that moment he forgot about Fan Duoer in Yihong Building, at that moment… he walked over.

“Little lady, I want to marry you!”

Dong Shulan was shocked. She had seen many young masters, but this was the first one to be so direct.

Of course she didn’t look at Fu Xiaoguan twice because of this. She poured a cup of tea, blew it on, took a sip, then stood up, and was about to leave, but Fu Xiaoguan reluctantly stopped her and even stretched out his hand. He reached out a hand, trying to grab her arm.




Three sounds.

Dong Shulan did not look out the window. She said calmly to the guard beside her: “Check it out. If there is anything evil, hand it over to the government. If there is nothing evil… Meng Lang, teach him a lesson and don’t kill anyone. Disappointing… Let’s make another appointment with Mr. Qin at Linjiang Academy.”


Fu Xiaoguan, a tyrant in Linjiang, was thrown from the second floor of Linjiang Building. Fu Xiaoguan’s father, Senior Officer Fu, knew as soon as he heard the news that his only son had been kicked on an iron plate.

As the richest man in Linjiang, Fu Daguan certainly had extensive acquaintances, but this time, Linjiang Magistrate Liu Zhidong did not see him. Later, he learned the other party’s identity through Liu Zhidong’s aide Liu Sanye.

He immediately made three arrangements at that moment:

First of all, he revised a letter and gave it to the great steward Huang Wei, asking him to go to Jinling, the capital, without stopping. There is a painting on the Qinhuai River in Jinling called the Red Sleeve Move.

Secondly, he took out a collection of calligraphy treasures from the library and asked Master Chen, the teacher of the Fu family, to take it to Linjiang Academy and ask Mr. Qin to identify its authenticity.

Then, he arranged for the second wife to bring the jewelery treasures from the capital to visit the prefect’s wife.

After all these arrangements were made, he went alone to the tomb of the eldest lady, Fu Xiaoguan’s mother, put on scented wax, and sat quietly until dark.

In this anxiety, Fu Daguan spent the most painful two months in his life.

In the past two months, Fu Xiaoguan was banned until that night ten days ago.

That night, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and Fu Daguan was inexplicably palpitating.

When the heavy rain fell, he could no longer sit still and took several nurses to Fu Xiaoguan’s yard.

The banyan tree was still there, the lights in the room were dimly lit, Chunxiu and the ten guardians were lying on the ground, and their son was missing.

Everyone in the Fu Mansion was sent out. Senior Officer Fu sat on the threshold and gave a simple order: “If you are alive, you will see people, if you are dead… you will see the body!”

He was the only one left in the huge Fu Mansion at this moment.

“I still hurt him after all…”


In the second half of the night, Fu’s servants found Fu Xiaoguan in the mountain stream behind him.

After Doctor Xie carefully inspected Fu Xiaoguan’s injuries, he sighed and said to Fu Xiaoguan: “Unless…a miracle,…let’s prepare for the funeral.”

Daguan Fu’s chubby face suddenly turned red. He grabbed Doctor Xie by the collar, lifted him up fiercely, and asked fiercely: “My son, is he dead or not?!”

“No, no, no…”

Admiral Fu let go, rushed to the bed, and shouted: “Get me all the doctors in Linjiang City!”

No one knows that the former Fu Xiaoguan is indeed dead, but now Fu Xiaoguan is alive again.

Anyway, it’s alive.

The breath that Fu Daguan held in his throat was finally swallowed.

He went to the eldest lady’s tomb again, put on scented wax, and sat there all night.

“You said, I have never become a high official in my life, and my son can be a small official.”

“But he…is really not a student.”

“Master, he dozed off in class and had a headache when he read… For him, I opened the Fu Mansion Academy and invited famous gentlemen from Linjiang City, and even Mr. Qin from Linjiang Academy, Of course, Mr. Qin didn’t invite Mr. Li, but he also invited Mr. Li.”

“Without exception, no gentleman could stay for more than ten years and eventually gave up.”

“Last year, I asked him to take part in the provincial examination, and he won the title of scholar… He spent five thousand taels of silver… Money is nothing, this can be regarded as gaining fame.”

“I don’t plan to let him go to the county government to be a master or anything. I just want him to have some literary talent, have a scholar status, make more friends with literati, and wash away this bad habit… so that he can take charge of this place. What a huge family fortune.”

“Over the years, I have been thinking about leaving him a family fortune that will keep him rich and prosperous throughout his life. Although this child has a lot of small evils, he still dare not do big evils after all. I am also relieved, but I didn’t expect something like this to happen.”

“After this ordeal, I hope he can understand some things.”


Fu Xiaoguan met his “father”

After washing up, Chunxiu came in with breakfast, followed closely by Fu Daguan, because Chunxiu said that the young master was able to get out of bed and seemed to be in good spirits.

Fu Xiaoguan looked at Fu Daguan with confusion in his eyes.

Fu Daguan looked at Fu Xiaoguan with doting eyes.

“Son, what are you doing up? Go and lie down on the bed, Chunxiu will feed you.”

Before Fu Xiaoguan could say anything, Fu Daguan said again: “Doctor Zhang said that your injury is in your head and you need to rest… Well, there is nothing else that is a big problem. Dad has been thinking about it these days. Since you are interested in Fan Duoer, my father will redeem her life, but she can only be a concubine. How about letting her serve you before you take a wife?”

Fu Daguan did not say what Divine Doctor Zhang said to him very carefully: he was hit on the back of the head with a heavy object, and it is very likely to leave sequelae, that is,… he becomes stupid.

Now it seems that there are no sequelae, which is why Fu Daguan is anxious to come over and take a look.

Fu Xiaoguan was stunned for a moment and then laughed.

“…This matter is not urgent, and I have nothing serious to do. I am just a little weak.” He looked at the millet porridge on the plate held by Chunxiu and said with a bitter smile: “Our family is not short of money, right?”

Fu Daguan was stunned and said, “There is no shortage.”

“Can this life be better?” Fu Xiaoguan pointed at the millet porridge.

“Miracle Doctor Zhang said that if a deficiency is not replenished, it is better to take a light diet and listen to the doctor. That’s right.”

“This thing is not nutritious. I need to eat something good, such as…old hen stewed with ginseng.”

Chunxiu then realized that it was his illusion before, Master, and indeed it has not changed.


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