The Wizard World: 618 Bloodline 1

There is silence in the hall, and occasionally only the throat swallowing is faintly heard. .

When the wizard of Whitefang Castle appeared, everyone thought that Angele would give the other face a face, maybe bargain. But no one thought that the result would be no face at all.

The other party didn’t even say a word, and was directly distracted by the image.

Viana, who was standing behind Angele, swallowed, whispered, and lowered her head beside Angele.

“Over the Patriarch’s Castle”

Angele didn’t speak, but gave him a slight glance. Just the warning gaze immediately caught Viana’s words.

Looking back, Angele turned back to Princess Caliana standing in front of her.

“How old are you this year?” he asked gently. “Don’t worry, I can give birth to your godfather’s arm. It’s not a big deal.”

The princess still had tears in her face, and suddenly hesitated when she heard this.

“Are you telling the truth?”

“Of course, I never lie and lie.” Angell smiled. If not needed. He made up a sentence in his own heart.

Calianna wiped the tears on her face. “I’m 19 this year.” She reluctantly restored her original temperament and calmness, but the moment when her godfather was severely injured, and she is still playing it back in her heart, which makes her even more frightened by the moody powerful wizard in front of her.

“Ah, 19” Angele frowned. “You have 6 years to live in the port now, don’t go anywhere. Come, take Her Royal Highness out and find a place to rest.”

“Yes!” The two guards hurried forward, one lifted the prince, and one went behind the princess. Take them out of the hall.

Angel’s should also deal with almost the same, which gave birth to the arms of the prince, and the prototype of the family has generally established a framework. The rest of the matter did not need him to do it himself, he explained a few words, and gave everything to Viana, the main thread, to let him continue to chair the meeting. I went back to the villa to rest.

In the pure white six-wheel drive carriage, Angele went straight to the villa without any delay along the way.

Gently take off the robe and hang it on a hanger by the door. Angli is only wearing a white silk shirt and light black skinny trousers, a silver hook dagger inserted upside down, and a pendant Same little black mirror.

“Sir, you are back.” The two maids stepped forward and knelt down to replace him with leather boots.

“I want to take a bath. Is the back pool clean?” Angliel felt a little warm all over. Although he could use witchcraft to clean his body, occasionally taking a bath was a way to relax.

“Ready, the water is ready. You can go to the bath at any time.” The maid answered respectfully.

Angele nodded, walked through the middle hall, past the spiral staircase, and went all the way to the backyard.

In the middle of a small garden in the back, there is a circular white swimming pool. The water in the pool is pale blue, and it is gently rippling with the breeze. A thick layer of ice condenses on the edge, exuding a sense of coldness.

Angle undressed a few times and jumped in.

The icy pool of water didn’t reach the chest from the tip of the toe, and Angri took a deep breath. He leaned against the pool like this, his head narrowed slowly.

“The softened water at forty-one degrees below zero is used for bathing.” He held up a hand of cold water and fell down slowly. He looked at the maids who were far away from each other, and could not help shaking his head slightly.

“Unconsciously, it is difficult for ordinary people to connect with me”

He opened his mouth and gently spit out a yellow gas, emitting a strong smell of sulfur. The teeth in the mouth are like the crocodile’s cavities, white and sharp.

Just look up and look at the sky.

In the blue sky, white clouds slowly move along with the wind, and a group of big white birds just fly overhead, making a chirping tweet.

Angele only felt that the whole body’s dry heat was slowly dissipated with the cold pool water. The whole person sat quietly by the pool, leaning against the cold stone wall, and closed his eyes slightly comfortably. Actually fell asleep so stupidly.

I don’t know how long it took, Angele slowly woke up from his sleep. Opened his eyes a little confused.

The sky is dark, and the two full moons overlap, just like two white disks that are not stacked neatly. The fine stars are densely covered with sky, like broken diamonds.

Crowling owls came from my ears. There are also tiny hissing worms.

Angele leaned lazily by the pool. He didn’t plan to just stand up. Spread your hands and rest on the shore of the pool.

Suddenly, his right hand was itchy, and he turned his face to look. The smooth white brick had a thin seam where a small red bug was slowly arching upwards. But the exit was blocked by Anglieu’s arm and couldn’t come out.

The worm is similar to a tadpole, with a bright red body and a hard carapace. It differs from the tadpole in its tail. The worm’s tail is scissor-shaped, faintly blue, and seems to be poisonous.

Angele held the bug in his hand and observed it with interest.

“I’m not afraid of my breath, this little guy”

Angele knows that his bloodline is very terrifying, and ordinary creatures can’t approach himself at all. Once he let go of suppression, creatures below level 4 are not qualified to look directly at his existence. This is the reason for the large gap in life levels.

Even if you suppress yourself now, some weaker individuals, such as worms and mice, will feel the horror in his body and dare not approach. I didn’t expect to encounter a little bug who was not afraid of himself here.

“Is it an example, or is it my own change?” After Angle teased the worm for a while, he dropped it, and he began to pay careful attention to the brick seams by the pool. Soon, he found a black beetle, slowly walking up the pond in front of him and crawling over it.

“It seems that I have changed.” He got up naked from the pool and stood on the shore. A blue-haired maid rushed over and carefully put him on a white bath towel.

“Okay, you all go down. You can’t stay here.” For these ordinary people, Angle has no way. They are like fragile ultra-thin porcelain, the energy radiation is slightly larger, Maybe it will cause physical damage to the permanent surname. Don’t say relax, just stay too close, these maids can’t stand it and get seriously ill.

A few days ago, a little maid was too attentive, and stayed beside Angele for ten minutes. After returning, she fell to the ground without warning. It was after Angle’s inspection that everyone was ordered not to get too close to his strict order.

Walking back down the pool, back to the Spiral Ladder Hall. As soon as you entered the door, Angele froze slightly, standing in place, frowning at the scene in the hall.

The hall is brightly lit, with more than a dozen young girls standing in the middle. They looked like they were only teenagers, and most of them looked down at Angela with trembling. Some of these girls wore skirts, some shirts and trousers, and others directly wore leather armor.

“What’s going on?” Angelle asked in a deep voice. “Who arranged you in?”

He is keenly aware that these girls are all very good looking, and the vitality field on their bodies is much stronger than ordinary people. Almost to the point of preparing the Cavaliers. An ordinary person of this level is enough to stay with him for a long time without being hurt.

An ancestor, a blonde girl wearing tight silver armor, stands out. “We are the mainstay of the family and the people of all branches. Here is a letter from the patriarch. Please look at it.” She passed a black sheepskin roll in her hands.

Angele frowned, and unfolded directly.

‘Respect the great Angli ancestors, I hope you can forgive me and my thirst for the pure blood of the family. The thirteen girls sent to you are all excellent knights selected by the family. Take care of your daily life. When you are interested, you can also relax and relax for you ’

Followed by gossip about other family matters.

But Anglia knew what they meant. These girls were all sent to serve themselves. The foundation of establishing a family principality lies in the continuity and legitimacy of the bloodline. The senior members of the family made every effort to select these young girls in order to leave as much core blood as possible.

While wizards have extremely low fertility, no one can say when such things will happen. After all, this is a question of probabilistic surnames. With so many girls, if one can conceive, it can be used as the foundation for the founding of the Principality.

Angel was a little speechless at the thought. To be honest, if he is replaced by other outsiders, he can enjoy it with peace of mind, but the girls standing in front of himself can actually be counted as his granddaughter and the like. It really made him feel weird.

Although this is actually a general rule, many wizards are treated this way after their return, in order to leave a pure blood for the family. The pedigree theory has always been the most recognized theory in the wizarding world. It has also been confirmed by countless examples. Therefore, for the pure blood of the family, all the girls standing here were selected from the family.

“It was the guy from Viana who arranged for you to come here? What’s your name?” Angelle asked lightly.

“Defel, Defel Glius Rio.” The girl who took the lead stood up and answered quickly. “Please rest assured that we will do our best to serve your life and meet all your needs!”

She is still a nineteen-year-old girl after all, and it is really too shameful to say such dedication. Standing with her head down in front of Angele, her cheeks were red, her body was stiff, and her mood was even more dazed.

“Okay, I know Defeel. You arrange for others to find your own room, and I’ll talk about it later.” Angele dropped the stationery with a sigh, and the stationery burned into black and gray. Converged into a trash can not far away. Then he went straight up the spiral ladder and went to the second floor.

Many girls standing in the hall saw this magical scene with their own eyes, and most of them had bright eyes.

Defel felt this magical power up close. Combining the mystery and weirdness of the sorcerers in the legend, her heart became more and more fiery. Many of these girls are actually voluntary, and the rest are actively pushed by their parents.

This is an opportunity. Once you can conceive a child, it is equivalent to one step into the sky. No one can bear this temptation. The same was true for Deffer, who remembered what her mother had said to her before leaving. I think of these horrific status rights and rights brought about by the strength of the ancestors.

(To be continued)

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