The Wizard World: 616 Family 3

Angele didn’t care much about the spread of this degree of fame, or it was originally his intention.

After staying in the main house, I lived in a family villa specially arranged by the family, but within a few days, all the lurking and non- lurking wizards and apprentices of the entire Andean Alliance visited.

A lot of luxurious and exquisite vehicles come and go in front of the villa. A few days later, all four branches of the Leo family reached the port.

Angele held a family meeting directly in the port conference hall. The four branches of the branch have already lived away from the main family. In fact, there are still some families with relatively thin bloodlines who are still on their way back, because the distance is too long, and they will not be able to come back in a week.

Angele is also much lazier. Those alien families whose families are mostly married to family girls are not the main family.

“Now that everyone is here, let ’s start the internal meeting of the Rio family.”

Angel sits at the top of the White Hall, looking down at the heads of the clan and the main characters standing in the front two rows.

Standing on the left are two gray-haired old men who look similar and should be brothers. On the right are two middle-aged men, one male and one female. According to family records, they are considered cousins ​​who have become literate. But the main surname is Leo.

Angele glanced at everyone again, everyone respectfully bowed his head in homage, and didn’t dare to oppose him.

“According to the genealogy, you should be my eleventh and twelve generations. For so many years, I remember that my apprentice mentor, Lord Adolf, took care of our family. It has been made to find the current descendants of the mentor family. Unfortunately, there is no news. What news do you have? “

As soon as the voice fell, the hall fell silent, and for a while, Carlisle, the oldest sub-patriarch, stood out.

“The ancestors, Lord Adolf’s family has now completely disappeared due to some non-human reasons”

“Oh? What’s going on?” Angle sank, “Non-human reasons? What causes non-human reasons?”

Carlisle saw sweat on his forehead in the sight of Angle, and did not dare to neglect, and answered immediately. “It’s mainly about fertility. According to records, the fertility of the Adolf family is very low. Or it can be regarded as a practice of all wizard families. Many of the wizard’s own bloodlines and fertility are very low.” He did not finish the subtext, But Angele has heard that the family knights under fertility also include the Leo family. If he stays to get the blood, he will definitely have a good short-term promotion. However, future family blood may also appear. This situation.

Angle is also a bit lucky. If it was the blood that he left behind as the main line of the family, then I am afraid that the existence of the Leo family now is a problem.

Carlisle secretly glanced at his ancestor’s face. He didn’t know anything about this ancestor, except for the rumor that it was a family record. He didn’t know what his temperament name was. So now he is still carefully testing, as long as the ancestor’s surname is determined, there are goals in the processing of some questions.

He glanced at the others. The main patriarch Viana stood respectfully behind the ancestors. The other three patriarchs also looked respectfully. They should also be testing the ancestor’s spleen surname. They have been living outside the family for hundreds of years. They have few connections to the main line and their relationships are very weak. If this time they did not suddenly emerge a powerful wizard ancestor, it is estimated that these were present It is absolutely impossible to get together. Even after arriving on the field, they knew each other that the other was actually their ancestor.

A lot of things, without turning over genealogy, have long forgotten it.

“Ancestors, don’t know what your specific plan is?” Carlisle continued. “If you want to gather together and form a family with one another. Or form a branch competition like the royal family?”

“What’s the difference between the two?” Angli was interested.

“The former is the most common way for all big families, and the latter is the way to build a nation.” Carlisle’s last sentence was quiet. As soon as this sentence came out, everyone present was eager. They came together, not for the purpose of the latter case.

“Foundation of the country” Angele touched his chin. With a veil, he couldn’t see the expression at all, only saw a pair of crimson eyes like gems, lost in thought.

Recently, due to his mad consumption of excess power, the ancestor’s mark on his body has returned to his back, and other parts have restored their original human skin. In particular, the confrontation with the world channel consumed a lot of his crazy growing blood. Can be considered to temporarily stabilize the deterioration of the mark. But now he can’t even enter the teleportation array, and the scorpion woman’s space shuttle ability has been completely suppressed, and can only rely on flying reading to move. And the flight speed began to slowly decrease.

If you want to establish a country, this movement speed is obviously not enough, after all, Anglieu does not intend to spend too much time in the family.

He thought for a moment.

“You don’t need to set up a country, it’s better to keep a low profile.”

“Ancestors, in fact, you do n’t have to do anything yourself. You can recruit many knight-level adults. I believe that with your call, even the big knights are definitely willing to come to work for you. Based on this, The founding of the country is actually very simple. We can completely establish a Principality of Reading within the Andean Alliance, and I believe that the Alliance will definitely be happy to divide a place to give it to us. Fanfan was obviously not immediately thought of, these days obviously also carefully scrutinized the feasible surname of this scheme.

Angle nodded slowly: “This is true, so to speak, the establishment of the country is really nothing.”

“That’s true. As far as I know, the Union Parliament has ruled out the ambassadors of the Kings from coming to the port, and Prince Victoria will personally present you the ancestors with the documents of the Purple Duke and the crown of the Duchy Seal.” Carlisle continued eagerly. It means that the alliance absolutely supports your attitude towards establishing a Principality. “

“Really?” Angle smiled uncritically. The establishment of the Principality was indeed a waste of time for him, but for the family, it was an excellent opportunity to pass down the ages. He is indeed still hesitating.

“Forget it, let ’s set aside this matter and wait until the king of the alliance has arrived. I will stay in the family for a while before I return.”

As soon as the words came out, the families of the branch patriarchs immediately became lively, one by one showing sorrow.

“Are you leaving?”

“Are you ancestor, didn’t you come back for old age?”

Angele raised his hand and stopped the voice in the hall. “First talk about your respective situation now, I understand later.

Then everyone calmed down slowly, one by one came out and began to describe the development of the family, the power branch and so on.

For three consecutive days, Angele also thoroughly understood the situation of the major divisions, and some distant families also had patriarchs rushing in during this time to participate in family meetings.

Rio’s major families have laid a good foundation because of the glorious foundation of their original development. But what’s fascinating is that most of the sub-houses are directly based on business to stabilize the family, rather than knights and wizard apprentices.

Since Angele, there has never been a wizard apprentice in the family, but there are many knights, but not many.

Now the family is counted as a whole, and above the knight level: there are three people, all of whom are mid-level players in the knight level. They have survived many alliance wars and have rich experience.

Preparing for knights: There are 12 people, all young boys and girls.

Children of ordinary families: There are hundreds of people. Most of them are either preparing to do business or preparing to enter the alliance assessment to become department staff.

On these three levels, there are family elders and elders. But these relationships are only family ancestry. The three knights who really decide to go are the three knights. The three knights are the patriarchs of three branch families. Only the main vein Viana and another middle-aged woman are not knights and become patriarchs. of. However, they are definitely not mediocre people, and they have saved the family’s calamity many times and have a high reputation.

With hundreds of years of operation, the overall strength of the Rio family can be compared with a baron family in the entire league, but it is only inconspicuous only after being scattered.

The business alliance of the Leo family is mainly engaged in maritime trade, doing business with other countries and earning differences.

In the past few days, Anglia squeezed the resources of all branches and main lines together. After integration, according to the proportion, the ranks of the internal branches of the family were excluded, which represents the right to speak of family status in the future.

Family fleets have also been integrated into one, and the proportion of income and risk of each family has been allocated in proportion.

Then, family sales channels, points of sale, etc. Angele does not care about it, just browse it casually.

After the integration of the family resources, it happened that the ambassador of the king also arrived at the port.

************************ Bang Bang! !!

Three clusters of red fireworks suddenly exploded in the air and turned into three red dandelions, slowly falling down into a large spot of light.

The port is full of lights and various welcome banners, the streets are cleaned, and the morning sun is sprinkled on the ground, and there is no stain at all.

A long silver dragon slowly moved on the streets of the harbor, heading towards the Governor’s Conference Hall.

Leaded by a beautiful young girl in a white lace dress, she’s not a teenager, she has a soft blonde hair on her shoulders, her skin is like snow, and her eyes are like sapphire without impurities. She looked so calm that she was carefully reading a roll of silver paper in her carriage, her brows were slightly wrinkled, exuding a touch of majestic temperament.

Compared to this dazzling girl, the old man in the silver robe with a white robe sitting beside her looks abnormal and kind.


“Victoria !!!”

“Don’t forget the rose war and stand by the capital!”

“His Royal Highness Victoria! You are our pride!”

“The greatest prince in league history!”

A banner was held up from both sides, some sang a song of impassioned victory, and even mad admirers with blue rose marks on their faces.

(To be continued)

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