The Wizard World: 603 Mark 2

These records are exactly the same as the Fountain of Thebes said just now. It also reassured him a lot.

“If I promise directly, we will automatically form a vow of promise? In the name of the four worlds you can communicate with.” Angle slowly answered.

“Yes, any transactions and mutual commitments I have with other beings will be done under the witness of the world. If you don’t want to agree, it’s best not to speak.” Thebes Fountain said frankly.

Angele was silent again, his eyes blinking blue.

The water was quiet for a while.

After a while, more than half an hour later. Angele exhaled softly.

“Your terms, I agreed.”

He knows that the conditions of Thebes Fountain will never be as simple and easy as he said, but it is very unlikely that he will travel the world by himself. When he was silent just now, he tried secretly many times, each time being interrupted at the last moment of communicating with the nightmare.

The spring water suddenly shakes gently, and the water surface slowly rises to form a transparent platform. On the stage was a small oval ball of mercury, only the size of a fingernail, with a faint silver light.

“This is my seed of spring water, please save it well. Do n’t forget and betray your promises. The four worlds will use this as proof. Once you betray you will be suppressed by the four worlds at the same time. You are not the ancestor, At the moment of this suppression, even the soul is crushed together. “

“I know.” Angele nodded. Carefully pinch the mercury ball, open your mouth, and swallow the ball directly into your mouth. This is one of the safest ways to keep it.

“Then please be prepared. Of the three worlds, tell the world you want to go to. It is recommended that you do not go to the chaotic world. The Patriarchal War is currently going on there. You can only become the food and nutrition of the Patriarchs. It ’s possible that all three worlds will help you to lift your ancestor ’s mark. It all depends on your own decision. “

“You said that the wizarding world could also be unmarked? Then go back to the wizarding world.” Angele changed his mind.

“I see … please jump in.”

The sound of Thebes Fountain goes silent.

Angele took a deep breath and jumped into the pool.



Woo …!

The dear rhino’s bark sounded slowly.

The sky’s pale golden clouds are rapidly flowing and changing, and the sun appears and disappears between the clouds.

The huge gray and black body of Nicholas Abyss Scroll is spinning slowly and steadily. The sky and steppe are connected by tornadoes. Like a huge black funnel.

Somewhere in the gray and black grasslands.

The space above the lawn burst into a black crack.

His …

The cracks are slowly cracking, and a naked long-haired man slowly flew out from the inside. The man has red hair on his waist and waist, dark red eyes, and fair complexion. Strong and powerful.

The toes are lightly on the grass. The man’s hands are raised, and the dirt and grass on the lawn slowly melt into a ball, then fly up like a liquid, condensing into a layer of light green armor covering him.

The dark green earthy armor patted him satisfactorily. The man then looked around the environment.

“Here … is the abyss tornado prairie? Haven’t you crossed the tornado? I didn’t expect me to be here directly.”

He touched the moustache on his chin. “Just going to the roots of the world to find some information.”

Looking at the gray-and-black funnel that was grounded in the sky, he tipped toes and flew directly towards the tornado.

Following the last experience path to the roots of the world, Angele quickly found the despair hotel in the gray and black sand.

The hotel still stands alone in the endless gray and black sand. The white light curtain extending above the hotel seemed as if it had never changed, as it was when Angele first came.

Land in front of the hotel. Knock gently at the door.


With a creak, the knock on the door pushed the wooden door directly. It was a little dark inside, and the hall was empty, except for a candle at the counter.

The dim yellow candlelight stood with a red-bearded hotel owner. He was holding a wooden blackjack in one hand and a piece of light yellow parchment in one hand, and was carefully watching the contents above. At the sound of the door opening, Redbeard looked up and looked up.

The moment he saw Angle, his eyes were confused. Then hesitated, and finally turned into a surprise.

“It’s you! Hahahaha …” He put down the parchment and the wine glass, laughed, walked out of the counter and walked to Angle, giving him a hug.

“It’s been a long time!” Angri was not comfortable with his enthusiasm, and hurried to say hello.

“Of course I haven’t seen each other for a long time. I’ve counted it has been gone for seven or eight hundred years. How is it now? Are you going to join the Desperate Hotel this time?” Redbeard said while looking for Angele. Sit at a table.

He snapped his fingers, and two large black wine glasses filled with light yellow wine automatically appeared on the table.

“Seven or eight hundred years?” Angell narrowed her eyes. “I remember it wasn’t long before I left …”

Red Beard’s gaze was fixed, and he carefully looked up and down Angliet. Then shook his head.

“You still have a certain smell of time acceleration. Did you go to some places where time and space are disordered? And. There is still a weird smell in your body. Can you talk about it? On you What happened. “

“I’m here to ask for your help. I have a mark on my body that can stop me from entering other worlds. I need to find a way to release it.” Angele turned, the soil on his back The armor slowly melted and separated from the sides, revealing a fair back.

The center of the back is lined with a pale green scarf-like pattern. The silk scarf was full of purple human eyes, hundreds of them, and blinked from time to time.

As soon as Redbeard’s eyes were seen, his face suddenly turned white, and the wine glass in his hand almost fell off.

“Oh my **** … where did you get this thing !!! This … This is the ancestor! The ancestor’s mark !!” His original voice was unconsciously lightened, and his voice was faint. Some shivered.

“Surely the Patriarch’s Mark. Is there a way?” Angele turned around and the back armor was automatically covered. “You were called a mobile library in the first place. This little thing shouldn’t bother you?”

“Little things !!!” Red Beard held up the glass and mumbled a few sips of wine, slammed it on the table. “This is the ancestor’s mark! Only the existence of the ancestor as a target or prey will be planted. And the most important point is that the ancestor’s mark is not only the ability to locate and block the world’s shuttle, it can also make you irreversible Hurt! “


“As time goes on, the deeper the mark, the stronger this damage or influence! Although I do n’t know which ancestor of the mark on your body. However, I suggest you go to the Moon Wheel Empire There is the most detailed information about the ancestor’s imprint there. All the ancestors in the neighboring wizard world have records there. You can compare the imprints one by one to find out which ancestor’s imprint. This may have a way to find a solution. ” Redbeard said in a breath, looking at Angle as if he were dead. “I advise you to hurry up, the deeper this imprint, you may even suppress the teleportation and elementalization. You can only move slowly in a straight line.”

“Moonwheel Empire? Where is it? Why haven’t I heard of it before?” Angell’s face also stared.

“It is a huge ancient empire in the underground world, not a human tribe, and it is not connected with the ground on our side. They are independent of the central and western parts, and are huge empires established by the night elves. The Age of Light. The War of the Light Ancestors had little effect on them at the time. They were the only races that did not need a light life. So they did not participate in the war at that time, and are still very closed and mysterious until now. I also heard a friend mention it The materials of the night elves are all-encompassing. Even the seal of the ancestors. “

“Isn’t it connected here? So how do I need to get in?” Angele frowned. “What do you have to do after entering?”

“Enter the address, I remember it is somewhere near the ruins on the west coast. I will draw a map for you later. After entering, remember to look for the night mother tree of the moon empire. They are the most knowledgeable existence there and should be able to identify you. The mark on your body. Find a solution. “Redbeard sighed.” I thought I was waiting for a foreign aid. I didn’t expect you to be in a lot of trouble. Come on, don’t delay. The longer the time, the more trouble you will have. “

Angele patted him on the shoulder. “Thanks a lot, but I can leave a projection here, maybe it can help you.”

“What can a projection do?”

“That may be indeterminate.”

Angel smiled.

After ten minutes …

Angel came out of the hotel, looked at the black paper map on his hand, and drawn many dense lines and names with red lines. One of the most conspicuous ones is exactly what Ram said …

A red dot is marked there. It says: Entrance underground.

“West Coast …” Angele looked up, a look of nostalgia on his face.

The faculty of the former Ram’s college has gone to the ground, and now I don’t know how. There are partners who studied together before. And Lise Pell, her best friend at the time.

Everything that happened in the sea of ​​gems flashed before me.

Angel suddenly had an urge, a strong urge to go back and see.

How did his father die, how is his family now, how has Lispeel been living for so many years, and how does the mentor live underground?

Angel looked at the golden scorching sun that gradually rose to the top of his head, adjusted his downward direction, and walked quickly toward the west of the central part. Within a few steps, the body instantly turned into a flame and disappeared. When it appeared again, it was hundreds of meters away, and then turned into a flame again, flashing to a further place.

Gradually, his shadow gradually disappeared deep in the grassland.

And where he originally stood, a dark red flame ignited from the air, condensing into an identical human shape. The human body was initially translucent. As time passed, the body gradually stabilized. Amazingly turned into another Angle.

“Leave it to me here.” Angle smiled lightly on his face, glanced in the direction where he was leaving, and turned towards the Desperate Hotel.

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