The Wizard World: 598 Day Circle 1

“Everything is a coincidence …” Angele watched the two of them silently, standing at the hatch. Thoughts flashed through my heart, but nothing happened.

The blood from the corpses on the ground slowly merged into a corner, and the air was filled with a thick **** smell.

“Kill him!” The two men in black pulled out their pistols and aimed at Ange almost simultaneously.嗤嗤 Two blue lights hit the wall beside Angle instantly.

The beam left two black smoky black pits on the white wall.

Angele was standing still, and a handful of round hard candy had popped up at random. The light yellow amber hard candy hit the man in black like a bullet, and the beam gun was biased.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Angele rushed to take a palm on each of the two chests. It looked like a lightly printed two palms, and fell on the two, as if they were knocked down by a car.


After the two beeps, the two men in black tilted to the ground, spit blood in their mouths, and the entire chest cavity was completely trapped in half, with a bulge in the back.

Angele sighed. Now his speed and power are far from those of ordinary martial arts. The power that erupted in this moment is enough to easily solve these two invaders.

Pick up the beam gun, aim at a burst of fire on the chests of the two, and completely smash the palm prints unrecognizable. Angele dropped the gun and turned away.

I didn’t forget to remove the small device that the man stuck on the wall before leaving.

Walking in the aisle of soft yellow cabins, Angele easily crushed the small instrument and stuck it on the left wall. Quickly turned over the front door.

“Perhaps, I already understand the composition of this world …”

He walked in the cabin and quietly returned to his seat and sat down. The blue light flickered in his eyes, and he looked at the night sky outside the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

Boom! !! !!

Suddenly, there was a loud boom at the tail of the aircraft. It seems something exploded.

The entire plane jittered violently, and the fuselage began to skew left and right.

Li Xiulin, Song Yingying and others all woke up, one by one, they haven’t figured out what happened.

“Skydiving!” Angle shouted. The sound was inconspicuous in the rumble of the plane.

A few people immediately reflected, and immediately took off the back of the black umbrella bag from the back of the seat. Xiao Nian and his sister Song Yan were a little stunned and didn’t dare to move when they were in place.

Li Xiulin, the three of Angele quickly helped them to carry umbrella bags.

At this time, the rest of the flight attendants on this private plane had no sound, and it was cleared long ago.

The rumble became louder and louder, and several people couldn’t speak at all. You can only gesture with gestures.

Angel and teacher Song Yanying are in charge of Xiao Nian and sister Song Yan, and they are gathered together.

Li Xiulin tried to open the cabin door, and everyone jumped out of the cabin one by one.

Angle jumped on the umbrella bag switch with one hand holding Xiaonian, and jumped forward fiercely. The whole person suddenly fell into the dark night sky.

Ah! !! !!

Xiao Nian screamed loudly in Angele’s ear. His head was completely buried in Angele’s arms.

Angel suddenly glanced back at the plane during the violent fall. A thick black smoke was slowly emerging from the tail of the fuselage. He knew it should be a bomb exploding in the ground that had not been detected before.

He glanced down at the gray black and white round base in the endless black mountains. The base is brightly lit, and people are faintly visible. Boxes of white containers stacked.

Angle hugged a small thought. Pull the umbrella bag switch hard.


The white parachute opens suddenly, forming a semicircle to support it, which instantly cancels out the large half gravity acceleration.

Angel looked at the vast forest and base below, suddenly there was an inexplicable sense of unrealism.

“The Ball of the Four Seasons …. Perhaps seeing the Ball of the Four Seasons is the time to unravel the truth …” He looked back at the night sky.

A pale green rainbow in the sky. Forming gauze, slowly floating in the night sky.

“The green veil, the luminous green veil.” I don’t know where the memory came from, tell him the name of the green light.

Angel’s blue eyes flashed weird.

The white parachute slowly descends into the sea of ​​black trees. Like the same white mushroom.

Angel took a dumb-minded voice and both were shaken by a parachute hanging from the canopy.

Take a deep breath. Finally, it was easy to slow down the heartbeat that was about to pop out.

“What now?” Xiao Nian asked in a low voice,

Angel took out a small knife from his waist, and cut off the umbrella bag rope with a few knives. He lowered his foot slightly on the branch and fell to the ground holding Xiaonianyu.

The canopy is not high from the ground, only four or five meters away, and Angele jumps down with one person alone.

After the two fell to the ground, Xiaonian breathed a long sigh of relief, and her bright eyes stared at Angele. “Brother, what do you do now? It really is the plot in the novel. Those from the Li family sent killers to blow up our plane!”

Angele shook his head and stretched out his hands. His skin was getting whiter and paler, and there was a sign of translucency.

“No rush now, find the big brother first, if I’m not wrong, we will soon meet the big brothers.” His tone was calm and abnormal, and he looked deep into the woods on the left. “Come with me.”

He found a direction arbitrarily, walked forward quickly, Xiao Nian hesitated, and followed closely.

The two are moving forward in the woods one after the other, and soon, the front looms to speak.

There is a hint of white light in the depths of the forest.

Angel’s pupil narrowed, and she returned to her normal expression, accelerating towards white light.

As soon as they walked out, they saw a small piece of open space in front of them, with a small black plane parked there, in a triangular shape.

Master Li Xiulin is **** by two men in black and put on the plane, while master Song Yunying lies motionless in a pool of blood. My sister Song Kun was shot through her right shoulder and left leg with a strong bald head on her body.

There is a mess on the grass. There is blood and the scorch of the beam gun everywhere. The bodies of the two men in black are lying motionless on the ground.

“Master !! Sister!” Xiao Nian screamed suddenly and rushed over to kick the bald man riding Song Song.

Angel went to his teacher Song Yiying. He sniffed and was out of breath.

He stood up silently, with no expression on his face, no sadness, no anger, but not indifferent, but an inexplicable weird expression.

Oh! !!

Two blue beams shot Xiaonian to the ground far.

Angele speeded up sharply and rushed towards the two men in black at the mouth of the plane, both of whom raised their guns at the same time. Aim at him.

Two beeps, two metal keys inserted into their throats. The men in black were suddenly distorted.

Angele rushed into the plane and laid Li Xiulin flat on the ground.

Li Xiulin had blood in his throat, his eyes widened and speechless. He clenched Angri’s hand tightly. As if to say something, but only the sound of blood in the mouth. Finally, he tilted his head and kept his eyes open.

Angele flashed blue light, and gently found a small black skin from the small bag hanging on Li Xiulin’s chest.

Remove the skin and squeeze it. Pour out an egg-size colorless transparent crystal ball from inside.

“The Ball of Four Seasons …”

Angele stood up holding the ball and looked at the bald man in black who was trying to escape in the distance.

The birthmark behind him became more and more painful, but it did not affect Angel’s mind in the slightest. He picked up the Four Seasons Ball and aimed at the bald man in the distance.

Through the sphere. Everything you see changes instantly …

The ground is black and cracked, there is no lawn, only black mud and white bones.

The sky is gloomy gray without any other color. The tall woods are gray and black stone pillars.

The most conspicuous is.

The bald man who is fleeing in the distance is actually a human body with more than half of his body rotten. Every step under his feet. Will leave blood and water footprints.

“Dad!” Song Yanli cried beside him, “Little girl!”

She crouched on the ground, covering her face with her hands and crying.

Angle did not walk over, he just quietly picked up the ball of the four seasons and looked at Song Yan through the sphere.

In the middle of the cracked black earth, a naked white-skinned woman is squatting on the ground and crying. Her left face is covered with countless white tapeworms, and her right face is Sensen’s bones. Song Song’s refreshing short hair did not Then, in its place, a mess of clutter like waterweeds rests on top of your head.

Angele sighed and let go of the Four Seasons Ball. Everything is back to normal.

“What is this world ……”

He stood by the plane and looked up at the sky. The pale green veil of the dark night sky floated slowly, put in a wavy tulle, beautiful.

Recalling when I first separated the soul into the abandoned baby, and all kinds of memories from childhood to Xiaoyun of the Song Dynasty, the scenes of the movie flowed from my eyes.

“Xiaoyun!” Song Yan’s voice suddenly came.

Angel looked at him, just as Song Yan stood up hard, eyes full of hatred and despair. “It must be revenge! It must be !!!”

Angele didn’t answer, but just quietly picked up the ball of the four seasons, feeling that the birthmark on the back slowly cooled down, and then looked at the plane through the sphere.

The new shell of the black plane suddenly became shabby and rusty gray-black. Distortions and cracks even appeared in some places.

“Sister, is there a ruin of Karon nearby?” Angele asked suddenly.

“What do you want to do !?” Song Yan looked at Angele’s overly calm face, and suddenly felt a sense of suffocation.

“Just tell me if I have one, I want to verify one thing …” Angliet said lightly, “Maybe they still have a rescue master.”

“Xiaoyun, are you okay ?!” Song Yan suddenly rushed over and held Angliel’s shoulder.

“Sister, answer me first, I have a way to rescue the masters.” Angele said flatly, as if saving the dead was a trivial matter.

Song Yan swallowed, and looked at Angela slightly changed. “Don’t make trouble … Dad, they’re dead …”

Angele sighed, and picked up the Four Seasons Ball slightly on top.

A light red line slowly emerges from the ball. Angele looked at the lines carefully, turned and walked directly in the direction of the woods. Song Yan stood blankly and looked at him, at a loss.

Angele slowly watched the changes of the Four Seasons Ball while walking.

Unconsciously, he has entered a dark ruin. Around it were broken stone pillars and collapsed stone houses.

Angel walked through the ruins for a while, and finally stopped slowly in front of a black stone half-inserted on the ground.

He squatted down and wiped off the ashes on the stone.

‘Forgotten world …’ is a green chaotic line inscribed on the stele.

Angel picks up the ball of the four seasons and looks at the stele through the sphere.

The above text is still the same, the stele is the original stele, there is no change.

“Here ….” Angliel suddenly said something, but still didn’t say anything, continued to stand up, and slowly turned in the rubble.

Soon, he found another stone monument.

Squatting in front of the stone monument, he carefully wiped the dust off.

The stone is engraved with countless words, and the first line seems to be a preface.

“The land of sinking, the land of cursing, this is the end of the world, the end of everything …”

Angele looked down.

‘It ’s not that I ca n’t remember, but I do n’t want to forget myself. Just follow people’s wishes. ’

Suggesting this sentence carefully, Angele suddenly felt a sense of surprise.

“Three years … three years, enough …..”

He stood up, walked back into the dark woods, and soon disappeared. (To be continued)

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