The Wizard World: 593 opportunity 2

Time passed by minute by minute, Song Xiaoyun closed her eyes, then opened them again, and the red light in her eyes completely disappeared. шwщ

“I’m not dead?” He shrugged out his hand and shook it. “Good young body, is this the carrier that a little soul I split out found?”

He shook his neck, and rattling knuckles all over his body.

“I’m Song Xiaoyun and Angelo Finnier. Now that I’ve entered this world, I’ll call it Song Xiaoyun. The quality of this body is not that bad,” recalled Angelo. The old monster slammed it hard from the back. At that time, he had no choice but to condense most of his strength into a sword, and the soul set aside to find the carrier alone, and waited to come back later to wake up the body, otherwise he might fall into a permanent sleep. .

“This time the injury was too severe. The masquerade mask was completely destroyed. If it was replaced by another seal, it is unlikely that there would be any hope of survival!” He had a heavy tone, and touched his lower back with his hands. The skin there was still A large purple-black birthmark remained. At that time, a trace of blood from that old monster splashed up.

At that time, because the world window was destroyed, time and space broke, and Angele blew two top magic weapons, the old monster was still thin and slightly injured. After a blow to Angele, the blood from her splash also splashed. Shot into Angele’s back, this is the source of the feeling of being hit by the train at that time.

“Fortunately, it ’s not that there ’s no gain.” Angle touched the birthmark on his back. “This blood has been completely printed on my soul, using the blood of the old monster’s body as a guide. As long as you raise the wound, I should be able to try to break through the level of the ancestor Xifan and achieve the ancestor without roots.

He closed his eyes, and now he can recall the snake-like neck of the old monster that flew last, the fluctuations and frequencies of time and space, and a strange and special force field, as if carrying several worlds The same terror power.

“Maybe this is an opportunity” He took a deep breath, turned over and walked towards the other side of the cliff, and climbed down the rope.

He is flexible and easily follows the rope. Remove the flying claws again and again, find a point to fix again, and climb down again.

In just two hours, he easily climbed down the cliff. Stand firmly in the woods on the **** below.

“My body has not undergone any meditation or anything, it is based on the basic training of the knights, just the foundation.” He checked his body and flashed a little blue light in his eyes.

“Now everything has to be practiced from the beginning, but this recovery will not take long, at most a few years. Three years, up to three years will be able to completely restore the original strength.” Angele thoroughly checked his own Physical conditions.

Equivalent to a knight apprentice. This is a good evaluation. If you follow the wizarding world’s standards, Song Xiaoyun is just an ordinary person who can fight.

“Chip. Statistics all the knowledge that Song Xiaoyun has.”

‘statistical task creation’

‘Begin extracting memories’

‘The statistics are as follows: 1 social common sense. 2 Basic Mathematics 3 Basic Fitness. 4 Night Monkey Fist. Spirit Snake Palm. footwork. ’

‘Automatically organize your memory, unify and calculate your grade data’

‘Song Xiaoyun, Angelio Neilio. Strength 11. Agile 12. Constitution 20 Spirit 11. Mana 0. The genetic limit is currently not reached. Status: Normal. ’

Angel groaned as he looked at the data in front of him.

“Integrate the fighting skills data and divide the levels.”


Night monkey fist emerged from his eyes. Snake Palm, detailed data of three fighting skills of footwork.

“Eh? Interesting” Angele glanced and found that these three skills are different from the wizarding world.

In the Wizarding World, all knights have similar basic fighting. The main difference is in tricks and hole cards.

These three sets of fighting techniques are actually a complete set of systems. They are not basic exercises from the beginning and cannot be practiced at all. The effect of this is that this technique is much better than the fighting skills of the wizarding world.

“It’s a bit like Chinese martial arts on the earth before, good systemic” Anglile carefully looked at the three methods of practice.

“Anyway, I now have a powerful soul, and there is no elemental energy here. The release of witchcraft can only rely on blood, which is too wasteful, but I can practice and look at the skills here. It can also fit into the environment here.”

Angele didn’t want to be discovered by the powerful guardians of the world when he first came in, hiding himself completely, waiting for three years to recover from injury, and going to a higher level is his fundamental pursuit.

“With a large amount of negative energy stored, I don’t need to do anything, and my soul will naturally recover to its original level after three years. I can use these three years to thoroughly learn about the things in this world”

He looked up and looked at the bright early morning sky, with silver stars faintly visible among the white clouds.

“In the future, I will mainly focus on the fighting skills here. With serious injuries, I can’t be farther away from ordinary people now.”

Although he awakened his memory and recovered his stored soul power, Anglia could not use his blood power and witchcraft talents to fully recover within three years.

In other words, he is exactly the same as he was before he awakened.

It makes no difference whether it’s physical or mental. Except for the sealer’s memory and powerful soul, which has been around for hundreds of years, it is no different.

The only advantage is the chip. The chip after multiple upgrades is powerful. This thing is strengthened step by step with Angli’s soul, but it should be able to help him accelerate integration.

After sorting out his thoughts, Angele pulled out a blank paper map from a purse around his waist and checked it. Just trot straight into the depths of the forest.

A few days later

Linhai City on the edge of the tree sea

This is a small city on the edge of the mountain. Looking down from the heights, the buildings inside are mostly gray and dilapidated. Several long-established glass buildings are the highest symbol of this small city.

A clear river flows in a circle around the city and becomes a moat in disguise.

There is a continuous stream of two-wheeled cars between urban houses. Most of these vehicles have blue veins on the surface. No matter it is a red shell, white, or black, it has the same blue vein.

Only a few gorgeous and exquisite cars will have a red vein.

A martial arts hall with a square courtyard stands near a distant middle school in the city.

Two columns of mahogany support the gate, and a round stone-shaped plaque hangs on the horizontal plaque, which reads: Ji Xiu.

The Tochigi gate is half open. From the crack of the door, you can see the square white stone training field with weeds inside. The sunlight shines on the training field, reflecting some glare of white light.

Slowly stop a bright blue vein taxi at the door. The door popped open and a young man was drilled out. The driver gave two black banknotes to the driver. The man stood in front of the martial arts hall and looked up a bit torn. The plaque sighed slightly.

The man looks like he is only about twenty years old, but if you look closely, you can see that his actual age is much younger, but the temperament in his eyes reveals a different feeling from ordinary teenagers.

He is wearing a white sportswear, ordinary white sneakers under his feet, and a gray and white shoulder bag on his back, which is the kind of student’s back. There are faint yellow patches in some places. Obviously it was a yellow schoolbag. Fading directly into this.

“Finally back,” Angler sighed. His original features were a bit ugly, and his frowns became even more frowning.

“Xiaoyun, are you back? Where did you go for a tour? It took so long to come back?” The owner of a snack shop on the right asked with a smile.

“I went to Triangle Cliffs and didn’t go far this time. How is Uncle Ma’s business?”

“It’s okay, these days, students are on holiday. It’s the off-season. You also know the school.”

The owner of the snack shop started chatting with Angliel without a word, pulling him for a long time and letting him enter the martial arts hall.

Into the Wuguan, there is a row of bungalows around the square Baishi training ground, forming a courtyard. There are three rooms in each row.

Angel saw a blue-eyed boy with thick eyebrows entering the door, slowly punching in the shade on the edge of the training ground.

The boy’s short black hair is all combed to one side, his strong upper body is full of strong dark muscle blocks, his face is not handsome, but he has a fierce temperament.

What he practiced is Song Xiaoyun’s Night Monkey Boxing. When he is fast, the fist will crackle. When he is slow, it will be like a grind. Different from Song Xiaoyun’s smart style, the boy’s feet were tied one step at a time, like nails, steady and steady.

“Brother!” Angele screamed as he saw the strong boy.

The boy closed his chest with his hands, exhaled, and was surrounded by the sweat of his sweat.

“Xiaoyun is back? Your sister and Xiaonian are looking for you. Someone from the army came to you the day before yesterday. It should be the foreign boy who was walking on the street corner to call the police. Take your time.”

Angel made the same ashamed expression as before. “My own business, I have to trouble the teacher again this time.” After so many years together, he has long seen that the grand master of the martial arts, his sister and sister are really good to him, although he was only a little bit of Angli Abandoned baby replaced by the soul, but it is not someone who does not know what to do.

Big brother Li Xiulin is superficially indifferent. In fact, he takes care of everyone in the martial arts.

“It’s good to know. If it wasn’t for the master and Uncle Cheng of the police station, this thing is really hard to do. But it was completely dealt with yesterday, but you should pay attention to it later.”

“Knowing Master,” Angliet nodded, and answered, “What about the teacher? And the sister and Xiaonian? Are they all in the training hall?”

The training hall is the main source of income for the martial arts hall. It recruits students who love fighting, and collects tuition as income. Equivalent to short training courses.


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