The Wizard World: 592 Opportunity 1

Between a lush vast tree and sea, there stands a huge tan cliff quietly, like a triangular cake cut out separately, and the cliff is lonely in the depth of the green tree sea. There were white clouds of air floating around.

The cliff top is flat and covered with dark brown moss.

Hoo! !! !!

A sudden whistling sounded in the dark gray sky.

At the tip of the triangular cliff, a dark red cross sword descends from the sky, spinning like a red wheel, piercing the edge of the cliff.

Oh! !!

With a crisp sound, most of the sword body slanted into the cliff, leaving only a section of the sword handle exposed outside. The hilt guard is a coiled black-red weird scorpion, which looks abnormal.

Suddenly, the sword’s body suddenly trembled, a little red light flew from the hilt of the sword, and flew towards the sky.

Time passes slowly, day and night alternate, spring goes to winter, and the cliffs are covered with a thick layer of white snow, and then slowly melt. It didn’t take long to be covered with white snow again.

嚓嚓 嚓

The wind is whining, and the entire cliff along with the sea of ​​trees is completely plunged into a world of snow.

On the top of the cliff, there are clear sounds of stepping on the snow, and it keeps ringing rhythmically.

Soon, a white-haired old man with a medicine basket appeared next to the dark red sword.

“There is a sword here?” The old man carried a half-filled medicine basket, walked to the edge of the dark red cross sword, and squatted down to take a closer look. “This is the top of the green leaves. Who else will come here besides the medicine? Is it the climbers?”

The old man muttered in a low voice, he noticed that the surface of the cross sword was covered with black-red rust, and the hilt was covered with green moss.

He reached out to hold the hilt of the sword, pulled it out hard, and did not respond at all.

“So deep!” The old man shook his head. “Strange” the language in his mouth was actually clear and chaotic.

Hesitating for a while beside the red sword, the sky gradually darkened, and the old man finally left with regret.

More than ten days after night and day alternate, a sunny morning.

Three or four figures climbed up the cliff. One of them was the old man who had taken medicine before, and the other three were young men and women in tight black-green clothes. He is only seventeen or eighteen years old.

“Grandma Matu, is the strange sword you mentioned above right here?” a young girl asked curiously.

“That’s right, you can go and see for yourself.” The old man pointed at the red sword by the cliff in the distance.

The three young men cheered suddenly, all rushing to the strange sword that fell to the ground.

Three men surround the red sword. I started to shovel the surrounding rocks with a shovel, but it didn’t work for a long time. The rocks and stones here are hard and abnormal. The red sword dropped from the sky without knowing how high it can be. It can only cut to such a depth. It is not their metal tools that can dig.

“I don’t know who deliberately read the novel. I deliberately inserted a sword here, forget it, and go back.”

“Also, this kind of workmanship and brand-newness can only be created by current talents, and it is estimated that it is a bad joke who is here.”

Two men and one woman dug for a long time around the red sword, only a little surface of moss and black soil was dug out. Impatient finally. Until the sky was getting dark, this unwilling uncle left.

The people who watch the strange swords come in spring and winter come and go. Many people try to dig out the strange swords, but there is no way.

I don’t know how many years have passed.

The red sword is covered with countless layers of black and gray. Forms a hard sword-shaped shell. The entire blade is getting thicker and bigger.

Gradually the entire surface of the metal part of the sword is covered with black, gray, and black soil, and the shape completely turns into a dark brown stone pillar. A stone pillar shaped like a sword.

The surface of the black stone pillar is also covered with dark green moss, and several tender green plants are slowly blooming on it. The fruit then withers.

On the edge of the sword, one person came and left.

At the beginning, there were still a lot of people, and there was a wave every year. Suddenly, no one came here.

The sword-shaped stone pillar also gradually changed from rumor to history, then reduced to legend, and eventually was completely forgotten.

No one comes here anymore. The sword-shaped stone pillars are getting thicker and stronger, and they are no different from ordinary stone pillars. The entire shape is covered in layers of grey earth, and no sword shape can be seen anymore.

On the triangular stone cliffs, the druggiver came, the tourist came, and some mountain enthusiasts also came. Occasionally soldiers and fugitives in dark green military uniforms came, and even people died on the cliff top.

Flocks of birds occasionally stop on stone pillars, and sometimes monkeys climb up.

A variety of people and animals come and leave.

This place is very high, with very few people, only once every many years.

Unconsciously, time flies. Hundreds of years have passed again

100 years later

The sunlight in spring is pale golden, evenly spreading over the entire cliff surface, bright and not overheating.

At the edge of the dark brown cliff, a dark-haired boy in black sportswear is struggling to climb the cliff along a thick rope of climbing claws.

He was sweating all over, his skin was dark, and his facial features were normal when he looked at it alone, but when combined, it gave a deformed ugly feeling.

The teenager looks very tired, but those black eyes are extremely bright and tough. He was unusually strong, and as soon as he climbed from the edge of the cliff, he rolled over and lay on the ground panting.

“Here is the top of the green leaves? Far from the main peak of the Andy Mountains.” The teenager shook his head in disappointment. He rolled over, and walked straight towards the only black stone pillar in front.

Walk to the stone pillar, holding the pillar overlooking the sea of ​​trees.

The teenager takes a deep breath, slowly spit out evenly in nine rhythms, and slowly emits a white gas in his mouth.

He released his hand, stood upright, his arms flicked forward and crackled, and his whole body shook open a layer of black and gray, and was slowly scattered by the wind. It was the dirt and dust on the clothes that came up the mountain.

After the boy shook off the dust, he stood by the stone pillar and started punching one after another. His movements were soothing and powerful. He seemed to have two heavy objects hanging on his hands, and his hands were calm and natural. Move between steps. Light and flexible, like an old ape in the same mountain.

As the boxing was played over and over again, the teenager’s head slowly burst into warmth.

Suddenly, he folded his arms and slammed on the only black stone pillar.


The palm leaves two clear fingerprints on the stone pillar.


The boy slowly exhales white gas, stands upright, and closes his eyes slowly.

“I have come here from the Grumia Peak for three years, and I have no slackness every day, but I still can’t break through the last step and enter the legendary knighthood”

He looks up at the cliff. On the broad tree sea horizon, a pale golden round sun is slowly rising.

“In the legend, the knight-level masters are unimpeded, and even the hardest rocks and metals can be easily broken by raising their hands. Unfortunately, they are now declining extremely, and their personal strength is far from being collectively stronger than individuals. Also It ’s better than a gun.

The boy sat cross-legged and looked at the sea of ​​trees below the cliff calmly.

The breeze blew, the sea was choppy, and there was a rush of noise. A group of blue birds chased away from the forest and soared in the distance.

“Unfortunately, I ca n’t witness the ancient times. I used to be a glorious era for the masters of the Ming Tower”


Suddenly a sharp noise came from the boy’s waist.

He frowned, removed a black leather case from the waist belt, opened the leather case button, and inside was a circular display. A line of chaotic text is displayed in black and white above.

The teenager looked at the text on the monitor, and there was a hint of impatience in his eyes. Squeeze a button on the top of the circular display.

A woman’s anxious voice suddenly appeared in the monitor.

“Song Xiaoyun, are you in trouble? Actually, people from the army are looking for you everywhere! Now the entire hotel has been turned over! You just don’t come back! Don’t come back!”

“What’s going on?” The teenager Song Xiaoyun frowned even deeper.

“I don’t know, it’s safest to stay outside anyway now! Remember! Don’t come back! Before I can figure out the situation!” The woman’s voice suddenly cut off.

Song Xiaoyun suddenly felt agitated. Turn off the communicator, and put it in the holster.

He has no father and mother since childhood. An orphan, who lived in the orphanage to the age of ten, was adopted by an old martial artist and lived in a fallen martial arts hall. He became the son of the old martial artist.

The martial artist has only one daughter, who is very good to him. He almost pinned all his dreams of seeking ancient poles on his son.

Song Xiaoyun is also extremely enthusiastic about Ji Dao. He followed the martial arts to practice the martial arts, but unfortunately his qualifications were not good. It was only five years, and he just barely had some extra skills. The body is also strong. But unfortunately, he still couldn’t follow the expectations of the martial artist to break the pole.

Unfortunately, the military master was disappointed. Fortunately, after adopting Song Xiaoyun, he took in two apprentices, one male and one female, and raised him since childhood. Instead it surpassed Song Xiaoyun a lot. Although it didn’t break into the pole, the strength of foreign power has been a lot stronger.

Song Xiaoyun was also extremely disappointed in himself, so he went out alone, went to the desolate land, took the sky as the bed, and vowed to pursue the ultimate breakthrough.

In today’s society, personal poles are far from the mainstream. Firearms made with blue fluorite as the main source of energy are the main force. Even if they are new knights who have entered the pole, only three or more firearms are encountered. Capable.

As the artillery, chariots, aircrafts and other war machines became more powerful, the individual strength became smaller and smaller in this environment. Until now reduced to fitness.

Recalling these, Song Xiaoyun took a deep breath, and reached out and stroked the two handprints he had just made on the stone pillar.

Suddenly, the stone pillars began to drop down layers one by one, and the entire stone pillars began to scatter layers of stone shells.

Song Xiaoyun was frightened, and retreated back sharply. Every two steps back, he saw that the stone pillar collapsed almost completely, exposing a red sword stuck in the ground.

“This is ?!” Song Xiaoyun froze slightly, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes.

Om! !!

The ground began to vibrate violently, and the red long sword flew out, turning into a red line, piercing Song Xiaoyun’s forehead straight.


The sword body pierced into the eyebrow like a lightning, as if drilling into a bottomless hole. The entire red sword was drilled into the heart of Song Xiaoyun’s eyebrow, leaving only a black-red scorpion mark flashing slowly.

Song Xiaoyun stood still, letting a long sword pierce his head, and in a moment, everything was calm again.

The red light in his eyes is getting brighter and more dazzling.


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