The Wizard World: 579 Rescue 2

Since the day of heavy rain, Freila has regained her lively and cheerful look. The two were still a sleeping tent and a sleeping carriage.

Freila occasionally ran down the mountain the night before buying condiments, and ran to the tent and slept with Angele next to her.

Angel also made a new progress in the analysis of the mysterious force field, reaching 6%.

Time passes slowly, and in a blink of an eye, months pass.

Angele also finally cleaned the tomb opposite the stream, and some of the grievances and corpses inside it were decomposed directly with medicine powder to feed the fish. The entire tomb was re-opened with several vents, and Freira cleaned it up completely.

The two also moved everything in, and the carriage and tent were removed and put in the tent and hidden. After clearing all traces by the stream, the two moved directly into the tomb to live.

During this period, Helia and Cynthia and others also came to Angele twice to treat injuries, and each time they were half dead and seriously injured.

The two men also have a big, dark-skinned man named Wanshen who is said to be a descendant of an ancient nation.

From the three populations, Angele learns that they are often seriously injured. They were all caused by a church paladin named Lei Xu, who almost died alive.

When it comes to this thunderbearing, they are gritted and biting.

Gradually, after Angell moved into the grave, they came to treat more and more, and everyone was accustomed to it.


In the pale yellow tomb bedroom, a black semicircular oil lamp hangs on the wall. The flames of the thumbs on the left and right cool the whole bedroom, and it looks a little dark.

Angele lies on the gray bed in the middle, and has been conducting high-intensity research for four consecutive days, and finally can’t hold back his sleepiness. Set a warning matrix, and go straight to sleepiness.

His side was cuddling with Freila, and the little boy’s eyes kept tearing in his sleep. She is an unrestricted person who enters and exits the Angular Rune. She lives in the grave of the dead. Even if she is always careless, she does not dare to sleep alone.

Oh! !!

The wooden door of the tomb suddenly heard a knock, which was dull.

The moment the sound sounded, the tomb bedroom suddenly filled with black smoke that was invisible to human eyes. And quickly formed a black circle, slowly rotating around Angele on the bed.

A bitter chill passed slowly to Angele.

He opened his eyes slowly.

Oh! !!

Knocking again.

Freila also opened her eyes and smashed her mouth a few times. “Here comes again …”

Angel glanced at the little guy who went to sleep silently, shook his head silently, and turned over to get up. Quickly put on a gray cloth robe, opened the door and went out, followed a short section of stone steps in the corridor, gently raised the gate and opened the door.

The cold air suddenly came in, and in the heavy rain, there were three black capes.

“Trouble again …” The black cloak at the front raised his face. Helia’s bloodstained face was revealed.


He slammed forward, rolled down the stone steps from the gap beside Angele, rolled over and fell to the ground, his eyes narrowing slightly. Hands and feet tremble constantly, but they can’t move all the time.

“Green … do you know my sister?”

The other two were also on the trend of rolling forward, and were dragged in by Anglieu. The probe looked at the gray sky outside, and it was not completely dawn. This closed the wooden door severely.

Taking Cynthia and the big thorns. Dropped directly on the ground and lined up with Hyria.

“What’s wrong with your sister? This time it’s so embarrassing again, or that thunderbearer?” Anglia whispered beside Hyria.

“Yeah … my sister was arrested … I hope you can help me!” Hailia shook her hand. I want to hold it, but I ca n’t do it. “I didn’t have any injuries this time, I was all tired and consumed too much.”

A strange look flashed in his eyes: “I never knew, I turned out to have been protected by my sister … until today …”

Angel smiled, “Your sister asked you to ask me for help?”

“Hmm.” Helia looked at Angele with a hint of doubt. “I don’t know why he doesn’t want to see you, and he asked me to talk to you every time. But this time, he said, No matter what your purpose is, as long as you help me this time, he will consider meeting you. “

“He? Still thinking about meeting me?” Angle smiled, a slight contempt flashed in his eyes. “It seems you are mistaken. I’m helping you not for him but for you and your sister. That’s all. Maybe other people will be very happy to see him, but that doesn’t mean it is me. He Seeing me has no effect on me. “

Heliya stared at him for a moment, speechless. “You know what I said?”

“Stop that.” Angli interrupted him, “how can I help you!”

“How do I know?” Haylia smiled bitterly. “How are you going to help me?”

Angele touched his chin and groaned. “Take a break and come to the treatment room for a while.” He got up and walked towards the room deep in the tomb.

Halia is lying on the ground. “Anyone has a wish, anyone! If his sincerity is enough, I will consider meeting him.” A cold voice sounded in his ear.

“Is Green helping us so much, isn’t it enough to meet your requirements?” Hailia said helplessly.

“Of course not.” The voice responded. “It’s up to you to agree to see him. Unless …”

“Unless what ?! You say! What conditions can promise to meet Green for sure! I’ll finish it!” Hailia’s eyes firmed.


After half an hour …

Light yellow grave treatment room

The entire tomb room has light yellow stone brick walls, and the same color along with the ground. The treatment room is just a small square room with four gray floor tiles side by side as a hospital bed, a cabinet and a set of tables The chair is all furniture.

Halia was sitting by a bed alone. Glancing at Angele on the chair, his gaze shifted to the brown desktop on one side.

There are four things on the table, white scissors, silver balls, red triangle cards, and a brown metal ring.

“This time your situation is extraordinary. You need to go deep into the church to organize the rescue of the hostages. For the sake of your boy friend, I have taken out the bottom of the box!” The flesh was sorely touching four things on the table.

He picked up the white scissors and looked like he was pinching the plaster. Small and exquisite.

“This is a quick-connected treatment tool for broken ribs that I made. It can only be used twice. As long as there is an injury such as broken ribs in that place, use this to cut in the most painful wound. You can quickly repair the broken tendons and hamstrings. In addition, the body is too injured, this thing is tied into the heart. Don’t go too deep, you can break the skin. It can stagnate your injury for an hourglass time, and all the injuries during the time , Will be stagnant. But as soon as the time comes, all injuries will erupt immediately after the time, concentrated outbreak. Be careful. “

Kaka Kaka.

He cut his scissors at will, making a slight noise.

“It’s a good thing …” Helia swallowed. Looking at the scissors, his eyes were green.

Angele picked up the second, an egg-sized silver ball.

“There is only one special explosive that I made, and I just smashed it to a hard place. Then I just threw it out for three breaths. Remember to throw it down and lie down. Although the direction of the explosion I deliberately designed to avoid throwing Orientation, but there will still be spillovers. Remember, the power is great … “Angliet lowered the ball gently.

Heliya didn’t feel anything, he had seen the power of explosives. Not so good, it can be used to cover retreat.

Angele saw it. With a sneer in his heart, if Helia knew that this explosive had a range of hundreds of meters, the power would be thousands of degrees even in this element’s energy-poor environment. I’m afraid this guy will jump up in fright.

Even if the orb is facing the knights of the church, the average paladin is estimated to be instantly killed. Angele once played against the legendary paladin Victor, and he could not escape the injured level without opening the pillar of sacred light.

He also inquired clearly these days. Although Victor can only be regarded as a reclusive paladin in the church, which is worse than Thunder, but this ball is best for clearing the field. .

“Then the third … triangle card and this ring.” Angele picked up two things.

“Isn’t it two?” Helia asked in surprise.

“It is two that can be used together.” Angle smiled. “The card can be used when it is lit. The aroma effect is that releasing it can double your speed and strength. Hourglass one-fifth duration (12 minutes) . And when you put on the ring, you will continue to release a kind of medicinal scent, so that people within a certain range around you, those who have smelled the card aroma, double the recovery speed and skin defense, while the overall duration increased by three hourglass ( Three hours). “

Heliya’s eyes are completely inflexible now, nailed to the card and ring.

Angele carefully replayed four things into Hailia’s arms.

“It’s over to you, my precious inventory …. Hurry up after two days of rest.”

Heliah carefully took the little black bag with her contents and stood up.


He actually fell to his knees, and struck Angrid with a forehead.

“I have taken care of you all the time!”

Angele didn’t expect him to make such a move, so he quickly helped him.

“Don’t do this, I also have my purpose! When you come back successfully, remember to give me enough blood samples, this time I won’t draw your blood. So as not to affect the subsequent rescue.”

He looked at Hailia in front of him, and there was a hint of blue in his eyes.

Hyalia’s blood has been stronger every time. The blood veins that Angele extracted from him last time have absorbed the crystal of Dawn Wizard, and have not engraved Runic Witchcraft On top. After that, the breath of blood would have little effect on him.

Angele speculates that the blood density of Hylia may be too low.

He feels that with Hailia fighting again and again, his veins are getting stronger and stronger, more and more, almost reaching a critical point. Just one more time should produce a qualitative change.

As for Helia’s mouth, he is nothing more than another personality in his body, a collection of memories and personality, the legendary doomed personality. But this is irrelevant to Angle. What he wanted was not bad luck, but the bloodline that had changed since Helia really awakened.

This time, he really took out all the things in the space mirror suitable for Hailia. Try to be foolproof.

“Then I’ll go to rest first.” “Go.”

Heliya hugged her baggage with joy, and turned to leave.

Angel was sitting on a chair with a pale blue halo flowing under her eyes.

“Almost, if you can see the hope of breakthrough, just look at the next time he returns …” (to be continued)

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