The Wizard World: 575 Chaos 2

“Even the church’s healing potion is useless?” Hailia flashed anxiety in her eyes, and turned to look at the ‘girl’ behind her. “Cynthia, isn’t that guy behind?”

“No.” Cynthia, who was more feminine than a woman, shook her head. “It’s long gone. You still have to worry about this guy on your back. He’ll be out of play after a few hourglasses.”

Halia looked up at the ox cart in front of the brook, and suddenly remembered the weird man he had encountered. And he said that they can charge for treatment.

His empty hand touched his waist pouch and drew it. He took out only five poor silver coins, all of them were dirty, and one of them was missing a corner.

“Cough … leave me alone … Let’s go …” The green-eyed man on his back woke up and said hoarsely.

Heliya ignored him and supported the man’s body to make it more secure. He moved his eyes firmly forward along the stream.


嗤 …

In the compartment, a burning green smoke floated from the back of the green-eyed man.

Angele held a black cigarette-like thing in his hand and gently pressed it on the skin behind the green-eyed man.

Halia and Freila are sitting side by side and watching them nervously.

The green-eyed man left the burnt cigarette **** on his back without any pain, except for a slight sweat stain on his forehead.

“Okay, this is the last wound.” Angele discarded the black smoke plume on his hand, and packed all the small packets of black smoke plume on the wooden table.

“This is my special fumigant for his injuries. The effect is obvious. Going back for a few days will be fine.”

“Thank you so much!” Hailia raised her hands and worshipped Angele, “Ember saved my benefactor. When you save him, you save me! What will come next … .. “” Remuneration. “

Angele interrupted him with a smile and stretched out his hand in front of him.

Heliya’s voice stopped abruptly, and she looked at Anglie embarrassed, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Even Freila could see that Hyria had no money to pay.

The green-eyed man is also a little red, apparently without money.

Angel’s face remains unchanged. “Is there no money? Just right, I need to do a pharmacy experiment. You can get some blood for me even if it’s the treatment fee.”

“Drawing blood?”

“Don’t worry, just smoke a little.” Anglis went out of a small box next to a glass syringe. It is as thick as a forearm.

Heliya swallowed, and suddenly felt a dry throat.

“Can you pump me?” The green-eyed man vocally.

“I don’t mind if you want to die.” Angle shrugged.

After half an hour ….

Heliya walked out of the carriage pale. The green-eyed man followed, patting his shoulder. “I owe you this time.”

“It’s not that you first saved me in the monster woman’s hands, I can’t live now, say what these are.” Helia waved his hand, “Let’s go. This place can’t stay long, or the guy might be It ’s time to chase it. From the side of the mountains and forests, go to the eastern kingdom where the church has the weakest power, and the border is not far from there.

Enber, the green-eyed man, nodded.

The two walked towards the right side of the brook one after the other. It soon disappeared among the trees, and the beautiful man Cynthia ran out of the forest to follow.

After Cynthia left, there was a dark shadow in the deep forest. Somewhat difficult to keep up with the three. Gradually submerged into the forest.

Angel lifted the curtain and looked at the figure, but didn’t say much, just shook the dark red syringe in his hand. The blood inside appeared a layer of purple as the sun shone.

“Andre, what are we going to do next?” Freila whispered behind him.

“Stay here, it’s a good location anyway.” Angele glanced at the authentic wooden door across the stream.

“That one over there. Is that pattern, a grave?” Freila also saw the wooden door. “This kind of place generally has tombs only for those noble noble families. It looks like they are old tombs, and even the sacrifice of fire has not continued. It is estimated that the family of this tomb either forgot or the practice family completely disappeared. It’s over. “

“You know a lot.” Angle glanced at the little man in surprise, just to find that she was flipping through a knight novel. Suddenly cried and laughed.

“It is in this grave that the legendary knight of Barossa got the great epic weapon to accompany his life, the glorious shield!” Freila said in a reverent tone.

“Okay, we’re going to set up a tent, and we’ll stay by the river.” Angele shook his head silently.


The gray spiked tent by the creek soon set up.

It was the tent that Anglieu bought from the college when he was an apprentice. I didn’t expect that it could still be used for hundreds of years.

The tent is not big or small, just sleeping two people, Freila is petite and has no awareness of men and women. She likes to sleep beside Angliet.

The meal for the two of them is their own seasonings and dry goods, plus some game and mushrooms in the forest, and occasionally they can fork two small fish to make soup from the stream.

Every time Freira got up, she quietly ran to a distance to practice sword skills, thinking that Angle didn’t know.

Angele hid in the compartment to study a tube of blood drawn from Hylia.

Halya’s blood does contain a very powerful vein of blood, much stronger than Anglia’s three main bloods. It is a pity that Angele can barely separate a faint vein of blood from the blood, just just the breath.

But it is this breath that surprises Angele that the wizarding realm he had given up, actually unexpectedly breathed in this rate of breath, and produced a rapid growth.

This breath is combined with the negative emotions and dark fog of Angele, forming a weird and pure energy, silently infiltrating Angele’s whole body, and starting to promote his fourth Dawn Wizard. Mental Power Crystals.

After Angler was shocked, he used chip analysis and found nothing. The fourth mental crystal was condensed to only one-third, and then stopped. Obviously, the ancestral blood was too weak to support Already.

Angel was permanently stuck on a third-level wizard because of his qualifications, and was unable to advance on the wizard’s road, but he did not expect an unexpected turn around here. His mental strength has far exceeded the limit required by the Wizard of Dawn, but he has become more and more biased on the Wizard’s road. Now also stuck on the threshold of Xifan realm, this is the price.

Now seeing the dawn of hope, Anglia suddenly revived. Perhaps we can use this weird breakthrough to rise to the level of breaking through the Western Realm.

This is the legendary level of nine wizards.


More than two months later …


The carriage curtain was suddenly lifted, and Hailia was covered with blood and hugged the man in white clothes Cynthia, who was longer than a woman, and thumped on the carriage with a bang.

“Rescue him …” Hailia uttered a difficult sentence and passed out.

Angele and Freila were sitting in the carriage eating dinner, looking at Helia who rushed into the carriage, Angele shook his head silently, walked over to separate them, and just turned 14. Freila dragged the two of them flat on the grass beside the carriage.

Angel was dragging Cynthia, who was the worst injured. This pretty young man was frowning in a coma, his skin was almost transparent, and a black silk shawl was scattered on the grass behind him. A horrible bloodstream was slanting from his left shoulder to his right thigh, and the wound on his stomach was a finger wide, and he could almost see the creeping internal organs.

There is also a mooring blood hole on the right side of the neck.

The most troublesome part is that there is a hint of white light in the heart of Cynthia’s left chest.

Angele frowned.

“Such a serious injury can still survive here, so strong will to survive …” He gently cut off the ragged chest clothes, exposing the entire chest.

The skin on the left chest is like translucent. The white light is projected from the flesh, and the heart is light and rhythmic.

“Little Rila, the knife.”

Freila hurriedly handed over a small silver scalpel.

Angele takes it and gently cuts through the skin at Cynthia’s heart, exposing the **** muscles and white ribs inside.

You can see the red heart surface through the rib gap, and it is actually printed with a white rune. The white light emitted by this rune cannot be seen by ordinary people at all.

“It’s a bit troublesome …” Angele’s eyes were also calm.

Haylya on the side also woke up at this time, and when she heard this sentence, she turned pale.

“He still has rescue! Absolutely still rescue! Is there any way you can say, I’ll do it right away!”

Angel glanced at him and passed directly. “This thing is like putting an explosive on his heart, which can be triggered instantly under certain conditions, and then the whole person bangs and explodes into minced meat.”

“Who the **** did you provoke, and you will actually be injured to this extent.”

Halya was cold all over, and her lips trembled for a while, speechless. “He was there to save me … To save me …”

“There is only one way.” Angleton paused. “I need a topaz spider silk sac, and it is the freshest. You must bring it back within five days, otherwise I ca n’t treat it His injury. He can’t last up to six days. “

“I’ll go right now!” Hailia rolled over and was about to leave, but stopped helplessly, “Where is the topaz spider?”

“A lot of things to take, but the topaz spider with silk sac is relatively rare, you can find it in the surrounding woods, usually in a dark and humid place, go quickly and return.” Angliet explained. This is not something he has arbitrarily compiled, but it is necessary to lift the rune of the light of the heart. This material is really needed. His waist bag and space mirror Reed material just lacks something to treat such injuries.

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