The Wizard World: 571 first meeting 2

The car curtain was lifted, and a cold chill suddenly poured into the outside.

The forest at night is silent, and only the pale blue moonlight slightly illuminates the grassland.

Angel stepped off the ox cart gently, his eyes suddenly flashed a blue light.

A dark red line slowly emerges from the woods, extending from the side of the carriage to the depths of the woods.

Angel walked quietly in the direction of the line.

Soon, the team camp disappeared far behind, and walked for about ten minutes. The woods in front murmured a voice, intermittently with the evening wind.

“It’s not you, how can I do that!” A neutral male voice was talking.

“I said I didn’t know” Another voice was helpless.

“Is inheritance supposed to run away from us now?” There was a resentment in the neutral male voice.

Angele unfolds his breath and moves forward as lightly as possible. The sound became clearer.

Through the woods, through the moonlight at night, he faintly saw the two people talking. One of them was the downcast middle-aged mercenary he saw during the day, and the other was a beautiful-looking, delicate-skinned fair-skinned man. Slender girl. In a white coat, the shawl black hair reflected a soft, silky luster like silk.

Young woman

Angel froze slightly, feeling a bit wrong, turned to the back of a crooked old tree, and looked closely at the young girl. She had no breasts, her throat was slightly raised, and she had a knot in her throat. He sensed his breath carefully, and he was a real man. Still no beard man.

In the moonlight, the ‘girl, with pink and watery eyes on her cheeks, was full of anger, staring fiercely at the middle-aged male mercenary in front of her.

“Did I pretend to be stupid and I would let you go? Dreaming !!! If you hadn’t let go of that guy, maybe we would have succeeded now! I’m going to calculate the ledger with you tonight!”

He flipped his hands and didn’t know where to find a pair of black three-pointed thorns, and the thorns glowed a dark purple shimmer in the moonlight.

“Forbidden voice !!!” “Girl, drink softly, the double thorns instantly bloom a deep purple halo.

Within a few hundred meters of the surrounding area, all the sounds suddenly quiet down and disappear completely.

The decadent middle-aged man suddenly hesitated, and opened his mouth to say something, but could not make any sound. Looking at the ‘girl” who was walking slowly carrying the double spurs, he suddenly panicked. He started dancing and dancing.

‘Girl, look cold. “Cut your throat!” The pink lips screamed. A transparent meniscus sharply emerged from the man’s throat.

Ding! !!

The middle-aged mercenary fell back to the ground fiercely. The place where he stood was a masked woman in black standing quietly on the ground, with a sharp silver claw glove on his right hand to block the forefinger. Transparent meniscus.

The woman is blindfolded and can’t see her face clearly, but her extremely uneven body and long round legs show her gender clearly.

The index finger flicked, and the transparent curved blade clanged directly, and disappeared into the distance of the woods.

“Who are you?” “Girl, staring at the woman in black with a dignified look,” can actually break my talent. It will never be an ordinary character. “

He shook the black spines on his hand to dissipate the purple light from above.

“Don’t say it? Then simply kill you with you! Forbidden eyes !!!” “Girl, drink a low voice again.

The forest where the three were located suddenly appeared a dark fog, completely covering everything around.

Angele was almost shrouded in the distance, and he took a few steps back quickly, and could not hear anything in the black mist.

He frowned slightly, his eyes turned red for a short time, and he turned into a real body.

The tumbling mist is filled with countless small black dots like ink dots. These little bugs are constantly emitting a kind of translucent material that distort light. Together they absorb and refract all the light in this area .

Angel’s real eyes couldn’t penetrate the bugs to see what was inside.

“This ability is not sorcery, it should be the same ability as the bloodline talent of me.” “Angle compared the fluctuations of witchcraft and quickly concluded.

Just waiting for two minutes, the thick black mist finally disappeared slowly.

Angel stared into it, suddenly p flowers in front of him, a dark shadow pounced on.

He hurriedly raised his hand in front of him. Huh!

The palm of the hand was actually penetrated directly, and a blood-colored cavity appeared, in which the flesh and blood completely disappeared, as if bitten by something.

The masked woman in black appeared in front of Angliel, and her elbows and legs thrashed like rain.

Bang, bang! !!

In a series of crisp impact sounds, two hands and opponents, feet to feet, each time the collision, a slight ripple of transparent waves appeared in the space.

Angele stepped back dozens of steps in succession, breaking a big tree with a stroke.

“Dead !!”

Countless black earth rocks condensed on the right foot instantly, and drew to the woman like a heavy mech.

Boom! !!

The two of them suddenly burst into a muffled sound, and the white ripples like a disc slowly spread out slowly. The ripple spread for five or six meters and completely disappeared. All the surrounding trees that had been in contact slowly slipped and broke, and the cut was smooth and abnormal.

Angele’s arms are full of wounds that have disappeared from the flesh, but all the wounds are rapidly recovering and new granulations are emerging.

“No need to be so enthusiastic?” He smiled softly. “I was just curious to take a look.”

The masked woman was severely pumped into the waist by that kick, holding a big tree, bending over and covering her abdomen, panting quickly. The clear eyes were also covered with a mist of water, watching him wide open.

“You are not allowed to move him.” She spoke intermittently, her voice a little hoarse, as if she rarely spoke. Before she finished speaking, she bent over and covered her mouth, and the edge of the face towel exuded bright red blood.

Angel rose from the broken tree stump and straightened up. “So you are specifically protecting that man? What’s your relationship?” He clapped his hands, and his smile was even brighter.

“Don’t lie, I hate people to cheat me the most. If you don’t tell the truth, I will kill the two people over there right away.”

The woman in black coughed a few times. “His brother, My Guang, her difficult and intermittent answer.

Angele was undecided, his eyes glowed red, and he stretched out his right hand to hold the woman in black.

A circle of invisible ripples slowly spread out around him.

The ripple reaches the woman, but suddenly stagnates, and is blocked by an invisible barrier, which is impossible to reach at all.

“Oh?” Angele increased the ripples again, and the ripples were more and more rapid.

All ripples are blocked in front of the masked woman and cannot be approached.

“Is this a higher blood pressure suppression than my scorpion woman?” Angell recalled some of the phenomena recorded in the Nightmare World data. “Do you say your bloodline will be higher than my ancient bloodline?”

The look of unbelief appeared on his face. Son of the Sun, Cyclops, Scorpion Girl, which are all upper bloodlines of ancient times. Scorpion Girl has not only the ability to search and remember, but also the power to shuttle the world. It is definitely the rarest category among all blood vessels.

There is no difference between different talent abilities. Just by looking at who has a higher blood level, you can perfectly suppress the opponent’s ability and make it completely invalid.

“Women, what is your bloodline? It can suppress my higher bloodlines.” The red light in Angle’s eyes grew brighter.

The masked woman stared at him calmly.

“You are not the blood of the roots,” she replied jerkyly.

“Is the blood of the root ancestors bloodline?” Angele’s face sank. The bloodline person was most afraid of encountering bloodlines higher than himself.

Once such an opponent is at the same level, he will most likely suppress his talent,

With a flash of fierce light in his eyes, Angele looked slightly at the woman’s gaze.

If it’s not that I’ve reached the edge of the Western Realm, if it’s been in the past, it’s the best choice to directly replace the higher bloodline. It ’s a pity that it is now finalized …

The level of this woman is too far apart. Even if it is extracted, it will not have much transformation effect. Sincerely,

But even if the blood level is lower, I am now using the help of the Nightmare World Sacred Code and the power of the world to speed up to the end of the blood path, and she is just starting, it is not a concern. Unless she also happens to be in the interests of a world, she will be favored by the power of the world, and she will speed up her rank. But such opportunities are rare even in ancient times. Moreover, if the woman’s ancestor is still alive, “it’s troublesome.

Angele’s thoughts flowed, and the ferocity in his eyes faded.

“Even if my blood rank is worse than yours, you are too weak now. Unless you reach the same rank as me, a legendary knight in your face church can’t beat.” He replied with a smile on his face, Whispered.

“To be honest, I am very interested in the blood of you and your brother. If you have any injuries in the future, you can come to me, I can treat you, of course, for a fee.” The smile on his face is even more Be gentle.

A few steps over, a green light flew out of my hand, covering the waist of the masked woman.

In just a few seconds, the woman straightened up again, with an unbelievable look in her eyes. She patted her waist without any pain.

“This time I count it as free. I just repaired the flesh and bone damage for you, but your body still needs to recuperate afterwards. Be sure to take a good rest.” Angle thought for a moment, added, ” The power of blood, you should be the kind of people who are hostile to the church. Remember to charge me for treatment. Okay, go back to sleep, but fortunately, I blocked the movement here with hallucinations. >

Angele waved and walked towards the team camp. The woman stood behind her and stunned, and then walked towards the two unconscious to the ground.

Angle glanced back. “The ancestor blood may be able to find the key to entering Xifan,” (to be continued)

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