The Wizard World: 557 Similar? 2

Suddenly, Angle’s hand seemed to be grabbed by something, and dragged in desperately.

Angel was suddenly hesitant and slammed into the armrest.

He felt another unknown space, as if his hands were grabbing him desperately, trying to drag him in completely.

“Come on!” Angle’s eyes flashed past, and the black smoke from his right arm suddenly burst into a huge black bright scorpion clamp.

Click! !!

Vaguely he seemed to feel that something had been cut, and his right arm finally retracted.

Taking back two steps, Angele stared intently at the gap in the armrest.

“This power … is …” He recalled that when he first met the woman, he walked intermittently from the surface of the trunk, as if it only existed on the plane connected by the trunk. world.

“It must be resolved quickly …”

His right arm suddenly turned into a plume of smoke, and he reverted back to a human arm.

Quickly walk up to the second floor and walk towards the room where the murals are placed.

Entering the room, everything was very calm and stable. He picked up a crystal ball placed on the bookshelf and rubbed it a few times.

The crystal ball suddenly glows light white.

“Green? Regarding the wedding, I’m sorry, Fei has proposed to postpone the wedding. It’s too early, and she’s not mentally prepared.” Vicki’s voice came from the crystal ball. “The delay is two years. Maybe I didn’t think about the relationship between you and Fei. I’m sorry about that.”

When the voice is here, it starts to reread. “Green? About the wedding ….”

Angele sighed. “The delay is nothing more than a buffer for rejection. It seems that Fei was really scared this time.” He put the crystal ball back to the original place, and the white light on it disappeared slowly.


Over the next ten days. Angele stayed in the mural room every day, and occasionally went to the basement to see the ordinary girl summoned and to feed her some food and water.

For more than ten days, the mortal girl also fully realized that she was no longer in a dream, and she was dying, and she lay in the rune wall and said nothing except eating and drinking Lazar.

Angele didn’t bother her, and rushed to the study of murals. Occasionally chat with Wei Wei and go to town to visit other elders and wizards.

Other times I started exploring for metal deposits in the mountains where I live.

The surrounding mountain area where the town is located. There is a large iron ore vein, and it took Angele two days to locate it accurately.

Everything is waiting for specific mining. Unfortunately, because of the mining problem, Angele began to carefully design a metal force field to refine the rune. For metal ore smelting and purification.

It’s been a while.

It’s finally time for the world to separate.


The cool breeze of the summer evening blows through the woods in the mountains.

In front of the second window of the small white building, Angele is focusing on what is written on a stack of yellow paper.

Only rustling handwriting can be heard in the study.

The bright yellow candle light casts Angliel’s shadow obliquely on the floor, shaking from time to time with the wind.

The sound of Shasha’s handwriting came to an abrupt end, and Angele looked up. Looking out of the window, looking at the dark night sky outside.

“Finally here …”

His eyes slowly glowed with dark red fluorescent light, and a huge black and red strange scorpion phantom appeared slowly behind him.

Om! !! !!

The dark night sky suddenly spreads in a circle of dark red ripples, extending from the back to the horizon where the end can not be seen. As if scanning the entire night sky thoroughly.

“Phoenix. Let’s go back first, are you together?” The bone demon’s voice passed along the ripples of the power of nightmare. “If you are together, you can fly back directly, the world will be separated immediately. You will have to suppress it again later.

“No, I still have something to stay here,” Angelle answered with a smile.

“It’s up to you. Anyway, as long as you are willing. You can come back at any time.” The bone demon said indifferently, “You haven’t seen it. The Scourge Lord’s group of guys were blocked back by us on the spot, and time and space were martyred by Vape The sword in the middle is seen in two, almost triggering the whirlpool of time and space! Hehe, this is a rare opportunity to make those guys rude! Thanks to you! “

“It’s nothing, just luck.” Angle smiled and didn’t say much.

The voice faded gradually, and finally disappeared completely.

Angele put down his pen and stood up.

Just got up, a huge field of powerful horror fell on him, squeezing from all sides of the body.

Angele exuded a stream of black smoke all over his skin, which was constantly offset by the huge squeezing force field.

For a moment, he felt that his body was pressing against a mountain on his back, and most of his strength was taken to resist this pressure.

Some unfamiliar with the movement of the body, Angele shook his head slightly, still has the power of the third-level wizard, but this power is completely supported by the blood of the real body. It is not necessary to change back to the real body and use all your strength. It is good to play the real body six strength at most once.

“The Nightmare World Channel, disappeared …” He muttered, looking in a certain direction, as if penetrating a distant distance, and saw the black-red space-time channel slowly closing.

“Fortunately, power suppression has already been raised.” He turned and walked down.

Go down the stairs and walk into the basement.

At the center of the basement, the summoned girl lost weight and remained inside the rune wall. Looking down at Angele, her eyes suddenly flashed.

“Hey! I’ve been locked up by you for so long, don’t you let me out?”

Angele glanced at her and waved her hand slightly.

The rune wall slowly descends and disappears. The cage around the girl was completely untied.

The girl ran out suddenly, and flinched a bit to Anglieu. “Are you the legendary mage?” She whispered.

“Mage? What’s that?” Angle laughed abruptly. Never mind her again.

Walk into a corner of the basement. A t-shaped rune is engraved on the dark red wall, and the white symbols inside are crawling and flowing like ants. Like countless white bugs.

The silver-white liquid drips slowly down the tip of the t-shaped rune.

The liquid dripped into a small round pit below, and a lot of silver-white liquid had accumulated in the pit.

Angele looked at the liquid in the small pit below with a satisfied nod.

“Hey, can I follow you to learn spells?” The girl named Li Xinrui started to sting again. “Just the hand that you just touched, the light curtains disappeared. Just the other hand, teach me?”

Angele glanced at her. Scanned up and down the girl’s body. Obviously a thin body. The mind also seemed a little unclear.

“Aren’t you afraid I’ll kill you?”

“How is that?” Li Xinrui hesitated twice and stepped back. “I called you, wouldn’t a research like yours be very helpful to you?”

“But to me it’s just a junk waste that failed an experiment,” Angelle confessed.

“Eh …..” Li Xinrui’s smile froze instantly.

“If you change to another race, you may already be there now.” Angle pointed to the access hole where the garbage was discharged. Of course, this is not the truth. In fact, if it wasn’t for the girl’s environment to be somewhat similar to his original earth, in order to miss the original memories, he might have thrown the other party out.

Li Xinrui swallowed and took a few steps back. “So … then what are you going to do with me?”

“Look at your performance.” Angell smiled. “Don’t you say which university do you study at? University student? What about your major?”

“State and society structure …” Li Xinrui whispered.

“Oh?” Angle froze slightly, suddenly reaching out and touching the girl’s head. His eyes slowly glowed pale red, like the most crystalline crystal.

“What are you doing ?!” Li Xinrui immediately jumped back, staring at Angrid with vigilance.

“Alas? Illusion is ineffective?” Angele was suddenly surprised, just now he was going to confuse each other with illusion, and then read the memory directly. Unexpectedly, it did not work for Li Xinrui. “Fun!”

Angel suddenly became interested. Take a circle around Li Xinrui, look up and down, left and right. “I just saw that you have a little problem in your body, and I’m going to treat you. What are you afraid of? Or do you think I would be interested in your small body?”

Li Xinrui is still alert.

“Forget it, I’m too lazy to care about you. But I let you out. By the way, I remind you that the outside world is dangerous. If you dress like this, you will probably be caught by the shaman. If it is not necessary, it is best Don’t go out in a nearby town. If you can’t find a place to stay, I can leave you a storage room here, and you don’t have to think about the rooms. “Anglile explained casually. Faintly, he felt that this girl named Li Xinrui seemed a little special.

“Of course, considering that no one can understand you if you go out, I can consider selling you a language proficiency that will allow you to directly obtain the memory of communication in the local language.”

“Really !!! There are also spells that can speak the language directly!” Li Xinrui suddenly let out his eyes, and the excitement on his face suddenly didn’t know where he had gone.

“Of course, it’s not without cost.” Angele put a finger up. “Ten years, you have to work with me for ten years, clean the room, organize everything, including food and cleaning. It’s yours. .If you promise, you can find me in the study on the second floor three days later. By the way, I forgot to tell you that I have something to go out right away, and you go to the kitchen to find something to eat. “

“Ten years !!!?” Li Xinrui was stunned, listening to Angliet talking, looking dull.

“In addition, you can’t enter anywhere except the study room on the second floor and the storage room. You can go in and out at rest in these two places.” Angle smiled mildly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Interesting look.

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