The Wizard World: 531 History 2

531 History 2

Converging, he stood in front of the largest stone pillar.

The white smooth surface of the stone pillars has no entrances and exits, only a fan-shaped balcony extending from above. A golden man stepped out of the balcony and looked at Angle below.

“Waiting for a long time,” the man said with a smile.

“I am. I’m sorry for being late.” Angell also smiled.

Slamming his fingers, Angle floated up and flew towards the balcony.

The golden man stepped aside and let Angle fall slowly to stand. The two stood side by side.

“Are you satisfied with my treatment?” the man whispered, leaning his hands on the balcony.

“I do n’t know why you value me so much? It has been a bit incomprehensible to me, and from the beginning to the present, you have given me a lot of affection.” Angele stood leaning back Balcony railing, calm face. “Whether it is to mobilize people to help me, or to sell me such a big deal now, to give the entire Yuanneng hand the right to enter. His Royal Highness Dragon, this is not clear, I always have a hint of alert to you.” >

“You don’t need to worry about me. Following the guidance of the ancient guides, I am not malicious to you. In addition, I know that you have not been clear about my origins, but now I can introduce you in detail.” Yaolong Smiling, “I don’t know if you’ve heard of horror dragons?”

Speaking, a light golden spherical protective film emerged silently around the two, and a silver meniscus appeared in the center of the protective film, releasing a faint silver light, covering up all energy fluctuations.

“Sure I heard it.”

Angele didn’t care, just listened to the explanation from the demon dragon quietly.

“I’m the last descendant of the horror dragon family.” Without letting Angeledoga guess, the demon dragon gave the answer directly, “You have seen my body, a bird trapped in a golden cage.”

“That’s your body?” Angle froze slightly. “I always thought it was your incarnation or avatar.”

“This should be my avatar now.” A look of recollection appeared in the eyes of the demon dragon, “I don’t know how many years ago, the Wizarding World was the heyday, our power even radiated to the surrounding worlds, there are The arrogant dragon wizard even shouted to enter the nearest strongest world-the chaotic world. Our entire horrifying dragon race is one of them. “

He slowly began to tell the history of ancient times.

“Elemental wizards, dragon wizards, at the time were considered to be two of the four most powerful clan in the whole world. Our horrible dragon tribe was included in the dragon wizard. At that time, the strength and arrogance of our ancestors finally made them pay heavy. The price. “Prince Dragon’s voice suddenly muffled.

“They opened the door to the chaotic world, so the sky broke, the continent was knocked into pieces, the sun, moon, and stars fell, and everything fell into the most primitive dark age. There is no light in the world to exist. From chaos An ancestor of the light that has appeared in the world has deprived people of the right to use light. Not only is the wizarding world, but also several other surrounding worlds that are allied with us. “

The expression of fear and pain appeared on the face of the demon dragon: “It’s only three years. In three years, countless strong men have been starved to death because of hunger, ridiculous? !!! Powerful enough to even have horrors of level 7 and level 8 Existed, but died because of hunger. Only a few wizards desperately opened the channels of other worlds, left here, maybe fortunately survived, or died in other worlds. “He fell into silence for a moment, his mood seemed agitated.

After a while, Angele couldn’t help asking: “What happened later?”

“My grandfather and most of the horrible dragons died in the dark century. Because there is no light, darkness blocks everything, and it is always attacking the souls of all living beings. No creature can not lose itself for a long time. “The demon dragon paused for a while.” Later, the strongest human wizard family at the time took the lead in uniting all the remaining wizards. They burned the soul and life at the cost of eternally lighting a light of dawn. It was completely defeated Master of the Light! “

His eyes seemed to ignite a ray of the same dawn: “It was a glorious era, and that ray of dawn was taken as the boundary of the era, and restored the world’s right to light. In it, everything is dedicated. Wizard, there is my father! “

His chest was constantly undulating, and he seemed a little excited, and there was a deep pride in his eyes. “After that war, everything was calm, the door of chaos was closed, and the wizards lost many inheritances because of the huge catastrophe.”

Angele frowned: “But I heard that ancient wizards seemed to have the witchcraft ability to connect with other worlds. So, in many worlds, is there no light ancestor who can resist the chaotic world?”

“It was true that some wizards connected to other distant and powerful worlds at the time, and there were those who could compete with the ancestors of light, but because the distance was too far, the power transmission loss was too great, and those existences were powerless. I didn’t expect your right Ancient history research is still quite deep. “The spirit of the demon dragon gradually calmed down. “This is also to blame ourselves, trying to open the door of chaos to explore, and as a result annoyed me.” He laughed bitterly.

“After the Dark Ages, the surviving wizards named the light of the dawn as the eternal light, which is permanently preserved in the deepest part of the world. Then they ranked all wizards who could barely participate in the war from the lowest level. From the beginning, they are all named Dawn Wizards. This is to commemorate the sacrifice and glory of the year. Now, it has gradually evolved into a fourth-level wizard, which is the lowest level of the original, is called the Dawn Wizard. “

“What does this have to do with you and me?”

“Because the guardians of the eternal light are the guides. The eternal light is the eternal light of dawn and has a certain ability to foresee. There will naturally be some energy spirits around it. These elves are specially guarded. It ’s the guide. They have accompanied the changes of the world. From ancient times to the present, each is a living history book. “

The demon dragon explained, “And as the last horror dragon in the world, before I met you, I was foreseen by the guides. They told me that the clan heritage of the horror dragon will be closely related to you. And here it is. In the chaos of time, you will also be one of the key figures! “

“So you chose to make a chaotic covenant with me?” Angle whispered.

“Of course it’s not that simple.” Yaolong chuckled, “A lot of things have happened between me, and I have quietly approached and observed you many times.”

“Oh?” Angelle frowned, “When?”

“Remember the girl who talked with you on the balcony of Earl Maixiang’s dinner? I was lurking in her soul.” A smile appeared on the face of Yaolong, “Several times later you and her When I met, I watched you closely. “

“It’s no wonder that I would somehow pay attention to a mortal girl.” Angelle laughed, “It turns out you’re a ghost.”

“There are other reasons I ca n’t explain. In the end, I chose to sign an agreement with you,” said the smiling dragon. “Anyway, it is better to be good with you than to be evil. This is the suggestion of the guides.”

“You really trust the director.” Angele shook his head. “Dark Age. It is a glorious era that people yearn for”

What made him speechless were those guides, who even felt that he had received the dragon seal of the horrifying dragon race.

“You guessed it. Did you have this intention when you directed me to look for the old eye-catching dragon?”

“That grown-up doesn’t want to see me at all.” The demon dragon smiled bitterly, it was the default. Maybe there are other disputes between him and that eye-catching dragon.

Although it seems that the answer given by the demon dragon still has a lot of concealment, Angliel no longer intends to make another trip to the muddy waters. In retrospect, the old dragon gave him the dragon’s seal. It should be indirectly handed over to the last descendant of Yaolong.

“That’s it.”

Angele stretched out his right arm and pulled up his robe to reveal fair skin.

Smudge your left hand on the skin.


On the fair and delicate skin, a small row of dry black branches grows, as if the saplings are sprouting, the longer and the longer, the longer the higher.

Dried black branches line up in a row. The longer they grow, the more they get together and slowly twine together. Within a few seconds, they form a dry branch ball the size of a human head.

Angel’s eyes gradually turned milky white, and her red pupils completely disappeared. He turned sideways and looked at the dragon prince calmly.

“This is a dragon seal from the ancient dragon family, Prince Dragon Dragon, are you ready to accept it?” His voice became old and overlapping, speaking like countless old people.

Prince the demon dragon saw the dead branches and felt the breath, he already had a faint guess. At this time, hearing Angliel’s inquiry, he slowly kneeled on one knee, with a pious expression on his face. look.

“Follow the ancestor’s will,” he replied lowly.

Angel stretched out his index finger and gently touched the dead ball.

The endless white light suddenly blooms in the ball. The white light is like a mist, floating gently, and fluttering toward the Prince of Dragon Dragon.

The mist-like white light is like a translucent tulle, which gently penetrates into the eyes and ears of the demon dragon.

Slowly, a white dragon ghost appeared slowly around them. Circling around the two, more than a dozen pairs of wings flapped gently. The huge dragon even completely surrounded the entire stone pillar, exuding an inexplicable kind of aura.


Angele gently threw the dead ball on his hand.

The sphere suddenly burst into countless white lights, and then instantly darkened. I do n’t know when a huge dark cloud vortex appeared in the sky. The center of the vortex projected a white column of light, just covering the whole body of the Prince Dragon.

Angel finally glanced at the prince of the dragon, and turned into a dark red flame that disappeared suddenly. (To be continued.

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