The Wizard World: 527 Crisis 4

Looking at the harmonious atmosphere between the two entrances, Wei Wei was also embarrassed to sweep the two entrances ※. She patted her hands in the air, splashed a circle of white light, and removed all the dirt and dust from her hands.

Gently pick up a vegetable egg roll and send it to the mouth. The strong aroma of the egg roll and the crispy and fresh vegetables are mixed together, which is surprisingly delicious. Not greasy at all. .

“It’s delicious!” One bite of the small egg roll, Wei Wei sipped it carefully, I feel a bit surprised. “It looks average, but it tastes pretty good! Nina, your craft is really amazing!”

A rare smile appeared on her face.

“Thank you for the compliment. If you like it, eat more. Come and taste the rare violet fruit wine. This is a jing product that has been hidden for 200 years.” Nina slowly halved the wine glass at hand.

Crystal purple liquid is as beautiful as liquid crystal. There was a faint scent of fruit floating slowly in the air, and there was no smell of wine.

“Thank you” Wei Wei lifted her glass and put it on her lips, but her motion stopped abruptly.

Suddenly she felt something wrong. A smell similar to the one in the wine was very subtle, but she was still recognized.

“In this wine” she changed slightly. Without saying a word, there was a blast of wind behind him.

Slap! !!

The wine glass fell to the ground, and the purple wine was scattered on the ground.

Wei Wei stood in a corner of the restaurant coldly, staring coldly at Nina and Wei Fei not far away.

“What do you mean by this? Why do you want to take medicine in the wine! Haven’t I agreed to your proposal?”

“Failed o Aliming is the wizard of dawn, or Weiwei is Weiwei and those goods are incomparable.” Wei Fei applauded gently, “You have found such a covert, I made several Dawn Wizards try it, and nothing happened. I never thought I could see through it.

“It’s a pity to see through it. It’s no use. In this room, I also ordered the spice of fantasy flowers” Nina said quietly.

Slap! Wei Fei snapped his fingers.

Vivi suddenly felt a drowsy head. “You!” Without saying a word, she slumped to the ground suddenly, and she was unconscious.

“It’s over! Haha” Wei Fei laughed and walked towards Wei Wei.

*************************** “This is the stone wheel?” Anglieu stared sèyin staring deep into the distant plain. Huge white stone wheel.

Turin nodded: “Exactly, the stone wheel is the entrance to the Magic Mirror Garden. After entering, we have to reposition it. There is a du

Li’s wide world gap. It’s about the size of the Layton Heights. Oita, let’s go ahead. “

Angel didn’t answer. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the stone wheel. At this moment, there was a faint feeling in his heart.

It seems that something bad for him is about to happen. This is the sense of connection that comes from the blood.

“Wei Wei, don’t go wrong, otherwise I will kill the entire alliance to bury you for you.” His eyes slowly glowed with scarlet blood.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and slowly moved towards the bare void

********************* After Nina left the restaurant, Wei Fei walked to Wei Wei and slowly crouched down.

“Dear Weiwei, do you know that when I first saw you, I knew that you must have belonged to me for hundreds of years, and I have played with women of countless races, But this is the first time to play a powerful Dawn Wizard. I have enough Xing slaves, and now I am not seeking quantity and type, but quality. “

His eyes stared at Wei Wei’s towering chest.

“The proportion of your figure is the best in the women’s entry I have played, and it seems that you haven’t enjoyed with the men for many years, and there is no obvious sign even for masturbation. What’s the point? Life is about finding sublimation in happiness, not boring. “

He held out his hand and gently held it towards the towering round peaks.

Oh! !!

The wooden door of the restaurant was suddenly knocked open, and a golden sè slowly walked in. This was a tall man with golden light, his face was sèyin sharp, and his eyes were like poisonous snakes. The face is full of twisted ancient gold patterns.

“Wei Fei, what are you doing ?!” The man’s eyes fell on Wei Wei who fainted on the ground, and then fell to Wei Fei who was squatting down and preparing to reach out to touch Wei Wei.

The “father” Wei Fei face changed slightly, and he stood up, “You all know? I just can’t help it”

“Take away.” Jin sè entered into the film and asked slightly.

Two tall women in white armor rushed into the door, one lifted Weiwei on the ground, one twisted Wei Fei’s backhand, and pushed out the door.

Jin Sè turned into the film, followed the door, and went up to the deck.

“His Royal Highness, what should I do?” a white Sè armor woman came up and asked in a low voice.

Prince Demon Dragon walked to Wei Fei’s eyes, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

“Wei Fei o A Fei Fei I once said that you will have trouble with a woman sooner or later, you always don’t listen to this situation is very troublesome o Ah”

Father Wei Fei was wrong. Anyway, admitting wrong first is the best way that Wei Fei has always been effective.

“Well, I have no choice but to make a look. I can only be wronged and wronged.” The monster dragon gently rubbed Wei Fei’s head, a sorrow appeared in his eyes, and he waved his hand gently. “Push down, cut off the limbs, cut off the eyes, cut off the tongue and nose, and hand it to Angle for disposal, remember to abolish his Jing Shenhai.”

Wei Fei’s expression of regret came to a halt. He couldn’t believe his head, looking up at the tall Jin Sè in front of him.

“Father, are you kidding me?”

The two white armored women on one side took a step forward, and when they entered, they held a silver nail with a long palm in their hands, which was covered with complicated fine pattern symbols. Another entry is holding a small silver hammer, which also inscribed countless twisted runes.

Even the tools are ready. Now Wei Fei knows that his father is definitely not talking about his mouth. Suddenly, an unprecedented panic completely filled his chest.

“No! Don’t !!! Father! I am your son o Ah! Your only son !!! Please! No! No no !!!” Crazy petitions kept echoing on the deck.

He was struggling, but his strength was completely suppressed by the two white armored women, unable to move.

The silver nail is pointed at Wei Fei’s head, and the small hammer hits it hard.


Spiked into Wei Fei’s brain. The cry stopped abruptly.

The usual indifferent expression on the dragon’s face resumed.

“Yun Feiya, remember to go to the birth pool and bring me a son.”

A woman with a white mask on his side nodded silently.

“Well, let’s go. I think we should get Green’s understanding. In order to maintain the covenant, it is not a big deal to lose a son.” The monster dragon did not look at Wei Fei, who was already stagnant. Directly towards the bow, the body passed through the side of the ship like a ghost, flying directly into the air, slowly disappearing.

“Take good care of Elder Weiwei, and hand over all the inputs on this ship to Green. In addition, allow the hands of Yuan Neng to enter the Magic Mirror Garden.” The final voice came slowly from the air.

All the white armored women on the deck bent over to salute. He didn’t stand up until the sound completely disappeared.

Jin Sè crosses the grassland in an instant, crosses the snowy mountain, and falls to a small green lake. A gold cage is placed next to the lake, and the bird in the lake is drinking and drinking from the lake.

There are two women in white armor standing beside the bird cage.

“Darium, haven’t you projected with the blood veins already? Why didn’t you resolve Weifei earlier, you have to drag it to the last critical moment.” A woman asked in a low voice.

“Because I felt that at that time Elder Weiwei still had a trace of residual consciousness.” The Prince of the Dragon Dragon paused and replied gently, “No matter what life is, it is a critical moment before the crisis comes, and it is rescued. Gratitude and emotion are the strongest. “

“That is to say, even if Wei Wei is not awake, you will make her awake, right?” Another woman laughed softly. “Dotted lines are really cunning.”

“You are still young, this is just a small gesture, not worth mentioning. Is there anything wrong under the ground?” Demon Dragon shifted the topic.

“Not yet. It ’s mainly a surface problem now. There was no news from the Black Witch Tower, and any spies we entered into the Leighton Heights would never return, there seemed to be a huge blockade. The energy is completely surrounded, and we can’t get any information. “The quieter woman said lightly.

“Continue to wait, no matter what action, the black witch tower always has to start. As long as we stay in the magic mirror garden, no matter what they do, don’t worry too much, this is our most fundamental rear.” Demon Long smiled. “Okay, so many thousand, remember not to make mistakes. Otherwise I have to give up on you”

“Yes” The two women’s hearts stunned at the same time. The prince of the dragon dragon is gentle on the surface and is easy to get along with, but once they turn their faces, they will absolutely not recognize the six relatives. Maybe I was just commensurate with your friend, and my head will be cut off sadly in the next second.

The most disgusting thing is that his sorrow is a real emotion, not a disguise. But this mood lasts at most a few minutes. Then he will forget everything that happened to you.

The two women disappeared slowly and transparently.

Only the demon dragon stood alone by the lake, he looked up, looking at the reddish sky, and in the pupils of the black, there was a faint leather scroll.

*********** Angele outside the stone wheel sè slowly and slowly withdraw his hand.

In front of him is a colorful contract scroll of leather, covered with fine cracks. At this moment, it is resuming, and gradually fades away.

“Bee,” he breathed a sigh of relief. “Fortunately, I think I still have this trick.”

The Chaos Covenant uses chaos consciousness to judge whether the two parties to the agreement have violated the rules. Once one party is about to violate the rules, the other party has the right to actively negotiate the agreement. And inflicting a penalty on the other party.

Although I do n’t know the covenant that the monster dragon prince obtained by notarizing the existence of the chaotic world, but looking at the material strength of the covenant, it is also the level of terror that exists with his second true body.

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