The Wizard World: 523 Nightmare 8

“The bone demon is ready, the eye devil can’t come, but it still supports my army.” The gold giant hurriedly answered, and since Angele was promoted to the Scourge Lord, his power coercion reached faintly. The level of eye-magic, although slightly weaker, is also stronger than several others, which makes the golden giant vaguely a little daunting.

“What about my stuff?” Angele ignored the escape of the Black Witch Tower, retracted his arms, and talked to the giant. .

“Here you are!” The gold giant threw a black ball box and landed in the hands of Anglie firmly.

Angel opened his eyes lightly, his face was reflected in a bright red, and he closed it immediately. “The main problem now is to ensure the stability of the channel. How long do you need to fully come out?”

“About one and a half hours. Those people just didn’t care about it?” Blood time is one of the timing units used in the nightmare world. One blood time is equivalent to half an hour. A universal unit belonging to races such as the Eye Devil, and the Northern Territory and humans have another timing unit.

“The people in the Black Witch Tower were hit by me at once, and there are no more than two people who can survive. After that, they will also have life-long sequelae, and their strength will plummet. It is not a concern.” Angle said lightly, “Now What we need to consider is to let Vapelli and the spiders come together as soon as possible.

“But you are really willing, if it were me, you might choose to be the guardian of the native world.” The golden giant was emotional. “All of you in the Southern Region, if you are not forced to do nothing, who is willing to leave your native world to nightmare. For those guardians, we are always the evil gods who are excluded.”

Angele moved slightly, and heard a hint of inside information from these words. It seems to be as powerful as them. Those who have their own native world can be called guardians, while those who don’t have their own native world are called evil gods. Obviously, having the home world is the best option. The evil **** has a taste of rootless duckweed.

“I’ll talk about these later. Next, you speed up and help me stabilize the space-time channel.”

“No problem. Our advent is already in full swing. There is nothing to stop.” The giant grabbed both sides of the crack with both hands and began to tear the crack area hard. “The only thing that needs to be careful is the guardian, the guardian of this world. When the world meets, our power will be the strongest, and then we don’t have to be afraid of anything. But it still takes a little time for the world to join. It is to seize resources in advance. Before the arrival of the guys in Beiyu. They have an absolute advantage. Although they may not enter this world, they can still take precautions.

Angel nodded, hovering in the air and began to perceive the talents of true body carefully.

Countless black and red monsters are hunting wildly for any creatures that haven’t escaped. Some creatures hiding in the gaps are found out by them. They squeeze their heads into their mouths and chew them carefully, accompanied by blood. Screams kept falling on the ground.

The red snowflakes in the sky are getting denser. Floating in the air and looking down, thousands of kilometers across are all bloody, and the monsters chase the survivors. The melting snow water, like the blood of the earth, merges into a stream from the ground crack wound, flowing quietly.

After becoming the Scourge Lord, Angli has never really used a real body, this time it is his first battle.

True Body has three sons: the Son of the Sun, Cyclops, and Scorpion. These three bloodlines bring to Angle the horror talents in flame, body, and relic magic.

The Scourge Lord ’s Fear King, recognized by the Nightmare World, has the ability to control the substantive negative emotions. This ability can absorb negative emotional energy as a source of strength. As long as it accumulates day by day, Anglia will one day reach a more powerful level.

The fear itself has the ability to hurt the spirit and soul.

Control fire, hallucinations, negative emotional energy. And strong physical fitness. These are the four most powerful parts of Angular now.

“But it’s just too simple to use talent. Although it can only produce great power after simple compression.” Angele frowned at his hands, black iron-like hard scale skin, spiked Like ten-finger nails, slender and long. There are few signs of human beings.

With a wave of his right hand, a white light suddenly appeared around Angele, turning into a human figure. It was the horrible Brigitte.

The white armor on her body has been severely damaged. There are blood-red wounds everywhere, a wide-edged sword in his hand, and black-red blood on it.

“Grimm, you **** **** !!! You left me alone ………..”

As soon as she was summoned, Brigitte yelled, but her voice stopped abruptly. Looking at the completely strange tall monster in front of me. There was a hint of terror and confusion in Brigitte’s face.

Angele quickly regained the coercion around him.

“Are you … Green?” Brigitte then resumed control of her body and asked carefully.

“You haven’t been eaten, you are really fateful.” Angele looked at Brigitte with interest. “Should I be worthy of the concept armed owner?” His voice remained unchanged, still low. With a trace of cold and calm.

This calms Brigitte’s tight body slowly. She looked at the monster more than ten meters high in complex eyes.

“Yeah …… I should have thought from the beginning that you have an absolutely close relationship with the nightmare world, but I didn’t expect that you were originally a creature of the nightmare world … now you call me over, What are you going to do with me? Eat me? “She looked very calm, but the survival from the instinct ** continued to frantically want to control her and escape immediately.

Angel watched her feet trembling with amusement, but a look of ashamedness appeared on her face.

“Kill you? No no no … I’ve never seen such an interesting guinea pig. How willing to kill you?” Anglile smiled funnyly on his face. “Your feet are shaking … because of it? Afraid I ate you? Aren’t you saying you’re not afraid? “

“Kill me, give me a lot of fun!” Brigitte said with a quivering voice. Her body trembled more and more, and her whole body began to tremble with fear.

“Quick !!! Kill me !!!”

“Are you sure?” Angele stretched out a machete-like nail and stopped at Brigitte’s neck with a sharp edge, and the icy sharpness made her tremble even more.

His …

A clear sound of water came from Brigitte’s lower body.

She is incontinent …..

Angele froze. The golden giant on one side was also stunned.

“No!” Brigitte looked pale. “Kill me !!” She growled almost insanely.

“If you kneel down and kiss my toes now, I can consider putting you once.” Angele said with a smile and retracted his nails.

“Live alive in humiliation …..”


Brigitte slammed to the ground, struggling to move her lips toward Angle’s toes.

“Funny … Brigitte, it seems you don’t want to die yet … I won’t kill you, how can I be willing to kill you?” Angle laughed.

The golden giant on the side also laughed: “It’s the first time I’ve seen such an interesting soul. Her heart has actually succumbed to instinct, from the very beginning. She just has a bloodline instinct as an excuse, as In disguise, she can legitimately make a series of the most shameful life-saving behaviors. In fact, from the beginning, her bloodline instinct did not work at all. “

“So this is the most interesting place …” Angle smiled.

And Brigitte, who was kneeling down, was gray. Indeed, from the beginning. She didn’t feel the living driving force in the blood.

“Yes … everything is my own behavior … I really want to live in such humiliation …?” Brigitte’s mind was confused.

“Okay. I’ll give you the right to walk safely, and you’ll find someone for me.” Angell lifted Brigitte’s collar. “Don’t forget we are partners, how could I possibly kill you?”

The eyes of Brigitte’s godlessness suddenly felt a little glamorous.

“Let me down !!!” She seemed to be regaining her spirits at once, and began to struggle quickly, then was thrown lightly by Angle, and flew to the side stably floating in the air.

With a hissing noise, Angele’s body quickly shrank, and soon returned to its original shape, covered with black scale armor.

Raise your hand, and the scales of your arm suddenly crack a gap. A black space mirror inside slowly flew out and landed in Angele’s hands.

Take out a set of black robes and put it on your body. The black scale armor of Angele slowly fades away, exposing pale and delicate human skin. Finally, he completely recovered into a normal human wizard appearance.

“Help me find this person.” Angele put out a finger. A blue water mirror suddenly appeared in front of him, and a young and handsome man’s face appeared on it.

“His name is Turin.”


A sea of ​​trees somewhere outside Leighton Heights

Between the dark green trees and the sea, several huge white tents stand among them. There were bright yellow campfires on the side.

Beside one of the bonfires, Weiwei sat on her knees on the gray cushion, holding a thick red book in her hands and flipping through it quietly. The elder and four elders were sitting beside her, with helpless faces on their faces.

“We will leave the brigade tomorrow night.” The elder whispered in a low voice. “I have informed everyone. The plan of the Layton Heights has failed. All the legions have just evacuated as if something went wrong. His Royal Highness has ordered everyone to retreat northwest!”

“Although the alliance lost. However, the loss was not great, but this time it was evacuated to the northwest, and high-level notifications said that each organization can only go in for a small number of people to be protected. The alliance’s strongest defense circle cannot accommodate everyone.” The elder whispered, “People who go in may be able to survive. But what is left … chances of survival …” He didn’t finish, but the meaning was clear.

“If we continue to reduce this, all compromised organizations will become empty shells and become vassals of the alliance completely! So this is the key to my decision to leave. What do you think of Weiwei?” The elder looked at the book with concentration. Vivi.

“Out of the league, we can’t survive.” Wei Wei calmly said. “I’ll meet Wei Fei in a while.”

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