The Wizard World: 510 Foresight 1

Pedestrians walk through the room into a long, dark tunnel.

The tunnel is cylindrical with white spider webs everywhere. Vaguely the sound of some mice passing through the channel was heard. .

Angel looked to the left and right, with darkness on both sides, where no end could be seen.

Suman walked to the front, lit a torch in his hand, and the bright fire light illuminated the area within ten meters around the crowd.

“From now on, it ’s best not to use witchcraft to prevent the waves from being discovered by the wizards above. The sewers of the Dream and Shadow City have lost their ancient defenses. We need to be careful.”

“No problem.”

“Do you need to remove the thermal aura?”

Some responded.

“Same as the thermal aura.” Suman was sè.

Bengula and Sierra’s helpless grin, as frail wizard types, naturally they can’t be compared with Angele.

After turning off the thermal aura, the team suddenly became much colder.

Suman held the torch and walked ahead quietly, while Angle was sandwiched in the middle.


Suddenly there was a muffled sound in front of the tunnel, and something seemed to fall down.

Suman frowned slightly, pulled out the machete and stopped.

“Let me check it out, you guys be careful. Messers look back.”


The two separated one after the other, slowly separated in the front and back of the team.

Angel was standing in the middle of the line. Although after the incident, the sword dancer Bella was no longer so guarded against him, but he still did not leave him, but clasped the double-handed waist with his backhand.

Brigitte is next to Angele, surrounded by Bengula intentionally or unintentionally.

“They still don’t trust you,” Brigitte said. Although imprisoned, basic tips can still be used.

“This is natural. If it wasn’t for the urgent need for support, they probably wouldn’t even meet me.” Angle shrugged.

Look at Suman ahead.

Su Man slowly walked forward holding the Minghuang torch. Suddenly the body was crooked, and a muffled sound was heard.

“Suman! What’s wrong ?!” Sierra asked quickly.

Suman raised his hand to indicate that he was fine. “There is something wrong here! Everyone come and see.”

A group of people hurried forward immediately and walked in to find out that Suman fell into the ground with his shoulders at this time, and the stone bricks on the ground seemed to be completely cracked.

As soon as approaching. At the foot of Sierra, he stepped on the gravel brick and sank to the ground.

“Alas?” Ben Gurra gave a light sigh, followed a few steps, and it was exactly the right side of the two of them.

Being silent, he suddenly flew up. Fluttering suspended in mid-air.

“What’s this?” Suman and everyone looked at Bengula.

“It seems like a gravitational trap in the legend?” Bengula was also a little uncertain.

“To be precise, it should be called a gravity trap.” Angele reached out. Hold in front of yourself. His arm seemed to be pressing down hard, slightly crooked.

“Oh? Green knows this?” Bengula looked at Angel.

“Know some, the rune that the Guda wizard used to prevent insects and some small creatures. It’s not a hindrance for us, just be careful of the changing gravity.” Angri nodded. There is generally no danger, and of course there are other dangers here. “

“Keep going, then I’ll make my way.” Meces whispered.

The group continued to move forward, and the body was light for a while, and there was no regularity at all.

Time passes slowly. After a third of the hourglass, something else finally appeared in front of the passage.

A voluptuous figure with blond hair appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The figure is a beautiful woman with a gray cloak, fair and delicate skin, high chests and long legs. Almost perfect proportions.

The woman stood stiffly on the left side of the passage, motionless. With their backs facing everyone, he was wearing a short brown leather skirt and tight leather armor. Exposing a large white skin.

The woman’s face is not visible from the back. She wears a gold helmet on top of her head. Except for the blond hair that is scattered from her shoulders, the rest is unclear.

“Hey!” Messé whispered with a dagger, “Are you alive?!”

The woman did not respond.

“Be careful, this is an ancient sewer. Not elsewhere.”

“Don’t worry, it should be a dead man!” Anger whispered. “I have heard of the ancient wizard’s bite, and it seems that the posture should not appear here.”

“Bite the sentence? Are you talking about that?” Bengula first responded, “But how can there be the body of the sentence?”

“Go up and see.” Angle shrugged. Take the first few steps. Pick it up.

Going to the woman’s body, Angele stretched out her right hand with the black stone armor, and gently took off the woman’s helmet. Then push the woman hard to straighten.

His ……

A gasp sounded in the channel.

Suman walks over to Sierra with a strange face.

“It’s beautiful to look at the back …. I don’t want to destroy everyone’s imagination next time …” Messère was still interested in going up to take a closer look at the body.

Angel smiled: “I don’t know what this corpse would look like before he died. I thought it was a top beauty.”

After the female corpse was removed from the helmet, the exposed face was unusually weird. There was no decay, and the skin was still fair and delicate.

It’s just that this woman is a vicissitudes Uncle Hu’s face. Compared with her devil’s stature, her vision is ruined.

“Okay, keep going. Following the route, we need to cross three danger zones.” Suman stopped everyone’s speechless atmosphere and took the lead to continue moving forward.

After walking through the corpse of the bearded beauties, there are gradually more dead bodies that generally exist in the sculpture around the passage. Most of the bodies are maintained in the same state as before. It didn’t seem to be a corpse, but just fell asleep.

“Everyone pays attention!” Sumanzheng said, “It should be the first danger zone ahead.”

“Green, what do you think? There are more and more dead bodies here.” Bengula looked at the two Anglier in the middle of the team.

“View? Everybody pays attention to that there should be a spider man’s nest in front of it. Only the corpse of the spider man who has inhaled the brain and injected his own antiseptic toxin will remain unchanged for many years.” The tone was easily answered, “The spider man is just a creature that can be easily solved even by the apprentice level. Everyone needs to pay attention to the queen spider.”

“Spiders? I didn’t expect it to be this thing.” Sierra quickly took a small book out of her waist pouch and began to record features. “Brother Green is really learned.”

“It’s nothing. It’s just something recorded in many books.” Angell smiled.

Pedestrians speeded forward.

The stone walls in the tunnel are covered with a layer of white silk gradually. The whole passage is frozen, but there is no cold temperature. Instead it is getting warmer.

Go forward. The more spider silk in the channel.

Everyone took out their self-defense weapons and watched carefully.

His ……

Sudden worms came from the channel.

A white figure slowly enters the light range of the torch. Everyone stagnates slightly, and the face becomes strange. Especially the men in the team.

Messes whispered gently: “This is the spider man? I think if the pervert nobles of the kings see this creature, will they fight for the purchase.”

“So beautiful.” Sierra as a female Xing also had to admit.

The figure of Bai Sè is a young girl with her upper body **. Below the lower abdomen is a nearly translucent white spider belly. A dark, waist-long hair was as silky as silk algae.

The girl’s eyes calmly annotated the crowd. Falling on Suman in front of the team. She wasn’t wearing any clothes and didn’t mind exposing the plump chest to the air.

What’s more weird is that the girl’s face gives a poor and pure temperament.

“His …” She hissed again, as if asking something.

Bengula frowned: “Spidery, I can barely understand. Everyone be careful, she may be dangerous!”

“Don’t worry, Spider-Man is not powerful, but rather weak.” Angele said, “I think she meant to ask if we would like to mate with her. Spider-Man is better than herself A strong existence. Most of them will exchange their rights for survival and reproduction in this way. They think that their race and the blood of the strong are the offspring, and they will naturally be stronger than one generation. “

“We? How do spiders copulate that big belly?” Messé asked with a blank expression. “If I solve this trouble, I don’t mind going up once.”

“It depends on your receptiveness.” Angell blinked at him. The latter was speechless.

“For the strong, their beauty and soft body are all bargaining chips. This is an evolutionary condition for survival. The most important thing is that these spiders are male and female. They It can become either male or magnetic. “Angle explained with a smile. “So you guys, men and women, go where you need it! Don’t worry about danger, spiders are happy to mate with creatures stronger than themselves. And it is said that their bodies can bring extreme joy to other creatures. “

“Forget it …” Messie glanced at Bella.

“Then move on. I’ll deal with her.” Angle stepped forward, slowly pulling out a black sè dagger from the waist.

The spider girl suddenly showed a little fear on her face and shrank back.

“It is rare to encounter a novel bloodline race. I need to study it carefully.” Angele put out his finger and gently touched the edge of the dagger blade, and the dagger glowed red light. Extraordinarily prominent in dark channels.

“Wait for Brother Green, what are you going to do with her?” Sierra suddenly said.

“What to do? I dissected it and brought it back to study slowly.” Angeleyanyang dagger, his face taken for granted.

“But … she’s so young … not necessarily the killer who killed so many people.” Sierra glanced at the spider girl with pity.

Angele nodded: “Of course I know, but I guess it was also done by her parents.”

“Can you let her go?” Sierra pleaded.

Angel froze slightly, looking at the others.

Suman’s eyes showed affirmative support. Meses was silent and Bela stood silently behind Sierra to show his support. Guo Gelin smiled.

Even Benggula, who had always been decisive, looked at himself with a grin.

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