The Wizard World: 509 Ancient city 2

Angel was pointed at the dagger, but the bitter smile on his face gradually disappeared and calmness returned. “You guessed right, I did assign those people to solve you at the beginning. However, I am no longer the leader of that year, and you don’t need to worry.”

He explained lightly: “At that time, we belonged to different camps, and I sent someone to kill you because of the situation.” He knew that if one explanation was not good, he might immediately turn his face. Suman and others were able to flee many times in the siege of the Black Witch Tower, but it was definitely not a superficial strength. .

“Bengula is my friend, or you think you are doing your best to solve the problem of hunting you down. Finally, you have great luck to have the chance to escape from the mortal situation. If so, I have nothing to say . Do you think I was abandoned by the Black Witch Tower just because of my mother? “Angele stared at the fire blandly.

“If you all think so, then I have nothing to say, get up and leave immediately, just as everyone has never met.”

Sudden for a moment, Suman’s brows gradually loosen. A glance at the other companions.

“I believe in you. But one time our companion was killed in the hunt …”

“Remember Count Maixiang, I was at odds with him. At the beginning, it was his strength that chased you. Some of my strong men were drawn to him and did not obey me at all. For example, Blood Bedola.” A bitter smile appeared on his face again. Even he admired his pretense. Pretend to be a subordinate who is dissatisfied with a colleague, and disagree with colleagues, but also in the cracks of the struggle for rights, to disguise in order to keep friends undercover.

“Okay, everyone, don’t keep your face down. It wasn’t Green, but changing to another leader may not necessarily have us now. This is thanks to Green. Past things let him pass by. Forget it. “Sierra battled with a smile.

The thieves and sword dancers are looking at Suman.

Suman’s eyes were calm and he stared at Angele for a moment. “It’s okay, the past will let him pass. Now I want to come. Which of the elite hands to escape from at the beginning did have a lot of luck, but this luck is too good. There must be Green’s credit in it. /

“The purpose now is to prevent the Black Witch Tower from unblocking the King of Dreams.”

“Adjust the state first, we will go directly to the world altar in the afternoon.” Suman sat down. Insert the machete in your hand back to your waist. “Everyone rest well.”

The thief slowly retracted his dagger and sat down. But there was still a trace of discomfort with Angli on his face.

Angel had a bitter smile on his face, just sitting beside the fire and staring at the flames quietly, seemed to be in a daze.

Brigitte sat beside him with no expression, but the irony in his eyes couldn’t hide it.

Time passes by every minute.

Boom! !!

Sudden thunder suddenly sounded outside the cave. The whole cave started to shake.

Suman stood up abruptly. “Sierra, what happened? Contact Brother Guo Gelin in the shift outside.”

Sierra immediately flicked a fist-sized crystal ball from her waist pouch. Touch it lightly. There was a flash of white light from above, and then it went silent again without any reaction.

“No! The energy fluctuations outside are too strong and I can’t contact Brother Guo Gelin!” Serra said eagerly.

“Messes have trouble you to go, others prepared!” Suman looked at the thief.

“It’s okay.” Messé nodded, preparing to run out.

“No need.” Angle pointed to the crystal ball in front of the person in front of him, “I can see the outside here.”

He smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and stroked it on the crystal ball, and a complicated scene suddenly appeared on it.

On the white snow. Hundreds of white knights were charging, rushing from the gap above the honeycomb cave to a black double-headed giant eagle opposite.

The giant eagle has some twisted wings and seems to be broken, standing on the ground and waving another wing to slap the knight around. Shooting the knights one by one, each time there are some knights who are beaten and fractured, or even killed.

The eagle haunts black smoke. Both eyes turned red, like two swirling swirls. Looks unusually conspicuous.

“Hate the eagle! One of the war beasts of the Black Witch Tower, they must be chasing the falling Hate Eagle. The Alliance and the Black Witch Tower are at war!” Rogue Methes said hurriedly What? Suman! “

“Get started now! The defense of the Black Witch Tower should be a lot empty now, it’s our chance!” Suman said in a deep voice, “Brother Green, are you with us?”

Angel froze slightly. Unexpectedly Suman was willing to take him with him. “Of course, my purpose is also for this.” He put away the crystal ball and stood up. “If I didn’t find the line to go in, I wouldn’t be here to make a special trip to you.”

“Green has joined in. Our strength can certainly be improved a lot. The success rate can also be improved a lot!” Bengula also breathed a sigh of relief.

“Let’s do it now!” Suman reached out and pressed, and the bonfire naturally froze and went out.

Angel’s eyes narrowed, and he didn’t even know what technique Suman used. There is no energy fluctuation, it seems that it is just a simple palm wind, but then a little palm wind is not enough to extinguish the campfire, let alone freeze.

Pedestrians moved quickly along the cave one after another.

Angel is in the middle of the team, faintly caught in front and back to guard. Apparently, Suman and others were still uneasy about him.

The closest to Angelo is the sword dancer woman in silver armor. The woman in her thirties was dumb, but she was holding water in her hands with her swords in her waist and her eyes were like water.

A short time later, a group of people walked out of the cave and met with Guo Gelin who was waiting at the entrance of the cave. Sierra began to sprinkle some clear invisible powder. Rogue Methess turned the ruby ​​on the pale gold dagger.

The scent of everyone’s body disappeared into the air quickly, as if never appearing here.

Bengula whispered a few broken sentences, all of them felt a little light at the same time, and their weight dropped to an astonishing level.

“Be careful not to leave a trace!” Suman reminded his voice in a low voice. “Brother Benguela explained our route to Brother Green on the way.”

“Leave it to me.” Ben Gurra leaned next to Angle, his lips moved slightly, and a voice began to spread.

A group of people moved quickly and ran away from the battlefield. On the snow, only a slight wind sound was faintly heard, and the blizzards of the sky wiped away all their footprints.

The team bypassed the fighting area of ​​the abomination eagle, and ran forward from the right side for a while. The fighting sound behind them gradually weakened, and Suman stopped slowly and entered the entrance of a bee-eye cave.

Angele was on the way under Bengula’s voice. But I learned some information about this route.

“The city sewers built by ancient wizards? Is this fresh, that is, there is an ancient city buried underneath?” he asked.

“Exactly, it is one of the three kings in the legend, the capital of the dream shadow.” Bengala ran and explained, “the battle between the king of dream shadow and the other two wizard wizards was completely destroyed. This glorious wizarding city. Bury it deep in the earth. “

When the crowd entered the entrance. Angelle paused slightly and looked back at the sky.

Under the white clouds, large flocks of black and white birds fought and killed each other, and feathers and flesh kept falling. From time to time, brilliant fireworks of various colors explode, and groups of storm elements and wind elements fly through.

At the center of the sky, two black and white figures are constantly staggering and collapsing, blooming with transparent energy vibration ripples, violent energy elements are boiling in the air, and the clouds are shaken to emit a huge blue cavity. .

“What’s wrong?” Bengula turned back. Several others also stopped.

“Nothing. Just suddenly wanted to take a last look at the sky.” Angelle glanced deep into the sky, turned and chased after everyone waiting for him.

Run for more than ten minutes along the cave passage, through the white wall-like spider web entrances and exits, a dark blue shimmering room appeared in front of Angle.

Suman walked in first, reached out and touched the wall. “No danger, just ordinary fluorescent substances.”

“Are you here for the first time?” Angelle asked suddenly.

“What?” Suman looked back at Angela in doubt.

“Be careful, this kind of wall …” Angele noticed a simple incense stand on the left side of the room, next to the other exit door, covered with white cobwebs and dust.

He reached out and pointed his finger at Xiangtai, a red flame flew from his fingertips, and landed on Xiangtai.


The walls of the entire room seemed to be ignited by this flame, and the room was filled with red flames. Cover the blue light completely.

Suman and others immediately exited the room.

“This is … the channel guard?” Serra said hesitantly.

On the walls of the flame, a human-shaped stone mass slowly arched, and quickly formed a blue flower bud shape.

The blue flower buds slowly open under the red flame. Expand the crystal clear blue translucent petals, like a lotus flower. A human eye and red lips emerged from the flower stamen.

“A password is required.” Red lips murmured ancient Byron.

“What do you mean?” A group of people looked at each other. No one actually understood the meaning of this witchcraft institution.

Angele is also a little speechless. Going forward: “He said that he needs a password, that is, a password. As long as he has a password, he can pass, otherwise he may be attacked.”

“Password?” Suman was slightly lost in thought.

“Stone wall.” Sword dancer Bella suddenly made a noise.

“Right! Shibi!” Suman clapped his hands slightly excitedly. Open his mouth and spit out a weird language like a monkey’s bark.

The red lips in the flower opened again. “Password is correct, allow it.”

His ……

The flames in the room quickly and naturally extinguished, the blue light on the wall slowly disappeared, and the blue flowers collapsed and retracted into the wall, melting and entering.

“Go!” Suman took the lead and walked to the exit door across the room.

“Thank you just now.” Sierra stayed a little back and thanked Anglo in a low voice. “Next, please help everyone a lot.”

“It doesn’t matter, after all, our goals are the same now.” Angle smiled and stopped talking.

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