The Wizard World: 502 Elite 3

A group of people from the Black Witch Tower stepped out of several strong wizards to face all the attacks. They raised their left arms and lit up a dark disc above them, one by one to accurately block the talented witchcraft attacks. Some wizards also summoned some black-red bats and giant eagles to welcome the ice wolf.

A few people from Enna also flew up and fought against several leading wizards in the Black Witch Tower. There is no gorgeous effect on both sides of the battle, but they are quickly releasing half of the voodoo gestures, and each time they release to a certain extent, both sides will give up the previous voodoo at the same time. Apparently, they found out that the opponent was about to use witchcraft to counteract.

Compared to the bottom, the high-end battles above are more peaceful.

Angel brought Brigitte to one corner of the platform, entangled with two black giant eagles. From time to time, put a lava ball to make a look.

The situation at the scene does not require him to contribute at all. The big trend below is gradually tilting to the side of the Alliance. The Dark Cloud Giant is blessed with a lot of various witchcraft effects. Each attack requires several black witch towers. Sorcery union can resist.

In addition to the large number of people in the alliance, the situation soon became clear.

“Get out of hand, you have no chance!” Seaman shouted in the air.

“You are too naive.” A sharp voice came from the air. “Hands on! What are you waiting for?”

A huge white cross lit up suddenly in the sky. The tip of the cross slammed into the vest behind Seaman.

Not far away, Anura pulled back her hand with a sneer. “I’ve been waiting for the best time.”

All Alliance Wizards were stunned by this change of life and stopped for a moment. They were seized by the mentally prepared Black Witch Tower Wizard, and several wizards were injured and fell to the ground.

Siman was hit hard by a beam of red light from his opponent. He instantly pierced a blood hole from his head and fell to the ground.

Anura didn’t mean to stop her hand, and once again she gathered a huge white cross in her hand, aiming at Enna who was fighting with her opponent. Several black wizards around him also rushed to the surrounding Alliance wizards, with sharp red blood on their nails.

Angel also sank a little in his heart. He had been waiting for the lurkers in the secret to take action, but he did not expect that there were still traitors on his side.

“Not good …” Brigitte sneered behind her. “It looks like you have to die here today.” She flew involuntarily to block a giant eagle’s assault route. Stable the Giant Eagle back into the air.

Angele didn’t speak. He grabbed a small blue spar from his waist pouch and held it in his hand. Footsteps slowly moved towards the edge of the platform.

He glanced at Justin and others. They were doing the same thing, but they were in chaos on the battlefield. No one noticed that they were writing wizards whose strength was not outstanding.

“Everyone pay attention!” Enna suddenly roared in the sky, throwing her books to her head. Suddenly, a large number of pale yellow book pages were falling down. Envelope her completely. It was only a moment when the pages spread out and Enna’s figure disappeared directly into the air.

In no time, all the sounds on the platform disappeared. The explosion of energy, the thumping of wolves, the whistling sound of witchcraft.

Angel stepped on the edge of the platform, and suddenly felt that all sounds in his ears were completely silent. After a while, a soft harp sounded slowly in the air.

The sound of music is strongly hypnotic, gentle and slow.

Angle glanced at Justin Milley and others on the right hand side. A tired look began to appear on their faces. One of them, Amya, had fallen asleep and fell asleep.

The pony-tailed woman was standing in front of Amya, supporting the sorcery of her opponent with a small brass shield. From time to time threw a gold flying knife.

“It’s a prelude to sleep!” Justin yelled at Angle beside him, but couldn’t hear a little sound. The content of his speech can only be seen from the mouth.

“Eternal Sleep Overture …” Angele sank a little, hypnotizing everything, even the energy fluctuations would be calmed down by the effect of hypnosis, the most important thing is. This is an indistinguishable range effect.

The wizards who glanced at Enna’s location were quickly releasing witchcraft to focus on solving each opponent. Obviously, they had precautionary measures in advance. Not at all affected by hypnosis.

The wizards of the Black Witch Tower were quickly solved one by one, but in ten seconds, they had changed from more than ten people to only five or six people.

The Alliance has also been dragged a few times by the death of some wizards, and there are only three remaining on Enna’s side.

Angel noticed. The most prominent player on the field now is their group of people. On the side of him and Justin Milley, it is the one with the most complete combat effectiveness. Faint. He felt suddenly a little bad.

In a silent environment, he saw Enna’s original location in the air, and a red balloon suddenly appeared. The balloon was only the size of a fist at the beginning, and quickly expanded to the size of a human head in a few seconds.


The balloon has blown up. A small, cute blond white ragdoll jumped out, slowly moving his arms and neck, like a robot lacking lubricant.

Angele saw that Ragdoll’s lips moved and seemed to say something, but was completely covered by the effects of the sleepless overture.

Then he saw the impatient expression on Ragdoll’s face, and opened his mouth directly to make a screaming action.

In the faint, silent environment, the slightest scream of the sharp girl gradually changed from small to loud, more and more sharp, and louder and louder.

Ah! !! !! !! !!

Finally, all surrounding sounds suddenly returned to their original state. The sharp screams completely covered the sleepless overture.

“I’m Alice, you can’t run !!!” The ragdoll stopped and screamed, with a secret smile on her face.

In the air not far away, Enna emerged from a state of invisibility, her face pale, her face staring in amazement at the ragdoll who suddenly broke the sleepless overture.

“Go!” She yelled suddenly, her shape suddenly turned into a white mist, and disappeared in place.

Angel was too late to see the situation of others, and his body turned decisively into a dark red flame that disappeared.

In the fiery red in front of me, the next moment, Anger listed the endless clouds now floating slowly. Brigitte flashed white and appeared next to him.

A purple electric light flashed not far away, and the horsetail woman emerged with Amya and Mi Lei. The five looked at each other without speaking, and wiped the latter straight away from the vines.

There are white cotton-like clouds underneath, but none of them have any intention to go down through the sea of ​​clouds.


On the vine platform

Alice falls down slowly and steps on the platform ground. Several black witch tower wizards rushed forward.

“Resolve the fleeing wizards in batches. Be sure to leave them all here! I will go there in the hand of the shadow, and she will bring the secret of the sleepless overture, you will not be useful.”

A group of gray smoke also fell on the platform, forming three human figures.

“Sir, we are late.”

Alice shook her head: “If it wasn’t for their expectation that they had a sleepless prelude, I wouldn’t have appeared so early. Unfortunately, it was a step too late. We lost a lot of manpower.”

She thought for a moment: “Apart from Enna. There is also a group of people who hides a ruthless character and is also a troublesome character. Who will you solve?”

“I’m going,” Qing Yan condensed the humanoid lead.

“Be careful, one of them should be at a level of strength with Enna, maybe there is a secret treasure. The league will certainly not arrange them so easily, it should be one of their back-ends.” Silk reminded.

“You can rest assured. We will pay attention to cooperation.” The smoke figure answered.

“Who then are the remaining stray fish? They seem to have fled from above the sea of ​​clouds.” Alice looked at Anura.

“It’s my pleasure.” Anura smiled slightly, not at all in a grin. “Unfortunately I can’t solve Enna by myself.”

“If you are faster, I can leave you one leg.” The smoke figure on the side said with a smile.

“Then that’s all right.”

“Okay.” Alice clapped her hands. “Let’s do it. Use the newly created teleportation array.”

“Yes, sir.”

In the snoring, a group of people disappeared instantly.


The sky above the clouds, the pale golden sun stains the surface of the clouds into a light golden red.

Five dots slowly fly forward in the sea of ​​clouds, like five little bugs. The whole sea of ​​clouds seemed unusually peaceful.

Angele leaned forward, surrounded by a faint red light. Flying forward quickly.

“How’s the situation?” A woman’s voice came into his ear.

“Okay, not hurt.” Angele whispered back, “How are you there? Amiya is okay?”

The ponytail woman frowned: “I used her homemade pearl lotion, and it should wake up soon. Just …” Her gaze fell on Mi Lei, who was aside.

Miller’s upper body was covered with blood, and it looked like he was not badly injured. He was wearing a heavy armor with white gold rims, exuding a faint white light, and seemed to have a healing effect.

Seeing Angle notice himself. Mi Lei laughed bitterly. “Fortunately, I didn’t hurt Yuanyuan. I was attacked by a wizard just now.”

“It’s okay not to be badly injured. The question now is, how do we return?” Angelle asked calmly. “The control of Teleportation is in Enna ……?” He suddenly stopped his voice. “Someone chased it, it seems that we have scored the action, the latter is very strong.”

Mirley and the horsetail woman also seem to feel the huge breath behind them rushing after them.

“My name is Mi Lei. This is the elder sister of this guy. If you can survive, you will contact me later.” The horsetail woman quickly introduced, a white light popped on her hand, and flew to Angliel. “This is the mark.”

“Okay.” Angele caught the white light, and a white flower pattern condensed on the left fingernail, and then a black light popped up. “Good luck to you.”

Mi Lei catches the black light and glances. “Good luck.”

The two sides stared at each other, separated their heads and flew away from the sides, and the white cloud gas behind them formed a white fork.

Angele flew straight for several kilometers, without a word of silence, and no other creatures existed besides Brigitte.

“What on earth are you working on?” Brigitte asked coldly. “It was said that you had to come in to ambush the Black Witch Tower, but you ran away without any effort. Now Shinto is acting alone. “

Angel directly flashed blue eyes when her eyes flickered when her absence.

Flying for a few more minutes, he finally stopped slowly, and glanced back in the clouds. “Have you caught up?”

Look at Brigitte aside. “It’s all up to you for a while,” Angelle said in a deep voice.

Brigitte first stunned and immediately became furious. “Damn! You want to use me as a shield again! Some kind of you killed me !!!”

“Don’t say that, we’re good partners.” Angell patted Brigitte’s shoulder.

“You guys!” Brigitte’s teeth snapped. (To be continued)

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