The Wizard World: 491 war 6

491 war 6

And all beings involved in this operation will be maintained and blessed by the power of nightmares. As the distance between the world shortens, Angele will receive more and more nightmares to help him resist the suppression of the forces of the world. The strength will continue to recover until the world is in line, and the strength of the second true body is truly restored.

The power of Nightmare is through the connection between Angell and the Nightmare World, and it is transmitted along the cracks in space and time to achieve the auxiliary effect.

Angel’s dark red halo around him grew stronger and stronger, and a strong nightmare force turned into red light in his body and radiated to the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters.

In all areas where the red light shines, the ground gradually turns red, the grass quickly scorches and withers, and some bugs become coke directly.

Smell of sulfur lingers in the air, becoming hot and distorted.

Angele cannot suppress this change. “The essence of Nightmare Power is the crazy assimilation of pollution without limits. The deeper the level of killing and chaos, the more it is favored. Now it can even be automatically transformed into the existence of a glowing halo through my body.”

Frowning, he has always disliked this feeling beyond his control.

This glowing halo is not his own control, but the manifestation of the power of nightmare in the wizarding world.


Take a step forward, and a piece of grass in front quickly turns into a piece of coke.

Weiss and the other three have rushed back from not far away at the moment, and their black mist is wrapped with two unconscious black-eyed one-eyed dragons.

“Master?” Weiss stared at Angele in doubt.

A dark red light radiates to the surrounding area more than ten meters, a bit like a high-temperature halo. This aura works well for normal creatures, but it’s completely useless for slightly stronger beings.

“Throw those two over,” Angelle whispered.

Weiss has a vaguely formed black mist body. He lifts up two black-eyed one-eyed dragons that passed out in two hands and throws them in the direction of Angle.

Two beeps, two one-eyed dragons fall in the red light.

“Ah !!!” Unconsciously groaned in pain between the two populations.

The skin on their bodies started to float slowly, and the exposed skin was covered with dense yellow blisters. There is a viscous light yellow liquid in the gaps between the eyes, which is the liquid flowing out after the eyeballs are torn and cracked.

Their two bodies of steam evaporate and their skin begins to dry out and turn black. His body was getting thinner and he was rolling and struggling on the ground.

Angele slowly walked towards the two, and his hair slammed into the skulls of the two, and the two reddish human souls were directly involved while retracting. In the hiss, the two souls were quickly absorbed by the hair, leaving no traces left.

The three groups of black mist in Weiss can’t see the two bodies, but just watch the two dawn wizards on the ground quickly turn from normal people into two coke. Are silently silent.

The two independences are completely motionless.

A cry, the two of them burned at the same time, and the red flames quickly burned the two bodies to ashes.

“This halo” Weiss sounds a bit dry.

“It’s a new kind of research of mine. You must have no resistance from the other side to work.” Anger said casually with a smile on his face. “It looks like you are not badly injured.”

Three blobs of black mist rolled over without saying anything.

“Are these two strong?” Anglia asked calmly.

“Sir, the strength of the other party is beyond our expectations. I suggest to evacuate immediately. Their main high-level staff is still ambush not far away, and it is difficult for us to resist.” Heifei Feinan said lowly. He was the worst injured, and the black mist on his body was no longer black, but a little gray.

Angel’s face was calm. As the world moves closer, his power will increase as the distance shrinks. This enhancement is ongoing all the time. Now, he has recovered to the power of the Dawn Wizard with the power of nightmare. He is much stronger than the average Dawn Wizard. It doesn’t take much timidity at all.

The more souls killed, the more convenient it is to accumulate the needs of the sacrificial rune. The absorption of the soul must be done by Anglia himself.

“Sir, we are only supporting you, and we have no obligation to pay for your life,” Weiss reminded. “Even if His Royal Highness Prince Wulong learns, he won’t blame us for this.”

“Of course I know that.” Angeli smiled. “But now the other party’s high-level must have noticed our arrival and they are rushing back. It only takes an hourglass to get here. If you want to leave in a hurry, you can leave now.

“The concealment of our shadow forces has always been excellent,” Weiss calmly said.

“Then please, please.” Angele did not stop.

At this time, the battle below is also coming to an end. The two red lines quickly returned to Angele and turned into twelve Lionheads.

Their bodies are full of scars. Both ends of their arms have been cut off, and new arms are slowly growing.

The breath of these twelve lionheads has reached the level of tripolar wizard, and the rest has reached the level of level two wizard and level one wizard. Many souls and negative emotions have been harvested in this battle.

The lionheads themselves will grow with constant battles. Each time they absorb some negative emotions and souls, they will continue to grow, but they will not exceed the level of Anglia’s body in any case.

And the highest level that can be raised is nothing more than the fourth-level Dawn Wizard. That is to say, the attack defense reaches a degree of about one thousand degrees. This is also the strength of Angele’s body. The subsequent real body and the second real body are caused by the particularity of blood.

But it ’s enough if you can reach level 4.

The lionheads were originally only over two meters in size, but now they are more powerful, and they have grown to more than three meters. The two three-pole wizard-level Lionhead paperweights reached four meters.

The trio of Weiss felt a little shocked when they saw these lionheads.

“It seems that the grown-up has plans and plans. In this case,” Weiss recalled what Prince Dragon said to him before leaving. “Since this is the case, I will continue to follow the grown-up.”

Angel froze slightly, and then his face became brighter. “I remember.”

Suddenly he looked in the direction of one end of the canyon, and there was a faint sigh of breath rushing to this side very far away.

“It seems our friend is coming soon.”

Angele stepped forward in that direction, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed his palms to the ground.

A large piece of gray-white rock and dirt suddenly bulged on the ground, quickly melting and condensing, forming a huge stone bow more than six meters long and one meter wide. Gently hold it in Angele’s hand.

The gray and white bow is not like a bow and arrow, but more like a giant tower shield.

“Give them a small meeting gift first”

Angel pulled left.

Squeak! !!

A bunch of dark red hair quickly connected to form a bowstring and was pulled into a huge sharp corner.

Vigorous rumbles kept coming from the ground.

With Angele as the center, all the mud and stones scattered on the ground are suspended and quickly condense on the bowstring into a giant off-white arrow.

A large number of red light spots spread out of Angele and got into the arrows. The arrows gradually glowed a faint glow of red, becoming more and more crystal clear.


Angel’s mouth had a smile, and his eyes glowed bright blue.

Oh! !! !!

The arrows disappeared instantly, turned into a red line and flew into the sky, disappeared. Instantly, the sky lit up with a dark red spot.

Somewhere in Ninova Canyon

A long team of white armors is swiftly running towards the depths of the canyon. At the forefront is a white armored woman, with a disc ghostly spin on her back, her body twisted around the powerful and transparent air.

“Hurry up! Hurry up!” Several commanders behind the white armor woman roared.

There are hundreds of people in the team, and some of them carry some black things like turrets.

The white armored woman’s face is cold.

“How long will it take to reach Ninova City?”

“About an hourglass time!” the middle-aged male deputy whispered.

Baijia women glanced back at the team behind them. Except for themselves, everyone’s face was ugly, and the forehead and horns were sweaty. Obviously, physical exertion is great.

“The team is very expensive, we must rest in place!” the deputy reminded.

“There is no time! Let everyone take the marching potion.” The white armored woman said coldly. “Go ahead now!”

The helper’s face was helpless. Let the commander pass on the instructions.

Soon everyone took a pale red potion from the lumbar sac and drank it.

“Go forward all!” The commander shouted loudly.

The team continues to accelerate in the canyon.

Just marching for a moment, the white woman’s complexion suddenly changed.

“Wait !!” She roared loudly, and the whole person flew up into the air in an instant. “The whole army defends!”

She looked up and looked at the sky ahead.

The gray sky slowly lights up a little dark red halo, followed by the second point, the fourth …

In the blink of an eye, the entire sky is densely covered with dark red dots.

The white armored woman suddenly reached out her hand and grabbed a huge broad-edged sword.

Oh! !! clang! !!

The Great Sword severely crushed a dark red arrow that fell.

Then the continuous snoring, the dense arrow rain continued to shoot down like dark red raindrops.

Screams kept ringing in the team. Some propped-up defensive films are shot through just in an instant, like paper. The power of each arrow is extremely huge, and even some secondary wizards can only defend it. No one can release large-scale defense magic resistance, including white armor women.

“Damn !!! This breath” a stun appeared in the eyes of the white armored woman, “It’s that guy !!!”.

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