The Wizard World: 461 Freak 2

“Seal of Space and Time Vortex !!!” Once Angliel’s face changed, he knew that the disappearance of Time and Space Vortex meant that they would never go back. In the world of Linghu, he did not dare to directly use the blood of the Scorpion to return to the wizarding world. The coordinate distance is far from being able to be supported by his blood. Once blocked, they will become the babies of life and live here for a lifetime.

His face changed: “I can’t get rid of myself now, I’ll let you know the bone demon!”

“Okay!” The eye-monster responded immediately, and the spiritual connection was immediately broken.

At this moment, the woman across from her body returned to her body, and began to slowly spread a thick invisible twisting force field around her body, a stone wall, chain fragments, all suspended.

“It’s been a thousand years, a whole thousand years! I finally got liberated again.” The woman’s black body slowly opened her 461 weirdo 2 **** mouths, full of sharp teeth. Soon she was all over her.

She trembled violently as she bent over her head and began to arch slowly, seemingly struggling to get some new body part.

“This time !!! I will definitely take revenge !!! Saint Luma! You have imprisoned me for more than a thousand years, and I will stun this account !!!” The woman was dizzy for a while, and the whole person was faint. Knowing where to hold out a pair of giant hands, clipped under the arm like a chick and ran.

Angele retracted the giant shadow, sprinting with a woman in black in one hand, holding a new green skull in one hand, and talking solemnly.

“Bone, there is something wrong with the Eye Demon, you better take care of it, the vortex of time and space must not be sealed, otherwise we all can’t go back!”

“What! Isn’t that guy with eyebrows still around Nim? Why can’t even a sea **** be able to do it !?” The bone’s deep and terrified voice came from the skull.

“Then I hurry up! Where are you now?”

Angele smiled bitterly: “I’m in a space-time corridor now, and I need to follow a fixed time and route to get out! I can’t catch it at all. It’s up to you!”

He can’t say that he’s gone, it’s just cannon fodder.

461 Weird 2 “Oh, I forgot, you have n’t recovered your strength yet. Then I will go first. Damn it! Eyewit promises that there will never be a problem before leaving the waste !!!” Slowly go down.

Ah! !! !! !! !!

Another scream sounded from Angele’s telepathy.

“Ibrus !!! You lunatic !!! No !!!” The eye-monger roared wildly for a while.

“Killing you can guarantee the peace of my Linghu world for 100,000 years !! Even the loss of 10 million people and my life soul is worth it.” An old voice came slowly.

Angele sprinted along the almost endless corridor, and after a full ten minutes, he stopped suddenly, p palms lined up on the left wall, and a small door suddenly opened on the wall. .

Angle dived into it without hesitation, appearing in the corridor where he first came in.

Speeding up and down the corridor, Angele didn’t stop at all, rushed to the previous library in two minutes, and the whirlpool cave behind closed slowly.

Standing in the collection room, Angle sniffed, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

“The fear in the air is getting stronger …” This fear smelled in Angele’s nose, like a thick creamy fragrance, and also caused a sense of hunger in his body.

He could have smelled fear before, but it was far less dense now.

There is silence around the entire library, and there is no movement outside the door.

Angele strode to the door and reached out to push it open.

There is a quiet outside, and the two-headed old white cat has disappeared.

“What’s going on?” At this moment the woman in black under Angele’s armpit seemed to wake up. “Damn! You let it go, eh!”

Angel retracted his hands expressionlessly, slightly lifting the woman who passed out again to clamp it. Looking around from side to side, the figure instantly turned into a ghost image and disappeared in place.

It didn’t take long for me to stand directly in the shadow in the hall of the temple.

From the hall faintly came the roar of monsters and the screams of the crowd, the cry of children, the roar of men, and the symphony of gold and iron from weapons striking each other.

The fear in the air is getting stronger and thicker, just like directly applying the hot cream to the nose of Angele.

“What’s going on? There was no such fragrance and hunger just now.” Angele was a little puzzled, and seemed to be particularly sensitive to the message of the scorpion woman given by the woman. An emotional breath. It is as if any body organs have been alive in this process of passing on information similarly.

“This woman is not very powerful, and has been sealed. What special ability should it have!” Angle faintly concluded. His eyes flashed blue immediately, scanned by the woman **** fool.

Returning his eyes, Angele suddenly knew something.

“It is able to continuously absorb high concentrations of negative emotions, and it can also be purified naturally and strengthened! No wonder the seal of the temple is suppressed in the depths of the space-time corridor that isolates everything.

He just entered the space-time corridor just now, and it seemed simple and easy to catch people out. In fact, it would take more time to change to creatures such as bone demon with insufficient knowledge.

This is the fundamental difference between the top researchers who only know how to use talent and wizards. To deal with the space-time corridor, Anglo has no less than ten ways to easily achieve the goal.

Eye bone demon is estimated to be destroyed only by violence, unless there are special talents. But it can never be as easy as Anglia.

In fact, it is simply calculated based on the calculation speed of the amount of academic knowledge. Angli can be compared with him in the wizarding world or in other worlds. It is probably the old eye-catching dragon who likes to collect books. Other wizards and intelligent life are difficult to compare. At least I haven’t encountered it yet.

The ability of a chip to absorb a large amount of new knowledge in a short period of time is extremely powerful in learning.

Angel quietly moved in the shadow of the temple with the woman in black.

There are some white armored temple guard corpses lying on the ground of the temple. There are dense black bats and flying dragons in the air around the hand of the idol.

Lurking to the edge of the hand of the deity, Angle jumped slightly, just on the back of a giant black bat.

“Supervisor ?!” The bat spit out his words, with a hint of wonder. “How are you here?”

Angle doesn’t care about it either: “Go to the direction of space-time vortex, don’t worry about others, I need to go back immediately!”

“Yes!” The bat belongs to the Bone Demon Legion Array, and has long been instructed by the Supervising Lord Phoenix to mobilize Rehe troops below one legion at will. So immediately turned around without hesitation and flew towards Silver City.

Oh! !! Huh! !!

The black bat keeps emitting sound waves and spreads out, it seems to be conveying the message to the black bats around.

A group of black bats ready to intercept and help immediately flew back and seemed to know the situation here.

Angele held a tuft of black bristle on the back of a black bat. Fly quickly towards the distance.

As time passed, Angele felt the fear and negative emotions around him, growing stronger.

At first, it was just a kind of fear. Then, violent madness, sadness and pain, all other emotions quickly gathered around him.

Exactly he was caught in a woman in a coma under the armpit.

No other creature can see these negative emotions, but Anglie can clearly see the layers of black smoke lingering and concentrating on the woman, digging into her body.

He sucked fiercely, and a large group of fear lingering around the woman was immediately sucked into his nose.

There was a hint of intoxication on Angele’s face. Unconsciously, he began to breathe black smoke with fear.

Every time he takes a sip, he feels that the blood of the scorpion woman in his body seems to be undergoing extremely strange changes. The blood of the Cyclops in the body was quickly suppressed.

As the black bat continued to fly, more than ten minutes later, Angele and the woman in black had been covered by a large cloud of black smoke.

The black smoke constantly swirls around, and from time to time they form a horrified face, and then immediately collapse.

Angele absorbs black smoke faster and faster. Almost all the black smoke gathered by women in black is released into his body by his brain.

Slowly, the woman in black woke up again, and just opened her eyes, seeing the black smoke rolling around, a dull expression suddenly appeared on her face.

“How is it possible! How could a scorpion woman dare to absorb negative emotions so directly !!! This guy”

Angel’s side has slowly surfaced with white grimace masks at this time, these faces have the anger, some ridiculous laughter, some crazy, some numbness. All emotions except fear are absorbed by them and all fears are swallowed directly by Anglo.

Unexpectedly, the ghost face formed by the death knell of Angell and Angell formed a state of mutual benefit and symbiosis.

Several white masks hover slowly around Angele. As if floating in the dark mist.

The black bat was holding Angele on his back, only to feel cold, a feeling of extreme fear made him feel a strong urge to shake off the creatures on his back to escape.

Angelev was on the bat’s back, his body was full of black smoke, and a thick black smoke was drawn into his nose.

‘The scorpion female ’s blood veins have been greatly strengthened, and the chip ’s prompts have echoed.

‘The effect of Ulan Sacrifice changes, and the blood of the Scorpion Girl changes unknown. There was a major conflict with the one-eyed blood, ‘the conflict caused a rejection. Do you abandon the one-eyed blood? The chips finally converged into an inquiry.

Angele slowly recovered from comfort.

“Abandoned?” He was lost in thought when he heard the chip’s inquiry.

The blood of the Scorpion is the key to his free shuttle between the Wizarding World and the Nightmare World. It seems that there are unknown changes in a week.

The Cyclops bloodline also contains extremely powerful terrorist power. Abandoning the Cyclops blood means that his current physical fitness is likely to weaken rapidly.

But if you do n’t purify your blood, you will take a route. After a certain level, bottleneck reactions will definitely occur. Can’t move forward. !! !! !!

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