The Wizard World: 454 Advent 1

“What more can be concealed at this time?” Angle smiled indifferently.

The bone devil rips off another piece of meat, chews it in his mouth, and asks a little bit inarticulately.

“How many troops did you bring over this time? Why didn’t you see the shadow?” He looked at the ground and air in the direction of Angele.

“I didn’t bring it.” Angell smiled, and he wouldn’t say that he had no one to take, “I haven’t responded to my strength, and brought soldiers to fight you?”

“That’s true too.” Bone Demon nodded naturally: “That’s right, you can join me, I give you the status of Chief Inspector, you can freely mobilize any unit below a legion, it is a friend. .As long as you can help me and the Eye Demon to fight for the heart of the Spirit Lake, how about it? “

“The strength of the five legions.” Angele said, “Give me what a legion can do, and I will agree to five.” He just wanted to act alone, naturally he didn’t want to be bound by the bone demons. Moreover, with his strength involved in the battle between two behemoths, is he tired of life?

“Five? That’s it!” Bone Devil frowned. “The inspector’s identity is also for you. Go in and take care of yourself when you go in. But you should pay attention to the eye devil yourself when you go in. That guy has a belly Bad water, do n’t even know she sold it.

“It’s okay, don’t worry.” Angelle smiled. “By the way, do you have a map of Linghu World?”

“There is a copy, you can copy it.” Bone Demon stretched out his hands, and suddenly a pair of white hands stretched out in the empty space around him, sending a tan paper roll.

He takes it and unfolds it gently. Pass it to Angelo.

Angele glanced at those hands, fair and slender, much like female hands. I took the map and glanced up. He frowned suddenly.

The maps on the tan paper are extremely delicate and delicate, and they are similar to the satellite maps on the earth.

The center of the map is a dark red dot with the handwriting on the edge marked.

With this as the center, it is surrounded by dense mirror-like lakes. There are also a large number of giant buildings and palace statues.

The entire map shows that their advent point is chosen in the core hinterland of some great power in Linghu World.

“We will certainly be suppressed when we enter other worlds. Are you sure there is no problem at this location?” He looked up at the bone demon opposite.

Bone Demon licked his greasy right hand. All the pieces of meat on the table were eaten clean by him, and he still looked intently.

“No problem, we have infiltrated some people into this place. You will know by then.”

Angele held back his doubts. Scan the map carefully, and remember all the above information and forces marked place names. Then it was rolled back and returned to the bone demon.

The bone demon did not pick up, but in the void on the right side of the two, the women’s slim hands stretched over again and took the map.

Angel looked down these hands, but he couldn’t see the slightest figure. Could not help but smile.

“You are good, and you can hide and enjoy this tempting service.”

“Keekekekeke !!” The bone demon opposite was suddenly choked with a drool, his old face flushed, and his eyes were a little weird.

“This is not to see you coming. I ca n’t find someone to serve. Only came up with this idea … now that you can see it, then … have come out to see the chief inspector. .. “

“Oh ….”

At the table of the two, a four-meter-tall tall man slowly emerged. He held a pair of women’s severed hands with thick hands. Holding the map carefully.

“Boss, why don’t you hide?” He glanced at the Bone Demon.

“Hide a fart!” The bone demon slaps on Han’s head. “Come on.”

“Oh …” Dahan seemed a bit mentally disabled, took a map and smiled, then turned invisible and disappeared into the air.

Angel’s mouth twitched.

“In fact, just find a banshee or a corpse monster.”

“Ha? Is that okay? The banshees and corpses have strong corpses, don’t all of you like this taste?” Bone Devil wondered.

“I don’t care.” Angle shook his head.

It’s just corpse. To the extent that he is now studying Wulan sacrifices, corpse energy is just his best supplement.

“All right.” The bone devil nodded, his lips moved slightly.

Soon, there are two enchanting statures with white skin on the floating platform where the two are standing, slowly standing up next to the two. The beauties had wine plates and glasses in their hands.

Go to the table, carefully pour a glass of wine, and place it in front of Angele and Bone Demon. Then carry the empty meat dish down.

As the beauty approached Anglie, he suddenly smelled a strong rotten smell. Nauseous nausea as if the stinky meat had been stuffed for a long time.

I looked at the bone demon opposite and found that he didn’t seem to smell it at all. Although Angli was not afraid of this odor, he was still irritated.

“While there is still some time to enter the world, do you have any powerful bones here? How about sending me a few?” Angle began to think of picking up leaks again.

He has the ability to purify a chip, something that other organisms cannot use, maybe it is a very precious good thing in his eyes.

“The bones of the strong? I don’t have many other bones, but there are many things like this. I give you as much as you want.” The bone demon waved generously.

“Oh? Are you sure?” Anglia smiled slightly.

“Sure!” With a wave of the bone demon’s hand, a spike from the ground on the floating platform suddenly flew out and flew into his hand. “How about this? It looks like the corpse of the son of the sun was picked up from the cracks in space and time.” He passed the spur of Bai Sensen in his hand to Angle.

Angel took the hand carefully. As soon as he started, he felt a strong horror heat, and madly drilled into his right hand from the bone.

“Son of the Sun …” He remembers this creature, which was rumored to be born in the center of the sun, and the heat is released all the time. Whenever they appear, they will be accompanied by natural disasters and droughts. In the legend of the wizarding world. Belonging to the horrifying alien world creatures that ancient wizards also feared.

“And this one, the skull bone of the skull dragon.” The bone demon handed over a scaly white bone.

“And the phalanges of Hera’s hand! Toe of the Star Giant!”

Except for the Son of the Sun, none of the other creature names, Angele, have heard of it. They can only take things that have been handed over like Bone Demon.

“These things …”

“It’s all yours!” Bone Demon waved his hand and said cheerfully.

Angele swallowed. Take all the bones and place them on the table for closer inspection.

All of these bones have one thing in common: the whole body is haunted by extremely powerful breath and force fields.

The bones of the Son of the Sun are extremely hot. The Skull Dragon is cold, and if Hera’s digit bones are absent, it seems that they can disappear in time and space at any time.

The toes of the last Starry Giant. Silver stars gleam around the white bones.

“These bones have been everywhere for thousands of years, and I will give you as many as you want. I do n’t have many other bones, but there are many bones.” The bones patted the chest boldly.

“Don’t look at these bones being very powerful and special. In fact, these forces cannot be extracted. You can destroy them, but it is very troublesome to use them.”

“It doesn’t matter … do you have a quiet place here? I like to study these bones carefully.” Angelle asked in a deep voice.

“Quiet place is okay.” Bone Demon waved, “Take my friend to the best laboratory on the main ship.”

“It’s an adult.” A corpse woman answered respectfully. “Master, please come with me.” She turned and flew towards the sky.

Angele picked up the bones used, tied them in a weak force field, and followed the corpse girl to the upper right.


Two days later …

In the dark clouds of the sky covering the sky, a huge disc of white bone is slowly turning, making a clicking noise from time to time.

The white disc is composed of countless bones, as if covering the entire plain with a bone-bone ceiling. Form a large expanse of bony ocean sky.

Small hollow windows are sparsely distributed on the entire disc, forming a transparent film like glass.

One of the holes in the middle left window.

Angel stood quietly in front of the semicircular window in the dark and warm spacious room, looking out at the view.

The huge black-red swirl swirls slowly. Flying around surrounded a large group of flying dragons, and you could hear the roar of cows from a distance.

Turning around, Angele looked at the thing on the semicircular test bench.

A white lab bench depicts an extremely complicated and delicate rune array. The lines of the array radiate three-dimensional red light, and layers of light golden blood are wrapped around the center.

The blood is suspended in a spherical shape. From time to time the surface boils and boils with bubbles.

Angele walked slowly to the test bed.

“The essence of the blood of the sons of the sun … if I have become a body element, maybe this is the best way to improve myself. Unfortunately, …”

The blood of the Son of the Sun is not applicable to him now. This kind of blood is too overbearing. It has no compatibility at all and cannot tolerate the coexistence of any other blood.

In order to have the blood of the Son of the Sun, we must abandon the fusion of the one-eyed blood and the blood of the scorpion, which is undoubtedly impossible for Anglia. In particular, the fusion bloodline has now progressed so much.

“Although it is not applicable, it is very good to be used as a killer. The power contained in this blood of the sun is extremely horrible. It can be used to form a blood mark.”

Similar to the blood of the sun, several other bloodlines, the star giant, the hand of Hera, and the skull dragon. Except for the beginning of Bone Dragon Blood Vessel Angele, which can barely absorb it, the others have extreme domineering properties and cannot tolerate the coexistence of other blood vessels.

Angele has also tried to make several blood vein essences into blood vein marks. Among them, the essence of the hand of Hera failed, and the star giant succeeded.

Now it seems that the blood of the sun is also very likely to succeed.

In this way, Angele can have two more killers. The blood of the giant of the sky is named as the starry sky. The blood mark of the sun is also intended to be directly called the star.

Looking at the pale golden blood on the test bench in front of him, Angle suddenly reached out and grabbed the blood.

His …

A barbeque-like sound came from the palms of his hands that were in contact with the blood, and at the same time, a little smoke was flowing.

Angel’s face remained the same, grabbing the blood cloak and slamming it.


After a muffled sound, the pale golden blood burst instantly, turned into countless golden light spots, drilled into the palm of Angle, forming a gold thread, and quickly flowed to his chest.

After a golden flash, Angliet slowly formed the mark of an eclipse on his chest. What is weird is that the black solar eclipse is still continuously releasing golden light around it, and it is also constantly turning clockwise, like a living creature.

Angel looked down at the eclipse’s mark, and there was a silver cross star vein mark on the edge, which was formed by the blood of the giant star. Also flashing a faint silver light.

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