The Wizard World: 446 Destiny 1

The golden beam of light lasted for more than ten minutes, and finally faded slowly. It became thinner and thinner, and finally the last moment disappeared completely.

Angel slowly let go of his hand covering his face, stepped forward, and stood in front of the sword hole to look inside.

The inside of the sword hole is a piece of brilliant gold, like a flowing golden liquid, slowly rotating.

Angel quickly drew the dark red character lines with his hands at the edge of the sword hole, and quickly formed a circular symbol matrix to surround the hole.

At the end of the last stroke, he patted the rune lightly, and then quickly backed away.

Oh! !!

The sword hole suddenly bursts with a large amount of golden light, forming an oval golden light cocoon, almost piercing the eyes.

“Finally … the gap in the world of the wizarding world …” Angle narrowed his eyes and stared at the golden light cocoon in front of him.

The light cocoon slowly radiates a breath that the wizarding world does not have.

He examined the contents of one side and sensed the Flame Lion lion guarding down the well. Slightly hesitant, Angele slowly walked towards the golden cocoon.

Oh! !!

After a small noise, the figure completely disappeared into the light cocoon and disappeared.



The dark clouds are rolling in the dark sky, and lightning flashes from time to time in the clouds.

On the dark and gloomy plains, big trees are connected to the sky, inserted into the clouds, without seeing the end, like black pillars between heaven and earth. Everything on the ground was covered with black ashes, a thick layer. Can’t see any signs of life.

The world is completely dark.

A bit of golden light suddenly illuminates in the air next to a large black tree. The golden light quickly grows and expands into a golden oval light cocoon, emitting a harsh light.

A black figure came out of the cocoon suddenly, just as he came out. The golden light cocoons instantly shrank and disappeared, as if never before.

Angel examined the robes on his lower body.

“Nothing was lost …” He reached out and supported the huge black tree on the right, looking up.

The black giant tree sticks into the clouds. Can’t see the end of the canopy at all.

His …

Angele took back the hand that was holding the tree, and the palm actually pulled a trace of slime-like things from the trunk. The glue was abnormally disgusting.

“This place ….” Angel frowned. Shake your hand hard, and then pull your hand off the black tree. But the slimy texture on his hands made him uncomfortable.


Suddenly, the palm of the hand suddenly ignites a layer of red flame, and the mucus on it is quickly dried and hardened, turning into a white mass like a clod and falling from the hand.

“Did I send it wrong?” Angle did not remember that this area was included in the image message sent by Prince Yaolong to him.

Several cold winds blew on the body, and the air was faintly rancid. On the ground, under the feet were thick black ash like a blanket.

Angele squatted and grabbed a bit of black and gray.

“It seems to be ashes. The ashes after the flames are burned …..” He had been to the Eye Devil’s residence in the Nightmare World, so he was extremely familiar with black ashes.

Spraying the black ash, Angele stood up and looked away.

The surrounding area is empty and flat, and the field of vision is all dark and dark, and the sparse branches of the straight black trees that reach the sky are on the plain. Continue to the end.

Angele retracted his hands, and with the exception of his head, his whole body retracted into the black silk robe.

Gently inhaling the air, suddenly his face changed.

‘Warning! caveat! There are unknown parasite eggs in the air and the harm is unknown. Start to detect the air component … The chip’s warning sound suddenly sounded.

‘Tested: 56% of parasite eggs and 32% of unknown flammable gas. Nitrogen 10%, the rest are highly toxic unknown gases. It is recommended that the subject close the breathing cycle and switch to the energy cycle. ’

Angele held his breath, a red light appeared on his face, and after a moment, he let out a sigh of sternness from his mouth, the gas slightly glowing black.

“It’s really dangerous …” He reached out and stroked in front of him, whispering a few curses. An off-white rune ring suddenly appeared around him. After flying around him, the rune ring slowly disappeared into the air.

Hoo ….

Taking a deep breath, Angele felt much more comfortable now.

“Witchcraft without filtered air, it’s really unaccustomed to switch to other circulation methods.” Lift your left foot from the thick black ash and take a step forward.


Stepping deep into the black ash is like stepping into the snow. Angele stepped towards the distant plain.

After moving forward for more than ten minutes, a huge black mountain finally emerged from the front.

The black mountains are rolling, blocking the entire plain in front, like a high wall. Above the mountains, blue-violet lightning was constantly lit, and thunder sounds came intermittently from a distance.

Angele looked up at the Eye Mountains.

“Finally arrived …” Recalling the approximate coordinates given to him by Prince Demon Dragon, Angele continued to move forward.

About more than half an hour later, I finally walked to the entrance of the black mountain.

The entrance is located on a slope. It is a winding and narrow uphill path. The sides of the pavement are covered with black rubble piles. The whistling wind whistled in the mountain pass like a ghost.

Angle didn’t hesitate, straightened his feet up the path, and climbed up the mountain.

Curving along the path, for more than two hours, Angele climbed to the top of the mountain and reached the end of the trail.

At the end is a black cave, which is fifty to sixty meters high and twenty to thirty meters wide. It looks like a huge black giant mouth, and a stream of cold wind is constantly flowing from the giant mouth.

Angel stands at the door of the giant cave, like a little ant near the giant’s mouth.

“Gerstein Walding … Remember the old man a thousand years ago?” Angle’s deep voice slowly passed into the black giant hole, and the remaining sounds echoed and repeated in the hole.

No movement in the cave. Angele did not feel any anxiety, waiting quietly at the entrance.

After a full ten minutes, an old and weak voice slowly came out of the cave.

“I’m sorry … I haven’t spoken in a long time, I forgot how to pronounce it for a while … I didn’t expect that there are still creatures to remember my existence … Please come in …” His voice was in standard Medioan, but he was exhausted and hoarse.

“Don’t mind if I want some light?”

“Of course.”

Angel finally smiled.


Slap your finger, and a ring of white and red flames suddenly floats around him. The ring consists of white flames. Suspended slowly in the air, even the cold wind at the entrance of the cave just blows it slightly.

The fire light suddenly illuminated the entire area of ​​tens of meters around Angele.

click! !!

A blue flash of lightning flashed across the sky and turned white for a moment.

Angele is surrounded by a white ring of fire. Walk slowly into the giant hole.

There is silence in the cave, there is silence in the tall and wide empty cave, and the front extends into the dark depths.

After walking out for a few minutes. The cave gradually eased. The general heavy breathing sound of a bellows became clearer from far to near.

As the white light shone, the end of the previous action ended, and a giant object finally appeared in front of Angliel on the edge of the cave wall.

A lying dragon.

Like a huge gray-and-white lizard, with more than ten pairs of white wings, all of which are bat-like flesh wings.

The faucet’s ears are two sharp blades that look like barbs, without eyes. The entire head is composed of a large mouth and two nostrils.

The most surprising thing about Angele is that although this dragon is 30-40 meters long. Lying on the ground looked weak, but there was a chill around him all the time. And its body skin has a translucent pale feeling.

Angel narrowed his eyes. “Maybe you are already the last eye-catching dragon in the world …”

He and the dragon are still dozens of meters away, but it does not hinder the dialogue between the two.

“Maybe …” The dragon’s skin was covered with fine wrinkles, and his gray dragon skin was already full of thick wrinkles, dull and dull. There was a faint smell of decay on the body.

“I’m too old to move, I’m sorry … because I haven’t moved for too long, my back has been with Shibi …”

The eye-catching dragon took a deep breath, and suddenly a whirlwind rolled up in the cave. It spoke slowly, word by word.

“It’s been too long ….. it’s been too long to visit me … no matter what your wishes. Just, evil, selfish or broad. As long as you can smell life In front of me, it made me feel that I was still alive and still existed … “

“Since you smell my breath, can you tell the reason for my arrival?” Angle asked quietly.

“You have the smell of my young fellow …. Let me smell … children, please come closer …” Denglong said in a low voice, and slightly moved his head.

Angel narrowed his eyes, paused, and walked slowly towards the dragon.

It didn’t feel much to look at it from a distance. After approaching, standing next to the front claws of the eye-catching dragon, Angele looked at the front claw nails the size of the basin in front of him.

The nails are not as sharp and sharp as they were when they were young, and they have shrunk a lot, but they still look extremely hard.

Angele stands in front of the dragon’s claws, as opposed to a dragon, like an ant in front of a lizard.

The eye-catching dragon slowly moved his head and brought the huge nostrils in front of Angele. Long black nose hairs extended from the nostrils, and there was still black booger on the roots.

Hisse …

Lao Long sucked hard.

Angele quickly pressed his waist pouch, and the huge suction almost sucked him away.

“Alas … the breath of nostalgia ….. is the breath of a young and powerful kin ….. I know your wishes …” The purpose of the grid.

“Is there a solution?” Angliel asked in a deep voice.

Lao Long hesitated: “I’m sorry …. My strength is too weak to dispel the dragon’s breath from you. Although he is a member of the same family, his strength is much stronger than mine. It is tens of thousands of years. Before … the breath of the peak. “

“What about other methods? Is there any information about your dragon’s breath? Or can you spray me a little bit of dragon’s breath now to study it for me?” Angele reached out and took out a dark red stone brick from his waist pouch, “This ruby ​​brick should help you recover a little physical energy.”

He gently threw the red brick into the eye of the eye-catching dragon.

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