The Wizard World: 445 Communication 2

Both girls are wearing silk black dresses.

One of them has long, round legs with black stockings on his legs. But if you take a closer look, you can see that it is not stockings but leather boots. The boots extend to the middle of the thighs, both like stockings and too long black boots.

Another girl is even more bizarre. The black pantyhose under the purple-black skirt only wore one leg, and the other leg was exposed with white and delicate skin. It looks sharp in black and white, and is very conspicuous.

Both girls are tied with black pony tails, hanging from their shoulders to their chests.

The last man was silver-haired, tall, and dressed in a black leather battle skirt and trousers. His eyes were blood-red, and he was greedyly staring at Angliel who came in at the bottom of the well.

“sland !!” A black-dressed girl yelled low, with some mania. “Sland! Sland! Sland !!!!!!”

She started to repeat the word. Looking at Angele’s neck, the edge of the cherry’s small mouth turned out faintly.

Hoo! !!

The three shadows disappeared instantly, and rushed towards Angele standing in front of the magma.

“Is this … a vampire?” Angele was not surprised, and his research interest was strong in his eyes. The long knife in his right hand stroked in front of him.


A red scratch is left on the tip of the knife, and a sharp red light suddenly shines in the air. In an instant, the scratched red light suddenly brightened and turned white, and the entire stone hall was completely illuminated like a small sun.

“Ah !!!” Two screams suddenly sounded. Then the two shadows flew backwards, and the sound of a bang blew into countless little black bats. Scattered on the ceiling of the hall, hanging upside down, covering his eyes with wings.

A black shadow growled. He continued to grab Angliel’s neck. The red sharp claws were like the claws of a fierce beast, but a faint green smoke came out under the white light.

“Look for death!” Angle snorted, pinching the red paw and snapping it.

Suddenly, a tall black shadow was suddenly knocked out by him and hit the stone wall on the right. Rolled to the ground. But one of his red claws was still caught in Angele’s left hand, and he remained motionless.

“Hello !!!” The middle-aged male vampire howled like a beast, madly trying to break free of the claws pinched by Angele, but eventually fell to his knees on the ground. There are constant smoke on the body.

“Are you afraid of the light?” Angele frowned, squinting at the knife marks still emitting dazzling white light.



The knife marks are suddenly dark, and disappear completely.

He then released his hand holding the right paw of the male vampire. The palm of his hand was silent, and he squeezed the vampire’s neck with a pinch. With a shout, lift it directly and hang it in front of you.

Dang Dang Dang! !! !!

The vampire’s claws are released, and they suddenly attack Angrim’s arms and body with a frantic attack, but each attack can only make a clash like grasping on metal.

Angele’s face remains unchanged, and despite his frantic struggle, his eyes slowly glow with a red glow. Keep an eye on the eyes of the middle-aged male vampire.

A deep curse sounded gently in the hall, and the middle-aged male vampire calmed down suddenly, and gradually lost his strength.

Stopping the spell, Angele frowned. “It takes a level two witchcraft creature serenity to calm down. The resistance of the vampire is quite high … the level of level one wizard.”

Just as he was about to let go of the vampire, suddenly two short black knives slammed from behind him into the back of his head. The quiet vampire in front of him also raised his claws and grabbed his eyes.

Om! !!

Angel’s conditioned reflex, a light red defense film suddenly lights up in front of him.

Oh! !! !!

Sweep the figure and fly out, hitting the stone wall and rolling down. Immediately moved.

White ash was splashing on the ground, and nothing could be seen for a while.

“Well!” Angri’s face changed, and he hurried over to squat beside a vampire. Reached to turn the vampire over.

The vampire girl’s eyes widened, her facial features slowly overflowed with black-red blood, and her throat grunted for a few moments before she moved. The dark red pupils gradually became silver-gray and dull.

Get up and walk to the other two vampires. In the same situation, both eyes turn silver gray.

“Silver gray …. If the book records are correct, this is a sign of the vampire’s complete death …. It’s a pity.” Angele stood up and sighed. “It seems that it can only be used as anatomy material.”

He quickly took a test tube of black powder from the waist pouch and sprinkled it evenly on the foreheads of the three vampires.

“Fortunately, there is a bio-preservation powder prepared by the academic tower, otherwise the vampire corpse will be troublesome when it decomposes.” He carefully collected the medicine powder and put it back in the waist pouch. “The legendary vampire … I didn’t expect that I was so lucky that such rare ancient species could even be encountered by me …”

Angel still couldn’t help smiling.

Reach out and point at the three vampire corpses on the ground, then gently point them into the coffin.

In the whistling, the three corpses were suspended slowly, and they automatically lay down and flew into the three coffins. The coffin lids were automatically closed and closed.

“In this way, these three experimental materials can also be stored for a long time.” Looking at the three coffins with fierce eyes, Angliel finally resisted the urge to dissect the corpse immediately. “It’s important to do business first!”

Making a vampire corpse into a specimen is extremely important to help him understand the physiological structure of rare organisms, and this help can even affect the secondary condensation of the true body.

You must know that there are many powerful ancestor wizards in ancient vampires. Their strength even stood at a high level in the world. Although not the strongest, they occupy one of the important roles in history. And the most important thing is that the vampire creature itself can absorb the blood of other creatures to improve its ability talent, and it is actually very similar to Angle’s use of the essence of other biological blood vessels to enhance the true body. If it hadn’t been for accidentally killing a vampire, maybe you could find more useful information from it.

This is what makes Angular extremely sorry.

Finally resist the research impulse in my heart. Angele retracted her gaze. “I can only wait to come back and study it carefully.”

He whispered a curse, and an invisible force field suddenly appeared on his body.

The three coffins were slowly moved to the far left by the force field. Leave a wide position in the center.

Then he took the black leather bag containing World Stone out of his waist pouch, and the small leather bag was gently torn apart. Angele took out a red cobblestone-shaped world stone and threw it forward slightly.

Squeak! !! !!

In a weird metal twisting sound, the red world stone swells quickly, only for a few seconds. It swelled to a person more than half a meter high and turned into a red boulder. He slammed on the ground.

Slight red arcs slowly diffuse around the stones, forming a powerful natural force field.

“The force field is annihilated!” Angele reached out and pointed a finger at the world stone. The condensed invisible force field immediately surrounded the red arc, crackling in the crackling sound. The two force fields completely offset annihilation.

“I used to be on the West Coast, the World Stone Force Field, which I had no way at all, and now it’s no more effort …” Anglia himself also felt a little faint.

Converging, he took another world stone out of the leather bag and repeated the previous action.

All the world stones are enlarged, and they are stacked in the middle of the stone hall. Soon, there will be almost thirty pieces, which is very colorful.

Angele uses the wizard’s hand to force witchcraft to match his own hands. The world stones were trimmed into pieces of stone bricks with a long knife piece by piece, and then all the blocks were built in the same way as the classics to build the altar.

Altar materials were purchased from the Black Witch Tower. Angele did not conceal the fact that he was in the eye of the dragon, so the Black Witch Tower also gave him generous low-cost disguise to give him relevant solutions.

If the dazzling dragon had long since become extinct, and the Black Witch Tower could not find a trace, it is estimated that it would not be impossible to obtain the relief material of the dazzling dragon directly as Angele.

Almost half a day later, a small pyramid altar was finally completed.

The colorful world is piled with stones, without any sense of solemnity.

His! !! hiss! !!

Angele is holding a black world stone. Carefully cut the long sword shape with a long knife, and sharpen the edges on another white world stone.

Every time you polish, you can spark sparks.

After grinding for a while, he reached out and bit his index finger, carefully coating his blood on the top of the stone sword.

Only one drop of dark red blood was smeared on the tip of the sword. The strange thing is that this spot stained with red blood actually spread down like a virus, and within a few seconds, the whole The black stone sword was dark red.

Angele grinds again for a moment, and flicks the edge of the stone sword lightly.

Ding! !!

The space is actually faintly transparent ripples.

“It is indeed the sword of the world’s stone …. If it is not too low in hardness, it can have many good applications as a weapon.” Angele stood up satisfactorily, carrying the dark red stone sword to the altar. .

On the top of the altar, without any spell runes, Ange enumerated the red stone sword and slammed on the green platform at the top of the altar.


With a light sound, the red stone sword pierced into the platform easily.

Angel’s side, over the stone sword, began to faintly emerge a dark red vortex airflow.

The entire colorful altar slowly begins to change into a color, as if the dye is dripping from top to bottom, the entire altar slowly turns into a blood red.

Oh! !! !!

The red stone sword was rushed open, and a dazzling golden beam of light was directly sprayed out of the hole drilled below, just like a long stick straight to the top of the hall, but it faded out only when it reached the ceiling.

Angele covered his eyes and stepped back, only feeling a burning sensation in front of him. The nose was full of weird leather scorching smell.

“According to the fixed arrangement, this altar style, and the positioning of the Black World Stone Sword, my blood contains my own will, and I should be able to open the world clearance coordinates given to me by the Prince of the Dragon …” Angle Looking at the golden beam of light through the fingers, a huge stream of spiritual force is flowing into the beam, and he constantly remembers that coordinate information. The 112-bit coordinate character is repeatedly recalled over and over, Spiritual power is injected into the beam.

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