The Wizard World: 441 Insider 2

“Now, the two of us are the only variables that are not mastered by the three kings?” Angell took over from him. “Should they not know where we are easily?”

“You are wrong. It is not that we are variables, but that the three kings did not select us as variables. One of them was the granddaughter of the shadow king Eugene, but you have been replaced. I replaced the destiny witch Alyssa. Alas, unfortunately, the King of Shadows did not know why. He secretly sent people to kill the fateful witch, reducing one variable. “The Prince of the Dragon Dragon has a calm and relaxed world.

“So what’s the purpose of telling me this?” Angle was straightforward, and after hearing so much, he was already impatient. If it wasn’t for the last person who learned that the people who killed Haiyin were identified as the shadow king’s palace, it is estimated that he was too lazy to continue to circle with this person.

“It’s very simple. I hope that you and I will join forces to take the lead in the next situation. We sign a personal chaos covenant. Although it is unclear why the guides have positioned you as one of the variables, they naturally have their reasons. I choose to trust these people. Of course, the most important thing is that the rights in your hands are important to us. “The Prince Dragon also waved his hands refreshingly, letting the black robes behind him step down.

Angele groaned: “Maybe soon, I will leave here and go to the ground to find a way to relieve my eye-catching dragon breath. You must know this first. Since the Chaos Covenant is to be signed, I will also Don’t hide you. “

“It doesn’t matter. What I want is that you don’t stand on the opposite side of me. The guidance of destiny always has internal truth. If the other two are not able to draw together, I won’t be so bloody.” Yaolong The prince answered calmly.

“Then, I promise your cooperation.” Angele nodded straightforwardly.

“So, let us stand in one camp forever in the coming troubled times.”

Prince Dragon’s wings fluttered. A large number of fuchsia petals flew out from the wall and ground on both sides, slowly flying and rotating, converging into a red scroll.

Angel and the Prince Dragon close their eyes at the same time. Two black-red air currents flew from the body instantly, merged into the red scroll.

Boom! !! !!

After a harsh noise, black and red air hit the scroll. Exploded into a ball of mist with changing colors.

The mist changes from red to blue, then to purple and yellow. The rainbow-colored light shines through like a rainbow.

Suddenly, the colorful fog balloon shrank instantly, compressed into a small black dot, and then disappeared completely in no time.

There is nothing between Angele and Prince Demon Dragon, and even a large piece of air is lost. The vacuum created by the lack of gas instantly attracts the surrounding air to fill it in, forming a whirlwind, whistling and blowing An Gleb’s robe swings.

“The covenant has been concluded, and you and I have almost agreed on the treaty just now. Then, I will give you this thing directly.” The prince of the demon dragon flew a wing, and a golden light shot into the right hand of Angrid.

“This is …” Anglieu closed his eyes, and the scenes suddenly flashed in his eyes, his heart became clear. Open your eyes and nod. “So be it.”

“Look forward to seeing you next time.”

Angele nodded. Take Turin and turn along the passage towards the exit.

The potential behind this monster dragon prince is even stronger than he imagined. He dare to claim that the three kings can’t know the news, but he can get it. But the weird thing is that he needs the intelligence channel of the Black Witch Tower.

The golden birdcage seems to be the seal of the Prince Dragon.

However, these Angularians are not too concerned.

Now his lava core lake has reached the critical point, the fourth floor. Further down is the second stage, the earth.

There are three major stages of Lava Core Lake-Flames. The earth, lava.

There are twelve floors. Each stage has four small levels. Angele is now at the last level of the first stage. Although it didn’t take long for the breakthrough, the speed of real body’s horror increased, so that his subject also improved a lot. In addition to the practice of Wulan sacrifices, and the exercise of the death knell. Angell soon reached a fourth level of stability.

There is only one level to become the Dawn Wizard.

But the distance from the third-level wizard to the dawn wizard is not only the difference in mental strength, but also the difference in qualitative change.

In the past, he thought that as long as his mental strength met the requirements, he could be directly promoted to Dawn Wizard, but he did not expect that the actual situation would be very different.

From the White Rock Valley, Angele and Turin rushed to the headquarters of Yuanneng’s Hand to fight for the early return to the volcanic ruins.

Along the way, Anglia also tried to let the chip analyze the conditions needed to advance to the dawn wizard.

The chip does live up to expectations, giving detailed conditions.

Unfortunately, it is a solution given by the knowledge integration of the database. Although there are dozens in number, all the required materials and environments are extinct.

And the premise of all this is to remove the eye-catching dragon breath first. The eye-catching information is not in the chip at all.

He is a flame-like meditation, and the eye-catching dragon breath actually belongs to the icy energy. Without removing this thing, Angle will never want to be promoted to Dawn Wizard.

So removing the dazzling dragon’s breath has become his biggest obstacle now.


My incense city at noon two days later

“Damn !!!”

In the lord’s castle, the low-pitched scream of a middle-aged person suddenly came out.

In the castle hall, Count Mai Xiang with a black moustache leaned his hands on the table, his face turned red, and it was ugly.

There is no waiter in the lobby, and it is covered with a light red soundproof energy film.

On the right side of the count, a pale red figure sits quietly on a high-backed chair, with a leisurely look, in sharp contrast to the count of the count.

This man, with red hair around his waist and a black robe, was Angele after returning directly from the White Rock Valley.

After returning that day, he received a secret invitation from Count Mai Xiang and went to Mai Xiang City quietly to discuss the contents of the plan. But after arriving, they found that the situation had become extremely bad.

“Count, your chess piece is one-third less. If you don’t save it again, I am afraid that your decades of hard work will be ruined once.” Angle said lightly, and drank the mouth and hands gently. Mint blue drink.

“I despised them …” After venting for a long time, Count Mai Xiang finally returned to gloomy, “This group of people is getting more and more snowballs. I am afraid that the situation will get out of control and I have to Please do it together. “Speaking of please, the count was also slightly ugly. “Especially when I shot it myself, I couldn’t catch those little ghosts …”

At first, he blocked Angele, but he didn’t want him to step in and divide his credit. I didn’t expect to have to ask the other party to help him.

Angele nodded: “I wouldn’t wait to see the plan perfectly. But you have to promise me a condition.”

“What’s the condition? Don’t forget that the plan is yours and I need to do my best.” The count frowned.

“But it’s you, right?” Angelle laughed. Seeing that the count became more gloomy, but also silent. He continued: “My conditions are very simple. We plan to start with a total of at least 28 coordinate points to facilitate time-space linking. All coordinate points require the World Stone Altar to be sacrificed, but I have always been to other worlds. Both have a strong curiosity and interest, so if you have extra World Stones on hand, I hope to get some and build a World Stone Altar yourself. “

“World Stone? The world stone needs to be different in different worlds. You want to study the path of ancient wizards? Whatever you say. But how much are you talking about? Specifically.” The count asked Shen Shen, now he has There is not much power, most of them are restrained. Critical moments can only depend on Anglo. In this situation, Anglia’s men will become the last straw at both ends of the balance. Completely overwhelm the opposite.

So although he is unwilling to spit out the world stone he has, he has to compromise for the sake of the overall situation.

“I don’t need much, only a few small ones. You also know that I have an eye-catching dragon breath, and it’s troublesome to dissolve it. I want to try and get it from other world beings. Lift the eye-catching stuff. “Angle shrugged.

“Too lucky?” The count no longer asked, which was obviously an excuse for the other party.

Angele just got the hiding place of the last eye-catching dragon from the monster dragon prince bird. Although that place is not in the other world, it can only be entered through the world stone. And he also needed a lot of world stones, so he rushed over when he received the news from the earl.

The chaos in the middle has been involved enough and deep enough. This participation has slowed down his own strength. Now he has been suppressed by the eye-catching dragon’s breath, without any improvement, and his physical quality will decrease even after a long delay. Even Angele felt a little anxious.

When the count can’t ask anything, he doesn’t have much trouble.

“Now my specific situation is like this. Twenty-eight connection points, nine of which are connected. The altar is destroyed, and the other party seems to have mastered some kind of witchcraft that can detect the altar. Leaving the altar can only be broken by them one by one. The low-level connection points are fine. Once the later high-level altar is also destroyed, the reconstruction time will be calculated in ten years! We can no longer lose the altar! “

“The people who destroyed your altar, did you send someone else to kill them?” Angelle asked casually.

“Sent.” Count Maixiang was even more ugly when he mentioned this. “One of the strongest wizards under my command actually rebelled and joined their team during the hunt.”

“Oh?” Angle froze slightly. “Who the **** did you destroy the altar?”

“It is the main son of Thousand Falls City, the hand of your power, Suman.”

“Is the little guy we saw in the back room last time?” Anglia felt a little weird. “Isn’t he called a waste? How could it destroy the stone altar of the world?”

Earl Maixiang’s face changed and changed, finally lowering his voice.

“Concept Armed …..”

Suddenly, there was a strong interest on Angler’s face. What kind of concept of armed can make physical waste into a powerful master, forcing Count Mai Xiang to bow to him. (To be continued)

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