The Wizard World: 419 Trace 2

The flight stop is a round black platform. There are already more than a dozen flying bats such as eagle bats on it, and some wizards have turned over and jumped off the mount. Have the waiter on the side take the mount to take care of it.

Angle landed almost together with another huge white owl flying from the left.

The red giant eagle trembled, took a few steps forward steadily, and finally let go of its forward rush.

Angele patted the eagle’s hard feathers, rolled over and jumped down.

One of the male attendants in charge of the mount immediately took the initiative to lead the mount.

“Long Green, I haven’t seen you for a long time.” The attendant saluted with respect and salute.

Angle nodded slightly: “Why are there so many people here?” He knew that these attendants were the most informed, especially for the big men who are qualified to ride flying mounts. After all, most people have to fly. Ping.

“Of course it was the recent grave investigation. The wizards in the city are now rumbling.” The attendant replied softly.

“Is the situation serious?” Angliar moved.

“It’s very serious. One of the people who disappeared last time was a professor’s immediate family member of the second elder.” The attendant replied as quietly as possible.

“Really …” At this time, most of the surrounding wizards had left the flight deck, and the sky was temporarily out of flight, and they nodded to a familiar high-level wizard. Angele concealed and threw a low-level magic stone to the servant. “Speak the point.”

“Hey, thank you …” The attendant quickly and skillfully shoved the magic stone into his sleeve. “Listen to the wizard who came a few days ago. The grave is likely to be involved in the chaotic world. They are worried about the gap Appear. The chaotic world is different from other worlds. I do n’t know anything else. “

“Chaos ….” Angele frowned. The news was unexpected.

The Chaos World is known as the most powerful and chaotic world the Wizarding World has ever encountered.

The creatures there are so powerful that they transcend time and space. Some are too weak to be as good as ants. In the chaotic world, there is no absolute time and space. Everything is chaotic.

No wizard has attempted to connect with the chaotic world. That’s a matter of pure probability. Maybe you have paid a huge price. After communicating with the chaotic world, only a weak wild boar is connected.

Weak creature you contacted today. Maybe tomorrow may grow into a horrible existence. The moment he contacts him again, you can completely destroy your body and soul. Trading without peer strength is impossible.

The chaos world is called chaos by wizards. Even there is chaos in time and space.

You may be connected to the chaotic world creatures 50 million years ago, or you may be connected to the life of the chaotic world hundreds of millions of years later. The time inside is also chaotic, the space is innumerable fragments, and everything is extremely chaotic.

So the chaotic world is called the strongest world, at least the strongest in the world that wizards have come into contact with. It’s just that the creatures there have no way to invade other worlds. They are said to have no way out of the shackles of the world. The world of chaos is known as the most powerful world, and its **** is naturally the most powerful.

Most of the creatures that can live there are messy, even their minds are confused.

After sorting out the contents of the data in his head, Angele slowly left the flight deck and walked towards the gate of the giant city of Song of Mermaid. At the same time he kept his coat of arms on his chest.

Under the respectful salute of the city guard, Angele passed through the gate, quickly crossed the square, and headed directly to the main city administration building.

Three white statues at the top of the City Hall: Eagle Lion and Scorpion. The scorpion was emitting a faint black light. This is a ritual ceremony representing the occurrence of a major event, the death of a respected professor.

This black light will shine for half a month. In mourning.

Angel looked up at the scorpion, which is the symbol of the academic tower, which is also their commonly known college, and the power of his mother Weiwei.

“It seems the situation is worse than I thought …” He sighed slightly.

“You are here, Minister Green!”

“You are here, Minister.”

“Master Green.”

“Green, long time no see.”

On the long stone steps in front of the Chengzheng Building, the acquaintances and colleagues of the acquaintances who came up and down. They all greeted Angelo.

Angel smiled nodded, in return. Because he doesn’t care about anything in the ministry, it’s just gold-plated, so there is no conflict of interest with anyone, and naturally no one will reject him. Coupled with his deep background, a wizard who is willing to associate with him is indispensable.

Entered the building smoothly, went up the stairs to the left, and entered along a corridor. After walking for more than ten minutes, passing through a patio, Angele came to the small white building of the personnel department.

As soon as they returned to their office and sat down, several wizards knocked on the door to report the situation.

Angele reached for the gold seal on the table in front of him. Looking at the two white-robed wizards standing in front of them, a man and a woman, looked like young men in their 20s, but they were at least 50 or 60 years old. Witches have long been married and had children.

“Jack, Wendy, what’s the matter?” Angele sat upright, calm.

Witch Jack nodded: “It’s about this tomb incident. Someone in our personnel department is missing. It’s our archives.”

Angel frowned slightly: “Our archive? Was it transferred to record the process file?”

“Yes, you know, although we are in charge of our archives, and most of the time is more leisurely, this time is indeed our work time.” Wendy whispered. “So the minister’s order is taken for granted.”

Angel felt a bit of annoyance when he felt his chin. The archives is a branch he is fully responsible for. The main candidates are the relatives whom Wei Wei specially assigned to him. Now that the relatives are missing, it would be unfriendly if he never asked again. Moreover, the academic tower is also his side. It can’t be considered unrelated to yourself.

“How is it going now?”

Jack replied immediately: “The minister has contacted the academic tower and regrouped a group of people to the tomb. But nothing was found. Those who disappeared seem to have disappeared out of nowhere. No energy field response was detected. Backtracking witchcraft also failed to find clues, as if they had disappeared out of thin air. Now the minister has transferred some top-level investigative experts and scholars from other main cities to prepare for the second investigation of ancient tombs.

“How long did the first investigation stay?” Angelle asked in a deep voice.

“More than half a month,” Jack answered immediately. “Nothing happened within half a month.”

“Who is responsible for this now?”

“It was the ministers who were responsible together. But because our ministry suffered the most losses, it was mainly our ministry that mobilized power.” Wendy continued.

“Where is Master Martha? She should be almost on vacation, isn’t it? And Master Henny, as the only two Dawn Wizards in our department, should they both be back?”

Angel asked quietly.

“Yes, the second investigation team is led by Lord Martha. Lord Hanni is still on the way back. In addition, the Academic Tower also sent an adult Wizard Wizard this time to lead the investigation professor and The disappearance of the trainees had a very negative impact on the academic tower, “Wendy replied.

“Okay, okay, let’s go down first. I need to think about it.” Angele waved.

“Yes, the minister.” The two gave a gift, reveringly exited the door, and closed the door.

Angele sat on the seat, eyes narrowed.

“Now I can only use the sound of the death knell 30 times a day, otherwise my body will not be able to bear it. The rest of the time can be used for other things. The sound of the knell only has effect on my body, and other people have no way to listen Get it. It can be practiced anywhere, and no one can recognize it. “

Angele does not believe that the ancient mystic traditions in a nightmare world will be seen by some ordinary wizards in the main world. Now with the sound of the death knell, his mental strength is steadily increasing every day. He has broken through two hundred mental strengths and is still constantly improving.

What you need now is time accumulation. Practicing the sound of the death knell doesn’t take much time. It only takes about two hours to complete and does not take up much time.

“This incident involving the personnel department is all in this mysterious tomb. Is it really related to the chaotic world?” Now he has come into contact with the nightmare world, the annihilation world, and the fairy world. It is said that some of the most famous worlds in the wizarding world have some understanding. Only the chaotic world has always remained on the understanding of books and records.

“Maybe it may be a chaotic world. Now countless worlds are pulling and colliding with each other. It is also possible for the chaotic world to contact the wizarding world. I will go and see for myself.”

If you are lucky, you can get the blood of the creatures in the chaotic world, maybe you can improve yourself more.

This is the fundamental purpose of Anglia.

“This time led by Martha, the Dawn Wizard of the Academic Tower, there should be some other third-level wizard elites, as well as scholars and experts specializing in reconnaissance. Although no one has inherited the Witch Array, this power Already powerful. Should be able to handle most troubles. “

Angel now has improved mental strength, but she is still under the Dawn Wizard, or at the peak of the third-level wizard. The improvement of Lava Heart Lake and the improvement of mental strength, to use another metaphor, is to be able to support the change of time in the hand of the Dawn Wizard.

Of course, if you can become a real person, then unless the Dawn Wizard of the pinnacles, and has a witch formation. Otherwise, Anglo can solve it with confidence and ease.

The sound of the death knell not only strengthens his current body, but also strengthens his real body. In particular, the improvement of the French resistance is called terror.

Unfortunately, there is no way for the main world to become a real person. . . )

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