The Wizard World: 284 Crystallization 1

There are only two options for advanced meditative ideas given by Hai Yin.

These are the two most complete advanced meditation ideas she has mastered.

Band’s Crystal Illusion, and Blackwing Mask. Neither of these two meditations has been heard by Anglia.

“Band crystal illusions are an addition to the hallucination ability. Blackwing masks have a superimposed release effect on negative-energy spells,” Hein explained.

“So, I must have chosen the Black Wing Mask. The hallucinations are not necessarily the way I have to go in the future.” Angell groaned for a while and answered.

“It’s also impossible to say that the scope of the Bander Crystal Phantom’s ability bonus is very exaggerated. The more it goes up, it almost doubles its power. The black-wing mask’s superimposed release of negative energy has a small probability .It depends on how you choose. “

Angele slowly walked along the street along the river, thinking about the rotation given by Hein.

A moment of contemplation.

“Choose the Black Wing Mask. It can’t be limited to hallucinations.” He looked calm.

“Okay, I’ll pass on your thoughts directly to you. Find a safe place to start preparing immediately.”


Angele walked along the street and quickly walked to the starting point of the connection, which was the residence of the boss of the dream hotel Barto.

Lease a house in a remote place directly from Barto. After notifying Bengula through the secret seal, he lived alone and started preparing for the next work and adjustment.

While taking on the task of hunting wizards to improve their mental power, they are waiting for Mingulla to send materials to him.


After six months ………

In a ** off-white double-storey building in the airport, the windows on the second floor slowly emit white smoke. A pungent pungent smell permeated.

The small building is surrounded by a spacious green lawn, far from other residential buildings.

The red sunlight of the setting sun is on the upper surface of the small building, reflecting a faint golden red.

With a click, the entrance door of the small building was opened from the inside. A young man with long brown hair came out. His eyes were slightly golden, his skin was pale, and he couldn’t see a little blood. The face is not handsome, but there is a bit of chill.

A man in an off-white cloak, the man took the door with his backhand and walked out of the lawn.

“Green. How are you going?” An old female voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

“OK.” The man nodded. “But …” He suddenly stopped talking.

Angele looked up out of the lawn.

The two men in gray capes are standing outside waiting for him.

When he saw him, one of them raised his hand and waved at him with a smile on his face.

Another man shouted loudly and came forward. “How? Green. I’ve shipped everything for you.” The man had a dark complexion and was not handsome, but his expression looked sincere.

“Your material came in time.” Angliar stepped forward and hugged him slightly. “When do you plan to report to Bengula?”

“It’s not far from Yuanneng’s hand here, it’s only seven or eight days away. We will have time to walk later. By then we will all be together. No problem, right?” Mingula said with a smile.

“Of course no problem. Let’s go and see what you made for me.” Angelle answered with a smile. He looked at the other person, “When did you meet Bengula in Los?”

The previous man smiled and said, “I just happened to meet on the way to the hotel and came here together.”

“How many of you are in the hands of Yuanneng? You should be able to determine it now?” asked Angelo.

“It was confirmed the night before. Plus I have one more person, a witch from Drum Canyon. I have already scheduled a time for my departure together.” The name was Los. It was one of Angele’s later group of sorcerers, who also went to the hands of Yuanneng. Under the friendship of Bengula, the three talents got together to know each other.

Angele chats with the two. After crossing several intersections in the airport, I quickly came to a remote, small shop with a dark gold signboard.

There is a lot of people in the airport. In the afternoon, some peasant households carrying steamed buns are walking towards home while chatting. The small officials in the city also spoke in pairs and walked along the road. There were also guard soldiers in full body armor who took a break to take a break to eat, holding their helmets and walking loudly while blowing their cows.

Voice. The sound of rivers and the sound of wind blowing the willows, mixed together, seemed extremely noisy and lively.

Pedestrians in the streets are pushing carts, yelling everywhere for sandwich-like bread and meat, and some barbecue stalls that opened at night also began to carry things out to prepare.

The three Anglicans did not wear any sign representing the wizard, and were mixed in the crowd. No one saw them as wizards at all.

Many people are in cloaks, knight-level adventurers, apprentices studying pharmacy, and some non-human races who need to cover their faces.

The three stood beside the entrance of the deserted shop, with people coming in and out from time to time.

“Let’s go. Go ahead.” Bengula decided to be this store and took the lead in.

The other two kept up.

Angel passed by the dark gold signboard on the floor outside the store. A glance at the content above.

‘Enchant Shop’

The three walked into the shop behind the two tall figures with white cloth around their heads.

“It is already the cheapest to change the price to any other enchanting store. I will remove the shipping cost for this breastplate and take care of it. It will be the biggest profit for you to make a magic stone. You can go to other homes to ask … “The shop owner was bargaining with the four dwarf warriors who seemed to be together.

After Bengula pulled in the door, he gestured towards the shop owner.

The other person broke off, nodded in response, and waved his hand.

A teenage young woman stood up and walked over, bowed slightly to the three of Bengula, turned and walked behind the shop on the left.

Bengula didn’t speak, but motioned for the two to follow.

The three followed the woman to the back yard of some shady shops.

The small yard is surrounded by a circle of semi-circular walls and the shop house. A white jade stone pillar was placed on the center ground. It’s as thick as an elephant’s leg, how tall a person is.

“This is what you sent us, Master Bengula.” The woman whispered to the side of the pillar.

“How much?” Bengula asked.

“You don’t have to pay for the price. The boss said that there was still more money last time.” The woman replied.

“Okay, you can leave now. Just have us here.” Benguela said lightly.

The woman bent down and saluted, and hurried away along the same path.

Bengula walked to the stone pillar and patted the dust with a smile.

“Green, this is the secondary crystallization ceremony column you bought from me. It absolutely meets your requirements and is the highest quality you can get. It has a 10% bonus for crystallization ceremony.”

Angele nodded. walk over. Carefully touch and observe the appearance of the off-white stone pillar.

The surface of the pillars is full of weird lines of runes, of which only a small part is known to Angele, and the rest are completely strange parts.

He reached out and shot on the post.


A clear echo.

Angel’s face shows satisfaction. When he turned it over, a small fuchsia test tube appeared in his hand, and he threw it directly to Bengula.

“This is the same powder as the last one.”

Bengula grabbed the test tube, flicked the powder gently, and immediately smiled. The smile converged, and he looked at Angler aside.

“Green. Now the conditions are ready. The resources have arrived, are you ready to impact the crystallization level?”

“Yes. I have everything else ready. It may take a while.” Angle did not hide.

“How confident are you? I don’t think you need to be so anxious now, you’re still young. Be prepared a little later, maybe the chances are even greater.” Lotter whispered.

“Sure? Who dares to say that is sure?” Angelle smiled. “Forget it, find some people and move them back.”

“Okay, your problem is solved, and what Luos wants is next.” Mingula looked to the waiting Luos. “I have already arranged the person to carry it. Los, I will show you your goods, right?”


“We are friends!” Ben Gurra smiled indifferently. “Let’s go! What you want this time, but it took me a lot of effort to get it.”

“When my things arrive, I’ll go back first.” Angle interrupted.

“Don’t worry, go and take a look together. This thing is rare. I have never seen it before. We finally got the real thing this time.”


It was already evening when Angell returned to the temporary shelter.

Pushing open the wooden entrance door to the lawn, a sudden shout came from the fence on the right.

“Run! He’s back !!!” a little freckled boy shouted.

He and the other four or five boys and girls, who were lying on the fence of Angele’s house, looked around the house curiously, and saw that Angele came back, and immediately became a bird and a beast. All of a sudden they disappeared.

These are children of a neighbor’s house. They are all ordinary children. Here, in the middle, as long as they are qualified, they will be detected and sent for training. However, it is still a relatively small proportion. There are ten qualified people among thousands of people, which is very good. Not to mention the chance of being promoted.

These children are estimated to be unqualified children. Otherwise, you will not have so much time to play at this age.

Angele laughed abruptly. Shake his head, walk across the lawn, pull out the key and open the door.

The two strong cool men behind him carried the gray-white stone pillar and panted into the small building, then carefully placed in the middle of the living room. After awkwardly saluting, the two left the building in awe.

Angele closed the door, walked to the edge of the stone pillar, and gently stroked the surface of the pillar. Eyes constantly flashed blue lines of light.

“Every time, I can feel that your mental fluctuations are in a state of extreme complexity. How did you do that?” Hein asked suddenly.

Angele smiled and didn’t answer. He knew that what Hein had observed was nothing more than the state of the chip when it was scanning.

“Your metal shell defense has been removed in this period, right? Some metal elements in your body must be extracted as much as possible. Otherwise, it may affect the promotion process.” Thought, keep reminding.

“Everything is ready.” Angle nodded.

“If you crystallize this time, if you succeed, it will be much easier to form a second crystal directly. The black wing mask I gave you has great benefits for elemental spiritual power. In high-level meditations, he is also the best. “Hein’s tone was slightly pride.

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