The Wizard World: 275 Baiwu Town 2

“Sig!” Angler suddenly shouted loudly as he watched the three of them entering.

“What?” The three turned and looked at him.

Angel raised the box on his hand.

“Do you believe it? I don’t know when it was taken, but it was in my hands. I don’t know when it will appear. Do you believe it?” Angle exclaimed. “I believe that if I can stuff something into my hand silently, then I can also pierce my heart silently with a sharp knife.”

The three paused. Lei Linnan still shook his head.

“Green, do you think that I am still the one who lost to you in the first place? Fear will stagnate.”

“I’m not afraid,” Angle said calmly, “It’s just some unnecessary risks that you can avoid if you can avoid them, don’t you?”

“This is fear.” Lei Linnan said lightly. His eyes fell on the small box on Angel’s hand. “So why do spirits just give you things instead of us?”

Angele is speechless. The two met their eyes and remained silent for a while.

“Forget it, we are companions in distress, we don’t need to be so stiff for such a trivial matter.” Siguni interrupted,

“Let’s go.” Lei Linnan turned and walked in first, and soon fell into the white misty town. Seaman followed closely. Sighney also smiled angrily at Agri and quickly followed.

Angele and Moira stood outside the town, watching the three disappear completely into the mist, and did not speak for a while.

The sky is getting dimmer, the clouds are rolling and the wind is getting stronger.

“Why don’t you keep up with them?” Angelle whispered.

Moira hesitated before answering.

“I don’t want to encounter that scenario just now …… to tell the truth. Previously, I was only a person in the Sixth Ring who specialized in the research of healing witchcraft models. I am not good at fighting. I am also afraid of fighting. But I am Instead, it ’s very sensitive. At some times, you can even see things that people ca n’t see ….. ”

“See something that the average person can’t see?” Angle frowned.

“Yes. I can detect that the box in your hand exudes nothing that belongs to you. It is exactly the same as the woman who saw that house.” Moira whispered.

Speaking, Angle suddenly remembered. On this journey, apart from the last element of the storm, the rest of the battles were frightening. For a powerful black wizard like him, it was not very difficult. Although it is difficult for white wizards, it is only a troublesome journey for powerful black wizards.

Maybe this is also the original black witch tower, and the key reason to actively recommend him to board the ship may be the test of the black witch tower.

Go back. Angle breathed a sigh of relief: “Let’s go, we’ll rest nearby for a night, but they will come out tomorrow and leave.”


The two are outside the town together. Find a grove to go in.

Angele cut several trees with a metal force field. Strung together directly with metal sticks to make four wooden walls. Then sharpen the foot of the wall and insert it into the ground to fix it. Another wooden wall was made as a roof.

A square wooden hut was soon made. The roof is thinly covered with a silver-white metal waterproof.

The space looks almost five or six meters long. It’s small, but enough for two people to block the rain and wind.

With the precise measurement of the chip, Angell did not waste any wood at all, and built the house before it was completely dark.

It is very simple and fast for him to cut trees or connect wood.

In front of the wooden house in the woods, Angele stood under the eaves, quietly looking through the crevices of the woods, looking out to the town not far away.

Moira picked up some dried wood and put it in the cabin. Prepare to light a fire and cook something hot.

Angel played with the small black box from time to time, looking towards the town. From time to time my eyes flashed a little blue fluorescence.

Suddenly, he threw forward suddenly.

The black box on my hand was thrown away instantly.

The powerful force even caused a whistling sound. For a moment, don’t throw the black box directly into the distant town.

“What are you doing …” A woman’s voice suddenly came behind Angele.

He turned back violently, just to see Moira standing behind him with an armful of firewood, and was talking to him. But no voice came from his mouth.

His ears were hazy, as if someone had blocked them with something.

Gradually, Moira’s voice reappeared in the ear from far to near.

“Master Green? What’s wrong with you? Master Green?” Moira asked in confusion, pointing to Angle’s feet. “Your box has fallen to the ground.”

Angel froze, looking down.

At his feet, the little black box was lying quietly on the grass, motionless. The position was just below his right hand, and it looked like he had accidentally fallen from his hand.

Angel was so cold, he just threw the box out.

Also, the voice that was talking behind me just now is definitely not the voice of Moira. The woman’s voice was hoarse and shuddered.

“It’s okay, I accidentally fell off.” Angle bent over and picked up the small box.

“Then I’ll prepare food and soup first.” Moira nodded and turned into the cabin.

“Chip, give back to the scene just now. I need to readjust the picture record just now.” Angele took a deep breath and meditated in his heart.

“Screen recording adjustment …”

Soon, Angle’s eyes suddenly darkened, and the scene just now appeared in the vision. It started when he was standing in front of the wooden house and playing with the small box.

Angele watched the picture quietly.

Standing in front of the wooden house, after playing with the box for a while, I accidentally slipped my hand, the box dropped to the ground, and then I seemed to be thinking about something, and I was totally lost. Did not notice. Just as Moira came in holding the firewood from the outside and saw it, she reminded her. Then the two spoke a few words. Then … no more then.

Angel’s face was gloomy. The action of throwing out the box with all my strength just now was completely absent from the chip recording. But he clearly remembered that he threw out the box.

The chip’s detection and recording of the outside world generally uses energy wave feedback to form individual images such as people and things. It is sensible to the energy radiation of one’s own senses, and it is difficult to make mistakes. But there is a contradiction between sensory memory and chip recording, then there is only one explanation.

There is something that interferes with my sensory memory. Make yourself think you threw the box. But in fact it just dropped the box.

“So, this place next to spirits and the like is the most troublesome …” Angell sighed. He tried to open the box, but he couldn’t open it. The box seemed to be completely closed and could not be opened at all.

He has encountered so many bizarre spiritual events one after another, and his resistance has now improved a lot. And now he has a lot of physical fitness. A lot of energy is enough!

Back to the wooden house, and the Moira and some ate some boiled mushroom soup, just dry food on this body. Even after a meal.

The sky outside has completely darkened.

The whirring wind is pouring from the crack of the door. A whine sounded like a ghost, with high and low tones.

Angele sat by the fire. The hand was pressed on the fingernail of the left index finger, and was in contact with Siguni in the town.

A secret mark resembling a sunflower flower flashes on the nails. Black light is constantly being emitted. That was the sign of Siguni’s secret law.

“How is the situation now?” Anglieu asked in a message.

“It’s okay, Lei Linnan checked the entire house and found no abnormalities. We are also making food to eat.” Siguni responded.

“Be careful yourself, I always find the place troublesome. Remember the box I had in the afternoon?”

“Of course, what’s wrong?” Signey asked.

“I threw it out just now, but in a blink of an eye, it actually returned to my feet,” said Anglet in a deep voice.

“Return to your feet?” Signey was slightly surprised. “Green, don’t make a joke.”

“I’m not kidding …”

Angele stood up, looked at Moira with a tired face and a dozing face. Walked out of the cabin and stood at the door and continued to say.

“I really threw it out, but …”

Suddenly a familiar figure appeared in his vision.

Black short hair, pale face, dressed in black, with a black dagger around his waist.

That’s Sighney! !!

His face was covered with blood, and howling madness ran towards the cabin.

“Run! Green! Run !!!! It’s coming after me! Oh! Gosh!” Sighney shouted.

“Green? What’s wrong?” Signey’s voice of doubt continued in the seal of mystery. “Okay, our matsutake soup is ready, but it’s missing your seasoning, and it doesn’t taste very good …”

Angel listened to the voice of the mark, and looked at Siguni who ran quickly in front of him. For a while, I just felt scalp tingling.

“What the **** is going on? Illusion? Deception? Illusion?”

“Green! Hurry! Get out of here!” Siguni rushed over. Almost did not fall to the ground.

Angele didn’t dare to help him, he couldn’t tell which was real and which was false.

The message from the imprint was that Signey was drinking matsutake soup with Lei Linnan, and the Siguni was in the blood and was seriously injured.

“Are you Sigourney? If so, come up with the evidence!” Angele asked in a deep voice, stepping back and being vigilant.

“Damn! That’s the trick! That guy just tricked me and Lei Linnan by this trick.” Sighney gasped hard, reached out his hand quickly, and pressed a finger on the thumb of his right thumb.

A hissing noise, a black snake-like figure appears on the nails. That’s the ancient Byronic wording of the name Angele.

At the same time, the sound of the imprint on Angle’s hand suddenly changed.

“Green? What’s wrong? Has something happened?” Signini’s voice from the imprint turned into a hoarse female voice, cold and low. There seemed to be a hint of trembling.

That’s a woman talking in the voice of Signey.

“Damn !!! Which one is true !!!” Angele frowned, and then stepped back slowly. For a moment, both eyes flashed blue light.

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