The Wizard World: 273 Forward 2

A few people are choking.

Angel’s index finger snapped. Without movement, he played again without belief, but there was still no movement.

“What’s going on?”

Signey frowned and narrowed his eyes for a moment. “No way, walk along the Heiyuan Grand Canyon. It seems to be overwhelming. There is a small town called Baiwu Town near the canyon. It is a place where humans and non-humans live together. We can go first. Inquire about it there. “

There is no other way. Several people have to choose Signey’s proposal and quickly move to the right along the abyss canyon.

Fortunately, a few people brought enough dry food. Until now, there are still less than half of them, which can support at least two months.

Walking along the edge of the canyon, in the first few days, it was quite peaceful, but in the following ten days, a group of weird creatures followed them. Here are some leopard-like creatures with red flames burning at the ends of their tails and running fast. High temperature injuries are attached to the claws. The fur is tough.

Angel has tested that their fur can easily slide away any attack below 7 strength. Unless it is stabbed with extremely sharp weapons, barely half of the damage can be achieved.

After the physical attacks of Lei Linnan and others were invalid, the use of witchcraft was actually avoided by them in advance. These fire tail leopards are very sensitive to energy. It’s not instant witchcraft, you can’t hit them at all, and tracking witchcraft can’t go on forever. In the process of chasing, witchcraft will also lose over time, and its power will also decrease.

Himan was almost injured by the Firetail Leopard. She and Moira were both adept at witchcraft and potions, and were helpless with this creature. You can only stand aside and bless auxiliary witchcraft to the other three.

Signey and Lei Linnan’s attack is difficult to pierce the fire tail leopard’s fur. Can only resist the attacks of these leopards. It was Angele who quickly resolved these leopards one by one. After the blessing of 15 horrors, it was almost a smash. Whether it was a stronger firetail leopard or a weaker one, as soon as it was hit, it was immediately cut into two parts, and flesh flew across.

Several fights down. Angele killed more than a dozen firetail leopards, and used their ears as a guide, after eating them. Absorbed part of the biological energy.

The strength actually increased to 17 points, and the spirit also improved by 2 points, reaching 57.4. The constitution even reached 20 points.

17 points of strength. The most direct manifestation of the horror was that after Angliat made a gouge, the machete hit the ground, and a crack that was several meters deep was immediately cracked, like opening a wound directly on the ground.

The horrible physique, after being blessed by Angele, was bitten on the shoulders by two firetail leopards in one battle, but they were all just skin trauma, and the bones were not injured at all.

Two Firetail Leopards. The strength reached 6 points, but he could not bite his flesh. What surprises Angele most is his talent.

His talented field controls metal. Actually, as his physical strength strengthened, he became more in control. The force field is stronger.

He carefully tested it many times before judging accurately that his metal force field seems to determine the negative gravity and twist control of the force field by his own strength and physical strength. Rather than simply determine the amount of force controlling the force field with the amount of energy output.

This has improved his overall strength. Unfortunately, after reaching this point. The mischievous machete can no longer improve his physical fitness. Seems to have reached its limit. Only a little bit of bioenergy can be absorbed and killed. Blessing enhancement has reached its limit.

A group of people marched on the edge of the Grand Canyon for more than half a month before finally arriving at the town of White Mist as Siguni said.


At the end of the edge of Heiyuan Grand Canyon, just where the crack disappeared, was a gray-yellow grove. The sparse spread spreads all over the surrounding plain ground.

Angel and others, led by Signey, passed through the grove and finally reached the innermost town.

Baiwu is surrounded by clusters of gray-yellow groves. Looking at it from a distance, there are almost hundreds of dilapidated houses lined up, the air lingering in the slightest white mist.

There are detached houses with red roofs and gray walls in the town. The red roofs have been washed away by rainwater, and the original red and red have become a little gray.

The walls are broken and dark spots everywhere, as if smoked after the fire.

The ground is a grayish black with lots of small white sand. There are patches of green moss and dark spots everywhere.

It’s already a little dark.

The sky is gloomy and dark, as if it is about to rain.

A row of rusted black iron fences stands outside the town. Every so often, the fence was attached to a gray-white stone pier. It’s like a white dot dotted evenly between black lines.

An off-white stone gate entrance stands squarely between the fences.

There is no one in the town, empty and quiet.

Angel and five others walked in from Shimen. Footsteps stepped on the fine white sand and made a rustling sound.

Sighney, who walked ahead, whispered, “It seems to have been abandoned for a long time.” He looked left and right around the houses.

A corner of one of the brown wooden windows of one of the houses hung on the window sill, shaking slightly with the wind. From the outside, the inside of the house was dimly seen.

“It’s a bit late, would you stay here today? How about it?” Seaman suggested. “I need to find a place to take a good bath. It’s been so long since I’ve taken a good bath.”

“Then go to the biggest house here. It should be a lot more spacious there.” Lei Linnan frowned. “I have to wash it too thickly, after all, clean dust witchcraft is not comfortable with water.” Slight cleanliness. During these times, both Sigourney and Angele found it.

Lei Linnan doesn’t like to talk, generally he can’t help but have to say, or have to speak. He just spoke. A little clean-hearted, I like to keep my heart in trouble and don’t like to explain too much. If you don’t get in touch with him, you will feel that he is very difficult to get along with.

Because when he usually speaks, he basically can’t bear it, so the result is generally not good. Most of the time when hands-on. This also caused a lot of people not knowing where they provoked him. I just think he has a weird temper.

This is different from Moira, because Moira is in several people. The worst power, always rely on other wizards to stay safe. So they are not silent people, since this time. It also gradually became dumb, and generally there was no sense of presence.

So the team is usually Siguni, Angele. And Seaman dominated.

Five people walk towards the tallest building in the town.

It’s a church-like gray-walled building with three floors. There is an arched stone platform in front of the door. There are steps on both sides of the stone platform, which can be reached from the left and right sides.

A black iron fence was erected on the outside of the stone steps on the stone platform, and it looked rusty.


Hieman pushed the door open. Just ready to walk in.

Oh! !!

The wooden door suddenly fell down and hit the floor, shaking a large amount of dust.

A few people coughed while covering their noses.

“Let’s clean it up first,” Angelle suggested.

A few people started to scatter around the house to see the structure.

Angele is standing in the living room, chatting with Sigourney while looking around.

“I need to prepare. See if I can contact the family.” Sighney whispered, “Here we are going to bypass the Black Canyon, and using witchcraft, we can almost reach the gathering place Patrol range. “

“Are you ready to return to the family at that time?” Angelle asked.

“I’ll go back anyway.” Siguni nodded. “My sister, my mother, and my friends are waiting for me …”

“Ah !!!!!!”

Suddenly, Moira screamed in the room inside.

“What’s the matter ?!” Angri and Siguni changed their faces, rushed in, and saw Moira’s face pale and ran out.

Her eyes opened round. Shivering. Seeing the two coming over, he rushed over and shrank behind them.

“What’s wrong? Moira?” Angele pulled her out by holding her shoulders, and frowned.

Himman ran down the second floor in the voice of the downstairs.

“What’s going on? Moira, what have you encountered?”

Lei Linnan walked in from the door and looked at several people in doubt.

Several people come together.

Moira pointed at the bedroom she went in, and her voice was shaking.

“In there !!! I saw a woman there in bed, her head tilted aside, and many long bamboo sticks were inserted from the side of her neck. Blood flow was everywhere !!!”

“How can there be dead people in this kind of place?” Angelle frowned. “Go in and see.”

Some people pushed in and walked in.

The room is a small bedroom. The bed is gray-yellow, the yellow quilt is half-opened, and the black marks on it.

Himan walked over and reached out and touched the black mark on the bed. Raised his head and nodded at others.

“It’s blood.”

“Is it a ghost?” Ray Linnan looked at Siguni and Angele.

“Is there a way?” Sighney whispered. He didn’t seem to have any good ideas either.

Angel nodded, “I once bought a set of sprites for spirits and studied them carefully for a while. I should be able to detect whether there are spirits around. I will try. But I need someone to help Let me know. “

“I’m coming.” Seaman stood up. “Spirit is the most difficult thing to deal with. We must detect the situation here as soon as possible. I once encountered it in the Crimson Plateau of Iravik, and I have experience in this.”

“Oh?” Anglia glanced at Seaman curiously. This was the first time he had heard that other wizards had come back from a weird place like a spirit body.

The spirits in this world are not the kind of residual spiritual power on the earth. They are weird and powerful, and they cannot be solved by ordinary wizards. Those who can leave spiritual bodies are not ordinary characters, wizards, or special individuals. (To be continued)

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