The Wizard World: 271 arrive 2

The light spot flew into the crystal rune, and then quickly descended, forming a translucent white beam of light, connected to the deck of the bow.

“Ryans Llanverrier!” Seaman stood not far away, his hands were on his chest, and he made a weird gesture. Numerous green dots gathered wildly in her hand, very A ball of green light will soon form.

She pushed at the bow.

Oh! !!

A green beam of light shoots out instantly, connected to the crystal rune held up by Angele.

Oh! Huh! !!

Another two blue and black beams are instantly attached to the crystal rune.

However, Lei Linnan and Sighney, who looked pale, rushed out from the hatch of the ship. They also discovered that the situation was wrong.

Lei Linnan’s hands gathered countless blue currents of energy, while Siguni released a black beam of light focused by black light spots.

Over the deck, green, blue, and black, the three beams are connected to the crystal runes on Angele’s hand. Like three colored light cables.

A lot of red and green light dots linger around the rune crystal. The light dots rotate slightly like an elf, continually converging towards the central crystal rune. Form a miniature vortex.

The rune crystal gathers all the energy into a white beam of light, which is connected to the ship on the lower deck.

Between gray clouds.

Three black ships are slowly advancing, and a layer of shuttle-shaped white film slowly emerges on their surface, and the tail of the fleet slowly releases a strong green tail flame.

Speed ​​is getting faster and faster.

A large group of storm elements in the rear are driving the ship-shaped tools condensed by the blue current. Holding various weapons, he hurriedly chased towards the fleet.

A black four-winged night bird spreads its wings between the clouds. Behind the fleet, carefully flew towards the storm elements behind.

Hoo! !!

An extremely strong storm element giant. Holding the blue steel fork, stepping on the blue boat, he swept across the night bird. He has black earrings in one ear.

“Oh !!!” The giant yelled suddenly. A circle of blue sound waves spread out instantly.

The Four-winged Nightfinch was shocked by a tumbling motion and almost fell.

嗖 嗖 嗖 …..! !!

Then a series of huge blue boats, hurried across the night bird, bringing up a slightly curved arc. Chased towards the fleet.

“Woo ~~~ Woo !!!” a giant man with a scar on his forehead screamed suddenly.

The four-winged night bird flapping its wings quickly, hovering above the clouds, and turned to look at the three fleets.

From behind it, countless blue lines continue to flow. Gathered towards the fleet.

The storm elements are stepping on small boats, wielding weapons and screaming, like countless insect swarms, all over the sky.

The four-winged night bird vibrates its wings, turns a corner, and flies back.


A small boat glides across, the storm element above bends sideways and sweeps across.

Oh! !!

The bald-headed man with a smile lifted the three-pointed fork in his hand, and on the tip of the middle fork was a black four-winged nightfinch carcass. The scarlet blood flowed down the tip of the fork, and dried up into dark red.

“Woo !!!” The big man yelled, holding up his steel fork. “Aizus !!!” His voice accompanied the roar of a lion.

“Aizus !!! Aizus !!! Aizus !!!” All the storm elements around yelled wildly.

The body of the four-winged nightfinch slowly becomes scorched black, then turns into countless black ash, and dissipates with the wind.

Angele opened his eyes sharply. The remnant of the pupil in the eyes reflects the appearance of the bald storm element.

The image dissipates slowly.

Oh! !!

The fleet rushed out of the wind eye area between the gray and white clouds. Rush into a blue sky and gray-green plain grass.

Countless storm elements suddenly stayed on the edge of the gray clouds, watching the fleet quickly leave.

Flying in front is the bald giant with a three-pointed fork. He has no current-like hair on his head, hawk nose and eyes like hawksbill. Cold and crazy.

He stared gloomily at the indecent fleet ahead. Slowly reach out your hand.

In front of him. An illusory image of the fleet suddenly emerged. His hand slowly caught the ships of the fleet.

Boom! !! !!

Between the gray and white clouds, a huge translucent blue giant hand slowly grabbed at the three hot air balloon fleets not far ahead.

The fleet is in front of the giant hand, like three little black ants, flying slowly forward.

Huge palm grabbed hard.

Click! !!

The two ships a little behind were intercepted abruptly, and when they were gently gripped, they turned into countless fragments. The foremost ship avoiding the danger was completely grasped, but the rear stern was also partially damaged. A large number of pieces of black wood chips continued to stray and fled forward.


Hot air balloon.

Angel slowly put down the rune crystal. The transparent material was covered with fine cracks.

He looked back.

The giant man’s cold eyes seemed to penetrate a long distance and pierced his eyes fiercely. He stood between the clouds, with countless storm elements behind him.

“Hmm …” Angele quickly closed his eyes, his eyes tingling.

“Finally escaped.” With the support of Lei Linnan, Siguni came over with some shaking. Moira and Seaman also hurried over. Everyone glanced at each other, and they saw a trace of fear in the other’s face.

The horrible giant hand is definitely a horrible existence beyond the first-level wizard. That is a level they simply cannot understand. Once caught, it is estimated that no one can survive.

“Signey, do you have to go through this kind of thing every time the fleet passes? Those storm elements are stationed there, who dares to pass through here?” After taking a few deep breaths, Himan looked at Siguni.

“I don’t know.” Sigourney shook his head. “When I came, there were not so many elements of the storm ….. It is said that this is the rule of Lord Aketus. Lord Aketus is A very enlightened storm giant has always had a very good relationship with other races. When passing through, at least pay attention to some storm elements of robbery. Why now ….. “Recalling the giant hand just now, he also looked slightly pale change.

“Green, are your eyes better? That kind of existence can’t be seen with both eyes.” Seaman looked at him and closed his eyes in a dark grid e

“It’s okay.” Angele opened his eyes and nodded. He spread his palms, and the crystal runes that controlled the fleet had shattered into small powders. “The crystal rune is over.”

The five looked at the crystal powder in his palm, and the white powder suddenly evaporated a faint white gas, which quickly became small and dissipated. It soon disappeared completely in Angele’s palm.

“Looks like we have to land.” Siguni smiled bitterly. “Fortunately, the eyes of Akira can be regarded as the central region. But to reach the gathering place of human wizards in the central region, we have to go through the last place. This place was originally safe for us to take a hot air balloon. Passed. “

“Where?” Angelle asked, and several of them also looked at him at the same time.

“Heiyuan Grand Canyon. But rest assured, there is actually a place for my family to stay here. But we have to note that the Grand Canyon is a gathering place for non-human creatures. It is commonly known as a non-human gathering area. When I left, This is also where the famous bandits, robbers, killers, and thieves gather. Any strange, cruel and perverted race can find its shadow here.

“That is to say, it’s messy here?” Lei Linnan asked in a low voice.

“It’s very confusing and extremely dangerous. It’s full of killers and fugitives. I’ve only heard of it before and haven’t really come.” Siguni nodded.

“We’ve come this time, what are we afraid of?” Seaman laughed.

“Isn’t Heiyuan Grand Canyon really suitable for us? If we really go to the original landing point, maybe the danger is even greater.” Angle sighed and whispered.

Several people remembered the previous speculation and were silent.

“That’s right. In the Black Canyon, we can just camouflage a bit to avoid possible threats.” Siguni nodded.

“Ready to land. Let’s cool down the hot air balloon,” Angolie agreed.


The blue sky. A black boat hung by a gray hot air balloon slowly descended into the gray-yellow plain below.

Sparse old trees are scattered on the plain. Some gray creatures like moles got out of the ground burrows, and looked curiously at the huge black ship that landed in the sky.

The sparse grassland of gray, dark green grows on the yellow mud soil of the plain, and the horizon is endless.

A dark green tree is like a giant umbrella, standing alone on the gray-yellow field.

Not far from the edge of the giant tree, the black ship slowly landed on a yellow soil.

Oh! !!

In the heavy and dull impact, countless yellow dust swelled. The sky is yellowish yellow.

The scorching sun at noon is dazzling and dazzling. It took a while for the dust to calm down.

The black ship stopped on the loess, and some small yellow dots gradually appeared on the horizon around it. Those are some strange creatures from the news.

And under the shade of the huge big tree, some small gray-white heads slowly popped up.

Some masters of the head even slowly flew out of the cover of the leaves to show their shape.

That’s a small paper man folded from white paper. They all have long paper braids and two pairs of white paper wings behind.

There are no facial features, no mouth, and only a few facial features on the face. They also wear paper-folded robe-like clothes, very simple, but also off-white.

The paper men flap their wings, mostly hiding in the shade of the trees, and they all look at the huge black ship. The black ship is much bigger than the big tree.

The paper people are flying, but there is no sound at all. They looked at the black ship quietly. In the shadow of the big tree, they were quiet and silent, looking a little weird. (To be continued)

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