The Wizard World: 261 Chaos 2

Angeleben wanted to stand up, but he had no strength at all. Yunbee’s huge body was pressing on his back, and his furry belly was pressing on his legs. A large amount of yellow-green liquid flowed down from the cloud bee, and dyed Angele all over the body.

He felt like he was lying on his stomach in a large pool of strong adhesive glue.


Angle felt that not too far in front of him, a sudden crash came.

He barely lifted his eyes to see, with pointed ears and thin faces, it was Baron.

His eyes were wide, his whole body was frozen into a white body, and a black tail pin was severely pierced on his shoulder, and nailed to the deck. Silent and motionless.

Angele is lying on the deck, and with his right hand, he draws a triangle gently on the deck floor,

“Anubis Remanda.” A whispered incantation slowly sang out.

His! !! !!

A circle of completely transparent ripples spread instantly.

With Angele as the center, all wizards are shrouded in it.

All the odors disappeared suddenly, and all the sounds were completely silent.

Over the deck, the remaining cloud bee swarms continue to hover for a while, and there are still a few elemental creatures scattered underneath to attack tirelessly, but they have no effect and are easily resisted by the pale white shield Come down.

The wizard no longer saw the figure, and a large body of dead and frozen figures fell on the deck.

The cloud bee ignores the effects of silence and odor elimination, and starts to move the corpses on the ground one by one under six feet. The wings buzzed and began to fly away from the fleet.

The white cloud bees fluttered down, picked up a human body, and flew towards the distant sky.

Soon, the deck was moved directly to the air, leaving only faint blood and frost everywhere.

The cloud bees ignore the companions ‘bodies, they just move the wizards’ bodies. Directly left the fleet. Soon, the buzz was getting smaller and further away. Gradually. Disappeared completely in the distance.

Angel escaped, he was crushed underneath the cloud bee, and felt like he was being crushed by a giant dead fly. Yunbee’s six feet just held him in the middle. The huge head was pressed against the back, and the sharp mouthparts came to the back of the head. If it was not blocked by a layer of hard metal skin, Angle’s body would be directly penetrated.

A full half hour after the Cloud Bee Swarm left, Angele felt the body without any sense, and began to slowly recover the strength of consciousness, and the frost on his body began to slowly disperse.

The first thing to regain consciousness is to reach out and quickly push the cloud bee behind him.

The white, yellowish fluffy forefoot around his neck was ripped open by him for the first time.

The big soft fur on the forefoot and the back makes him goosebumps.

Looked at the cloud bee behind him.

White body. Two huge brown compound eyes on the head were severely pierced by the long sword. The huge round abdomen was cut unconsciously by the tip of Angliel’s evil machete, and a little yellow-green pus was slowly dripping down.

The originally round and large striped abdomen has been flattened because of the pus flow. The two remaining tail pins protruded out for a long time. I haven’t rushed out yet.

“Sure enough, this cloud bee’s body fluid is the best antidote for the detoxification of bee venom.” Angele breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and held the tail pin on his right arm with his left hand.

Oh! !!

The tail needle was pulled out by him, and the clang was dropped on the deck.

The injury was severely pierced with a round hole, and the bones were pierced. It looks fuzzy. Extremely severe, but the frost of bee venom froze the bleeding of the wound.

Angele quickly drew a black test tube from the lumbar pouch, gently pulled the plug, and poured the black solution directly into the wound.

His ……

A burst of white gas suddenly evaporated.

Angele frowned, sweat beads oozing slightly from his forehead.

After the potion was poured, the ice cubes in his wounds melted, and the blood began to drip slowly.

Angele draws a handful of light yellow medicine powder from the waist pouch and presses it on the wound.

When the powder and blood are mixed, they suddenly emit a hazy green halo.

Two minutes after covering the wound with his hand, Angele released his hand again, and the wound had formed a large piece of dark red blood. It looks very scary.

“It seems to have been raised for a while. If it was a little more dangerous just now, I can only use the hallucination mark.” Angele exhaled a little bit gratefully, but even if he used the hallucination mark, he was not sure Whether it is useful for these cloud bees, although the Sugala Giant Eagle Banshee is powerful, it is not invincible. There are not many biological species that can match them in ancient times, but there are definitely many.

Angele lifted his head and began to glance across the surrounding ship.

There is no sorcerer’s body or figure on the deck, and some broken weapons and shields are scattered everywhere. The bodies of five white cloud bees are sparsely scattered. Yellow-green pus flows are everywhere.

“If there weren’t too many sieges to me …” Anglile flashed in his eyes and didn’t keep thinking. Holding the machete of evil thoughts, he turned around on the deck.

“Is anyone still alive?” he shouted.

The voice echoed slowly over the empty three fleets.

While the wind whispered, a faint moan came from underneath a cloud-bee corpse.

“I … I’m alive …” is a man’s voice.

Angele hurriedly walked over, flipping open the wasp’s body, and underneath a man covered in black, it was the witch who barged Baron with him.

His right thigh was pierced by a tail needle, but was also dripped with yellow-green pus, just detoxifying.

But it seems that this man’s physique is far worse than that of Angele’s evil machete bonus, which is much worse. At this time, he looked weak, and his nose, eyes, and ears were bleeding everywhere, apparently caused by a strong shock.

“Are there anyone else!” Angele shouted loudly, while holding up the man in black. Go towards the cabin.

No more noise from the deck.

The two walked into the entrance of the cabin, and suddenly saw the room corridor below the entrance. Two white-robed wizards were lying on the ground, motionless,

A man is a strange witch with long waist-waisted black hair. Her left palm is pierced by a black tail pin and nailed to the ground. Covered with frost.

The other is Seaman. The female pharmacist was lying on the ground, and a black tail pin rubbed her neck and nailed it to the ground, only torn a little skin. The body was frozen by bee venom and lost consciousness.

“There is still rescue!” Angele quickly put the man in black down and leaned against the steps. Back to the wall. He ran out quickly, quickly holding in the yellow-green pus in both hands, and began to smear the injuries on the hands and necks of the two.

After painting. The frost on them began to fade quickly. Angele then stood up and lifted the man in black into a room on the side. Without the owner in these rooms, the secret seal set by the anti-theft system naturally cannot convey the message.

“It’s kind of you to hurt yourself and save someone.” The man in black looked at him and whispered a small smile. “If I were to kill them directly and take away the resources they need.”

“How many people do you think will survive the journey successfully?” Angle replied lightly, “I may save you just to save myself.”

Put the man in black on the bed. It doesn’t matter if yellow-green pus is stained everywhere.

“Heal yourself, are you okay?”

“No problem.” The man in black nodded.

“Okay, let’s go out and see what’s going on on the boat.” Angele frowned and turned out of the door. Backhand shut. It happened that the two witches had leaned back against the wall of the hallway, and their faces were pale again.

“Thank you for saving us, what about the others?” Seaman asked weakly when he saw Anger listed.

“Dead, maybe you can find them in the dung of the cloud bee tomorrow.” Angele covered the injured part of his lower right arm tiredly. “The wizards remaining on the ship. Maybe there are not many.”

His gaze moved to another person.

The other witch said, “I’m … Moira, thank you very much for your kindness.” She paused and continued, “We originally heard your cry from the commander-in-chief, so He rushed into the cabin immediately, but unfortunately he was stabbed by two tail needles. In the end, it may be because of the witchcraft of the hidden sounds and odors that I do n’t know who released them. The cloud bees did not find us and escaped.

She recalled the short and fierce battle with Yunbee, with a hint of fear in her eyes.

“They are too scary !!! No matter what witchcraft is totally useless on them! How could there be such a scary creature in the world !!! How could there be a creature stronger than our wizards !!!? “She lowered her head. Apparently the emotions began to faint.

Although she is a wizard, even if she is a white robe, when she joins this team, she is ready for possible casualties, but it is only the first time she encounters the first danger point. Man, a little wizard is still alive, this strong contrast makes Moira, who has been living in the strongest environment of the wizard, very unacceptable.

She calmed down slightly: “Sorry, I’m a little excited.”

“Nothing.” Heman laughed bitterly. “If it wasn’t for the pain in the wound, I might have thought that the wizard had released a hallucinatory witchcraft joke.”

“Let’s take a break first and heal your injuries. I’ll check the situation on the boat. If not, the fleet has the routes and speeds set in advance. I’m afraid we now have at most one boat left.” Angele nodded, “Well, Lei Linnan should still be resting in the room. After you take a break, you can go and see how he is.”

The two had to heed his advice and went back to their room to rest and recover.

Angle returned to the deck alone. On the empty deck, there were no creatures except the cloud bee corpse.

He rummaged carefully, except for a few people, all the wizards were taken away by the swarm of bees for food.

He went to the two ships behind him and looked at them without any silhouette. It was just that the ship’s course was somewhat uneven due to the shock of the battle. Angell adjusted the direction and speed of the three ships slightly, and returned to the first ship. (To be continued)

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