The Wizard World: 257 OK 2

Himman Ruili holds a stag’s head, huge branches of antler-like horns, and a constant white energy flow, surrounded by a large number of white firefly-like light spots.

A lot of light spots are constantly resisting the attacks of the surrounding wizards. It also constantly draws off the sorcery of surrounding wizards to offset each other.

Angel looked at the bow for a while and found that the most wizards other than Seaman Ruili had the level of gasification. And most of the sorcery used is an improved version of ordinary witchcraft, which is not so special.

Also, the faces of the nine wizards seemed to be a little purple. While attacking, his face was anxious.

Angel suddenly remembered that when Lei Linnan untied her long hair, the aroma that she smelled seemed to be a poisonous gas, but Lei Linnan naturally admits that it has no effect on Angele. Although he certainly has a stronger hole card that has not been used, Angele has not used all his strength. In addition to the keen wind in recent years, he has also improved a witchcraft that suits him and has not used it.

In addition, if you do n’t count on hallucinations and use petrochemical abilities fully, you can completely kill Lei Linnan with a very short period of interference.

“It is a pity that the petrochemical ability can only be used twice a day.” Angele was a bit sorry.

The range of this petrochemical ability is three meters. For wizards majoring in **, the effect is not very good. It can only interfere. In addition, it requires a certain amount of mana for one use.

It doesn’t do much for a tall opponent.

As for the poisonous scent just now, it has no effect on myself. Angell guessed. It may be that the bloodline of the Sugaera eagle banshee works, and the bloodline of the eagle banshee has immunity to some hallucinogenic toxins.

Maybe Lei Linnan is just the hallucinogenic toxin used.

Angel stood at the bow, watching the witchmen in the front of the ship attacking Himman Ruili in the middle.

Gradually, one of the wizards suddenly fell down, his face turned purple, his mouth foamed, and his body continued to twitch on the deck.

“Brother !!! Damn it! Himan. Quickly take the antidote !!!” A big red robe on the side roared suddenly. A red flamingo was constantly radiating in his hands, and more than a dozen flamingoes on the field were continually hovering and flapping. They were all his masterpieces.


Another wizard fell down. His face was purple. Foaming in the mouth.

Then the wizards fell to the ground one after another. He couldn’t get up anymore, all of them staring at Shiman Ruili in pain. Witchcraft effects also quickly turned off.

“Don’t think about turning over, my poisonous mist can suppress half of your mana, only half of your mana will fight against me, don’t even think of luck.”

Himan said with a smile.

Wizards lying on the floor, all with purple faces and foaming mouth.

Angel was also slightly wary.

This means of Seaman Ruili is not like a white wizard, but more like a black wizard.

He reached out, facing the opposite side. A stun shot a silver metal rope.

In the recovery of the force field, Angele was suddenly involved in the whole person and easily stepped on the side of the first ship.

“There are only two of us left.” He jumped straight down from the ship’s side. Himan walking towards the middle.

Hyman turned his face, put a smile on his face, and stared straight at Angela who came over. she knows. Those who can defeat the wizards of two ships are definitely not ordinary wizards.

Angel’s eyes flashed slightly, and he sniffed slightly.

“The poisonous mist of purple fangs configured by Red Snow Snake Tooth and Rhizoma. You can afford it.

Himan’s face changed slightly. “I didn’t expect you to be an learned pharmacist.”

“Just a little understanding. Don’t be nervous, but don’t use me for such small things as poisonous mist potions.” Angle said gently.

Himan’s face suddenly burst into a bitter smile. “I’m a pharmacist. If you let me not use a medicament, it’s like letting me give in directly.”

“Oh?” Angle froze slightly. Looking at the male deer’s head in her arms, the deer’s head was faintly translucent, and the body was a bottle of small black potion, braving the slightest heat.

“A total of Natos Elixir, Petrified Snake Pupil, Ice Cold Water, Two Bottles of Water Element, and One Bottle of Ice Remains on You. Am I right?” Anglik pointed out her The medicine on his body. As for the medicine, he can already analyze the little smell of the medicine emitted by the chip analysis to determine what kind of medicine.

This is unimaginable to the average pharmacist.

Himan’s face turned white, staring at Angliel in shock, and the countless white light spots around him slowly dissipated, just in time for the potion.

Angele ’s current pharmacological strength is far from being comparable to that of ordinary pharmacists.

Any medicine has a corresponding countermeasure.

Angele stretched out his hand and touched it from the lumbar pouch. An extra lilac test tube suddenly appeared on the hand, which contained purple mucus.

“Elemental Summoning Potion, I have the Energy Spill Potion here, which can interrupt your summoning process directly. You can prevent this area from using Elemental Summoning Potion for a certain period of time. Natos’s medicament is also very effective. Simple. The way of launching the petrified snake pupil, as long as it is a little … “He did not say, these are the cracking methods that only a wizard who is extremely familiar with potions can know. Leaking it at will is tantamount to forming a feud with the other party. Anglican can interrupt the witchcraft operation model that interferes with the potion at the most critical moment. But the nature changes when you speak it directly.

“And the cold water, and the poisonous mist on your body, unfortunately, I know both of these potions.” Every time Anglile said, he saw Hilmann’s face pale, He shook his head slightly: “Give up the rune crystals, you know, it only takes me a minute to solve you. I advise you to fight against ordinary wizards with potions and have a little effect. Against black wizards and the like, it is very It ’s hard to work. This method is too dependent on external forces.

Angel himself is a pharmacist, but he does not fight with potions, as he said. Pharmacists use medicaments, it seems easy, but once you meet a strong person who knows a little about the use of medicaments, it will be difficult to work.

Poison Mist is effective for wizards of normal constitution, but has no effect on wizards of higher constitution. Such as Lei Linnan. Moreover, the use of medicament is a way to activate the use of mental power fluctuations, and once encounters a powerful wizard opponent. Once the interference of the other person’s mental power is strong to a degree, it is likely that your potion will not have a chain reaction at all, but a pool of potion will fall to the ground. Nothing works.

It is Angele himself. Although the pharmacy battle is very convenient, he has prepared at most. Used for research and non-combat.

Siman Ruili stood in place, and then nodded slowly: “Okay, I give up.”

She raised her hand and a crystal rune was thrown out.

Angel catches it and takes out the two previous crystal runes and puts them together.

Three runes melt immediately and combine to form a crystal ring, only the size of a palm. Crystal clear.

Angel closed his eyes slightly, and an image came out of the crystal ring into his mind.

‘Incoming message connection … Start receiving data. ’Chip horse uploads feedback tips.

Angele stands on the deck. After a few minutes, his eyes slowly opened.

“Now, detoxify other wizards,” he said to Seaman Ruili.

Hieman nodded, walked over to take out a black vial, and began to detoxify the wizards on the ground one by one.

Angele returned directly to his ship. Perry, who hid behind her back, came out. All the seriously wounded wizards will be forced into a coma under the protection of the ship’s rune. Under the control of Angele, the runes of all three ships were simultaneously unconscious.

After all the wizards healed the injuries slightly, Angele arranged them separately, and the leaders of each ship were still the original three. Responsible for daily control of direction speed.

Crystal Runes. It just determines the control of the fleet. This battle is not worth exposing most of the power for some wizards. Just like Angele and Ray Linnan, Seaman Ruili.

After all, even if the person in charge is expelled from the fleet, unless the force is used, the person expelled can still live on the boat. It just doesn’t get the protection of the Rune. But no general controller would be so stupid to isolate the power of the fleet.

After all, what everyone really has to face is the dangerous biological disaster in five places.


In a cabin of the fleet’s first ship.

Angele, Lei Linnan, and Shiman Ruili and Baron, sitting around a rectangular wooden table, all four looked at the scene in a crystal ball on the table intently.

The crystal ball is supported by a gray metal square base with a giant bee flying in it.

The bee is white in color, the round pattern on the abdomen is blue, and the tail has three black tail pins. The rest is no different from ordinary bees.

At this moment, this weird bee is flying over the gray-white woods. Its body is more than one meter long. Its tail is across the treetops below. Some branches and leaves have fallen unconsciously. Come.

“This is the cloud bee,” said Shyman softly. “My family once had ancestors who crossed to the middle. They joined the runes through the tower and returned some information. Partially incomplete. But it still helps us a little. “

“The cloud bee has three tail pins, each of which is accompanied by strong ice energy damage. The release speed is extremely fast and it is difficult to avoid. The bee colony is divided into three levels: worker bees, drones, and queens. Seaman went on to say, “What we are seeing now is the worker bee. The attack strength of each tail pin, plus physical damage to energy, is about 30 degrees. Then the drone, three tail pins, attack The intensity is around 50 degrees. I do n’t have any information on the queen bee here, and it usually does n’t appear. There will be a drone in the stone worker bee, so everyone needs to pay attention to the number of cloud bee colonies.

“Bumblebees don’t usually attack other creatures, do they?” Baron frowned.

“The cloud bee is different. They love all flesh and blood.” Lei Linnan played with a small silver badge calmly, and did not know where it was.

“What about the general number? Do you know the speed of the flight?” Angle asked aside.

“Generally two appear together, the others don’t know. No one has tested the speed of the flight. But it is certain to be able to catch up with our ship.” Seaman introduced. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to (.) Vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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