The Wizard World: 247 End 2

“I hope you can come back alive. I haven’t seen what the middle part looks like. You have to come back and tell me about it. It’s best to record the crystal ball.” Silva read it, turned and continued to draw the runes.

The contact is disconnected, the telescope goes out automatically, Angle carefully puts it away and puts it back in the bookcase.

“Looks, it’s time to settle Nancy.” He went to the window and looked down quietly. In front of the small tower by the small lake below, Nancy was talking to two men and a woman guard. .

As long as he does not die, the secret marks left to other wizards will not disappear for a long time. So as long as he didn’t go wrong, Nancy was under his protection.

As long as you live in Nola, there will be no problem. Siva and several other friends, such as Gru and Charlian, Pell and others, will look at his face and take care of her when needed. This is not a big problem.

Besides that, it’s the other side.

Angel frowned slightly.

He knows very little about the organization of the elf. Although he has been working together for so long, he still knows nothing about the specific situation of the organization. Not even the name is clear.

Originally the other party was going to pull him to join, but now he is going to headquarter Omandis, so far away, they have to consider their reaction to this mysterious organization.

After all, whether it was the help of the elf, the contribution of Crystal Leaf, or the emphasis on his pharmacy talent, it was an organization’s contribution to him. If nothing returns …..

Angele must consider the other party’s possible reactions.

May pay them back, or refuse him to join the team heading to the headquarters.

He hasn’t been in contact with the elf for a long time.


Scarlet maple forest. In the afternoon sunlight and maple leaves intersect, there is red light everywhere.

There is a small circular lake between the maple groves, and the clear surface of the lake reflects the surrounding red maple groves. There is only a small area in the middle of the lake, which is the reflection of the sky’s golden red clouds.

A brown wooden hut, which is built with brown round wood, is quietly located in the middle of the lake.

There is no way to the cottage. The wooden house is surrounded by a lake.

The breeze blew through, and Fenglin Maple Leaf suddenly heard a rushing sound, and some fine dry leaves slowly drifted down. Some landed on the lake, making ripples.

Deep in Fenglin, a brown-haired man in a white robe was slowly walking towards the small lake.

His eyes are pale golden. The skin was white and silver, and the whole person showed a hint of hard metal texture.

Walking to the edge of the small lake, the man stretched out his right hand, and a black crow pattern lit up suddenly on the middle fingernail fingernails.

“I’m Green,” the man said lightly.

As the voice just fell, the pale red ground beneath his feet suddenly drilled a lot of fine green vines from the soil.

The vines are intertwined and swiftly extend towards the heart of the lake, forming a green vine road above the lake.

Angel walked peacefully onto Fujibashi. Striding towards the hut.


The wooden door of the cabin opens slowly and automatically.

Angle walked in directly and closed the door with his backhand.

In the narrow wooden house, there is only a brown wooden table and two chairs. A dark fireplace with no fire in it. On the wall was a wreath made of red flowers and green leaves. Already withered.

The light in the room is a bit murky.

A figure in a black robe sat at the table. Wearing a hood and lowering his head.

“Green, welcome to you.”

Angele walked over and sat down in another chair by the wooden table, facing the figure.

“Where is the elf?”

“He’s dead.” The figure faintly answered, his voice was a bit sharp male voice.

“Dead?” Angelle frowned. “Can you tell me why?”

“Of course, he died in a mission. It was an accident. The strength of the opponent exceeded their expectations.” The figure raised his head and took off his hood. Under the hat was a huge black crow head.

Black feathers, white and black pupils’ eyes, starting from the neck, but still normal human body, look strange.

The crow’s pointed gray-black beak opened and closed, and it was a human voice.

“The elf and I used to have a great time working together, what about his students?” Angelle asked in silence.

“Who knows? Already applied for the mission of revenge, maybe they will come back alive, or they will die in the mission, just like their teacher.”

“What about his family?”

“There isn’t much fluctuation, it just starts to shrink the forces. For the wizard who died during the mission, our organization will have a certain guarantee system. You don’t have to worry about this. This guarantee will last for two hundred years.” Crow explained.

“That’s good.” Angele nodded.

“By the way, as a new collaborator, you should tell me your name, right?” Angli was originally going to meet the elf and inform him of his decision to go to the Sixth Ring Headquarters. I didn’t expect to get this news.

“My name is Noy, you can also call me a crow.” The crow head replied calmly, “I’m your elder in charge of the elf. Did you come to inform us that we are going to headquarter?”

“You know?” Angle flickered for a moment, then there was a glance in his eyes, “You should have contributed to this quota, right?”

“Just know. After all, our headquarters is also in Omandis.” Raven explained calmly, “Are you worried about the family, there is no guarantee after you leave, this is the key to your hesitation.”

“Of course.” Angele nodded, not concealing, “There is no eternal friendship between wizards, only short-term interests. Perhaps Lispel will not change in a short time, but people will always change, Memories are also forgotten. When the human relationship is finally used up. “

“You’re right. So joining us is your wisest choice. We are responsible for security here.” The crow replied lightly.

“I didn’t expect you to have a headquarters in Omandis. In this case, I choose to join.” Angele did not worry that the other party threatened him with his family. For a wizard of his personality, Threat didn’t work, the black wizards never compromised because of others, they were only provoked.

“Although you joined as a non-combatant, as usual, you still have to perform a proof mission. This proves that you are also a black wizard.” The crow smiled. The muscles on both sides of the bird’s beak are pulled together and look strange.

Angel’s face remained unchanged, and a little flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. “You did find out what I had before. What task? But there is no compensation for my heart. I will not do it.”

“A very simple task already arranged above, I believe you will definitely be excited.”

“Oh? Let’s take a look.” Angle squinted.

The crow’s head looks straight at Angel’s eyes. Word by word.

“Kill the red eyebrow.”

Angel’s eyes narrowed.

“What do you mean? Red Eyebrow is one of the three elders of Mipan Academy. The crystallized wizard who claims to be the closest to the second-level wizard, you let me kill him?”

“No one can stop you,” said the crow lightly. “No one dares to stop you.”

“Why do you guys?” Angle said coldly.

“Just because we are the Black Witch Tower.”

Black Witch Tower.

Angel bowed his head: “Then you are so confident that I can kill him? Even if it is one-on-one, I am not necessarily his opponent.”

“It was naturally difficult at his heyday, but what if he betrayed his relatives, was hunted down, and was seriously injured?” The crow smiled again.

“Did I happen to be at the meeting, or did you arrange it on purpose?” Angle whispered.

“Maybe both.”


After half a month …..

Outside Nora, the misty forest.

Angele is wearing a black skinny leather armor, standing on a high cliff platform. Overlooking the sea of ​​green trees below.

The endless green sea of ​​trees has spread from under the cliff to all directions, until the edge is invisible.

The rising sun in the morning emits cold sunlight.

Angele stretched out his hand, slightly covering the hair of his forehead to cover his eyes, and turned his face to look behind him.

A man with blond curly hair in a black swordsman suit, stepped forward. Standing beside Angle.

“According to our information, Red Eyebrow was injured by the dean of the Mipan Academy, Nana Li, and has now escaped into this sea of ​​trees. Next, it’s up to you.” The man said calmly.

“Anyone else with him?” Angelle asked.

“There are two more. One is the dead who he made himself. The other is his student.” The curly man explained. “Red Eyebrows made a mistake in one thing, causing irreparable losses to the college …..”

“Is he also the Black Witch Tower?” Angri asked suddenly.

“No, in fact Nanali is.”

“It really only takes one reason to convict him?”

The curly man shook his head slightly. “The situation is very complicated, and it’s hard to say for a moment. Okay, you can go and be killed by others later if you are not sure. The chaser behind Redbrow was the one he got this time first. A crystallized wizard named Alive, he took three liquefied wizards and chased them all the way, and has been chasing for four days and four nights. There are not a few people who offend Red Eyebrows usually, and other wizards are constantly coming. If you are late, you may be out of business. “

“So, isn’t it just me who beat the water dog?” Angelle asked lightly. “Don’t you specifically help me remove the interference?”

“This is a good description, and it is indeed more than one of you. As for interference, you need to know that accidents are likely to happen in this world.”

The curly man took out a black disc from the waist pouch and handed it to Angele. “This is for tracking, and the position between you and the red eyebrow will be automatically displayed on it.”

Angel takes over. The black disc is the size of a slap. The top is black and smooth as a mirror with a white dot in the middle. On the left, a red dot is slowly moving.

“Thank you very much.” He held the disc and stretched his right hand. The palm of the hand suddenly condensed into a ball of silver metal, which quickly extended and became a long silver sword.

Looking at the disc, Angele turned and walked quickly down the cliff. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to (.) Vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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