The Wizard World: 233 Everyday 2

: “The wizard who bought the centaur was killed and the centaur escaped from the place. Why? You want? It is said that the person who killed the wizard was a black wizard.”

“I can’t do it alone, but you can send someone over.” Angle said lightly, “This time, I got the news that there are not a few wizards who are interested in this centaur. Maybe the purchase The wizards who were killed were likely to have the writings of other wizards. After all, the breed with great fertility was a very popular item from the past to the present. “

“You don’t need to worry about this, our family has sent someone over,” the old man whispered. “If you want, you can also divide the two of you, if it works.” He thought he would take advantage later, and the old man immediately relaxed and became much more generous.

“Thank you so much.” Angle made a look of great joy.

The bloodlines of those white centaurs are no more than those of the hawks, their bloodlines are much denser. Two estimates can also extract some blood power. This can only be achieved by the owner of the chip. Other wizards can only get stuck in the purification process and cannot go any further. Only the chip can use the energy point-to-point to perform micromanipulation and remove impurities at a microscopic level, so as to achieve excellent results.

While the wizards are at a micro level, they do n’t know what level they need to reach this level. At least the wizards that Angele has seen so far are unlikely to have this hope.

The two continued chatting for a while, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

The old man seemed to let go of his humiliation, and talked to Angliet about miscellaneous things, but he did not expect that the two could really talk. He found that the overall quality of Angli was much higher than he thought.

In the beginning, he still held a high level of condescension, but later, on several occasions, he was only able to listen to Angele to tell his own opinions, but he could not refute it at all. This made him sincerely let go of his pride and put himself on the same level as Angele.

Wizards are extremely knowledgeable beings, and among them, wizards must constantly review and review some of the knowledge that has not been used for a long time. So it came later. There will be a slow plateau in the accumulation of knowledge.

The vast majority of wizards are at this stage. The knowledge they have learned can only be kept in memory through constant review. If you want to learn new knowledge, you can only slowly forget it.

There are only a few wizards who can break through this stage. Become a top educator among wizards. Their knowledge system is excellent. Very knowledgeable. Both can be called master-level scholars.

From the point of view of the old Andrea, Angele is undoubtedly a polymath who belongs to the breakthrough stage. Many times, he himself could hardly keep up with the speed of thinking of Angell. This made him feel very embarrassed, but it gradually faded. Can lose in the hands of polymaths. This is also helpless.

And the most important thing that made him slowly put down the gap with Angele was that he was so young. Can reach the level of polymath. The future potential will definitely not be comparable to that of ordinary wizards.

The two talked for more than two hours, until the sky was a little dim, and they stopped.

Angle gained a lot of knowledge and experience about pharmacy from the old man, and the other side also solved some difficult thoughts that had been troubled by him.

“It’s getting late, so that’s it for this conversation,” Angell concluded.

“No problem, I didn’t expect that Master Green was a polymath. This conversation has benefited me a lot.” Although the two still couldn’t trust each other, the atmosphere was much better than the beginning.

“Where. Your knowledge of pharmacy has also benefited me a lot.”

After complimenting each other, they are finally disconnected.

The red light of the crystal ball gradually faded.

“It’s over? My lord?”

Pigs, who has been sitting across from Angle, smiles.

“Well. You can go back and report, this time you worked hard, Wizard of Pigs.” Angelle answered with a smile.

“You’re welcome, this is what I should do.”

Pigs leaves the crystal ball and leaves. Angell sat alone on the sofa. His eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking.

Until it’s getting dark, it’s almost night. He slowly got up from the sofa and picked up the crystal ball. Go up the stairs and enter the biological laboratory room. Close the door.

Angele walked directly to the table and picked up the crystal glass bottle containing three flesh. The flesh and blood was still fresh. This is a special effect of this crystal glass bottle.

“It looks like you have to try a higher concentration variant.” Looking at the flesh in the bottle, the thought flashed through his mind.


A few months later. early morning.


In the biological laboratory, there was a sudden muffled sound.

With a click, the door was opened, a thick smoke came out of the room, and a dark man came out of it.

“Cough!” He coughed, and his skin began to vibrate rapidly. The layers of black and gray were suddenly shaken down and fell on the carpet, forming a black mark.

“Master Green. Your towel.” Ellie, standing outside the door, was holding a silver plate with towels on the ground.

“Well.” Angele took the towel, wiped it on his face and neck, and put it back on the plate.

“I’m going out for a carriage,” Angliel ordered.


After fifteen minutes …

Angele left the villa in a carriage, driven by a human man bought from a slave trade fair.

Walking through the dense forest, the carriage moved slowly along the narrow lane.

Finally, half an hour later, I arrived at the Siwa Wizard’s Manor.

“You are finally here.” Siva stood at the door and greeted with a laugh.

Angel stepped out of the carriage and hugged him fiercely.

“Good to see you again.”

“Me too.” Siva replied with a smile, two people behind him.

That’s two kids, but it looks like they’re only eleven or twelve.

“Moro, Uffi, come here and call Grandpa.” Siva turned to Angler and turned.

The two boys and girls looked at each other.

“This ….” Angli was also a little speechless, “Just call my uncle, I’m not that old yet.”

“Uncle.” “Uncle.” The two children hurried forward and called out.

Angele looked at the two children.

The boy named Moro has a handsome face, short red hair, a white leather shirt with brown leather, and a silver dagger for decoration. Looks pretty good. Completely a miniature version of the handsome swordsman.

The girl’s name is You Fei. She has fair skin, a tender and lovely appearance, long golden hair on her shoulders, and big blue eyes curiously looking at Angele. A bright red skirt-style hunting outfit, paired with black tights and red leather boots, looks a little hunter’s heroic and delicate.

The skins of the two little guys are as tender as if they squeeze water out with a pinch. He was only Angli’s chest.

After saying hello, Sivara walks Angele towards the manor.

The two children are following, and they are also looking at Angele in front.

The first impression is very kind. The gentle smile on Angle’s face was very good.

“It seems to be a good uncle.” Moro whispered to Uffie, but no voice came out, it seemed to be a lip.

“I heard that Grandpa’s neighbor here is a very knowledgeable and gentle wizard.” Yu Fei also answered with a lip.

“The impression is pretty good, just don’t know what we can get in a while. Hehe.” A cute smile appeared on Moro’s face.

“It looks like this uncle’s character is very good. I’ll try it later. Maybe I can get a little more.” Youfei slyly exposed the two dimples near her mouth.

“Maybe we can have another place to play in the future,” Moro added.

None of the two wizards in front paid attention to the plans of the two little guys behind.

Angele was pulled into the lobby, with snacks and drinks ready on the table.

Sivala sat down with Angele and sat down opposite him. The two children sat aside and started to stop snacking in their mouths.

“These two children are my grandson and granddaughter. They are both studying in the college, and the foundation is very solid. I usually play with the students I bring in the college, and occasionally come to see me as an old man. Follow me here to learn to identify some materials. “The old Siva looked at the two grandchildren, showing a kind smile.

“Although Nora bans private fights, it really doesn’t matter if you just let them run around?” Anglieu asked.

“Nothing. These are things I noticed and prepared. I was going to make them recognize you as a grandfather.” Siva smiled at Anglie.

“Forget it.” Anger list reluctantly. He looked at the two children sitting on one side.

“You’re called Moro, aren’t you?” “You’re Jeff, aren’t you?” He said to the two children with a smile.

“Well.” The two children nodded.

“Tell your uncle what do you want to do when you grow up?” Angle asked gently.

“I want to learn tailoring! Be a wizard in robe design.” You Fei’s first cute answer.

“I want to be a knight! No one in the academy can fight me!” Moro patted his short sword on his waist.

“You brag again.” Uffie passed a disdainful look.


What a wonderful dream …

Angele stared at the two little guys silently. The two little guys, at first glance, looked like they had not been beaten by the wind and rain.

Nora was peaceful, and she grew up in the academy. If there are good people like Siwa around, then this naive personality is easy to understand.

If it’s opposite the Jewel Sea, at this age, it is estimated that the boy has already begun hunting with his parents uphill, and the girl has already begun to learn how to please men. Like the two children in front of them, there is no dispute with the world.

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