The Wizard World: 230 Experiment 1

Hanging three pieces of flesh that were still faintly hot, Angele rose and walked out of the spell room. .51o.

Cross the basement hall and exit the basement. Close the small door and walk down the stairs to the second floor.

Walking in front of the room at the far end of the second floor, he stretched out his right hand, and patted it in the middle of the door.


A red fingerprint suddenly appeared in the center of the door, then began to fade and dissipate.

The moment the fingerprint disappears completely. The door suddenly clicked. It turned on automatically.

The room is a hazy white halo. On the central semi-circular table, various surgical instruments and special medicines are placed. At the edge of the table, there are red, green and green crystal bottles and some blood stains.

In the corner of the room, there are large boxes of various sizes, all covered with black cloth.

The crystal halo on the wall cannot be seen through the black cloth.

Angele closed the door, walked to a large box on the right, and reached for the corner of the black cloth on the surface of the box.


He ripped off the black cloth completely. Exposing the case.

This is a clear crystal glass case. The crystal glass without the slightest color was packed with a bird with black feathers. Most of these birds are the size of a slap. It was originally quiet, but after the black cloth was ripped off, these black birds suddenly started to scream and scream.

Angele untied a corner of the lid, quickly reached in, and caught a bird out. Then pick up the small basin on the side and pour some finely ground breadcrumbs into it.

Replace the lid and put on the black cloth. The bird’s cry suddenly dropped.

“The most common night sparrow, see what effect it will have.” Anglia slightly expected.

Night finches are everywhere in Nora. They like darkness, they don’t alarm them, they don’t tweet at all, they are generally very quiet, and they are resistant. It belongs to the most common wild birds here. Feel free to find someone. Many can be caught in a simple way. The night sparrows in that box were all bought by Angell with a magic stone.

This bird can be easily caught by ordinary people. The meat is fresh and tender, and it is a common source of ingredients in daily life.

Angel grabbed the little bird, and stood back in front of the semi-circular white operating table.

The empty left hand swipes in the void.


A red beam of light suddenly rushed up on the operating table, with fists thick and cylindrical. Stands on the table like a red stick.

The beam of light emanates from a dark red rune that looks like “¥” on the desktop. Rush to a height of half a meter. Only gradually faded.

The continuous beam of light faintly also makes a hissing, unstable energy flow.

Angele shoves the nightfinch into the pillar of light in his right hand.

Red Light seems to be paralysing. As soon as the night bird entered, it couldn’t move completely. There was only a slight snoring sound, and it was alive on the surface.

Angele took out the three flesh. Then find a small crystal bottle and put it in. The right hand stretches out the index finger, the tip of the finger gradually becomes thinner and sharper, extending a silver metal spike.

Spiked. Lengthened and pierced one of the flesh in the bottle. Then gently retracted, the tip was stained with red blood.

Close the bottle cap and move the bottle away.

Angel pointed his finger at the black nightfinch lying in the red beam. Gently stab at the side of his body. I stabbed a small mouth like an injection.

Slowly remove the spikes, take a small bottle on the table, and unplug the bottle. The silver metal spikes are stirred a few times in the clear liquid in the small bottle to wash away the blood on it.

Angel slowly melted the spikes. Cover back to skin surface.

“Establish missions, skin test response experiments.” Angle silently read.

‘The mission is established. The skin test response experiment began to record ….. ‘The chip suddenly appeared in Angli’s eyes, rows of light blue data.

These data are all below the left side of Angele’s field of view and are constantly refreshing and changing. The thickness of a red electrocardiogram of a finger is beating constantly, showing the heartbeat of the night finches at this time. There is body temperature and EEG below. And blood flow rate, breathing rate.

The chip cannot affect the entity. It has only two functions: analysis and storage. However, by storing energy particles, the chip can already use it to collect energy fluctuations. To refine the reverse information.

Only by using energy fluctuations, you can restore the general situation of the subject of fluctuations. If such fluctuations are not covered and guarded in the slightest, then the situation can be more delicate.

Whether it is ECG, EEG, or body temperature, there are fluctuations in energy radiation. Blood flow velocity can also be obtained by using a chip to scan the surface with energy particles. There are many other data that can be easily obtained.

The current chip, after Angele’s promotion, also seems to have enhanced its ability to use energy particles for radiation scanning data, which is more detailed. Just facing the object of the force field protection, there is still no good scanning method, and only a little bit of leaked energy fluctuation breath can barely calculate its body condition.

However, in the face of an ordinary individual such as a night owl who has no force field protection, the scanning ability can reach a very high level.

Time has passed by every minute.

The night sparrow gradually reacted. It began to tremble in the rune **** of the red beam. The body trembled violently as people encountered cold.

The left body, which was previously pierced by Angele, starts to swell slowly.

The swollen part slowly bulged a meat bag about the size of a night bird’s head at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The feathers on the meat buns also slowly fall down. Reveals reddened skin below.


Suddenly, a split was made in the middle of the meat packet, and a wet black wing extended out of it.

At the same time, the night sparrow’s body began to swell quickly. Soon, a swollen meat pack came out.

Tearing again, the meat bag was torn again, and a wet black feather wing was stretched out.

The night finches, which had only two wings, turned into two ribs and grew two black wings. A total of four limb wings.

‘Oh! !! !! ’

The night sparrow, who had been paralyzed on the operating table, suddenly made a harsh scream.

Suddenly, the night bird disappears into the distance instantly.

Angel hadn’t had time to react before. On the wall of the room not far away, he suddenly cracked, and a blood mist suddenly hit the wall and exploded.

Black feathers and flesh splatters are everywhere.

The four-winged night sparrow fell off the wall at once, and most of its body was completely knocked out. After moving twice on the ground, it stopped completely.

‘The mutation is over. Instant burst speed: 125.76 meters. ‘The feedback from the chip then slowly sounded in Angele ’s ears.

The data in his eyes suddenly stagnated at the last moment when the nightfinch disappeared.

“Sure enough, it is indeed the flesh and blood there.” Angle smiled unexpectedly.

The night eruption’s instantaneous eruption speed, which he also measured before, is only 8-10 meters in one second, and the instantaneous eruption speed is only about one meter. And just now, it looks. Variations on the wings of a night sparrow. The speed was able to get an instant burst of 125.76 meters. Then it goes without saying that the high-speed flight speed is not low.

In general, the speed of an instant burst. There is an accelerated process. The rate at which muscles exert strength at the beginning of a moment, this measure. The chip is defined within a tenth of a second.

So this data represents that the Four-winged Nightfinch can explode and fly out about 125 meters in one tenth of a second. This is a terrifying acceleration process.

The body of the Four-winged Nightfinch was unaccustomed to this speed. After breaking free from the rune restraint, he slammed into the wall of the room severely. Before he could make a turn, he completely smashed himself into a mess.

Looking at the flesh on the wall and the dead bird on the ground. Angele ignored it for the time being.

Go to the box and grab a night sparrow again.

The same action was repeated last time, except that this time, Angele doubled the binding power of the nightfinch.

The red light is a bit dazzling.

Angele retracted the metal spikes on his hand and watched the night finches begin to mutate. It is also on both sides of the ribs, and slowly begins to bulge the meat buns. Then broke out two black wings from inside.

This time, the Four-winged Nightfinch failed to break free from the red beam. Just struggling and shaking in the beam.

Angle can quietly view the various data that are constantly changing in his eyes.

In the lower left corner of the field of view, the electrocardiogram of the heartbeat is beating very fast, and the EEG frequency is also increased many times. The blood flow rate is shown to be three times the original. And the body temperature also rose to nearly 40 degrees.

‘The scan of the Four-winged Nightfinch is over. ’Chip feedback sounds in Angele.

“Start the rune implantation of control.” Angle silently.

‘Control rune experiment implantation started, the number of simulation experiments: 128 times. Chance of success: 98.54%. Has a log file been created for this implant? ’

“No need to build.” Angele’s five fingers on his right hand slowly melted a layer of silver metal from the skin. The liquid silver metal quickly formed five round metal **** between the five fingers. Between the five balls, they suddenly intersected and connected a silver wire.

“Peru!” Angle whispered a short sentence.

Hisse, in the center of the five small **** of silk thread, an off-white horseshoe-shaped rune slowly emerges.

Angele held the rune, put his hand into the red beam of light, and gently turned it on the four-winged nightfinch.

A hissing sound like a burning sound sounded slowly.

It lasted for two minutes before Angele retracted his hand. The silver metal on his hand slowly melted, covering the skin and returning to its original state.

And on the four-winged night finches, the off-white horseshoe-shaped rune lighted up slowly twice, and then disappeared completely.

He can clearly feel a trace of subtle telepathy from the four-winged night bird body. It’s as if the nightfinch is his arm at all, he can command at will.

This rune is the simplest rune to implant, and it is also a common method used by many black wizards to control weak wild creatures. Similar to bioparasites. It was a little trick I learned from the library when Anglo was in college.

But it’s just a small energy particle application. The mental force model established can only be regarded as a very small module, which is very simple.

So in addition to studying enchantment and strengthening yourself during this period of Angele, by the way, this small spell has also been modified, and it has been coded with a few security locks. This formed his unique wizard-controlled rune.

In fact, many black wizards modify this slightly and add different security locks to form their own unique control runes. Different wizards have different security protection measures, which is equivalent to installing an operating system on the control creature, and the security locks added by different wizards are equivalent to firewalls, which represent their uniqueness, and also place control runes that are destroyed. the goal of.

So this control rune, although simple, is also a very commonly used means of security.

Angele reached out and shot on the desktop.

The red beam suddenly dimmed and finally disappeared completely.

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