The Wizard World: 206 Preparation 1

Welcome everyone: After a long time, Furan slowly touched the silver mirror.

The scene above suddenly faded. Restore the original silver mirror.

Furan stood in front of the mirror, her eyes faintly shimmering, and a thoughtful expression appeared on her face.

After a while, she turned away and walked out of the stone room.

Shi Shiwu, a woman with a white mask is already waiting outside. Seeing Furan come out, she bent down and bowed respectfully.

“Master Furan, Master Pell has transferred a group of resources from the family.”

“Or to that Green Wizard?” Furan asked lightly.


“Or pharmaceutical material?”


“None of the family’s pharmacists use such extravagant materials. Forget it, let Pell keep it outside. Anyway, a little wizard in the gasification phase doesn’t matter.”

Furan walked down the spiral stone ladder of the tower.

“Where is the guard at the Family Resource Point now?”

“Already waiting under the tower.”

“It’s time for the other old guys in the towers to see the details of our Jones family.”


White painted red roof villa by the lake.

Angel walked down the stairs from the second floor, along the edge of the living room wall, to a small door on the back of the stairs.

The surface of the small door is painted with white paint, the same color as the wall. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see a door here.

Angel reached out a little on the door, a little red light flashed. The small door clicked and opened automatically. A bright underground passage emerges. The aisle slopes down and extends into a large basement.

Every few steps on the wall are inlaid with white lighting crystals, all of which are circular shapes, just like the lights.

Angel walked in. Close the door with your backhand. Then reach out and press on the door surface.

Slit of the small door. Actually, the silver-white metallic liquid faintly flowed out, and the small door was completely adhered to the wall and merged into one.

After doing all this. Angele turned and walked down the stone ladder into the basement.

The square basement has a closed room on all sides. The door of each room is engraved with a different name. They are materials and creatures. Elixir, and spells.

Angel went to the material room and pushed open the door.

Inside is a utility room with a large pile of black boxes.

There are even some brown wooden barrels on the side, which are marked with diet such as dried meat, fruit wine and special flour.

Angele walks to a white box on the left. Gently open the lid of the box, which is filled with a sponge-like white material. Two test tubes are placed in the middle, which are filled with a red, blue and viscous solution.

The two test tubes emit red and blue fluorescence in a dark room.

Angle gently removes two test tubes. Take it out of the utility room.

Then push the door directly into the pharmacy.

A semi-circular arc black metal table is placed in the medicine room, and some crystal vessels are sparsely placed on it.

A spherical glass container the size of a human head is being heated by a lighted grease heating lamp. Inside was a black, oily, viscous liquid. Black oil was heated by a bright yellow flame. Constantly tumbling and boiling, one by one, large and small bubbles are constantly expanding and exploding. Explode a trace of white gas. These gases form small white cyclones faintly in round glass bottles, and when they look at them, they look like white roses.

Angle walked to the heated container, and observed the black liquid for a while. After thinking for a while, she looked calm, slowly opened the cork above the spherical container, and quickly moved the two The red-blue test tube liquid was poured in.

Oh! !!

A thick smoke suddenly burst from the ball container, and a thick white smoke faintly appeared in the midst of a goat’s head, and the sharp angles of the two inverted threads were extremely prominent. The goat’s head is about half a person tall and has a huge shape.

Angel’s face suddenly gave a slight smile.

“Angular, the legendary ancient creature of the sheep’s head, it seems that the material composition of my hand is indeed correct. There is no change in the trace composition of the material caused by excessive time.

The white smoke floated in mid-air for more than ten minutes before it dissipated slowly.

At this time, the black oily liquid in the spherical glass container of the size of the human head below has now become a clear water, just like the lake outside.

Angel’s face was certain, and he stretched out his hand to draw a carved black stone from the waist pouch. The surface of the stone was carved with a white rune.

He threw the rune into the container.

At the same time, keep an eye on the changes inside. The mouth slowly began to sing a low activation spell.

Deep chanting echoes slowly in the stone room. The sound is very mouthful, but the tone is stable, without any undulations and ups and downs.

After the black runestone falls into the transparent solution in the container, it slowly sinks into the center of the liquid.

With Angle’s chanting, the rune stones slowly began to dissolve into countless small black stones.

With the passage of time, Angell’s chanting became louder and louder, and the rune stone was almost completely dissolved into small stones and entered the water.

Angel’s face also gradually appeared a relaxed look.

Suddenly, the syllables in his mouth are slightly faster.

His! !! !!

In the container, the black runestones that had almost completely decomposed, suddenly and instantly condensed. Countless black stones quickly returned to the stones, condensing into the original shape and appearance.

In almost a few seconds.

The entire rune stone is completely restored to its original appearance, and the white runes on top gradually fade away, and then it disappears quickly. The whole rune stone suddenly becomes bald without any pattern.

“Hoo …”

Angele sighed.

“It’s almost a pity. I have prepared such a concentrated material for a long time.” He regretfully glanced at the black rune stone in the container in front of him, held up the glass of transparent solution directly, walked to a stone trough on the left, and directly put Discard all the solution and rune stones inside.

“It’s time to wait again.” Angele shook his head, frowning slightly.

The processing of black rose oil is very tedious, and the processing of the giant tree heart is also time consuming. He originally planned to prepare the Elixir of Hunting Giant Trees first. But now it seems. Still failed.

“Zero. Based on this process, re-simulate the configuration experiment.”

‘Mission established, simulation begins …’

Angel went to the round table. Sit slowly. Close your eyes and start to think carefully about the failure of mental power and syllable singing.

After all, he has n’t had a long time to deploy potions, much worse than those wizards who have studied pharmacy for decades or hundreds. Although there are new products to help simulate the success rate. But if you don’t control it yourself, there will still be failures.

These are all operational issues for the pharmacist. Take time to run in and become proficient.

“The next configuration will have to wait for more than ten days. Or try to mix the water of Demos first.”

He opened the small drawer of the table and took out a small red crystal bottle like a perfume bottle. The bottle was cylindrical and contained a black watery liquid.

Angele unplugs a crystal bottle.

In the slightest sound, a ray of red smoke suddenly emerged from the mouth of the crystal bottle, slowly lingering in the stone room.

Angel smelled a thick creamy scent, and his face turned right away. The whole man closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Demos’ Water has a low success rate. Material requirements are high. However, for Anglo, the configuration of this period of time is in the case of relatively sufficient materials. He tried five or six times. You have already mastered the configuration method of this medicine.

The root cause of the failure of other pharmacists is also in the configuration process. The mental power of the pharmacist needs to be brought in to carry out fine manipulations and complex reactions. In this process, pharmacists often have to find out first, how much mental energy is used during which period, how often mental energy is used, or when it is most appropriate to perform what steps, and so on. In these processes, a lot of material must be lost.

This is why pharmacists can only pile up with resources.

And because Angular has a chip to record the simulation, after a few times, he basically determined the best configuration plan, and then according to this plan, with his current mental strength quality and frequency and strength properties, carry out the establishment steps. , It can produce a pharmaceutical configuration process that is completely suitable for him.

The failure rate is naturally greatly reduced.

Therefore, Angliat deployed more than twenty Demos water in one breath.

This potion is not for drinking, but for volatility. Its volatility is very strong, and it is also very strong in medicine. Every two hours of volatilization, one fifth of the dose can be used.

Combining this gas during meditation can promote the improvement of mental strength.

This is the first time Angli has tried to use Demos’ Water while meditating.

A hint of red creamy aroma, like a living creature, actively digs into Angele’s nostrils and ears.

It’s as if Angele’s body is constantly absorbing these volatile red gases. The whole scene is a little weird. The red gas kept digging into his face, and opened the small water bottle of Demos on the table, forming four continuous red lines.

A long time later, Angele slowly woke up from meditation.

His face paled. Reached to quickly cover the lid of Demos Water.

“Chip, how am I meditating this time?”

“Meditation time: 2 hours, 24 minutes, 31 seconds. Increased mental strength by 0.1.”

Angele now only feels a faint pain in the head. It seems that the water of Demos has some kind of side effects on the body.

“Isn’t it the water of the stinky Demos? Why didn’t you smell it at all?” He was also a little confused.

Suddenly, his face was white, he reached out his hands and hurriedly covered his mouth, and bending to the side was retching.

A smell that is so indescribable that, immediately after plugging the bottle cap, he penetrates into his nostril.

It’s like smelly socks, smelly shoes, and the smell of excrement mixed together. And there is a particularly pungent sensation.

It feels like I smelled the smell of cool mint first, and my nose suddenly becomes sensitive. Then suddenly add a thick smell like stinky socks.

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