The Wizard World: 199 Smooth 2

When Rossis left, Anglieu opened the other five boxes one by one.

In each of the four boxes, there is a huge white round egg. The edges are stuffed with yellow sawdust as a cushion. The four white domes are almost one meter long and half a meter wide. .

Every surface is flashed with a silver weird symbol. That should be the imprint of the information used to store these eggs.

Angel inspected these marks before knowing what the four giant eggs were.

This is an extra gift from Lispel. The eggs of the four rhinoceros are also one of the trophies she obtained when collecting the blood of the rhinoceros.

These eggs are in the late stage of incubation. As long as the silver mark on the surface is uncovered, they can become the creatures that the rhinoceros first see when they open their eyes, and they will become their only relatives and masters in disguise.

Earth rhinoceros is a medium-sized creature similar to a phosphorescent giant elephant, but it is more powerful, its physical vitality is more vigorous, and its speed is not fast, but it has a strong recovery ability to absorb the vitality of the earth. Even if it is a broken limb injury, as long as it is given a little time, it can grow back and is intact.

So it’s one of the popular meat shield creatures. Lispel gave four at a time, and even if Angele didn’t use it himself, it could be used to exchange people with other resources. The total value is not much different from the heart of the giant tree.

The heart of a giant tree with more than a dozen boxes is actually the amount of a giant tree, which is one thing.

The last box contains some magic stones, and there are several magic crystal cards, and the blood of the rhinoceros is hidden between a pile of magic stones.

Put all the boxes into the storage room in the stairwell, so it happened that the people of the Bennis family were also here.

Here is Ivande, the young apprentice who first contacted Angele.

“Dear Lord Green, this is a roster of guards and apprentices arranged for you.” He clapped his hands, and the two strong men carried a large book together.

Black cover, more than one meter long and wide. More than half a meter thick. It looks like a large square stone pier.


The book was placed on the floor of the living room all at once, making a dull noise, and the two big men gave a gift. He retreated himself.

Angele walked over and turned the cover to glance. It’s actually a picture book, and it’s still as lifelike as a camera. Every turn of a page. A hint of force field mixed with information will slowly pass to the reader, passing on the information of the person in the portrait.

There are two parts: knights and apprentices. The Cavaliers have indicated the number of years they have served. Although they are physically stronger than the average person, they will still be badly affected by energy radiation for a long time. Therefore, there are time limits, how many years of service, how many years left.

Angel flipped through it and picked five knights, three men and two women, who came across from the sea of ​​gems. Those who have just arrived in Nora. Moreover, the data show that these five people are without worries, that is, the type of death of their families. The age limit is sufficient for twenty years.

Then the last half of the book is an apprentice. They are all above the second level. Below each apprentice’s portrait, there is a secret seal. Any faint mark of the mystic law means that it has been picked by other wizards. Only if the secret seal is still on, it means that it has not been picked and is still waiting to be selected.

Angel quickly flipped through the apprentice’s profile while listening to Ivan the talk.

“Here is the list of the entire Nora Haiyan Port in recent years. If you have picked it, Lord Green, I suggest you start immediately, or it will be a bit slower …”

hiss ..

Angel is about to reach out and mark on an apprentice ’s secret seal. Before the hand has touched, the secret seal that is still shining blue light suddenly fades.

Angele glanced over at Ivan.

“What you want to tell me is that you may not be able to pick it up a bit slower, right?”

Ivan had to shrug and show a helpless smile. “It is true. Some apprentices with good conditions are always welcomed by wizards. For example, they are beautiful, strong, and have a deep background. You know.”

“In contrast, the knights are worse. This roster is jointly compiled by the wizards of the Six Ring Tower. All apprentices or knights who have been tested by the tower records are intentionally hired by others. In the case of an apprentice, it will be displayed here. There are many such books in Nola, and there are branches in the three major organizational areas, so once you choose, you must move fast for the apprentice. “

“Knights do n’t feel very popular.” He added, “Knights can serve for a short period of time, they are of average strength, they ca n’t cultivate loyalty, and they do n’t act as experimental assistants like apprentices. Materials and runes. “

“That’s it.” Angle knew. Looking down, he continued to flip through the roster.

After more than half an hour ….

“Oh?” Angle suddenly stopped on a page.

The apprentice in the album is a third-class female apprentice. She has a beautiful and serious appearance, and her long blond hair is tied into a ponytail bundle behind her head, giving a very serious feeling.

The information from Force Field on the pages of the book also allowed Angele to confirm his guess.

“Nancy Ellie, 22 years old. Source: Mipan Academy. Strength: Third Class Apprentice.

Language: Angmar.

Excellent: Transcript of the book of wizards, fight.

Service qualification: None.

Relative family: The family is rundown and fleeing in chaos. Relative survival of the relatives is unknown.

Risk evaluation: there may be unknown issues with the Mi Disk Academy. Those who want to hire, it is best to think carefully. This is a loser and a knockout produced by the influence.

———— Assessor: Marin Rodera (Snake Bird Cliff) “

The Secret Mark below is also glowing with a faint blue light, showing that it has not yet been hired.

Obviously, the information in the column of risk assessment makes no one of the wizards willing to cause extra trouble.

“Isn’t Nancy the daughter of the Grand Duke of the Andean Alliance? Was there a war over the Alliance?” Anglig thought flashed in his mind. His family now lives in the Andean Alliance, including the original Adolf mentor family, father, aunt and others. If something goes wrong with the league, there may be big trouble.

After all, he has now been removed from the college. It’s also difficult to get the news over the sea of ​​gems. It is inevitable that any accidents will occur during the war.

He pondered for a while. Reach out decisively on the seal of Nancy’s secret law.

A hiss.

The Seal of the Mysterious Method suddenly fades. It turned into a blue light and was sucked into Angri’s fingers.

The young girl who crossed the sea with him and arrived at the west coast. He was only 16 years old. It is now in its twenties, and the 22-year-old above does not know when it was registered.

Although the appearance is well maintained because of good physical fitness. But time has really passed for many years.

Angele recalled the temporary potion made from drool and moldy wood chips when he first treated Nancy. It was disgusting to the other.

Recalling it still feels fun.

Hiring Nancy is an acquaintance on the one hand. But I still want to know if something went wrong in my hometown. As for the risks? The Malo Mountain Family, Baiwu Forest, and Mipan College. At that time, he and the old wizard with red eyebrows and red beard had already avenged each other. He even killed the other two liquefied wizards, and he was wanted by the three major organizations for so long. Still afraid of such a problem?

Stuck away, Angele continues to flip through the roster. Four apprentices, two female apprentices and two male apprentices, were selected one after another, both in their twenties. They are good at material handling.

This selection took more than two hours.

Ivan De was standing by the sofa, always maintaining a polite smile, without impatient expression.

See Angele cover the book. He just spoke.

“Master Green. Have you finished your selection?”

“Hmm.” Angele nodded, “Also. You asked someone to help me go to the public area and notify an apprentice named Asuna of the Gulfstream Arrows Academy … still forget it, no need to “He suddenly broke off. Asuna, for him, was just an ordinary apprentice who happened to have no special relationship. “Let me check for someone. An apprentice named Yuri at Whitefang Castle. How is it now? I heard that he was sent out some years ago.

“Standing? Are you sure it’s the standing of Whitefang Castle?” Ivanto said a little.

“What’s wrong?” Angle glanced at him puzzledly.

“Two years ago, the people who were stationed outside the area, including apprentices, including wizards, died tragically in their garrison area. It is said that the Northern Alliance sent people over to the village People jointly searched, but all came back without success. In the later years, even as many apprentices were sent, they died directly. Now Baiya Castle dare not send anyone. If you go with the wizard, you will find nothing. Ivande explained.

“Is that so?” Angle sighed slightly, Yuri was the only friend who wrote to him at the time, but he didn’t expect to die now.

“Okay, it’s getting late, I’ll count the candidates you confirmed.” Ivan Dee walked to the black roster, put his hand on the cover, and closed his eyes.

After ten seconds, he opened his eyes again.

“You have identified a total of five knights, five apprentices, and knights on the roster are not hired by the wizard. So no problem. Then, in terms of salary, the knight is the standard salary of two magic stones per year. If the level of the knight breaks, the price is generally calculated as one more magic stone. Of course, the big knight is another.

If you are an apprentice, the price for a second-level apprentice is 20 magic stones per year, which is two medium magic stones. Third grade is forty yuan. Are you okay? Special talent price is calculated separately. “Ivand asked.

“No problem.” Angele just got a box of scattered magic stones and some magic crystal cards from Lispel. Lispel considered them very comprehensively. Expenses of daily life. Roughly, from medium magic stones to magic crystal cards, there are at least tens of thousands of magic stones. Totally enough overhead.

“Then there are ten people in total, I will inform them and come to you to participate in the screening. You set a time.”

“When can you notify everyone all?”

“It’s just two days. The ghost pigeons are fast, but they are far away and they may come at different times. In addition, you need to build a guard tower here,” Ivande replied.

“Then you take someone to start the construction. I will pay the salary and construction materials directly according to the standard market price. The best material is stone. The Bennis family should be fine. All are built according to standards. After they are finished, let them come together. I will pay for the accommodation and food during this period. “

“No problem.” Ivande answered with a smile.

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