The Wizard World: 198 Smooth 1

“The influence of the bloodline actually made me a semi-kind of the giant eagle banshee.” Angele waved with one hand, and the metal mirror reintegrated into his hand.

He turned to look over his shoulder, and there was nothing there. The giant eagle banshee didn’t seem to come out of the nightmare world. .

He could only feel a faint ray of his spirit, and seemed to be connected to some extremely distant place. That was where the giant eagle banshee was. They could only feel the existence of each other, but could not communicate and locate at all. .

“Can the nightmare world bring anything out? Or, should I go in myself or in the spirit?” Anglia felt his chin and sat down again.

“Zero, call up the previous recording process, I will double check it.”

‘Recording in progress ….. Start to call …..’

Angel’s binocular vision suddenly began to look back at the scene just now.

His mental power is constantly observing changes in his own energy and changes in his physical condition. At the same time, the body monitoring data of the chip is also called up.

After more than ten minutes, the blue halo in his eyes suddenly dissipated.

“Sure enough, I wasn’t where I entered, but a ray of spirit was brought into that world.” He was a little clearer, “No wonder the mark can spawn a complete Sukhara Giant Eagle Banshee out of thin air, That is, only that world can achieve it. Just by relying on such a little blood on my hand, the banshee derived is not complete at all, it is just an illusion pet. “

The ancient and ancient Sukhara giant hawks, including the ancient hawks, are not intelligent creatures. They are more simply a means of communication, and their lives are more like primitive tribes, and they are also a type of chaotic creatures. Intelligence is estimated to be only one or two years old. Although powerful. But you can’t control your own sex. Therefore, the more powerful Socra Giant Eagle Banshee was besieged by ancient wizards and completely killed. Because they are too powerful, but they are not controlled. Has seriously affected the foundation of wizards-the ordinary biological world.

Angele pondered for a moment.

“In that case, I have to verify whether that world is a nightmare world. If it is, then you have to be extra careful. The nightmare world, as one of the countless worlds contacted by ancient wizards, is not the strongest , But it ’s definitely the most exposed. There are no fewer dangers, and there are naturally more opportunities. And … “

Angel’s eyes narrowed, “Although there are certain characteristics and the special ability of the Sukura Giant Eagle Banshee, they can enter the ancient world by ancient blood alone. No wonder so many wizards are studying ancient species , Looking for ancient blood. It seems likely that there are such precedents before, or records of ancient wizards. So it seems. My method of extracting blood can not be leaked out.

His mind quickly began to consider all possible signs of leakage, and a layer of silver metal on his left hand slowly covered the hallucination mark of his palm, completely covering it.

“Next. I need to study the impact of the mark carefully.”


For three consecutive days.

Angele stays in a cottage by the lake. I haven’t been out once, and I haven’t had time to digest the enchantment of the Giant Fire Department just now. Just test your abilities in the room.

The hallucinations caused by the keys are of little use to him. The first phase of black airflow turned into shadow beasts and launched an attack. Fully immune to him. It seems that it is the special physical influence brought by the Suga’s giant eagle banshee. After the beasts were eaten by the mark of Angliel for more than ten times in a row, they appeared again, and they no longer attacked Angliel. He walked in and out of the black space and ignored him, and seemed to be a little afraid.

Based on research by Anglia for a period of time.

There are thousands of these shadow beasts. Each has no form and can only exist in the shadows. Their attacks can directly form stabbing creatures through any physical defense. Between the virtual and the real. Only energy attacks can deal damage. After each Shadow Beast dies, it can be resurrected after three hours, endless. They seemed to be confined in a dark space by the black key.

Angel felt vaguely that these shadow beasts had something to do with the wizard of the axis of time. When these shadow beasts unite and continue to attack and attack continuously, even the strongest wizard defense will be killed by them. Of course, this is only for their resurrection characteristics. No wizard would stupidly stay within their attack range.

And the Shadow Beast attacks only when the key sound sounds. The launch conditions are special, and they have an unusual interest in flesh and blood.

Unless Angele has a banshee bloodline fusion and hallucination marks, it is unlikely to pass through this black space.

In the second stage, entering the nightmare world seems to have a gap. Angle tried several times and couldn’t get in again. He could feel as if the eagle banshee in the hallucination mark was dormant, accumulating the power to bring him in next time. This dormancy is unusually slow and it is unknown how long it will take.

After some attempts, Anglia can only give up.

In the afternoon on the third day, in the evening. Lispel’s Jones family is here.


“Are you a wizard Green?” Standing at the door was a middle-aged male in a white robe with a silver owl on his right chest. He spoke in a respectful manner.

Angel nodded: “Master Lispel sent you?”

The witch nodded: “Yes, my name is Rossis. It’s a direct line from Lord Pell. He has been with him for over twenty years.”

“Come in, then.” Angele stepped aside and sat down on the sofa in the living room on the first floor. “Sit down, I have just come here not long, I have n’t had time to accept apprentices, and so on. Nothing else has been settled, which is a bit rude.”

“You’re welcome.”

Roses walked into the hall, but didn’t sit down, just stood at the table by the sofa. A slight salute towards Angle.

“Sorcerer Green, Master Pell has asked me to bring over the resources you deal with this time, please accept them.”

Angele nodded. “Speaking of it, I haven’t looked at Lord Pell’s secret seal for a long time, and I’ve been busy with other things these days.” He smiled apologetically.

Extend your right hand. Finger forefinger on fingernail. A faint glow of ice blue. Strands of blue smoke slowly floated from the fingernails, as if ignited by something, emitting blue smoke.

A few seconds later.

The ice-blue halo on the nail cover gradually converges to form a bird’s side pattern, which is completely composed of blue lines. The lines were faintly flowing with blue water.

Angel stretched out his other hand and gently pressed on the pattern.

A tinge of numbness like a current flows into the brain from the hand. Into a specific female voice.

“Green, the heart of the giant tree you want is in this resource delivery, and there are some other things. As compensation for saving me this time, I hope you can accept it.” Er’s voice seemed a little tired, “And, Rossis has been my confidant for many years. You do n’t have to conceal his affairs, he will be the main contact between us in the future. The last thing I need five years later It ’s up to you to deploy the blood of the rhinoceros. What resources are needed. As long as it is not too rare. I can get it for you. Is it okay? “

Angle releases a hint of mental power and quickly builds a small and complex model in the air. After the model is built. He concentrated his energy on the mark.

“No problem. In addition, if you can find all the mental strength strengthening prescriptions about pharmacy, if you can send them as much as possible, I will owe your kindness. You should be clear about my pharmacy.” His lips Opening and closing, but no voice came out.

The sound and sound waves are all absorbed by the mystic mark and passed to the far end.

Secret imprint is like a message phone. Both parties of the communication mostly pass the message. When you wait for someone to open the imprint, you can hear the information. It is a very convenient means of communication within a certain range and distance.

After transmitting the information, Angele dispersed the mental model, and the blue light on the fingernails gradually dissipated and returned to its original state.

“Now that you have received the message, please accept it,” said Rossis on the side.

“No problem.” Angele nodded and stood up.

Rosses clapped her hands gently.

A group of short men in black clothes, walking into the hall holding white boxes one after another.

While hesitating, they put the white boxes they were holding on the floor of the hall in order.

These short men are all with messy short hair, big nose, dark skin, and knotty muscles. It looks like a smaller version of a bodybuilding coach.

Also, they have more or less black beards on their chins, they wear clean black clothes, and they take one nail step by step. They are very stable.

All, nearly twenty boxes were all carried into the lobby and stacked together.

A short man with the longest beard, dragged to the belly, walked to Rossis and Angele, and bent down for a standard etiquette.

“Two adults, things have moved in. Any instructions?” His voice was deep and hoarse.

“It’s nothing, Tabu, you take your people to rest first.” Rossis said with a smile.

“Then we will go out first. Please call me when the adult needs it,” said the short man named Tab, nodding.

Angel looked at these short men. They were only half their height, but all of them looked like small meat piers. Their bodies were strong and powerful, which fully reflected what it means to concentrate is the essence.

“Are they a dwarf or a dwarf?” He asked after watching the dwarfs go out.

“They are dwarves. They are forest dwarves. They have a natural resistance to spell energy, so they can live normally in Nola.” Rossis explained. “Most of these forest dwarves are peace-loving people. A lot of people flooded into Nora more than a decade ago, leaving their farmland and botanical garden, and all went out to work. Nora’s prices are very high and their pay is also very high. So these dwarves work here to earn money, and then go back. Wealthy people can live a good life without worry.

Angle was a little speechless: “Is there any race like this?”

“There are also a few dwarves, and a family of ghost pigeons, which are responsible for the delivery of Nora’s public letters and messages. In addition, there are some old tree spirits in the territory of the Snake Bird Cliff. They are born to have The ability to purify the energy pollution of the surrounding air, the older the tree spirits are, the better the air environment in a certain area around them. The tree spirits have also set up a purification area to charge for housing rights. The wizard of the snake bird cliff is responsible for handling. ” Rossis smiled and said, “This year, no matter what race, you have to talk about resources.”

Angele nodded, understanding.

“Those who form a large-scale organization are these three races. In addition, there are occasionally new messy races that enter Nora. The number is not large, but there are many types. I ca n’t finish talking at a while. You have time. You can go to the non-human race area to see, the red area on the map is. “Rossis added.

“Okay. Nora deserves it. It’s really a novelty.” Angell smiled.

“Oh yes, if you want to go to the inhuman area, I suggest you can hire some centaur guards. These guys are very honest and the price is cheap. The most rare thing is that the last time I went, there was a piece of ice. The tongue scales are on the back of the centaur on the ride. But they have to earn more than ten years to make money. These honest guys actually found me with things and gave them back. The scales did not move at all. It was lovely. “

Rosses recalls a smile on her face. “If they took it by themselves, I don’t think I could find it. Ice tongue scales are notoriously invisible materials. Even the smell is hard to smell. It is not difficult to detect it by holding it by hand.” >

“It’s true, the quality of honesty is welcome everywhere,” agrees Angelo.

“Okay, sir, let’s look at things first.” Rossis opened his hand and motioned for the box on the side.

Each of these boxes is over a meter wide and is extremely stable on the ground. The sides of the white box are covered with silver tinplate and nailed into two fixing straps.

Angele took the key from Rossis, crouched down in front of a box, and gently inserted the key into the keyhole with a click. The lid of the box was opened.

There are pieces of brown-yellow wood in it, which are messy, large and small, some have the size of a head, and some have the size of a fist. Some parts of the wood were faintly stained with red blood.

As soon as the lid was opened, Angele smelled a strong aroma of toilet water, and it seemed to have a slight **** odor.

He reached up to pick up a piece of wood and tossed it over and over again. A little blue light flashed from time to time in my eyes.

“How many boxes of giant tree hearts are these boxes?” Angele stood up and asked.

“There are eighteen boxes in total, and the remaining five boxes are something else,” Rossis replied.

“That’s okay.” Angle nodded. “Thank you for bringing in this time. Rossis.”

“It’s my pleasure to serve Lord Pell and you.” Rossis gave a gift and said with a smile, “So I’m leaving?”


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