The Wizard World: 178 Ruins 1

Under the night, a group of people quietly among some reefs, slowly disembarked and landed.

The light dripping from the sky is just a tiny bit, and the island is still dim. .

Melissa first stepped onto the reef and looked far into the depths of the island. There is only a black rocky mountain on the island, and nothing else is bare. Some shadows looked dark and deep, and were very cold.

“Be careful, this was once the base of a medium-sized wizard organization. There may be many institutions. Pay attention to each one.” Milissa reminded.

Four people behind her, stepping between some reefs one by one, fell to the gravel beach one by one.

The ground is covered with fine black gravel and hardly visible yellow sand.

Quizman jumped off a reef with ease, and Eni just jumped off from him.

“Although I don’t know why Melissa invited you, I hope you can reflect your value in this relic.” Aini whispered with a smile.

“Do you have an opinion on me?” Quizman frowned slightly. “I have no value, is not what you say, and also you yourself find a gasification stage waste to join?”

“I’m very confident in him, presumably he won’t let me down.” Aini smiled mysteriously. “There are no useless people in this team.” He walked away after finishing talking.


Quizman’s eyes narrowed and he stood still.

Suddenly he turned around and walked back directly to Angele who had just jumped off the reef.

“The Wizard of Green.”

Angele frowned slightly, stepped back and maintained a proper alert distance.

“Are you okay?”

Quizman looked him up and down.

“The wizard Aini is very confident in you. I would like to see if you are qualified to take part in this mission.” His voice was deep and powerful.

“How about? How about a showdown? Just me and you, one-on-one. Whoever loses will admit that he is a waste, get out of this mission.” A cruel smile suddenly appeared on Quizman’s face.

Angele frowned. This Quizman was obviously not dealing with that Aini, and seemed to be irritated by Aini, and ran over to challenge himself. But now he can’t use two major methods. Metal talent alone may not win the opponent. Quizman is a fierce character who has killed many black wizards during the liquefaction stage.

Although some time ago, Anglo got a new theory of energy compression. In Nora’s time these days, except for making the energy heart, he spends the extra time on it.

After testing, the power of witchcraft has improved a bit, but the mental energy required for compression has also increased greatly. Near the ruins, he didn’t want to waste his mental energy for no reason, now he has no time to restore him.

“Not interested,” Anglik answered directly, lightly.

“It’s just a test, that’s okay.” Eni smiled and encouraged.

“As a black wizard. How can you shrink from the battle?” The old Belen laughed.

Melissa also stood aside. There was a hint of concern in his eyes.

It seems that Lispel is still indifferent and indifferent, and she doesn’t seem to care about it.

After waking up on some boats, followers who came down also went to the beach one after another. A conversation between the two here. It also made these followers curiously come together.

A group of people formed a circle around Angle and Quézman.

“It’s okay, it’s just a test. I won’t strike hard.” Quizman’s green eyes stared at Anglie. “Moreover, this is related to qualifications. There is only one gasification stage for you in this team. If you want to obtain it, you should first bring up your qualifications tied with us.”

He raised his chin slightly. “Of course, you can also choose not to accept it and return to the boat yourself. This harvest has nothing to do with you. How about it?”

Quizman looked at Eni to the side slightly provocatively.

Angle suddenly understood that his purpose should be to provoke Eni. He didn’t dare to do anything with Aini directly. Had to spit on Qi. This Quizman seemed to know the details of Eni.

He looked around, and all the wizards seemed to want to judge his strength through this provocation.

“That’s it, let’s get started.” As soon as Angele’s voice fell, a green spike rushed towards his chest.

The spikes are extremely fast, draw a green line, and make a slight rustling sound in the air.

Ding! !!

Angel automatically appeared in front of a silver metal shield. The silver shield face and spikes slammed into each other, spattering tiny sparks.

Angele did not have time to respond at all. Quizman was attacked this time.

“Warning !! The enemy estimates that the outbreak data is extremely dangerous, with strength exceeding 20. Agility exceeding 15, Physical fitness exceeding 17. The subject’s safety distance is 15 meters …”

The chip echoed suddenly in Angle.

Suddenly, he felt a kind of erect hair.

Very dangerous! !!

Power over 20 …..

Angel’s mind had only time to flash the thought, and he saw the small silver shield in front of him click and be penetrated directly.

The green spikes only eased slightly. They rushed to Angle again.

Taking advantage of this buffer, Angele retreated at his feet. Put a hand on your waist. A long black dagger appeared in his hand, hardly at the tip of the spike.


The dagger is broken again.


The spikes flew from the left side of Angele, suddenly disappearing into countless green light spots.

Wow, Angliel only felt that his boots had stepped into the cold sea water. He looked up, only to find that the distance between him and Quizman had been more than ten meters.

He panted sharply, his chest was constantly undulating, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

There is still silence all around, everyone is shocked by this sneak attack.

With a single blow, he fluttered a sorcerer in the formal gasification stage for more than ten meters. This kind of power … There are no weak people here, and naturally they can judge the strength level of the two from the moment they just fought.

Angel narrowed his eyes and stared at Quizman not far away.

“Far beyond the physical limits of the great knight, this Quizman’s qualities are no longer human ….. even the phosphorescent giant has only 8 strength and slightly over 15 physique. As the leader of the great knights, Hailan also has only 8.2 strength ….. This Quizman is definitely a melee wizard who uses witchcraft to strengthen his physical fitness. “

He flashed a series of judgments in his mind, but it was only a moment on the court.

Quizman’s face was slightly surprised.

“You actually took my blow. At least half of the wizards I killed died at that point. It seems you have two hits.”

He slowly stretched out his right hand, and in the wide green robe sleeve, a silver wave machete slid into his hand.

The scimitar has a wide forearm and the silver blade is extremely smooth and clean like a mirror.

His …..

A green silky airflow slowly surrounds the upper blade.

“Everyone back away!” Melissa said suddenly.

All the people present, including followers, are not ordinary people, and they can feel the cold and dead air that is wrapped around the machete.

“That is the evil weapon that can be created only after killing too many wizards of the same level, after the wizard’s resentment and malicious curse beyond the mortal, and then through the cohesion of witchcraft. No wonder your physical fitness is so strong. …. “Melissa looked at the scimitar with a dignified look and explained in a low voice.

“It is indeed Melissa, and she can know the origin of my machete.” Quizman smiled, raised the machete, and flipped gently.


The wave machete suddenly ejects a blade of the same length from the direction of the handle, and the same silver blade circulates around the green airflow.

Quizman turns the blade slightly with one hand.

Hoo …

The entire weapon turns into a fan-like fan blade, with a strong whistling wind.

Angel was feeling helpless at this point.

In the past, he used physical attacks to suppress others, but now he encounters the threat of being oppressed by powerful physical attacks when he encounters melee wizards far beyond him.

The moment the metal force field talent was penetrated, he hurriedly withdrew it. Fortunately, the mental power was compressed, and this compression greatly enhanced his speed of controlling mental power.

At the moment when the metal shield was penetrated, he was warned by the chip and he withdrew the mental force field before that. That’s why the talent hasn’t been damaged by the damage.

If the talent field is smashed directly, the consequences will be the same as the two white robes he was killing. It is unlikely that he will recover completely if he has n’t cultivated for half a year. The damage in his mental eyes would make him unable to release even a slightly stronger witchcraft.

It can be said that the talent field is both the strongest and weakest point for wizards.

At this time, facing Quizman with a constitution of over 17, he can’t use the two hole cards, he really feels a huge threat.

“Are you ready?” Quizman grinned. A bang suddenly disappeared in place, the gravel beach under his feet instantly burst into a small pit.

A green shadow struck him at Angliel more than ten meters away instantly.

Oh! !!

The two bumped into each other directly, and flew five or six meters to the surface of the sea.

The cold sea water completely enveloped the two and sank together. A series of bubbles kept popping up.

Angel’s face was flushed, and the black shadow of the wings of the left palm was slightly blurred. Circles of inaudible waves spread silently into the area around him.

His right hand grabbed Quézman’s right hand, and the evil machete swept across the side of his waist. Just a little bit, he could cut him in half.

“If it is not the hallmark of hallucinations, you can also use a little hallucination ability, which affects the direction and route of Quizman’s attack. I guess that was just a moment ago …” Angle did not continue thinking.

Quizman’s tremendous power makes him completely unable to grasp the opponent’s right hand.

A stream of silver metal continued to flow along Angele’s hand, flowing to Querzman’s right hand, and then solidified rapidly layer by layer.

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