The Wizard World: 139 Return 2

~. <>-~ 139 returns 2

Lines of complicated and huge data form a stream of data that is fed back into the memory area of ​​Anglo’s brain.

Hundreds of impurities, ninety-four percent are useless things, corpses of bacteria, viruses, parasites, trace active ingredients, various micronutrients and so on. Only a little bit is the so-called ancient blood, thin to an extreme extent.

Angele has grown big for a while.

“Hundreds of impurities need to be separated.” A bitter smile appeared on his face. “It seems that the sailing time is busy. After so much blood purification, I still can’t see any ancient blood. The sign is not an electron microscope-level analysis of the chip, and I guess I can only stop there. No wonder the wizards are helpless.

“Is there any record of this ancient bloodline? Check the database right away.” He asked again.

“No record.” Angele was even more helpless.

After more than a month …

Looking past a large area of ​​water, the Prospector finally entered the final plateau and reached the continent of Angele’s hometown.

Stopped in an unfamiliar port, after repairing the hull, the Prospector set off again, heading for the next stop, the Andean Union’s Maluja Port.

“How? How’s your experiment?”

Behind Angele, Temora’s voice came over.

Angel glanced back, Temora came over with a smile, holding the ship’s side like him, looking out over the sea.

The two are standing at the stern of the boat. The other sailor crew members are far away from them, and even the apprentices are afraid to avoid them. The **** experiments of Anglo these days have frightened them.

“The experiment was not smooth.” Angle shook his head. “There are too many impurities, and I haven’t seen the shadow of ancient blood. I can’t think of a better way to purify blood cells.”

“It’s normal, all wizards are stuck at this step. Generally speaking, after purification to blood cells, many ancient species can see the shadow of blood veins. But the blood of the hawk banshee is too thin.” Taimora Taken for granted.

Angele nodded, looking far into the sea.

On a deep blue sea, two large white ships are slowly sailing away from each other in the same direction as the Outlook.

The sail of the near white ship is adorned with blue lions and axe patterns. In the distance, the sailors on the boat can be seen walking around, and several noble ladies dressed in red are chatting and laughing at the side of the ship.

“It’s almost time to get to Maluya here, it’s estimated to be two days. Last time, I asked my friends on the mainland to tell me. After this time, they should come to pick me up. I will be there for you. Referral. “Temora said with a smile.

“It’s an honor.” Angli nodded.

“Then I will pass first. I have to ask for the specific time of arrival. There were two contradictions among the apprentices yesterday. I have to deal with it.”



Temora nodded and turned towards the middle of the ship.

Angele stayed alone at the stern, watching the seascape quietly.

He stretched out his hair and scratched his forehead again. The brown hair had become shawl and long hair again, straight and supple, casually scattered around the shoulders, Angliel suddenly remembered the appearance of his father, and he was now like his father.

Looking at the white water waves pulled out from the stern, Angele reached out and found a small crystal tube from the waist pouch. It was a vulcanized crystal tube used to hold the water of Aso, which was extremely strong.

In the translucent crystal tube, there are a few purple droplets, and it looks like only two drops.

But this is the ancient blood that was extracted from the fifteen hawks, and it is also the result of his hard work for more than a month.

“Did it detect any specific effects?” Anglemer asked.

“Secondary analysis of the composition, insufficient data, can not simulate the complete effect on the subject. It is expected that the probability of physical variation is 43.21%, the probability of no abnormality is 16.5%, and the probability of unknown changes is 40.29%. Chip feedback and last time There is not much change because of the serious lack of information and even the innocence cannot be concluded.

This is the key to Angele’s persistent hesitation in using these two drops of ancient blood. He didn’t know what would happen, beneficial or harmful?

“Only after the database has been enriched, we will analyze it carefully.” Angliat never gambled, and he did not like this choice of relying on luck and probability.

Finishing the crystal tube, Angele turned back towards Temora on the deck not far away, asking the crew.

The afternoon of the next day, the sun has already fallen halfway into the sea.

The sky is red and white, and white and black seabirds are passing over the sea, making a clear tweet from time to time.

In the lively Port of Maluya, ships from all over the place slowly move in and out of the port. One of the big blue-striped white ships entering the port was following a **** ship slowly docking at a position on the right side of the port.

After the sailor lowered the black heavy anchor, the sea bridge was already full of people waiting to get on the ship. There are a few boys and girls faintly mixed, and they are all apprentices who are preparing to take a boat to the mainland opposite the Sea of ​​Gem.

Angel in a black robe and Timola in a white robe walked down the board.

When Angele stepped on the stone sea bridge, he suddenly hesitated for a moment.

“It’s been four years, and I’m finally back again.” He really felt the hardness of the ground under his feet. The wind in the port seems to have a familiar taste.

“Sorry? We’ve arrived here because of Maluya first.” Temora stepped out from behind him.

The two get off the boat first, and the people on the sea bridge consciously make way. A few well-dressed and fat nobles strode over.

“Welcome to the two Maluya, Lord Temora, you haven’t seen it for almost ten years, you still haven’t changed much.” The lead middle-aged man smiled and complimented.

“Justin, you look a lot older, but I didn’t expect you to be waiting for me here.” Temora smiled, and he introduced to the other side, “This is Lord Angele, I still have The task is to pick up people. I hope you get along with Master Angle. “

Justin’s fat face had almost two seams left in his eyes, and the words flashed for a moment. Immediately look away from Angele.

“Welcome to you, Lord Anglia, it’s too crowded here, let’s go back and talk about it. I’ve prepared a banquet. I don’t know if you appreciate your face?”

Angel nodded and smiled: “Thank you for your invitation. It’s really inconvenient to speak here.”

“Come with me, then.” Justin brought around Angela with a few respectful nobles around him.

No one in the crowd knew what the black robe on Anglie meant. But judging from Justin’s attitude towards Angele and Temora, everyone knows that these two talents are the biggest figures here.

And the few boys and girls quickly entered the outlook number in the crowd of people.

They still have a faint expectation and imagination on their faces, keeping a certain distance from each other.

Angel glanced back, suddenly remembered that he was not the same performance as these children.

“Master Angell, will you return in four years?” Justin asked on the side.

“Yeah, it will be four years after the next time I go back.” Angli nodded, looking at the prospect number that was getting further and further, he turned back suddenly. “Speaking of which, I am still a local here to go out, prince, I don’t know if you know Adolf, a master of linguistics at the Port College.”

“This …” Justin froze, and it was impossible for him to know the junior officials other than the Governor.

“You mean Deputy Governor Adolf?” A fat aristocrat next to the prince took the initiative to make a clearance.

“Deputy Governor?” Angle said for a moment, “I forgot the mentor’s original position. Is it now the Deputy Governor?”

“Teacher?” The nobles around him, including Prince Justin, were slightly surprised, and immediately redefined Adolph’s status in his heart. “This is the port governor of Maloja.” Justin pointed to the nobleman who had previously spoken.

“Really? Then maybe you will take care of you in the future.” Angell smiled.

“Yes, you should!” The governor nodded again and again with a respectful expression.

Angel had a meal at the arranged mansion under the kind invitation of the prince. The prince personally arranged a team of elite guards to protect Angele and found his own housekeeper. The aristocracy, accompanied by Angele, left to deal with other matters.

Angele was also accompanied by the **** and Leiben. After leaving the mansion, he headed directly to the manor of his house and went in a carriage.

After some inquiries, the location of the manor remains the same, it is still in the suburbs.

Angel sits in a luxurious silver carriage, looks sideways from the window, and in the manor slowly receding by the road, the white three-story building stands quietly in the middle of a large field. The fields and carriage lanes were separated by only a row of black lacquered wooden fences.

There are farmers who are digging in the field. It is spring in Maluya’s side. It is the time of sowing.

“Sir, this is Leo’s Manor.” Knight Li Ang drove loudly.

“Stop at the front entrance,” Anglieu responded.

Along the silver carriage, the elite armored soldiers of the brigade trot and followed the carriage. Protect the safety of the carriage at all times. A black tall horse led in front of the carriage. On the horse was steward Leben, a half-old man in black.

The carriage’s exaggerated appearance quickly caught the attention of the manor,

Angel saw from the window that some people had come out of the small three-story house. One of the men standing in the forefront was strong, with long linen-colored hair and a white skirt. woman.

“It’s father.” He recognized the man.

The baron’s face was dignified, and he frowned slightly, staring at the silver carriage, whispering to his subordinates, asking what.

Angele looks back and lowers the curtain.

“I’m back …” He closed his eyes and heard the whistle of a stop in front.

~. <>-~

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