The Wizard World: 127 Billing 2



Angela nodded, reaching out to the mirror in front. .

A red light flew from the fingertips and fell into the mirror.

The entire wall mirror suddenly changed from black to white, and quickly became brighter.

A slight hiss came from the mirror.

Soon, an image of the outer city of the college emerges from the front wall mirror.

Torn yellow city ruins, yellowish sky. There is also Lord Morrog standing on the city bridge combing his feathers.

“What are you looking for?” Angela asked.

“Three people, three apprentices, two men and one woman, and the woman’s name is Annie. It should be the college back together. Could you please put it down and find all the records of apprentices who returned to the college.” Anglieu answered .

“This is okay.” Angela snapped her fingers, and the picture changed quickly.

The sky in the mirror quickly changes from day to night. The sky rises with two overlapping sickle moons, and the white moonlight sprinkles on the ground. Three grey robes quickly appeared on the screen.

“That’s them.” Angelle narrowed her eyes.

“Is that okay?” Angela asked, turning her head.

“Can you check the verification information when they enter the door? That is, the record of the door where the identity information is verified before entering the underground passage.” Angli nodded.

“No problem, it looks like they offended you.” Angra shot with both hands, and the picture on the mirror suddenly turned black. Lines of red runes quickly emerged.

“Fraso?” Angle recognized the rune text and began to read it carefully.

“Annie Coffey, 19 years old, a third-class apprentice, is responsible for the shadow department Maran Wizard.

Jake Benefin, 20 years old, a third-class apprentice, is in charge of the shadow wizard Maran.

Adair, 19 years old, a second-class apprentice. The shadow department is in charge of Maran Wizard. “

This is the information displayed in the mirror.

“Malan Wizard? That timid old guy, it looks like these three guys are in big trouble.” Angela laughed.

“Thank you so much. Lord Angela.” Angelique saluted slightly, “I have to solve the problem right away.”

“This is nothing, Lord Liliana has helped me before.” Angela responded with a smile.

Leaving Angla’s surveillance mirror room, Angele leaves the wizarding area directly. He did not sign an agreement with the Academy, so he could not stay in the wizarding area for too long.

Only with Liliana’s Secret Mark can she enter the inner courtyard freely.

Step out of the light red curtain.

Angel was thinking about the three apprentices.

He is no longer a member of the academy, but belongs to the Liliana school alone. The upper class of the college treats its own people and outsiders, and the difference is naturally great. If he directly asks the Maran wizard, he is unlikely to succeed. After all, third-class apprentices are already considered as a reserve resource for the college, and the attitudes of the mentors are different. Although the relationship between apprentices and wizards is not close, they only go to the mentor when they buy knowledge. But anyway, there are some special things that can be obtained from the tutor. Such as preferential prices and safe shelter.

From the spell area back to his dormitory area, Angell immediately packed everything. Packed directly into two bags,

“Maybe it’s time to hire two apprentices to help.” Angele looked helpless at the two big bags placed on the floor of the room.


A knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Angele walked over and opened the door. Outside the door stood two male apprentices in gray robes.

“Hello, Lord Angele.” Each tall apprentice handed a cylindrical yellow thing. “This is what your instructor prepared for you.”

Angel took it, glanced, and was a contact lens.

“In addition, Brother Ello asked me to say hello. Don’t know if you remember the one who took you into the college?” The apprentice whispered respectfully.

“Aiello?” Of course, Angle remembered that when he first arrived at the college, the strong man who took him to the underground passage for the first time was Aiello. “Why can’t their third-class apprentices always see people?”

“I’ve been performing college tasks outside and have been out for a long time.” The male apprentice quickly answered. “Brother Ai Luo failed to attack the wizard, and is still buying materials for the water of Yasu outside.”

“It is indeed rare to see third-class apprentices. It seems that most of them have gone out to look for supplies.” Angell himself remembered that he had not been outside for so long after the third-class.

Another apprentice waited until his companion had finished speaking, and then interjected: “Master Angelle, deputy dean of the college Clinfield asked if you would like to sign a stay-with agreement with the college. If you want, you can go to the pharmacy hall .If you are not willing, please stay in the college for no more than 5 days. In addition, the college does not want you to make any unpleasant behavior before leaving, the wizard of Malan may come to you if there is something, I hope you go to the botanical garden area . “

Angle naturally cannot be willing to stay. “Please reply to me, Lord Clinfield, I am ready to leave the college. However, I am still a student of Liliana’s mentor. In addition, I will take care of the matter with the wizard Malan. It’s a choice. After all, he is not a wizard who signed an agreement with the academy. He is not as good as Maran’s status, and he should be biased.

“I will tell you the truth.” The apprentice made a salute and turned away from the hallway.

Another apprentice also performed a salute and left.

Angele watched the two men leave the hallway, pulled the door upside down, and walked out of the hallway, walking towards the passage in the direction of the botanical garden area.

Pale golden crystals emit bright white light. Reflected in the lake, the entire garden area is brightly printed.

A white bench by the lake.

The two black robe wizards are standing quietly, seemingly waiting for something.

Neither of them spoke, they just stood quietly. But that’s the reason, and apprentices who like to rest here are far away from it, and dare not approach.

A short while later, a man, also wearing a black robe, slowly came out of the bush.

The two black robes greeted themselves. The front opened the black hood, revealing a gray hair, an old man with a very old age. The latter also opened the hat, revealing the young face, a beautiful young woman, just a one-eyed dragon with a black eye mask on the left eye.

“Master Angele, as a new wizard, you are too slow.” The old man smiled and said.

The black robe that has just come off to lift the hat is the gray-haired Angele.

“Are you a wizard Maran?” he asked with a smile.

Maran nodded: “This time you are invited to come, it’s about my three apprentices. I’m here to ask you to reconcile with each other. After all, there was nothing they could do, and there was nothing they could do.” /

“Reconciliation? What’s your price code?” Angele nodded. If he could give him enough return, he would not rule it out a little.

“A thousand magic stones. This is already a lot of money.” Maran held out a finger.

Angel froze, then his face cooled down.

“A thousand magic stones?”

“How can we add compensation and add a thousand magic stones?” Marant found that Angel’s face changed slightly, and immediately said, “If you can agree, you will get our friendship. Two thousand magic Stone is already a lot of money, if you want, you can get it right away. “

Angele frowned. Their friendship was a fart. He did not expect that these three apprentices could make such a big movement.

This Maran still seems to be treating him as an apprentice. It is likely that his origin is across the sea. He didn’t have any foundation in this place, so this price point was offered, and I wanted to flicker him.

“How? What are your considerations?” Maran asked. “Third-class apprentices are the future wealth of the college, and any loss is something we all don’t want to see. So the upper levels of the college don’t want to see the loss.”

Angele stared at Malan lightly, not talking.

This made Maran very embarrassed. After speaking for a while, she finally stopped with some anger.

“Sir Angele, I think I’m sincere. Do you have to pay a heavy price for my three students to give up?” he said loudly.

“Everyone must be held accountable for his actions.” Angelle replied calmly. “Let them come out. I have seen three of them.”

Ma Lan and the witch behind looked at each other, and both saw the helplessness in the other’s eyes.

“Anne, Adair, come here.” He still shouted.

Soon, in the bushes not far away, the three gray-robed apprentices walked in a little cringe. Stand beside the three wizards.

“Teacher Maran, Lord Angel, Angel, … Lord.” The three said hello to the three wizards.

“Speak your terms,” ​​Maran said in a deep voice.

“Three people leave it to me.” Angele was calm. “You can’t protect them for a lifetime.”

Both wizards were helpless, and Malan looked up at Angle. He opened his mouth but said nothing.

After all, Liliana, the horrible old witch, is standing behind her.

“Let’s do it.” The witch behind Maran spoke. “Come on, since he doesn’t give us face, what’s the use of standing here?”

“How about five thousand magic stones? Keep them alive. Adair is my grandson.” Maran spoke again. There was a trace of earnestness on his face.

Angel frowned, and he didn’t want to be so stiff with the upper classes before he was promoted.

“Each person has one hand, no problem.” He finally took a step back.

“Of course.” Marant nodded quickly.

“So.” Angle glanced at the three apprentices.

His …

He slowly reached out his hand, a silver dagger didn’t know when it appeared in his hand.

“As a punishment for this behavior. You three have no problem,” he asked calmly.

Three apprentices bowed their heads,

“No .. No opinion.” The second-class apprentice Adair whispered.


A silver flash passed. They circled around the three left arms and returned to Anglie’s hands.

The three apprentices screamed loudly, clenched their left arms, and blood broke out from the broken arms. Suddenly a piece of lawn underneath became red.

Ma Lan reached out her finger, and three green light spots immediately wrapped around the three wounds. At the same time, he took out the hemostatic cream and smeared them.

Angle glanced at the three of them lightly.

“The magic stone is unnecessary, so I will leave first.”

“Of course, of course.” Marant nodded quickly, which was already the best result.

Early morning in fourteen days

At the outer city of the college answered by Ram, a green carriage slowly drove out of the outer city ruins and into the forest path.

In the carriage, Annie and Adair sat facing each other, with Jack on the side.

As she looked out the carriage window, recalling the pain the other day, her eyes could not help but a little bit of resentment.

“Angelo, sooner or later I will repay this broken armour.” She murmured.

“Forget it, Annie, that **** is now an official wizard, and we are still far from this step.” Adair shook his head.

“Don’t you just break a hand? Go back and buy some medicine before you connect.” Jack said indifferently. “Remember this name, and then find a chance to kill him after being promoted.

“This time back, I should be able to be promoted to a wizard. The family is ready for me. With my third-level qualifications, there should be a great chance. We will have a chance later. Next time, you can find someone to go back and find out, we will slowly calculate this account later. “Annie grimace.

A crow flies over the carriage.

Ga …

The black crow flew over the carriage and flew towards a hillside on the side of the wood.

On the top of the hillside, a man in a hunting suit is standing quietly on the top of the slope. Brown and pale hair, strong and strong body. Officially has already left the Anglo of the college.

He looked at the carriage in constant progress, his eyes calm. Reach out for a contact lens from your waist.

This is the contact lens that the instructor gave him.

Angel gently opened the side door of the lens barrel, which contained a yellow note.

Extract it.

It reads: ‘No one will offend the official wizard for a few dead people. ’

Angel gently crumpled the slip of paper and squeezed it in his right hand. There was a smile on his face.

Raising his left hand, a stream of silver metal liquid quickly condensed and extended in his hand, forming a metal long bow that is one person tall.

Raise your right hand again, the note in your hand is quickly wrapped in a large amount of silver liquid, and the metal liquid quickly stretches to form a slender arrow.

A translucent bowstring quickly connects to the longbow.

The arrow takes a long bow.


The longbow was instantly drawn into a full moon.


The arrow draws a silver arc, and falls precisely on the green carriage in the distance.


In the distance, a scarlet flame exploded suddenly. The entire carriage instantly turned into a ball of fire, and all the horses, including the horses, completely exploded, leaving only flesh and debris scattered everywhere.

Angele retracted his longbow, glanced a little away, turned and jumped down the slope, quickly immersed himself in the woods.

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