The Wizard World: 116 Inner 1

Oh! !!

The machete scratched sharp knife marks. When it fell, it fell to the ground and splashed a piece of grass.

Angle stepped back slightly, avoiding the machete just a little bit.

He quietly looked at Gondor, who looked crazy in front of him.

A knife, Gondor is completely crazy, and he keeps cutting it.

In the snoring, Angele moved his feet slightly, his body moved left and right, and stepped back, stepping back and forth, completely avoiding all attacks.

It’s not like fighting at all, it’s more like playing a game.

“Enough!” Another voice came from behind Gondor. “I’m not dead yet!”

Ganduo suddenly froze. Suddenly cut across.


Angel jumped back slightly in the silver sword light. Looking at him quietly, he did not fight back, but pierced his sword into the grass with his backhand.

“Okay, give me the recipe. I have no interest in your dispute with the Kelly family,” he said lightly.

Aguya, the old man, stood up with the help of Gondor. There was a bitter smile on his face.

“If I speak a little more slowly, I guess this life is over. Yours really is great.”

“Of course, I was going to kill you and search again.” Angle shrugged. “However, I admit that what you said just touched me.”

He reached for a small green test tube bottle from his waist pouch. Just throw it away.

Pop, the old man steadily caught it, looked at the test tube on his hand, unplugged it and smelled it.

“Hemostatic ointment? This is a good thing!” He motioned to Gondor to lean him against the foot of a big tree, and then tore off the clothes on the upper body wound. Pour out the ointment directly on the hand and press it towards the wound.

Hisse …

A burst of blue smoke suddenly came out.

Aguya snorted.

“Teacher !!!” Gang Duo was anxious again, and hurriedly wanted to grab the test-tube vial. “Teacher, what is going on here?”

“Don’t worry, I’m okay. The Lord Angele has avoided my internal organs and vitals. It’s just a minor injury. It’s okay to stop the blood.” Agua squeezed a smile.

Angele was too lazy to look at the two masters and apprentices, and started to check around to see if there were any new plants or things he hadn’t collected.

Slightly turned around, the two Aguyas here explained clearly.

“Sir Angele, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.” Aguya stood up a little harder.

“It doesn’t matter.” Angele stood up beside a bush of grass. Answered with a smile. “Now you can give me the prescription, and the model of the spell you use and some information. I am very interested in this metal spell. It would be better if it could be extended to my sword.”

“Of course you can. This is a fair deal, isn’t it?” Aguya also squeezed a smile. The Gondor next to him also passed the explanation just now, and it seemed that he had improved on Angele.

“Thank you, Lord Angle, for the ointment you gave. I was wrong with you just now.” Suddenly, Gangduo bowed his head and apologized to Angle.

Angle was clearly stunned.

“Are you … apology to me?” he asked hesitantly. “Are you stupid? I was stabbed by your teacher”

Ganduo raised his head and shook his head slightly.

“I can understand you and be in your position. There is nothing wrong with doing this. You can still be merciful in a hostile position. Letting go of my teacher, your pursuit of knowledge is too broad compared to me. Go. “Gang Duo’s face was sincere.

His teacher Aguya looked at his students encouragingly.

For a time, Angliel only felt that the two teachers and apprentices in front of him were so dazzling and so dazzling that he almost could not open his eyes.

“Your sister !!!” He really wanted to curse like this. But I also know that this situation is indeed not suitable for such a sentence to destroy the atmosphere.

“I must also be someone like you who is constantly striving for knowledge in the future.” Gang Duo looked at Angel with a sincere face.

This moment. For the first time, Angle knew how to interpret the word Need.

“Okay, let’s do our trade first.” Angele could not help interrupting Gondor who wanted to continue talking. “Aguya, can you start?”

Aguya is finally mature. I really don’t want to trade so early.

“If this Anglix kills the killer …” There was a hint of anxiety in his mind.

“Teacher, don’t worry. The words of a strong man like Lord Anglia must be calculated. A person who can let his enemies pass for the sake of knowledge, we should believe him.” Gang Duo said with a smile . Absent the crazy attacking mood just now, it was just two people.

Angel twitched slightly.

“Actually I’m not as noble as you think …” He wanted to refute. But when he saw Gangduo’s sincere smile, he really felt goosebumps.

“Okay, let’s trade now.” He was actually prepared to let the other side go. For nothing else, just for this metal spell model and related knowledge. A dead Agua can only get one prescription. A living Aguya was able to trade more knowledge.

Angel didn’t care about the agreement with Kelly, he was not a person who kept his promise. The only thing he believes in is his own interest. Which side is more in his interest, he prefers. Such interests naturally include long-term interests.

Angele looked up and looked at the sky. Just walk over and sit cross-legged on the grass with Aguya and talk face to face.

“Metal spells belong to a small branch of ancient spells. They are very branched. They are not subject to the influence of matter. This is at most reasonable for people with water attributes. The human body itself contains water and metal elements. Wizards All materials that are hard to a certain level are grouped into metal spells. This branch was originally used only in the fields of forging and construction. However, since 1,500 years ago, a wizard apprentice successfully organized this system, It also has a certain fighting ability. However, it is still not strong. After all, it is necessary to control the long-range attack of metal spells, which consumes an enormous amount of mental and mana. “

Aguya drank the water from his apprentice. Continue to explain.

“My metal spells mainly come from a ruined ruin. More than a hundred years ago, I was lucky to come in or out of it. I was originally a member of a mercenary squad that was hired. The hirer is an apprentice who seeks ruins .Unfortunately, it was only me who survived. And after I came out, I also got some systematic knowledge of the apprentice. Plus the not bad talent qualifications and a little information from the ruins, only now I have Me. “

Angel nodded: “So, melee attacks are most suitable for metal spells?”

“It can be said, but unfortunately, this system also requires a wizard’s constitution to learn. And it takes a long time to prepare in advance. The actual combat is not strong. Since its birth, there have been no outstanding characters. Now it is almost It’s about to be lost. “Aguya sighed, a touch of solitude appeared on her face.

“I’m very interested.” Angele unconsciously held on the waist hilt, loose and tight, tight and loose.

“I ’ve reminded you of the difficulties. Since you still have to insist, let ’s trade. As a price for you to leave Kelly, I will provide you with a complete metal spell model and basic knowledge. “Aguya smiled.

“This is the best.” Angle nodded with a smile.

“The most difficult part of metal spells is that the model is extremely complicated. It takes a long time. It also consumes a lot of mana”

Aguya began to explain to Angle slowly.

Gangduo was sitting quietly on one side while crossing his knees, listening to the teacher’s story.

After three hours

Angele slowly walked out of the woods.

He looked back behind his eyes. The figures of Agua and Gondor stood still and watched him leave.

“I didn’t expect this Aguya’s research to be so deep. A wandering apprentice apprentice can actually have such a profound academic accomplishment. This world is indeed a crouching tiger.” A slight smile.

“Zero, is the metal spell system well established?” He meditated in his mind.

“The metal system has been established, and its degree of perfection is 13%. A model data has been mastered. It is predicted that it has 54% improvement potential.”

Improvement potential is a value specified by Angele when revising spell models. Used to determine how much improvement there is in a spell model. 0 means perfect, the chip cannot be improved at the current stage. And 100 means continuous improvement. Each improvement will reduce this value. The smaller it is, the better the spell is, and the harder it is to modify. So the more basic the spell model, the larger this value.

Angele patted the grass.

“With the prescription of the nightmare potion, the harvest this time is very good.” There was a smile on his face. Of course, in exchange, he also gave that Aguya a very fast first-class magic stone, which is equivalent to hundreds of low-level magic stones, which is a huge wealth. Although it is still far from the value of the Nightmare Pharmacy, it is a deal that both parties are satisfied with.

Along the hillside, Angele walked directly in the direction of Emma City.

It’s noon. A slight amount of sunlight is on my body, and I can only feel a little bit of temperature.

Angele walked along the grass and woods. After walking for more than ten minutes, she quickly saw the main road of Emma City through the cracks in the trees. Horse-drawn carriages hurried past, scattered pedestrians carrying packages and carrying boxes.

A middle-aged man carrying a medicine basket is carrying a small medicine puppet, walking around in the woods around him.

The presence of Angele did not attract much attention from these people.

The drug collector and some passing pedestrians just glanced at him and stopped paying attention.

Angele did not wear the college’s gray robe, and he was dressed like a mercenary hunting alone, and there was nothing eye-catching.

Out of the woods, he got into the flow of people into the city. Walking slowly along the curb.

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