The Wizard World: 082 Chase 1

One person, one elephant, walking fast through the woods. Big trees were hit hard by giant elephants.

From time to time, the giant elephant rolled up trees and stones and smashed Angele ahead. But all escaped by his surprise.

Unexpectedly in the sound of footsteps, Angele was getting farther and farther from Hyland and others.

The wound on the side of the phosphorescent giant elephant has been tightly contracted. Only a faint blood stain can tell that it has been injured. But the movement was not affected at all.

Although Anglican had anticipated it, I did not expect that the physical fitness above 15 would have such a fierce direct manifestation.

He dashed across the cross sword as he dashed. The original sharp blade had gaps everywhere and became incomplete. Obviously, it was caused at the moment of the attack.

This silver cross sword was snatched from Dis, and it has always been very smooth. I did not expect that it would actually be broken on the phosphorescent giant elephant. Angri was slightly sorry.

“It is estimated that after this time, the sword will be completely useless.” He shook his head and no longer thought about it. “Now let’s talk about this giant elephant first. He now misses the weapon when he was poisoned before, but think again about the giant elephant’s constitution over 15 and it is estimated that there are few pounds of venom and it will not work for it.

For a while, Angele had no good way to deal with this big guy. Its high physique makes it extremely thick. Only like Hailan, who slowly bleeds his blood by water-milling, can he die. But he is alone now, and it is very troublesome.

The giant elephant is roaring again. When he looked up, a ball of green fire slammed fiercely, and he whistled in the air.

Angel’s complexion changed slightly, and her body moved around behind a big tree.


The fireball smashed on the trunk and splashed out countless fine green fire Mars. On the trunk, a basketball-sized black pit was still emitting white plumes of smoke.

“It’s really troublesome. I’m too physically fit, and vertigo isn’t very useful. Try the exhausted hands. It should be able to consume energy.” Angele ran wildly, inserting the cross sword back into the scabbard and vacating it. Hands.

Two hands together, one more point. A bright red layer quickly spread to the skin of both hands.


Felling land

Hai Lan slashed with a giant ax on the giant elephant’s thigh. The sharp axe was sunk into the elephant skin.


The elephant’s nose slammed hard and hit Hailan, smashing it directly and rolling a few times.

Climbing up from the ground again, Hailan couldn’t help spitting. He glanced around and looked around. The dozen soldiers and four knights he brought this time were all wounded and dead.

Now two knights protecting Timothy are dealing with the giant elephant.

The phosphorescent giant elephant is covered in scars, and blood flows down the fur. It is already the end of the crossbow. Just now, it was already struggling like a flash of light.

“Jack! Come on !!!” Hailan exclaimed.

“Yes, sir!” A lightly wounded knight trot with a big sword and rushed towards the giant elephant.


A white feather arrow suddenly nailed to the grass in front of the knight. Stopped his progress.

“Who!” The knight was startled, and raised his sword to look in the direction of archery.

Others also stood up alertly, armed with arms on alert. Hailan dropped the broken tower shield in her hand, and stood with one hand holding the giant axe.

“I knew that these two phosphorescent giants wouldn’t run so close to Lennon City,” he cried. “Come out, people in the woods.”

A sound of armor rubbing came out, and three figures slowly emerged from the woods.

Two warriors wearing black body armor, two of them are bald men, and one is fluffy brown-yellow short hair, both full-faced and tall.

The other is a man in a black leather robe, but his hair is rare silver.

“Hai Lan, I haven’t seen you for a long time.” The bald man laughed, “Our brother missed you for a long time.” The messy man beside him also laughed.

“Finch brothers, you Sida city is really undead. What about Caesar’s old fox? Why don’t you come here in person?” Hyland sneered. “I didn’t expect that you could be able to seduce two phosphorescent giant elephants. It should be the help of a mystery?”

Although he spoke to the two soldiers, he looked at the silver-haired young man who was staring closely at one side.

“You guessed it right,” the silver-haired youth smiled. “In a recent accident, Sveta City helped me a lot. In order to repay this relationship, I helped them attract two phosphorescent giant elephants. Why is there only one? There is one? Are they led away?”

“It really is a mystery.” There was a hint of alertness in Hyland’s eyes, and even the strange and endless means of facing the mystery were tricky even for him. If it is a general mystery, he is not afraid. But …

Hai Lan’s gaze was fixed on this man. The sense of danger lingering on this silver-haired young man was different from ordinary mysteries. Seems much more powerful.

“Aren’t you a wizard?” he said suddenly.

“So what?” The silver-haired young man froze.

“Two knights, plus a mystery. Do you think you can leave me?” Hyland smiled.

“Of course it is impossible, but now, your injured, injured knight is not a big threat to me, although it takes some effort to kill you.” The silver-haired youth nodded, “I just came over Take the heart of the phosphorescent giant elephant, and don’t intend to leave you. “

“You use us to help you kill the giant elephant?” Timothy resentfully said.

“Oh, you guessed it.” The silver-haired youth had a smart expression on his face. “It’s a pity that one of them has disappeared, otherwise wouldn’t it be better if you could help me more?”

“You!” Timothy tried hard to suppress himself. He was afraid that he would rush up with his sword if he was not careful.

“Okay, you can go now.” The silver-haired youth calmed down and smiled. “We took this giant elephant.”

Hylan gave him a deep look, “Let’s go!” he said loudly.

The two knights still fighting with the giant elephant also retreated. The other soldiers and knights breathed a sigh of relief, but at this time also knew that the situation in front of them was very unfavorable to them, and it was best to leave first.

At this time, the severely injured giant elephant was standing in place, looking a little weak, no longer the previous violent, but began to slowly back away. Seems to want to escape.

Hai Lan shouted, but stood still, but suddenly her face turned blue. The sight of staring at the silver-haired youth also became a little gloomy.

“It’s you ?!” he asked inexplicably.

“Yes. Did you not recognize the arrow just now?” The silver-haired youth suddenly said, “I forgot to tell you that when I came over, I solved some small things in the wood, your shout. Is it their code? Sorry. “

“It is worthy of being a mystery.” Hai Lan said deeply, “The fifteen archers were solved silently.”

There was a pain in his heart. Each of the crossbowmen could only be qualified if he had reached the physical strength of the prepared knight, coupled with accurate bow skills and advanced hiding techniques, and each of them had been cultivated for a long time. I didn’t expect to be solved by this person’s silence. This is not a small loss for Hyland. Especially these crossbowmen are elite.

“What now? Brother?” Timothy whispered.

“Wait a minute. Wait for Lord Angell to come back,” Hyland whispered. The phosphorescent giant elephant was seriously injured only after they paid a terrible price, so they were picked up cheaply, and Hailan was not generous to this level.

The giant elephant heart and ivory are very valuable treasures. The fur of the whole body can be made into more than a dozen sets of top leather armor. The meat on the body is also the top ingredients to nourish the body. It is also valuable to export.

It can be said that the entire giant elephant is full of treasures, worth ten million.


Not far from the jungle.

The sun is divided into yellow patches by the shade and printed on the grass.

A tall, cheeky man, wearing a black breastplate, carrying two silver swords on his back, slowly came out of the woods.

Looking around, the man took out a small milky white shell and opened the lid. There was a stream of clear water in it, and a white line floated in the water. The white line was constantly twisted like life. But the end of the thread always pointed in a certain direction in the woods.

“That’s it. It seems to be Hylan in Lennon.” The man muttered, closing the shell carefully. Put it in your pocket.


He pulled out the double swords on his back and ran quickly in the direction pointed by the shell. It soon disappeared into the dense forest.

That direction is where Hiran and others are located.


Hai Lan stared at the three men on the opposite side. The other party was obviously unsure of leaving him, but he didn’t seem to be in a hurry. He should be waiting for reinforcements just like himself.

They want to know that they are also waiting for reinforcements.

“Who can make them so fearless and dare to delay time near Lennon City.” Hailan’s mind flashed one by one. “Is it him?”

He suddenly thought of someone. One of the great knights second only to him, Lennon City and Sveida City are the two largest forces in the entire province. The main reliance is on He Hailan, and the other one, the two swords Campbell.

“If it’s the man, it’s troublesome …” He’s getting darker.

People on both sides do not care about the motive of the phosphorescent giant elephant. The severely injured giant elephant has a strong **** smell and can not run far. After solving the opponent, it can naturally catch up.


Hoo …

Angele exhaled deeply. Standing in the woods, he turned to look at the phosphorescent giant elephant that was deeply sunk in the sandy beach of a small river.

“For a minute, it can’t come out temporarily. There is also the effect of tired hands, if it is not time, I can also die alone. It’s a pity.”

The phosphorescent giant elephant is roaring. Although it has a long nose rolling around the thickest tree nearby, it is slowly pulling itself out of the sand, but it obviously takes a little time.

Angle glanced at it last. Turn around and quickly return along the same path. (To be continued)

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