The Wizard World: 038 Adolf 1

Two thousand gold coins sounds a lot, and they are heavy to carry, with a big bag. For the former Leo leader, this is an extremely considerable wealth. But here, this bustling Maluya. Angele apparently felt it was not enough.

“It seems that Aunt Maria’s words are not unreasonable,” Angle murmured. Holding the course list, swipe up and down again. He frowned slightly. None of this was what he wanted.

But the bottom line of the fact sheet made him pay attention.

‘Recommendations for the Alliance Academy will begin at the end of September. Those who pass more than three subjects in all subjects can get guaranteed places. ’

“Pass more than three?” Angle narrowed his eyes. Sight once again scanned all the courses above.

“Then sword swordsmanship, and language. These three are my best. Language can be quickly learned using chips.” Angle set the course, and then received the information sheet.

The stairwell outside is still noisy, and some chuckles and voices faintly come in.

Angel took out his favorite black hunting suit from his luggage and checked it. Then I sorted it out and opened the door and went out.

Three pairs of teenagers and young girls gathered together in small circles, and the occasional discussions were also anecdotes about which mentor of the college, or an interesting thing about a famous student. And what styles of jewelry, perfume, clothes, etc. have arrived in Maluya Port.

Angel walked between the aisles and felt a bit out of step with the surrounding atmosphere. “I just came from the war-torn grassland. The environment here is too peaceful and peaceful. It’s really a bit unaccustomed.” He readjusted his mood. This is just a temporary stop for him. He had no intention at all to take the initiative to communicate with the children and businessmen of the surrounding aristocratic children.

Out of the accommodation building, glanced at the course form affixed to the outside wall, and found the place and time of the three lessons of swordsmanship, bowing, and language, and recorded it. Angele directly bypassed the white building and walked along the grass to the college area behind.

Behind are rows of white buildings. Angele walked directly to the place with the most people. There is the cafeteria of the college. It contains white bread, grape fruit wine, various fish soups, fried shellfish and the like.

Hurry out of lunch. Angelle returned to her residence to rest.

The next day, it was just dawn. Angell got up from the bed. After changing your pajamas, quickly go to the bathroom and finish washing. Many students did not get up, and the whole residential building was quiet. Angele walked in the stairwell. Several of the students who came over head-on were plainly dressed, and they were probably the children of some small businessmen. The whole academy, except for the very few of the nobles such as Anglia, is that these students are so diligent.

Out of the accommodation building. The sky was a bit dim outside. The lawn was empty and almost no one could be seen. Only the crisp bird calls in the mountains and forests. A gust of cold wind came over, and it was a bit chilly.

“The first class is the linguistics of Lord Adolf. The location is No. 304, Nineteen Buildings.” Angle brought up the course location recorded by the chip. Looking at the black markings on the floor. Angele quickly found the location of the nineteenth building.

This is a three-story building located at the end of the college. There are only five rooms side by side on each floor. There is a sign on the grass outside, with three letters in Rudin and two other unknown words: Linguistics.

The letters are written with dragons and phoenixes dancing, and they have the taste of calligraphers on Earth before Anglie.

A wooden fence surrounds the small building. There is an empty meadow between the fence and the small building. A young and pretty girl is yawning and is sitting in front of a red wooden table with a wooden signage on it, with the words “cost registration” written on it.

At this moment there was no one around, and Anglieu was standing outside the fence gate.

The girl was wearing a red coat and saw Angele standing outside. “Are you here to register for linguistics?” She yawned.

“Yes, can you register now?” Angle went in and took out the Gold Card.

“Okay. Are you a freshman this year?” the girl asked. “You don’t even know me.”

Angele nodded honestly. “I went to school yesterday.” He handed the gold high-gold card over, watched the other party write down his card number and personal information on it, and then wrote the words minus 20 gold coins on the side. Receive the high gold card carefully.

The girl glanced up and down Angele. “There are very few formal students as early as you. I’m the daughter of a teacher of linguistics Adolf Lensall, you can call me Sophia Sister. Well, you can go in. My father is already inside.”

Angele basically has no chance to speak, and the other party is obviously reluctant to talk to him. Nodded and turned into the small building.

A small gray building with a staircase up and down to the right. It has direct access to the first to third floors. Angele went straight up to the third floor and walked to the last room. The milky house number was marked 304. The wooden door was half open and not closed. When Angelle entered, there was a gray-haired old man sitting at the podium inside, and the other was watching with a scroll of books intently, hearing footsteps coming in. The old man turned his head and glanced at Angle. He didn’t speak, just looked at it a little, and then looked back.

“It seems that the other party should be a type of scholar with a regular lifestyle.” Angle judged.

He randomly found a seat in the front row and sat down. Start waiting for the lesson.

About half an hour later, students gradually came into this classroom. But all looked tired. When there were about a dozen people in the classroom, the old man collected the books. Get up from your seat.

“I’m Adolf. I came here to teach linguistics at the invitation of the college. Someone here may know me a little, or I may know me. But now we all treat each other as if they don’t know each other. I teach money for classes, You pay in class, that’s all. No opinion? “The old man’s voice was serious and rigid.

“Master Adolf’s rules, we all know. Master please start.” A girl with an overly skinny sitting in the front row nodded.

“Then, start class now.” Adolf went straight to the subject. “I’m teaching the common language of the kingdom of Boron, the Boonyu, one of the Andean neighbours. And the Angoma of the holy Angmar empire. Especially the Angoma, not only in us, but even In the distant Wangdu, or many other regions, it can be said to be a universal language. It is an important language. “

Angel sat down, looking at Adolph. Meditate in your heart. “Zero, start analyzing and sorting out language information.”

“Create a task and start organizing records …”

Although there are only a dozen or so students, Adolf’s lectures are thorough and serious. The basic composition and development history of the two languages, as well as the basic composition letters are described again. Time passed quickly. Two lessons passed in a flash. “Two days later, I have an advanced course. You can choose whether to come or not.” Adolf said solemnly, took the books and left the classroom.

Sword and bow are next. These two courses are exactly as envisioned. For him, it was basically no difficulty, but there was only a chance to review the exercises. I went once and listened to what the instructors said, and he knew that he didn’t need to learn anymore. These contents were not as good as he recorded in the castle. Those things come really. Most of them are flashy things, they look beautiful, they are smart, but the actual combat effect is far worse. Both the Knights of Otis and his father’s swordsmanship have conceptually exceeded the basic content of these instructors.

However, both mentors look at the physical qualities of ordinary knights. Angelo was also relieved. “After all, the Cavaliers are considered elite, but they are not a level you can easily see.”

Using the chip, I made a circle in the academy. Angele found that the strongest person here was a mentor, and his physical quality was just like a knight-level midfielder. Most of the other people are ordinary people, but they are physically better than the Earth people. Some trainees with preparatory knight-level physical fitness are already few. Just physical fitness wipes out so many people, not to mention the actual experience and consciousness. Most of the students in these colleges are flowers in the greenhouse. The main melody of their lives is not fighting and fighting, but fancy swordsmanship, popular fashion jewelry, and interesting anecdotes.

“This is where the so-called nobles and rich people come in to plate gold.” Angli concluded. “No wonder you can come in with money.”

For more than ten days, Angele repeats life in the classroom, cafeteria, and dormitory.

The linguistics of Adolf’s tutor. He has mastered those two languages ​​thoroughly, just to go to three classes and six sessions. Spent 60 gold coins. Because of good performance in class, answering questions is decent and smooth. Adolf also had a good impression on this very clever student.

“Well, this is the course. If you have any questions, please come up and ask me.” Adolf coughed.

There are only six people left in the classroom. Angele remained at the front. Sit tight. Is the most serious student in the entire classroom. Hearing Adolf’s words, he quickly raised his hand. “Teacher, I have a question. I don’t know if you teach other languages ​​besides Angmar and Bolunyu.” He has investigated beforehand. Adolf himself is proficient in more than ten languages. Hong Kong’s most prestigious language master. It is also second to none in academia.

“Other languages?” Adolf frowned. “Angle, do you think these two languages ​​are not enough?”

“This …” Angelle was about to speak, and the other students stood up to ask questions.

Adolf is surrounded by several students. The questions asked by these students are some very basic things, and they will pull the family relationship in two sentences, which is obviously intended to be related to Adolf.

Angele shook his head silently. Just sit in the classroom and wait.

After the old man Adolf dealt with a few students with patience, he waited for the other students to leave, but saw that Angele was still sitting in the classroom. “Do you have anything else? Angele.” He had a good impression on this good student, but remembered his name. “You haven’t fully mastered both languages. Don’t be too greedy now.”

“Tutor, I don’t know what the linguistic assessment standards are for entering the Andean Union Academy?” Anglieu stood up and asked.

“Linguistics? Do you want to join the Alliance Academy?” Adolf narrowed his eyes. Began to look carefully at the student in front of him. “What do you want to do when you enter the Alliance Academy? There is just another better place to gild.”

Angele is about to answer. “Warning! Warning! The target emits an unknown force field, trying to detect the state of the subject’s brain waves.” A mechanical sound of No. 0 suddenly sounded.

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