The Wizard World: 037 College 2

Western suburb of Maluya

Large tracts of mountains, full of lush forest land, and winding double lanes between the hills. The white carriageway meanders into the deep green forest, and a few turns can never see the end.

In the afternoon, the sky is gloomy and dim. In the lane, carriages are staggered, and some are still entering the sandy forest. Most of the carriages are coming out. Occasionally, when the windows of the carriage were wrong, the owners of the carriage smiled and nodded to each other. It looks polite.

One of them is a white pony carriage heading into the forest. An ordinary boy with short brown hair was looking at the passing carriage from side to side. The complicated and gorgeous coat of arms on the carriage made his eyes a little bit unseen.

He is wearing a clean white silk jacket with a small gray cloth vest outside, plus some tight blue trousers and black boots. It looks almost the same as an ordinary little nobleman in the countryside. I want to be fashionable, but I don’t know that my dress is completely rustic.

The teenager driving next to him was a balding middle-aged man wearing a servant-style gray cloth. The two were Angele and Henderson, who were heading to the college registration office.

The carriage moved forward quickly, while on the way, Henderson began to explain the situation of Port College carefully to Angli. “Master Master, my wife let me remind you that if the courses of the Port College are not required, it is better not to study, otherwise the fees paid will be for you …” He did not finish, but meant Obviously.

Angele nodded: “I see. But can Port College enter as long as it has money?”

Henderson licked his lips. “I’ve never heard of anyone who has money and can’t get in. It should be.”

Angel nodded clearly. This port college is also equivalent to a private college on the earth, and you can enter the school if you pay for it. The quality of teaching is estimated to be not high. However, compared to the old days of eating and drinking in the castle, or being confused with your own head, you can only rely on the chip, even if the content of the professor is simple, it is much better.

“In addition, the college entrance fee is not high, and some small businessmen’s children are also studying in it. For those who cannot afford it because of the high tuition fees, they are more likely to be surrounded by students who have attended the class and choose to pay. Some of the costs come from these students to impart knowledge and courses, which are much less than the costs paid to the tutor. So this is also a common phenomenon in the college. You can also consider this method. “Hender Mori reminds.

“Thank you, I will think about it.” Angelle smiled and stopped speaking.

You can know without guessing. Obtaining knowledge from other students obviously requires more than just money. It is also likely to whisper and humble others. This is obviously impossible for Anglieu. Although it is very precious, he does not need to be so wronged with the chip.

The carriage quickly followed the driveway and drove deep into the forest. At the end of the driveway was a steel fence gate more than ten meters wide, and on both sides were tall fences that stretched to the top of the mountain. The gate was open, and there was a large field of grass outside, with four or five small carriages parked on it. Various heraldic designs are available for horses that are expensive and cheap. From time to time, some well-dressed people came out of the iron gate and got into the carriage. The carriage that came in drove to the open space and was parked in the open space. The carriages were all young teenagers and girls, most of them were gorgeously dressed, and only a few of them were plainly dressed. These teenagers range in age from twelve to three to fifteen or six. It seems that the college does not set a lower age limit.

Parking the carriage, Angele followed Henderson and entered the iron gate. Like many youngsters who came for registration, the novelty looked at the whole college.

Entering the iron gate, the entrance is wide green grass. A row of five or six-story white buildings face the gate. A cobblestone trail runs from the iron gate to the entrance to the white building.

Two rows of bronze figures stand on both sides of the cobblestone road. Inscriptions are engraved on the bronze seat.

Angel glanced casually at a bronze statue as he passed by. The inscription above engraved: Count Albert Burlington, who donated 20,000 gold coins to the Port College in 1307.

Angele looked silently at the other bronze statues, and found that all the portraits were people who donated money in mind. The least is about 10,000 gold coins. Take your eyes off and stop watching. Follow Henderson directly into the first floor of the white building.

In the middle of the hall decorated like a cocktail party. A middle-aged man with a moustache is sitting at the table and holding a quill to register the students who come to register.

Angel is behind the team, leaning his head and looking forward. Twenty or thirty people were found. Henderson went directly to Sir Siwa with Aunt Maria’s token. The people before and after all intentionally kept a distance from Angele. These people’s eyes showed a touch of disgust and contempt.

Without waiting, Henderson came behind a man with blond curly hair. Take Angele out of the team directly. Entered a side door in the lobby.

The fees were quickly paid, and Angell got a form of identity assigned to him. This is a white piece of leather paper with various information such as his student number, grade, accommodation room, personal information, and a red seal after the representative paid the fee. After Henderson went through the formalities, he took the initiative and left.

Angele took the identity form, followed the instructions above, and walked into a building on the left to find his dormitory. The dormitory building is crowded, and many rooms are open. Some students come and go in each room. Noisy on every floor. This reminded Angele of the preparation knight students in his father’s castle. However, compared with those students, the students in this college are mostly dressed in gorgeous clothes. They are slow to talk and behave in a kind of pretending to be elegant.

Of course, Angell himself is no longer a nobleman. The kingdom of Rudin is now swaying, and it is in danger of dying. His father decisively chose to leave the motherland and go to the Andes, apparently he had chosen to give up the title. So now Anglia is just an ordinary civilian child. Fortunately, in the Andean Union, the color rules for clothes that symbolize status are not very strict. Ordinary color civilians can also wear. Otherwise, the white clothes on him are already a felony.

The rooms are all **, and the Academy estimates that the nobles would not be willing to live in a room with others.

The bedroom is a room just enough to put down a wooden bed desk and a chair. All the furniture is brown wood, without paint, and a faint wood fragrance permeates the room.

Angele packed up and was preparing to change clothes.

“A new lesson is scheduled!” A boy’s voice came in outside the stairwell. “Only posted outside our five buildings. This time the price is five gold coins per person, not allowed to overcharge!”

“We each need to pay at least 100 gold coins. How can five people get back the capital!?

“This is the price of Lord Banner. If you have an opinion to find an adult, I am only responsible for the message.”

Noisy in the stairwell.


Angle’s door was knocked. He walked over and opened the door. A freckled dark-haired boy stood at the door, in a noble suit with red and yellow edges. “New here? Did you hear the pricing just now?”

Angele nodded.

“That’s good. This is the new price set by Mr. Banner himself. If you want to collect money by teaching civilian students, you must abide by this rule. No problem, right?” the boy quickly said.

Angele nodded again. “No problem.” He had no intention of using this to make money.

“That’s good.” The boy nodded with satisfaction. Turned away and left. “By the way, I see you so acquainted, don’t forget to pay the class according to the course list behind the data sheet.”

Angele closed the door. A thoughtful expression on his face. Picking up the information sheet on the desk, in turn, there are rows of less clear course schedules on the back. It seems that what was printed at once, not by hand, is so unclear. Thanks to that boy’s reminder.

The course and the corresponding price list are clearly printed on it.

Music-Two lessons for one hour, 20 coins. Painting-Two lessons totaling one hour, 20 gold coins. Dance-Two lessons for one hour, 20 coins. Equestrian Combat-Two lessons totaling one hour and 20 coins. Fighting empty-handed-two lessons totaling one hour and 30 coins. Alliance History-Two lessons totaling one hour and 10 gold coins. Tactics-Two lessons totaling one hour and 50 gold coins. Swordplay-Two lessons totaling one hour and 20 coins. Sword Art-Two lessons totaling one hour and 20 coins. Heavy weapons with two hands-two classes for one hour, 30 gold coins. Bowing-One hour for both lessons, 50 gold coins. Language-Two lessons totaling one hour and 20 coins.

A total of 10 lessons, and the next round will be arranged one month later. Fees must be paid the same day.

Angele frowned. In this case, a course requires at least a hundred gold coins to complete. This is a big burden for him. He brought two Gold Cards this time. This is the meaning of two thousand gold coins. The High Gold Card is a representative gold card issued after the gold coins are deposited in the college. You can go to the college logistics office at any time to exchange for the corresponding gold coins.

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