The Wizard World: 036 College 1

Angle has a little more leisure time. The horse fleet soon entered the perimeter of the port of Maluya.

Small trading villages surround the entire Maluya. Like a peripheral trading market, a large number of people flow among them. Very lively.

When the team arrived, it was already over three in the afternoon.

The sky is overcast. The black team mingled in the crowd of a large team, moving slowly. This is a large caravan who came to trade with Maluya in the sea salt trade. Angele met and joined the caravan the day before yesterday. Of course, as a price, the baron paid the caravan 50 gold coins, of which Naturally, they also included a guarantee fee for entering the city together as part of a caravan.

The baron sat in the first carriage and looked at the huge city far away.

The tall stone-grey city walls run from left to right, with no edge at a glance. The gate facing the city is open, and the crowded streets and crowds can be seen from the outside. Some people are driving out of the city, dragging heavy cargo behind. Some carriages are negotiating with the guards to enter the city. These guards were dressed in polished black iron armor, armed with helmets and armed with spears.

Angele got out of the carriage. Sitting next to his father. “This is the city of Maluja?” He whispered.

“Well, entering here is the outer city. We can easily enter the city by joining this caravan. You can save ** review this step.” The baron smiled. “Otherwise, even if we have an entry permit for the port, at this time, it is estimated that the review will be cumbersome. It will take a long time. The caravan will be different.”

Angele nodded and glanced around.

There are all double carriages around, and the convoy is mixed with the carriages, which is very inconspicuous. The soldiers on the side also collected the weapons and armor into the carriage carriages early, posing as ordinary traders.

Go to the gate. A young fat man came down from a mahogany carriage in front of the caravan. This man was dressed in a gray-black robe and looked more like a cooking chef than the caravan’s belt.

The fat man smiled and whispered a few words with the three guards guarding the city, and stuffed a small bag for the other. The guard waved his hand with a smile and gave way.

Angel noticed that the guards were very sharp, and when he swept over him, he could even notice that the other party clearly recognized their identity. But just pretending not to know.

The convoy was mixed with the released caravans and soon entered the city. Maluya’s streets are clean, and very few **** appears on the ground. The streets are densely lined with stalls that resemble flea markets of previous lives. Those who sell salt, those who sell seafood, and those who buy things. There are also pearls, and some weird creatures that Angel has never seen.

Street vendors and customers can be seen yelling and yelling from time to time. The convoy of Angelo and others moved in the middle of the street, and everyone looked at the scene on both sides in a novel way.

A team of port officials walked slowly in front of the street stalls, collecting management fees one by one. From time to time, a team of carriages with salt bags passed by Angele.

Looking all the way, Angele and others walked for about half an hour, turned two streets, and came to a crossroad. Under the gray-white stone building on the side of the road, a graceful middle-aged lady There were three servants waiting there.

The baron looked away, with a smile on his face, and jumped out of the car. Walked with open arms. “My dear sister Maria, I haven’t seen you again for a long time. I’m so glad to see you in good health.” He said loudly.

A gentle smile appeared on the face of the middle-aged lady. “Dear brother, I’m also glad to see you.” The two hug each other. Then the baron motioned to follow Angele behind.

“This is Angele, my second son.” The baron patted Angele’s shoulder. “He was born after you got married. I guess you haven’t met each other yet?”

Maria’s eyes fell on Angele. Looked up and down again. There was a smile on his face. “Nice boy, I hope to get along with Buster. He is my son. Your cousin.”

Angele quickly bowed his head respectfully. “Thank Aunt Maria for the compliment.”

Maria nodded. “Well, I’ve prepared a dinner party over the manor, and Rose Manor has vacated it for you. You can move in directly. But brother, why are you bringing such a little person over here? Old Huade?”

The baron’s complexion changed slightly and he sank. “I’ll talk about this later. Go back first.”

Maria nodded, then nodded. “Well, go back first. Anger, show the way to the Baron.” “Yes, Madam.” A servant beside her respected.

Angele did not follow his father to the first carriage, but retreated to the second carriage. He knew that his brother and sister hadn’t seen each other for years, and there should be something to say alone.

On the car, Maggie Celia, and their loved ones, as well as the pharmacist and Captain Mark, have a dull expression on their faces. See Angliat get on. Everyone seemed to have the backbone.

“Master Angele, what can we do when we get to the port? I can’t do anything but kill people …” Mark worried.

“Don’t worry, Mark, you are following my father’s old man, and my father will definitely arrange it properly.” According to various smiles.

At his side, Maggie and Celia are next to him next to each other in order to conceal the confusion in their hearts. In this unfamiliar environment, with the spirit of the Baron, after having the confidence, except for the most important Angliel who is not important to him, the rest, especially the few boys and girls who can do nothing, even if they are He has a blood relationship and will probably not take care of him. In addition, the territory is no longer available, and everyone without income may be unable to maintain their original lives. So now there is a feeling of worry.

Angele sat in the carriage. Thinking about how to comfort the emotions of everyone.

The carriage stopped suddenly.

“Angele, get out of here!” The baron’s voice came from outside.

Angel stepped out of the carriage in doubt. See Aunt Maria and father standing outside the carriage. There was a hint of joy on his face. “Master Father, Aunt Maria, what’s wrong?”

Three carriages stop by the street. After removing the supplies, the guards went directly to the carriage, just enough to fit everyone. At this time, only three of Angele were getting off the bus.

“Your father told me that you want to go to college. This is a good idea. Rarely your father also supports.” Maria smiled. “You came at the right time, and Maruya Port College is just recruiting new students. As long as you are under 16 and meet the admission requirements, you can register for school.”

“Malua Port College?” Angele hadn’t heard the term, he looked to his father aside.

“It is an old school here that teaches combat skills, tactical experience, music, literature, dance, painting and other knowledge. I heard that it also has the qualification to recommend students to the Andean Union Academy.” Baron smiled. . He went to Angle and whispered, “If you want to know the news of the Union Academy and formally qualify for study, this is a necessary step!”

Angel froze slightly. “Is it expensive?”

“The entrance fee is one hundred gold coins, and you must pay the corresponding fee for any course you want to study. But for the knowledge you can learn, this cost is not much.” The baron said with ease.

Angele was slightly relieved. One hundred gold coins were not expensive for the robbers who robbed the wealth of many robbers and thieves and the count of Count Philip. The wealth obtained by the horse thieves alone is about two hundred gold coins. Add in Philip’s nearly a thousand coins, and Anglieu is now more or less a little rich.

“It happens to be the last day, and the college is still in the registration period. You can sign up immediately and you can directly enter the school.” Aunt Maria explained. “I heard your father say, do you want to enter the Andean Union College, right? If you perform well at the Port College, you may be recommended to enter the Union College.”

Angel was a little surprised. “Then please ask your aunt to show me the way. I’ll sign up now!”

Maria nodded. “I have a good relationship with Sir Shiva at the college registration office. His son recently asked Povart for something. Now I speak, it still works.” Povart is her husband, Uncle Uncle. I heard that it was a small official in the port’s inspection department.

“Thank you Auntie.” Angele thanked him with respect.

“But the college is residential. You need to prepare your daily necessities like clothes.” Maria reminded.

“Okay, I’ll get ready right away.” Angele responded.

Mary asked a servant named Henderson to take Angele away alone. Register at the college.

Before leaving, the baron patted Angele’s shoulder again. Nothing was said, but his eyes were full of hope and expectation. Maggie and others in the convoy also stepped out to see Angele off.

Angele kissed Maggie and Celia’s cheeks hard in front of everyone. This proves that both are protected by him. Then he took Hutchison away with his packed luggage.

He left this time, and even he himself felt a little hurry, but now that he was just in time to register, thinking that he could no longer improve his physical fitness, Anglia’s thoughts became more firm.

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