The Wizard World: 028 Mystery 1


The white feather arrow flew out instantly. A murmur sounded immediately in the distance. Angele clearly heard the sound of a cavalry falling from the horse through the chip, and the opponent’s angry curse. His face remained the same, and he drew an arrow from the quiver again. On the long bow.

The distance between the two sides is now two or three hundred meters away. His bow and arrow are still in full swing with the assistance of the chip.

Opening the bowstring, Angele is fully absorbed. Constantly fine-tune the posture direction based on the chip’s correction.

Suddenly, Angele felt only a pain in his left arm. The longbow was suddenly tilted aside, and the white feather arrow fell to the ground. A black crossbow was steadily inserted on the upper side of his left arm, and went straight through.

“It’s a crossbow !!!” Angele was startled. Too late to think about it and roll on.

Oh! Three beeps. On the ground he was standing on, three crossbows fell into the grass, leaving only half of the arrows.

“To this extent … the crossbow in this world is really powerful!” Angele quickly covered his left arm and ran to a trunk to hide. “The other side can shoot me at such a long distance, it is definitely not an ordinary person, maybe a knight-like guy.” Anglige held back the pain, reached out the chain claws of the lower back, cut off with two sharp claws and inserted in the left The arrow on the arm had two sections, leaving only a section in the wound. Angele meditated in his heart. “Zero, is there any plan?” This is to avoid being interrupted by arrows too long, which will deepen the injury.

“Fortunately, it’s not poisonous, or it’s really troublesome.” Angele was thankful that when he came to this world, none of the enemies he encountered would be poisoned. The chip’s analysis of the wound quickly came to his mind.

“The diamond-shaped arrow will cause the wound to bleed continuously, and the subject will continue to bleed at a rate of 1% per minute. Please end the battle within 10 minutes.” Number zero gives the most appropriate advice.

“Damn !!! There are diamond-shaped arrows!” Anglican recalls the previous information record. I saw the chip prompting the opponent to launch a crossbow. But that line of information is too fast. He didn’t respond at all, and almost passed with a swipe. The following was the wound information.

“Sure enough, this extremely fast attack is the biggest problem for me.” Angle flashed helplessly. Draw a white feather arrow backhand. He opened the bowstring again with pain. There was severe pain in the wound to the left arm. Sweat was also oozing from Angle’s face. The pain caused him to spend almost a lot of energy to concentrate.

The horseshoes are getting closer behind.

He bowed sharply to the left. It’s an arrow for a person to be in the air.

No result, the white feather arrow is nailed directly to a tree on the left side of a cavalry. The injury on his hand, plus the large-scale archery he had never practiced. Extremely low accuracy is taken for granted. But this arrow also surprised the other horse. The front horses of the two healthy horses were raised high, hissing a long time, and they wanted to return in the same place, but the knight pulled the reins hard and wanted to move on.

“He can’t run!” a man shouted, “Anker, let’s go!”

“Okay!” The other two horses speeded up towards Angle. With two beeps, the two knights pulled out wide-bladed swords together. Hurry up.

Angel dropped his bow and arrow and reached out his chain claws. Listen carefully to the sound of horseshoes behind. The sound is getting closer. His eyes narrowed, and he pinned one end of the chain claw to the trunk he was hiding with his right hand.

The voice soon reached close to Angele. He thumped. In the clamor, the black chain claws flew directly to a large tree on the side, following the inertia, winding up and down three times on a thick branch. Forms a standard mixed horse rope.

Two healthy horses can’t catch up fast enough, they rush forward and the horse’s hoof is caught in a chain. With a bang, the opposite branch was directly broken. The chain was pulled forward by the horse’s leg.

The two horses rushed to their knees and fell to the ground, a pair of front legs were broken and hissed. “Ah !!!” A knight rolled forward, bumping his head against a stone, screaming.

Angel was so happy that he dropped his chain claws and pulled out his sword. It happened that the knight was in front of him. Angele stepped forward and slashed with a sword.


The knight blocked his sword with his backhand and kicked him hard. Angele stepped back and was about to continue his attack. Suddenly a chill struck behind him. Quickly made a sideways move. Just avoid a long sword behind him.

“You **** little mess!” The knight behind yelled, using a strange tone of Saladin, but Anglia understood. Saladin and Rudin have similar languages, but they have different accents, which is not difficult to understand.

The overwhelming knight calmed down. He stood up and slashed at Angele. The two worked perfectly together. Anglican could not continue to pursue, so he had to step back.

Two knights, one person and one sword, make continuous attacks like rolling, the rhythm is getting faster and faster. Two broad-edged swords continued to strike Angele from everywhere. The clanging sound continued. Angele has been repeatedly repelled by huge forces. “The two guys are actually masters who are about to reach the peak of the Cavaliers. To this extent, even if they are combined, Diss estimates that they can only retreat.” His face was calm, but his heart was agitated.

Oh! Unable to dodge, he was kicked on his blocked hands, and the whole man flew out and rolled away. He made a tumbling in-place. The enhanced agility these days made him avoid the four crossbows that followed.

But the wound on the left arm was also torn apart because of this big movement. There was a blood stain all the way.

Plunge into a thicket of bushes, then immediately retract into a trunk. Angele just relaxed a little and breathed quickly. Sweat kept dripping from his chin.

“What to do ……. this situation !!!” He was a little confused, his eyes were almost desperate.

Two enemies near the top of the knight, combined with super strength, and four crossbow arrows staring at him from a distance, while using agile escape, there are crossbow arrows. They can’t beat the two knights. There was a mess in Angliel’s mind, and his heart became more eager. This time is not the time of Dis. The speed of Diss’s flying knife is far lower than the speed of crossbow arrows. As just now, a slower reaction is to shoot an arrow.

“Zero, give the best solution.”

“During heavy physical exertion, it is recommended to resolve the long-range weapon first, and then flee immediately.”

“If my **** can solve the crossbow, why do you ask me!” Angri was bursting into flames.

“The left head will be attacked in one second,” the chip promptly reminded.

Angel lowered his head, and the sword stabbed backhand from below.

A bang, the opponent’s wide-bladed sword immediately changed direction, one shot, easily defeated his attack. The two knights, one on the other and one on the right, had perfect swordsmanship, engulfing Angele directly in the middle.

Angel’s proud basic swordsmanship has no advantage at all. The swordsmanship of the two also seems to have been refined. The redundant movements are so few, even if there are, there is not much difference. Together, the two could not find any chance for counterattack. Almost as soon as the flaw appeared, the other made up immediately.

The two ganged up all around Angele. The three were extremely fast and kept moving outside the woods. Rather, Angele was constantly being forced out of the woods by the two.

“Once out of the woods, the four crossbow arrows can definitely solve me from any angle, and they don’t even need to restrain them.” Angle knew very well. However, the offense was extremely smooth and perfect, and he could only retreat inertia and collision. Neither seems to be weaker than him.

If the basic swordsmanship of chip fusion is extremely accurate, there are very few invalid moves. Can continue to block the offensive of the two swords, it is estimated that Angele has long died directly in the attack of the two. Rao is so. Angele’s left arm wound was getting bigger and bigger. The foot he had just blocked made his right arm faint. A lot of physical exertion, constant blood loss, and increasingly weak blocks. Angler’s sight was slightly blurred. Sweat dripped into his eyes along the corners of his eyes.

“You can meet such a strong imp, are you a big noble kid of Rudin?” A knight laughed. “Only the children of those big nobles can have such swordsman-level swordsmanship. Such a young age actually has such a strong physical fitness. It is indeed a big noble.”

“If they weren’t for Lord Ceylon, they would have been taken down by us.” The other man said in a cold voice, his offensive intact. The swords in the hands of the two were like two silver belts, which continued to strike from the left and right sides. Each time the attack happened, the two men swapped places. Perfectly remove inertia.

Angele was forced to get tighter and tighter. He tried to find the flying knife several times, but he didn’t have any chance. The attack of the two people was completely neutral.

Oh! An unnoticed, a wound more than ten centimeters in length appeared on Angle’s chest.

“It’s over!” a knight growled. Cut with all one’s sword.

Angele desperately blocked his sword. Suddenly, the whole person was completely knocked into the air and fell to the ground, unable to stand up for a while.

He was completely miscalculated. The miscalculation is in the power of the crossbow in this world, and the strength of the knight sent by the opponent to chase. Falling to the ground, Angele’s chest was hot. Blood ran down the body and onto the grass. The black soil beneath him was soon reddened.

“After all, it’s too arrogant.” Angele was calm. He had already died once, and facing such a similar situation again turned out to be unexpectedly calm. Now he is weak, with serious injuries and heavy blood loss. Excessive physical exertion. There is no way to fight the two knights and four crossbows.

Looking vaguely at the two knights walking slowly, while shaking off the blood from the broad-bladed sword. Angele meditated in his heart. “Zero, is there any other plan?”

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