The Wizard World: 010 Hurry one

Go up the spiral staircase and quickly come to a room on the third floor.

Take out the key to open the lock, then push open the door, there is no light in the dark paint.

Angle carefully closed the door and locked it.

He took out the flintstone and lit the candle on the table.

The collection room suddenly lit up.

Three books on the bookshelf look sparse. Each book is made of corrugated paper and looks very heavy. Almost every book is about as thick as the previous Xinhua Dictionary.

Angele frowned, and as he remembered before, he walked skillfully behind the third bookshelf. There was a book about some strange and miscellaneous things. He used to come by occasionally to pass the time.

Take down the miscellaneous notes and an autobiography book next to you.

Angle sat down at the desk and began to look carefully.

I don’t know how long it will be before a complete candle is almost finished.

Angel suddenly felt refreshed. On a page of his miscellaneous pages he opened, a hand-painted black card with a spider pattern appeared in front of him. He felt the previous card out of his pocket.

The two are exactly the same!

“It’s him,” Angle muttered. His gaze followed the transcript on one side.

Dark Chapter, a huge killer organization that spans several countries. Assassinated subjects often receive black cards from the other party in advance.

It’s just such a short introduction. But Anglia knew exactly what that card meant.

“That guy, surely will come again.” There was a trace of anxiety in his heart again, but he was quickly suppressed by himself. “Tenseness and fear will not do anything. You must think of a way.”

After the intense fear of the day, he now seems much calmer.

“Isn’t it dead? It’s not dead!” He smiled at himself. “Zero, was that person’s physical fitness data collected during the day?”

“Collected. Information is automatically named unknown 1.

Unknown characters: Strength 4, Dexterity 1.5, Constitution 5. Use weapons, chain claws, swords, and flying knives visually. “

Angele took a breath. “Horrible guy. I can survive this kind of guy, really …”

“The reason for survival, the other party is in a poisoned state.” The chip automatically prompts.

“Poisoning?” Angele recalled the arrows he shot at the beginning. Since the last time he noticed the poison glands, he has painted snake venom on each arrow. If you wipe it to the side, you won’t be afraid to run away. The one-eyed snake venom only needs high temperature to eliminate it, so there is no need to worry about it being inedible. It is estimated that the opponent was hurt at the beginning.

Flip through the miscellaneous and the biography. The chip’s storage capability automatically records all information into the brain. For later inquiry. This is the benefit of the chip. You can do it without forgetting it.

Apart from the origin of the black card, Angele is not without gain.

There is also a message recorded in that biography. The authors recorded that during an adventure in the woods, they accidentally found a small flower. After eating, they felt feverish and their strength increased greatly. However, there will be strong sequelae later. At that time, four people ate small flowers to deal with the crisis, but then all four died. Before they died, they were clenching their heart parts, their blood vessels were bulging, and they looked scary.

Angel remembered this detail. That kind of small flower is characterized by the whole body fire red.

After hurriedly scanning the contents of the two books, put them back on the shelf. Angele was standing at the desk, about to put out the light of the candle. Suddenly a small footsteps came in from the door.


The door is open.

The baron opened his door with a look of contemplation. When he saw someone inside, he raised his head and glanced.

“It’s you, Anglo. Still reading a book so late?”

“Yes father.” Anglia gave a slight salute, and whispered, “I just want to go back.”

“You go.” The baron didn’t even talk to his son at this time. The long flax-colored hair was draped over his shoulders casually, and his look was tired.

Angel didn’t ask much, walked to the door, crossed the baron, and was about to go downstairs.

“Right,” the baron suddenly said. “After a while, I want to send you to Norman City, your aunt’s house. Recently, I may have something to do. I have no time to take care of you. You can go there and have a good rest. How about it?”

Angele turned his head back, and the baron’s proposal made him a little bit emotional. If you really leave here, maybe you can avoid the chase of that guy …..

He was about to talk back.

Suddenly the baron looked, his nose sniffed.

“What’s the smell? How can there be a woman’s fragrance? Anglia, those things are still less fun, too much for the body, you are too young now.” He frowned.

Angele froze.

“I ….”

“Okay, needless to say, you go to rest first.” The baron waved.

Angele was silent, glanced at the baron’s right hand, said nothing, and turned downstairs. In the dark, footsteps sounded very rhythmically.

Go down the spiral stairs. Angele glanced back at the library, where the door just closed slowly, covering the yellow light inside.

A hint of doubt appeared on his face.

“Check my current physical condition.”

“Angelelio. Physical fitness: 0.8 strength, 2.4 agility, 1.6 fitness. Physical state: healthy (infected with unknown aroma).”

“Unknown fragrance?” Angele sank suddenly. “When did you get it? What was the source of the aroma?”

“Contaminated when leaving the woods. The source is …” A virtual transparent model of the human body slowly appeared in front of his eyes, showing a strange light blue, of which a dark blue circle was at the right ankle. Traces of color are clearly visible.

Sure enough …..

Angele is clear. This thing should be left by the man in black. It should be something to track him.

Hurrying to the bathroom again, after ordering the maid to bring a bucket of water, Angele hurriedly put his right foot in and washed it vigorously.

“Are you still there?” After a long while of washing, Anglieu meditated again.

“The density hasn’t changed.” The chip’s reply upset him for a while.

“It really isn’t so easy to remove.” Angliel knew that the guy probably had identified him, and the aroma meant that the other side was endless about him.

“Endless …” he murmured. “In this case, let’s see who died …” A savage expression appeared on his face.


In the early morning the next day, before it was dawn, Angele rose early.

After changing to a white hunting suit, he went straight downstairs to the driving range. Some people on the field already consciously practiced early.

Angel ignored the others and walked across the driving range alone to the blacksmith’s shop in the miscellaneous area of ​​the castle.

Clang! !!

A strong old man with an upper body is lifting a black hammer and smashing into the iron felt on his hand, splashing a spark. A teenage boy stood beside him, listening respectfully to what the old man was saying.

Angel’s approach caught both of them. The old man put down his hammer and came forward.

“Master Master, what do you want?” His voice was hoarse, like a leaky bellows.

Angele glanced around the shop.

“I want a better body armor.”

“A better body armor?” The old man’s expression of weeping and laughing appeared on his face. “Yes, yes, but I’m afraid it’s not suitable for you …”

“Not suitable?” Angle froze slightly.

“The lightest of these body armors is more than forty pounds (about forty pounds).” The old man was not.

Angel knows why. His current strength, not to mention whether it is suitable, is that the weight of forty pounds is pressed on the body, even if his agility is 2 or more, he must be forced to about 1 by force. It’s totally worthless.

“That being the case, then I want some iron balls, the kind used for trailers, do you?” Angle said instead.

“How many iron **** are needed.” The old man was refreshing this time. Point your hand at the corner of the shop. “It’s all there, you can do as much as you want. These are made from scrap iron scraps from the castle. It’s perfect for parking trailers.”

Angele nodded, and glanced at the corner. There was a dense pile of black spheres that looked like there were about twenty or thirty. All have the size of a fist and are very heavy. This type of iron ball is generally used as a center of gravity, and it is also a way to store iron ore.

He didn’t think about telling the baron and others about the enemies his body might attract. But for the practice of giving his own destiny to others, Anglo prefers to control his own destiny.

And, more importantly, Angele saw something in the baron’s hand last night—the black card with spiders.

“Since coming into this world, if you can’t grow up and rely on others, you can’t live long.” Angele had never had peace in his heart. Since the baron also has a card in hand, it means that he is also the target of being chased and killed by the other party or the person with the other party. According to the measured data, the baron is still not as good as that person’s physical fitness. It seemed that his face was not very good, and it was obvious that he was in a hurry. In this case, even telling him would not help, it would be better to rely on yourself. He thought about it carefully. He who owns the chip has more agility than the opponent. He really wants to fight, and he may not have a chance to win. It’s just that I didn’t have this mental preparation before, and I was so embarrassed.

Angele became calmer.

He called some servants and took away more than ten iron balls. Then he asked the maid to find a bunch of hemp ropes and tied the iron **** one by one. It was all suspended from the beam in his own bedroom.

I was busy working until the afternoon. After dinner, the red light of the setting sun poured out of the window.

More than a dozen iron **** are **** in the bedroom and hung in the air. It looked like more than a dozen dark shells. Form a small formation.

Angel stood at the bedroom door, looking at the hanging iron **** calmly. Take a deep breath.

“Get started.” He locked the door backhand. Go straight into the formation created by the iron ball. Then a small push of the hand, an iron ball suddenly swung outwards.

That’s what he wants. Iron ball array.

When the previous life was on Earth, he was the master of this game. Among the holographic simulation games on Earth, this is the only difficult game that he can persist for an hour.

Of course, games are games, reality is reality, and it ’s not easy to put it to practical use. Once proficient can be used, the physical fitness of Anglo will be maximized. This is the first step in strengthening himself.

Time passes by bit by bit.


An iron ball swayed and hit Angle’s chest again, causing him to feel dull, suddenly lost his balance, and then was hit hard by other iron balls. Finally fell out, gasping for breath. This was the fifth time he had been hit.

“Give response time.”

“Twenty minutes.” The chip gets the data instantly.

Angele nodded, turned and opened the door to go out, and quickly descended the stairs. It is already evening. Come to the driving range.

A fierce battle is taking place at this time. Or a fierce demonstration.

The presenter, on the one hand is the Knight of Otis, and on the other is his son, Kerry. They each held a cross sword. It seemed that Kerry had gone all out, sweat was on his forehead, and Otis was still calm and calm, blocking the Kerry attack very casually.

In addition to the future knights, there are many guards and cavalry who come to see the lively, and the sound of cheers and applause is endless. Seems noisy and noisy.

Angele stood outside the crowd and calmly watched the battle above. In the training field, every few days, there will be an Otis Knight or Baron himself to choose someone to start a confrontation. In order to improve the battle experience of the prepared knights. And this is why Angle came here occasionally. He would come over from time to time to gather information about each person. After more than half a month’s collection, he has already collected the information of the main and strongest men in the castle.

“Is the data collection complete?” Angle silently read.

“Data integrity: 70%. Otis, Kellio, Cree, and others have collected swordsmanship data.”

Angele no longer looks and walks towards the cafeteria along the edge of the driving range. After training, he didn’t need to stand there and watch the excitement.

Most of the servants in the cafeteria went to watch the fun. Only two or three maids stayed inside to clean.

A little maid saw Angell come in and immediately rushed forward.

“Master Angele, I’ve got everything you want. Just a little time, don’t you know if you’ve got everything?” The little maid was slightly nervous.

“Where is the thing?” Angele waved the others away.

“In the kitchen,” the little maid replied.

The two walked quickly into the kitchen, and saw that in the original dark and oily kitchen, a large table in the middle was filled with vegetables, fruits, and various pieces of meat. Each of these materials is not much, but there is a wide range of them.

“That’s all I can find recently.” The little maid nervously.

“I see, you go down first.” Angele nodded. Quickly walked to the big table. Already after eating the eyeball ingredients of the one-eyed snake earlier, he had the idea and wanted to try all the food in this world and see if he could find something that would increase his physical fitness again. So in private, let a maid collect food for him.

Throw a gold coin to the little maid, who immediately joyfully bowed respectfully, then exited the kitchen and closed the door.

A mountain-shaped candlestick is still lit on the wall in the kitchen. The sky, which is almost dim, and the light of the yellow candle are mixed together, giving an unusually dull feeling.

Angel picks up a purple orange-shaped fruit on the table and puts it directly to his mouth to bite. A sweet, slightly spicy juice poured into his mouth.

“Analyze food ingredients. If you find something that can strengthen your body, remind me.”

The “Analyzing …” chip prompts the analysis to begin.

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